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Rose Smith

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/24/2006 1:23:09 AM
This is very true, Jenny. I've seen a lot of forum discussions go awry in the last couple of months, as well as the "I didn't read your forum but here's my ad" type of posters. The thing is: It's really a mirror image of the world in general, isn't it? Few people LISTEN anymore just to be listening or because they genuinely CARE what one has to say. It's especially true in online marketing.
Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/24/2006 1:32:07 AM
I'm not upgrade yet, (shame on me) so I can only have one forum.
I've been running the Newbie Forum for almost two years and find that most people will post ads, but very few will either comment or get in on discussions.

I put a post ads here forum thread up and it's got over 1000 posts.
Everything else has maybe 9 or 10. So that statistic proves my point.
What about the ones who post ads on the last page? When you post an ad your post goes to the last page of the forum, so probably isn't being read anyway. So why go to the trouble of posting an ad? It would be much better if you just put the opportunity you care the most about in your signature so it's in every post you make and then just make friends and visit other forums and post a quick comment, or if you see an ad someone else has written, don't put their opportunity down or try to counter it with one of your own, just make a nice comment on the ad or give them a way to promote their opportunity with something you're a member of. That's the way to build trust and get yourself set up for success.

Don't shoot yourself in the foot by sending an ad for every ad someone else sends you.

DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/24/2006 2:17:15 PM

Hello Jenny and Friends

    Well, I do like the humor but I cannot help but take at least a somewhat serious stand on this issue. I agree that people could be a lot more responsible for what they write.  I have seen a few people who have been disrespectful  of other members over and over again with nothing ever being done to prevent it.  I have addressed this very problem on many forums but to no avail. My feelings are this. If you want measles, hang around with people who have measles. Without the freedom to express your true feelings here, two things would happen. People who are jerks would not get a chance to expose themselves. People who are jerks would not be exposed by other members. I think everyone should be able to say anything they want. I also feel that others in the community should have the right to have someone banned for being a jerk. Open, candid discussion will always tell the tale. Without it. how would we ever be able to identify the jerks and scams.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Melissa Fulwider

207 Posts
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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/24/2006 3:37:04 PM

Jenny, as per usual, your grace restores peace.  Your posts are always well thought out and valuable to a forum.  My thanks, as a forum owner.  I do try to stick to a 24 hour rule.  If something strikes me to respond, no matter what way, than I give it 24 hours.  If I feel the same way, I post. 

I broke that rule this week....


yours for the future, melissa The Adland Interviews :

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