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Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/25/2006 11:18:14 PM
Dear Tracey,

This is your thread and your forum. Delete me if you like. Do what you want!

In any case Put you link up! This list building busines is what I am doing for my business  but not the main bread earner. I apologize for stealing your thunder. Please please make your post.

I agree with you about James Grandstaff also. I am a member of several of his programs such as ProfitYesterday and 2TilPay and ISOReg. Post your introductions and links for these also. They are great time savers as there is so out there that must be done to get the job done right. I admit I am not doing all I would like to even with all the great tools I have.

I would also suggest people follow Brian Clawson. He is right here at AdlandPro and one of my friends.

DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/25/2006 11:27:20 PM
Oh No! No! Dr D....feel free to post whatever helpful things you may have! By all meas include your links!! The purpose of this forum is for everyone to share what wonderful programs we have found so everyone can succeed! You were quicker than me in getting things out worries! I just want everyone to have the best tools available. I know creating this forum forced me to start looking at what great tools I have available that I flat out wasn't using and I've been amazed today at all the growth my list has had because I started putting them into play. Tellman's offer came across earlier today (maybe even last night, but I didn't see it until this evening) and because I know his reputation I wanted to make it a point to share it but I was still going through materials. You have absolutely done our forum a service in posting it!! Smile my friend....all is well...and we are doing EXACTLY what I intended...Helping each other. Blessed Be! Tracey
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Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/25/2006 11:33:32 PM
You are a dear :-)

You may have to beat me on those other links because I can't seem to remember where I laid the blasted things, LOL

DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: List Building for the novice - sick to death of "simple" listbuilding programs?
7/25/2006 11:54:26 PM
LOL! :) You as well, my dear friend! But you'll have to go dig those links off of your desk or out from under the bed because I don't have them....but I have plenty of others I'm working on testing out or digging up for our friends!! :) Be Well! Tracey
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice
7/26/2006 6:56:49 PM
Hi Tracey, I can tell I'm going to be back here often! I have added this one to my favs and will be back soon with a better response. For now, visit my toolbox for some free ads sites.

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