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Bj Burgess

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Questions About Paid membership to Adlandpro
3/28/2007 1:51:18 PM


I have some questions about the Adlandpro membership.

You sign up for the Adland membership, not the gold, and you only get the 4,000 Direct Contacts for that first month, no more, you just pay the 14.75 each and every month after that to post in forums and classifieds, when you can do this for FREE, am I correct?

And also, Gold membership is another whole ballgame, this is your banner, and search engine submission, and a few other little added, features, so you pay 24.95 for this. Now, which of these are the better?  I can't see where either are helping me at all.

If you have some input, would sure love to hear.



Re: Questions About Paid membership to Adlandpro
4/8/2007 1:06:18 PM

I know in my case I decided to do the adlander membership & pay ahead for a year.

I was sent a discounted offer on it & jumped on that as it worked out to under 10.00 a month.

As to which is better I cannot say. For me paying the small amount I paid seemed a good deal for all the potential I see here in Adland.

"Cast your bread upon the waters and it shall return to you after many days."

You can, if you think you can. You are somebody, cause God don't make no junk!
Beth Schmillen

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Re: Questions About Paid membership to Adlandpro
4/8/2007 1:24:59 PM
Hi BJ, Which membership level works best for you? That is a great question. I've decided until I'm ready to have and use the autoresponder that the gold membership is more than I need at this time. I've done it both ways. The Adlander is the best deal I know of online because monthly your ad is sent to everyone who is on the mailing list here at adland. That includes folks who may be new and are looking for an online business or advertising !! You can always pay the small fee for an ad to be renewed and submitted separately... I just recently tried a few months without any level of membership here except I work at promoting my Adland affiliate and managed to bring in a couple of free members and that brings you 100 BANNER credits! ADLAND is an AFFILIATE also.... IF you are a free member you need to get out there and promote ADLAND in exchange for ALL THE FREE stuff that is available here... This is an amazing interactive community and advertising resource.... That's why I'll Say Hi I'm Beth of BethsVentures in Association with Adlandpro in some of my ads etc... I need to copy and paste the Adland code into a few more sites for promoting and getting credits etc.... Well ~ that's my thoughts on it! Hope Everyone is having a Happy Bunny Day... Beth
Bj Burgess

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Re: Questions About Paid membership to Adlandpro
4/8/2007 1:27:12 PM

My thoughts on this membership I feel are misleading.

You sign up as a member, for the $14.75 a month.  Then you have the option to upgrade, (OR this is the way it it put) but, you are not upgrading you are creating another account. So, you have the $14.75 membership PLUS the $24.95 for Gold membership. So you add this together and your paying  almost $40.00 a month, and NO I can not afford a year $480.00 at once. Even if I get a discount.

It's not explained, when they say UPGRADE, you are NOT UPGRADING your membership you already have. Your are ADDING to it.  So they should word it as "And for ANOTHER" 24.95 a month, You can be A Gold Member Along with Your Other Membership. So you will be a member TWICED.

Do you see where I'm coming from?  It's just not explained............................


PS I do better with the Regular $14.75 membership, than I'm doing with the Gold membership. " Because of the friends I have here at adland".  I have met some great friends and hope to continue to be friends with them and 'some'. This banner and search engine submissions, I don't know if this is worth it, because all my clicks are coming from adland.

Sharon Lee

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Re: Questions About Paid membership to Adlandpro
4/8/2007 1:33:50 PM

Hi BJ, I agree with this. I am a paid adlander for the Year and I decided to try the gold and see the benefit. I don't see any so I am canceling the Gold this month. I don't use any of the features and the killersafelist is unaccesable. I have been trying to  get in for 3 months now and it keeps telling me I have to pay another $10.00

I used the codes that were mailed to me,,Filled out the form and they said they would approve in 24 hours..Nothing. So thats the end.

Happy Easter, Sharon
