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Jenny SJ

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Re: Adlandpro Community Volunteers---A Salute
4/16/2007 8:14:40 PM

Great idea for a forum and good to remind us that there is more to life than chasing the dollar.

I collaborate with the Spanish Association Against Cancer, who, apart from offering free medical help and psycological aid to cancer patients of all nationalities  and their families, also do a tremendous job on preventative education,  courses to help give up smoking and fund raising campaigns and a hundred other things.

Apart from general support, my own major contribution is the organising and running of the annual Arts and Crafts Fair here - a juried fair we run for three days at the beginningof the Christmas Season with the beneficiary being the Cancer Association.

Our Arts and Crafts Fair

I am very proud to be able to contribute something to an organisation who do a fantastic job to demystify this agressive disease.  As their slogan goes "Silence is Cancer's best friend"

Take care

Re: Adlandpro Community Volunteers---A Salute
4/16/2007 9:05:43 PM

Hello Mary

  What a great idea for a forum. To touch on the lighter, more gentle side of life now and then is good for the soul.

   With regard to volunteer work, what I do is a little different from what most people do. I can no longer afford to give much to charities. Other than a dollar or two in a can or jar that I see on a resturant counter now and then. Mostly what I do is try to gather support for different causes by sharing information with people that I meet in places like Adlandpro. My two main causes right now are children with autism and disabled veterans. One thing I seem to have plenty of is time so why not spend it doing something worth while.

   Thank you Mary for adding a bright spot to an otherwise dreadful day. I hear you Thomas and I feel "with you"

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Diane Bjorling

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Re: Adlandpro Community Volunteers---A Salute
4/16/2007 9:24:42 PM

Without volunteers whereever they are..this world would be one very sorry place.. it has both been my pleasure ( and humbling experience) to meet some of the volunteers here on Adland who work so tirelessly to help all those who are in need.  In the real the net I have met many men and women who give of themselves..just for myself..before I moved to Alberta it was my pleasure and joy to help those who were head injured..there is nothing quite like it and I am the luckier and the richer person because of serve mankind with joy and oh yes humour..well  there is no words than can describe that feeling..not ever..

Bless all the volunteers around the world..may they stay in our hearts forever.


Nick Sym

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Re: Adlandpro Community Volunteers---A Salute
4/16/2007 11:10:20 PM

Hi Mary,

As most who know me, I use my extra time to write poems of Our Lord Jesus Christ and spread the word at She Loves God.Com

I also try my best to make you all smile!

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Adlandpro Community Volunteers---A Salute
4/17/2007 4:33:34 AM


Disease prevention, support for families, and aiding those with disease is a wonderful way to extend a helping hand in the community.  Cancer Societies of the world could never function without people like you who contribute many hours of free labor.  It is a labor of love when we assist those who are physically and emotionally hurting.  Thanks for being there.

What a community spirit when one participates in community colaboratives.  Many hands working together can all help each other with their business.  We commend you for your participation in the crafts fair.  Could such an organization exist but for the countless hours of planning and carrying out a community event like an art fair.? 

Your community is enriched by all the hours you donate. 


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