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John Partington

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The 68th Edition of the Person of Week forum!!!
11/7/2006 3:22:49 PM

Hi Tim,

I normally wear a tie when I am out on business or going to a function, I have even got a dinner suit I think you call them tuxedos?  I don't like red wine as it gives me heartburn so I just drink white wine, and I am not getting at you its just that your photo looks like your listening to someone confessing their sins?

No, you don't need a change of image as you look just fine to me, what is it I always say "If it suits the wearer sod the starer" so just take no notice of my juvenile comments and be you!

Best Wishes


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John Partington

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Re: It's Time For The 68th Edition of the Person of Week forum!!!
11/7/2006 3:25:19 PM

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the graphic, I think one of them has run out of bandwidth?

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John Partington

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Re: It's Time For The 68th Edition of the Person of Week forum!!!
11/7/2006 3:29:17 PM

Hi Donald,

Thanks for your kind comment, are you refering to I had POTW coming or me having to decorate the hall stairs and landing?

I had to start it as Barbara has waited 6 years!

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John Partington

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Re: It's Time For The 68th Edition of the Person of Week forum!!!
11/7/2006 3:33:22 PM

Hi Chris,

First sorry mate I couln't get enough support for you this week!

I am sure Pauline will calm things down next week!  Also thanks for taking care of those pesky sisters for me, but I am sure they will popup again sometime soon.

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John Partington

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The 68th Edition of the Person of Week forum!!!
11/7/2006 3:37:48 PM

Hi Carla,

Thanks for your message, I don't seem to see you around so much these days but I know you are a busy lady, thanks for taking the time to visit and post.

Best Wishes


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