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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 10:21:47 PM
Hey Jack... ========================================== I vote you for our first community chief of police. ========================================== Actually, community bouncer would suit him better. lol. When we walk through the mall, people part like the Red Sea. It's kind of funny to watch, actually. lol And yet, kids and pets love him. Go figure. But definitely bouncer over chief or sheriff. : ) Linda
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 10:23:23 PM
Hi Jack, We need some policing on this website. I vote you for our first community chief of police. I do appreciate the vote of confidence, you too Gary, but I am sure there would be a few Adlanders that would cringe at the thought of me being in such a position.
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 10:29:29 PM
Well there you go.... now we can expand upon the list. 1) Marry it 2) Inherit it 3) Win a lottery 4) Get a job (Kiyosaki's "E") 5) Start a business - (Kiyosaki's 'S' - Self Employed/small business owner - (Kiyosaki's 'B' - Big Business Owner) - (Kiyosaki's 'I' - Investor) : )
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/1/2006 10:31:57 PM
Hi Linda, Just to pick up on your investing comment. Not a grunt over the shovel or keyboard kind of business, Well, I'm a grunt over a keyboard, newspaper, books, magazine, newsletters, annual reports,....but not a shovel. :-) Jack
Cheri Merz

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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
3/2/2006 12:10:52 AM
Linda, ============================================ Actually, community bouncer would suit him better. lol. When we walk through the mall, people part like the Red Sea. It's kind of funny to watch, actually. lol ============================================ Just how big IS he? lol That word picture was priceless. Just here listening for a change. Good comments. Cheri

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