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Gary Simpson

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Re: This is what Has to be Stopped in Iraq
6/27/2006 7:25:49 AM
Hi Dave, I visited only one of those links. Unfortunately I have seen it all before and I have read it all too often. Last year I was sent the video clip of a man who was beheaded in Iraq by three masked Middle-Eastern cowards. He pleaded repeatedly for his life to be spared. Then he screamed until his neck was sawn right through. It was perhaps the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen on film. I watched it after much deliberation. I needed to know how low some of these scumbags were prepared to go for their so-called political cause. Words really fail to describe what I witnessed. I am sure many other people have also seen this and other recordings of such barbarism. There seems to be no bounds to human cruelty, indecency and barbarism. It has happened through the ages. Tonight my heart is very heavy. In my own city we have had yet another sexually motivated murder. This time an EIGHT year old girl visited a toilet in a very large suburban shopping centre. She was stalked by a man who has only just been apprehended. Inside the female toilet cubicle he broke both of this poor little darling's arms and also one of her legs. He then removed all of her clothes. He sexually penetrated her and then he strangled her to death. This happened while the little girl's 14 year old brother and 21 year old male cousin were visiting the adjoining male toilets just a short distance away. The piece of human garbage that committed this heinous crime was paraded on our TV sets tonight. This is so sad. We also have a serial killer who has defiled and murdered three young women in our city precincts over the last seven years. He has never been caught. He is suspected of other unsolved murders too. Today, I caught a train with a young woman who was attending a training course with me. As we entered the carriage a disgusting character made some equally disgusting remarks to her. He performed some lewd actions and would not stop leering at her. I felt like slapping some sense into this moron but he knew that he was able to get away with his disgusting acts. The law allows it. He virtually goaded me to try to do something to stop him. At 6 feet tall and 260lbs and with 35 years of continuous karate training I was more than capable of messing him up very badly. But would such a thing make me as bad as him? I really did feel deeply angered by him. Had I physically engaged him then I would more than likely be the one in the lock-up. Not him - despite what he did. Our police are hamstrung by legal restraints. Our courts monotonously let these recidivists go free. Most of the disgusting creatures that do these things have rap-sheets as long as your arm. They are well known to police and the courts. They have legal representation that allows them to walk free almost before the police paperwork has been filled out. Many times such creatures are on parole or bail for similar offences when they are committing even more offences. You think I sound tough with the description I gave of myself above? Well, I cried for that little girl tonight when I saw the report on TV. I just sat there with tears rolling down my cheeks. I wept for her and what I imagined that she had to endure in the last moments of her short life at the merciless hands of this filthy bastard. I have been to that shopping centre many times. I know it well. I have visited those same toilets. It just hit me that such a terrible thing could happen there with all those people so close yet so far away for the little girl. The entire world is awash with this sort of thing. I understand it is the same in Britain, Canada, the USA and many other countries. There are many people who walk among us who have these evil desires. Hitler, Hussein, Mugabe, Gacy, Berkowicz and a whole bunch of other lunatics are just the names we know. There are so many others whose names we will never know (Thank God!). Essentially they are cowards who derive perverse pleasure from torturing, maiming and murdering defenseless people. I am very emotionally upset by what has happened to the eight year old girl. I just wish I had the power to do something about it. I am also very upset by what happened on the train. Iwas embarrassed for the young lady having to put up with what she did and my inability to stop it. I'm sorry for such a long post and for many of the things that I have revealed. Evilness disturbs me greatly. I pray for peace but I know that there are those who walk among us who will do whatever they can to deny it. Gary Simpson
Beverly Armstrong

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Re: This is what Has to be Stopped in Iraq
6/27/2006 8:49:26 AM
Hello Dave, I am sorry that this particular subject is the one I revisit you again on. It is of course criminal behavior, and devestatingly graphic is it not? What a shame that we as a nation cannot decide what is the right thing to do, or is it us as a nation? The bitter truth is this is a political/partline debate for the most part, not a debate over moral and ethical actions on the part of the goverment. It was started by the opposing party who I do not need to name and it continues to be fueled by it here in the US. Elsewhere it is fueled by and for different reasons and involving different agendas. But here at home it is for the most part political. Raising the question: Would they still object if they were the party in office? Because it is such an obvious political issue and nothing more, I tend to ignore it. There are more folks killed in Washington DC then Iraq. Should our goverment 'pull out of Washington'? Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago all have high death rates should the population flee for the hills? Just some morning thoughts about what is clearly another stinking party fight aimed at winning the future election and dividing the nation. HUGS, as always Beverly
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Lis Figueras

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Re: This is what Has to be Stopped in Iraq
6/27/2006 11:02:38 AM
Dear Dave, I have to tell you that I did not visit the site that you mention because I can imagine what would be there. But I have to add something, I Agree of what you say about how we can sleep? But also I believe in my personal opinion that every thing have an order and that God is under Control of Everything. Also that anything happens if He did not allow it. When you I saw the title I get curious of what you have to say about. Is interesting but. I remember a part on the bible when Israel people leave God and turn on Him and what He says. God says and mention in resume that other countries will destroy them and rape their women and kill their youngs all for disobey and make God fell really bad. (I did not know if you get the point but) Something that I learned is that all happend around us for a reason. Could be for the circumstances that we create, bad desitions that we took or Just to be tested by the Lord. But somethign is true this will end and in the meanwhile we can do something ask God for mercy because as say at the whole psalm 136 for ever is His Mercy? and mention about it around the bible aprox 178 tiems so have to be true no? Have a great day dear Dave. God Bless, Lis
Jill Bachman

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Re: This is what Has to be Stopped in Iraq
6/27/2006 12:27:17 PM
Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this invaluable information. There are, and will always be many opinions, but the pure truth for everyone is that they are aware of the facts! You have a wonderful way of presenting this information, and I sincerely thank you! :-) Bless you, Jill
Dave Cottrell

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Re: This is what Has to be Stopped in Iraq
6/27/2006 2:56:42 PM
Hi Lis, You have brought up something that is very important in this world. There are consequences in this world for the actions of the people who live in it. Just as we have the laws of nature, we also have the laws of consequence. For each action that violates these laws, there is a consequence that follows. As human beings, we have free choice, being able to choose to do what's right or what's wrong. As Gary has mentioned, people are even doing terrible things to one another right in their own countries, and no one seems to be able to stop it. In fact, the laws often do not allow us to properly stop those who would destroy others until it is too late. We shake our heads in wonder, wring our hands in frustration, and turn away in disgust, but it is our collective choices that allow these things to happen. As we throw of what we consider the yoke of God and his goodness, considering our own abilities to judge correctly to be greater and higher than His, we see the consequences of our choices happening all around us; yet we still choose to ignore the reasons and continue to try to fix it our way. Some would say that if God was so good, he wouldn't allow these things to happen. However, we have been given free choice, and that choice will not be taken away. We are not, nor were we ever, mindless, soulless robots, but instead, thinking, emotion-filled people with many choices. We must realize that the choices we make today can have far-reaching consequences both for ourselves and for many others tomorrow. God bless, Dave

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