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Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/26/2006 7:13:57 PM
Oh alright,

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Re: List Building for the novice
7/26/2006 7:27:29 PM
Hi Lorraine! I'm so glad you love this forum as much as I do! I've received such great response here and love that we all are banding together to start with the basics for those who might have gotten stuck in a slump or those who like me floundered about with no support or guidance at the beginning of our internet excursion. (I'm sure most of us got mired in so many things to know and only so much time to read everything without at first having friends to teach us the ropes and avoid the pitfalls. That was the purpose of creating the help everyone avoid the pitfalls and start building something solid..) I'm thinking that I will add other topic threads over time to accomodate all the basics but the list building was prime. Everyone shoud checkout Lorraine's toolbox! It is jam packed with goodies we can use to help us grow our lists and expand our base. Tracey I have another excellent resource for you all today...from the man who brought us our lucky lists another great list builder...this one actually builds you two opt in lists at the same time! Don't miss this!
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/26/2006 7:30:33 PM
Hello There Again Dr. D! that didn't hurt one tiny bit did it?? LOL :)! Excellent resources...I'll be checking them all out...copied and marked to my favorites list so I can explore... Tracey Has everyone caught the buzz yet? gttp://
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice
7/26/2006 9:03:32 PM
Extreme novice here! Thanks again for this forum, Stacey. I've struggled and pulled my hair out over this topic. I've come up with a plan that seems to be working, slowly but surely. Time, perseverence, consistency and patience are the first necessary ingredients. If you want to spend money the amount of time you need to spend decreases but the other 3 ingredients must remain. Having my own web pages helps. I have one upgraded site and one free site so I can link the two together to promote different things. On one of my pages is a 'capture' box that offers free eBooks, and it links not only to an instant download of the offer, it also adds the name and email of the prospect to my autoresponder. I use freeautobot which offers the HTML code for me to copy/paste to my page. There are instructions on how to make the info go to 2 different places. So, when someone enters their info they get free eBooks, emails from the eBook owner (I'm an affliliate) and emails from me. Then they can pursue a promotion of the eBooks and any of my offers if they wish. Another method I use is called 'daisy chaining'. I sign up for free ads, become a free affiliate (especially to the ones that will pay you for referrals even if you don't upgrade), and start putting ads in one for the other and so on. Ad site 'A' is advertised on site 'B' and 'B' is advertised on 'C' and so on until the last place advertises to site 'A' making a circle. A good place to go to learn about this and search engine optimization and also get tons of free leads is Veretekk They have great training and you can upgrade to Silver for free to make money on people you refer who go Gold. It's complicated at first, but then the light bulb goes on! I like sites that offer to let you put all your URL's in for free. Some are credit based, some are rotators, etc. Some of these sites offer free banner placement also, so you can advertise another advertising site by banners and get exposure. There are a few safelists I use that don't clog my mailbox. I'm advertising my businesses more or less through the back door in every ad site I use. I use 'Visit me here' and put my webpage (toolbox below) in my sig line. One of my business URL's clicks into a splash page with links to other ad campaigns I'm running (I lied--I have 3 web pages, 2 free). If you go to my toolbox (link below) you'll see what I'm up to--click on 'Biz Opps' link to get to my 2nd page and click on FreeStoreClub there to get to my splash page. The main thing I'm trying to accomplish is to create a 'thread' that keeps circling around itself. Whew! Makes me tired to think I did all that work! I welcome any suggestions on how I can improve or change what I'm doing. So let me know if I'm on track or lost in the woods!
Re: List Building for the novice
7/27/2006 5:50:53 PM
Hi Lorraine! Sounds like you have really thought out your plan and put it into action. I think that you are off to an excellent start! Please feel free to check out the resources I've listed in the earlier posts as they all have programs that fit your criteria for additional income streams for you as well working to expand your list. Also, you might want to check out the following two sites as they allow you to plug in may of your affiliate urls into the one location I'll be checking out the freeautobot site later this evening....sounds like something I might need! :) Veretekk is a fairly new affiliation for me already but I haven't explored it as yet....must do that now for sure! Tracey
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