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Re: List Building for the novice
7/29/2006 2:09:50 AM
Hi Tom! Thanks for coming by! I hope that you have found some things to add to your toolbox as well. The goal here is to exchange ideas and what has worked for each of us (or what hasn't so we can all avoid it like the so that everyone can start building or continue building those all important lists. While that means there will be advertising, we are (hopefully) all only posting sites that we have received results from so that we are getting quality information and tools. For the most part the places I've listed all have a free option that everyone can start with and then decide on upgrading if they feel it is in their business' best interest. I do recommend Gary Ambrose's one time specials though...the residual income and the extra leads are well worth the upgrade. Some of the others are worth upgrading once an income from them has been established to increase profit margin as well...but everyone should decide for themselves what is affordable and what is not. My sites all have affiliate options so you can earn as you learn and grow. Any input you have or tips you may wish to share are extremely welcome as well. As time goes on, I hope to take this step by step through the basics of getting things running smoothly and productively. I thought it might help newbies, intermediates who might have gotten mired down or missed something vital, and even savvy entrepeneurs who have it all together who might have missed something newly introduced or who have some great advice they are willing to share with the rest of us, all expand and grow successfully as a team. Let us know what your thoughts on this are and what things you might like us to focus on going forward. We really are interested in developing this into something useful for all so everyone's input is welcome and requested. Tracey
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Re: List Building for the novice
7/29/2006 2:18:30 AM
Hi Rahul! I'm well thank you...been a little crazy for the last couple of days...I apologize that we seem to have kept missing each other when we tried to hook up on chat earlier...toddler and infant distractions and a family day of observation kept me from being where one normally finds front of the computer working on building lists this week anyway. I hope this finds you well, yourself. I checked the blog and bookmarked it...very nice and thank you for the summary, my friend...(and the nifty little reference :) ) I really appreciate it. I was so hesitant to start my own forum at first and now I don't know why...this has taken off quite nicely and I'm glad to see that people are getting some benefit from it. Check back...the Dr ( Dr DA..if you are reading this...I'll be trying to touch base in the early afternoon about the poll) and I have some things in the works that might help us all...and feel free to add anything you might come across or advice you may glean from other sources like Keith...he is pretty amazing...I'm quite enjoying the Academy myself. Tracey
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice
7/30/2006 12:04:00 PM
Hiya Tracey, I'm in all 3 of the resources you mentioned at the end of your post to me, and am making progress with all of them. Looking forward to hearing more from you two!
Re: List Building for the novice
8/20/2006 5:22:43 PM
Hi Again! Glad to see you are making progress with our resources! :) I just wanted to apologize to everyone for my unannounced absence the last few weeks...some family issues required immediate attention. I didn't want you all to think I simply abandoned my friends or the goal of helping everyone to develop and share great resources to build their success. Please post and let me know what each of your progress has been and if anyone has any additional resources that we all may find useful. Also, I am interested in knowing what other topics you all would specifically like to see covered here (if there are any particulars) so I can better plan a series for you all. Hope you all are well! Tracey
Want to know how to make your business a HIT?? You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Signup, Login, & Send!
Re: List Building for the novice
8/20/2006 8:18:34 PM
Hi Tracey! I missed you these past few weeks, it is a most pleasant  and welcome to to know that you are all right and that your family is safe and sound, I'm glad that things in your life are a lot better and I feel that our friendship will in time grow stronger as we get to know each other more and more each passing day the more I learn about you, the more I find I like you, I LIKE YOU Tracey Nadeau! Aug 20, 2006 We'll always have AdlandPro, this a day to remmeber, a day to write, to feel and touch, to long in our hearts to dream of holding someone special close near and dear from afar a very sweet lovely lady whos eyes shine with impiss merry laughter and whos bewitching beautiful smile makes me dream of magical wonderful feelings and things that I thought that I could ever feel again, Tracey you make feel like dancing the night away with you, all night, all night long, holding you and watching the sunrise knowing only that I am with you with all my heart and soul, for I know you'll me find that pot of gold somewhere over the rainbow of your heart. Lawrence
Lawrence Johnson PicRedirect

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