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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/18/2006 2:27:07 AM
Hello John, As I posted earlier, "I'm not telling anyone not to join or to join. I am finding answers so people can make an informed decision." I have alot of posts here that seem negative toward GZ but I have also posted their stock information from Yahoo Finance section, and press release info on GZ. I have said in another forum that I am a member (not upgraded, can't see why I need to upgrade 'for money' in a payment processing company. If downline doesn't use the service is the upgrade value a savings?). I do not hide this. My research started when I couldn't understand them having merchants but no merchant tools for payment processing. So I wrote to them and got a reply that tools will be available this summer. This still didn't explain how they have merchants. So I wrote to some of the merchants and one,, replied. Here is a copy from the email reply. ======================================== Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 06:22:55 -0800 To: "Kenneth Sword" Subject: Re: [web form 7161902] Kenneth Sword (KMM4439673V26794L0KM) From: "Accounts" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Hello The offer that you describe is not something fulfilled by, although the website that you visited may participate in a program with known as the "affiliate program". This program allows companies with a web site to create a link to ======================================== Here was my question to them to reply to: ======================================== Customer Care Specialist Internet Postage Original Message Follows: ------------------------- contact_phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx contact_lastname: Sword contact_firstname: Kenneth contact_comments: I noticed you are listed as a merchant through a payment procesor . I wish to verify this before I use them since they are claiming cashback rewards for purchasing your services through them. Thank you in advance for your reply. Kenneth R Sword Jr customer: no contact_email: contact_issuetype_info_ns: fees ======================================== In the last couple of days I have found much info and have had a really hectic week as I am also a teacher at the Job Corps Center here and had many hours with them this week. I am still trying to come to a conclusion whether they are on the up or not. I hope this answers your question. Thanks for stopping by and asking. Newest Release: Podcasting For Fun & Profit! Podcasting Teleprompter - Make Yourself Sound Like A Pro! FREE Niche Report AlertPay - A BETTER Alternative to PayPal Coming soon "Ads By The Squares" Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Copy this link to your RSS Reader:
Dave Cottrell

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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/18/2006 1:54:54 PM
Hi Kenneth, Thank you for all the information you've dug up on GreenZap. I, too, have done a lot of digging. There are a lot of old posts on literally hundreds of forums stating that they are a scam. Yes, Damon Westmoreland is involved - in fact he is now the CEO. GreenZap was originally started by a lady in CA using a PO box at a grocery store. Since that time it has grown with many bumps, accusations, and setbacks, and is now doing very well. I have had previously dealt with Damon - I was one of the first to blow the whistle on the Payline, and many people were angry with me when I did, but time proved me to be right. However, at the present time, GreenZap has a good record of keeping their promises, is moving closer to being a fully public company, has been able to raise a lot of funds under public scrutiny, and has fantastic customer support. Damon has been involved in things that have been very questionable in the past, but the fact that he is a free man should say something, and if nothing else, he is a marketing genius and barring too many problems from his past reputation, has the skills to take GreenZap to the top. I've read posts suggesting that if we promote something that goes south, we will ruin our own reputation. I couldn't disagree more. It is up to the individual to do their own due diligence. I have done mine, and am quite happy to be a GreenZap member and to promote it. If it goes south, I will just get back up and carry on with something else. One thing I've learned is that no matter how honest the owners are and how good an opportunity is, I can't control the way someone else runs their business, and things can still go wrong. Those who would say it's my fault they got involved with a company that fails are lazy and always looking for someone else to blame when things go wrong. They didn't do their own due diligence, but jumped in at the first sign of dollars. If I join a company that eventually fails, it's my risk. If you join a company that fails, it's your risk. There are no guarantees. The rules can change at any time. Those who see themselves as victims, who won't join anything unless it's guaranteed to be a sure thing, and who spend all their time complaining about getting scammed will never succeed. They should just put their money in the bank at whatever the present low rates are and sit on it. What due diligence means is that you've dug up as much information as you can, have weighed the risks as you understand them, and are willing to stick your neck out based on the level of risk you're willing to live with. I'm running with GreenZap. God bless, Dave
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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/18/2006 3:53:57 PM
You're running south. Here's a company that guaranteed your principal: [thank you]
Thank You,I Love You,I'm Sorry,Please Forgive Me. MILLIONAIRE GIVING OUT FREE $200 AT; their forum in 7 languages:
Dave Cottrell

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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/18/2006 4:47:32 PM
Hi Kenneth, Further to my last post, here is a thread I have posted with some of the information I've dug up. God bless, Dave
Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/18/2006 10:21:34 PM
Hello Dave, Welcome to due dilegence. I applaud you for your time and for showing another side about this matter. You have stated your reasons of comfort after researching and have shown your due dilegence. Very well worded, too, I must say. As I quote you, "Those who would say it's my fault they got involved with a company that fails are lazy and always looking for someone else to blame when things go wrong. They didn't do their own due diligence, but jumped in at the first sign of dollars. If I join a company that eventually fails, it's my risk. If you join a company that fails, it's your risk. There are no guarantees. The rules can change at any time.", you have taken ownership to your decision and that is more than most do. As you see, I have started a few threads and there is alot of contraversy but that comes with the research. The good and the bad. Since some people do not either know how or just don't do it I brought my researching here to share with others and I hope they see how deep you must try to go for information, what possible info you can find, analyze it and come to your own conclusions. Dave, thanks again for your input. Glad to have you come by. See you around AdlandPro. Newest Release: Podcasting For Fun & Profit! Podcasting Teleprompter - Make Yourself Sound Like A Pro! FREE Niche Report AlertPay - A BETTER Alternative to PayPal Coming soon "Ads By The Squares" Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Copy this link to your RSS Reader: