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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/17/2006 9:10:01 AM
Good Morning Ken; I was a free member of Mazumah as I was in Jet99. I cancelled with them but my girlfriend had used her daughters credit card. Guess what? They did a charge against the card 3 times. I finally got a hold of a real person and told them that we had taken this to the police and that we better see a charge back on her account pronto. Kelly changed her credit card and they did do a charge back for the 3 months. It took about 1 week. With Jet99 for me it was a long losing battle. I got a complaint filed against them in CA with the Governor General but then the Yahoo that was CEO had left and another had taken his place. I had sent a letter to Jet99 at the address shown on their site and it was returned to me with the message no such person and no such address. That is what made me so mad. I then contacted the Governor General and sent in a detailed account of my dealings with them. So they are regeristered in CA as a SCAM. Any emails I sent to them were just auto returned with the message to upgrade and join the Travel part to get any money. I did not put any more into them. I, too, got an email that my Masumah account has been transferred over to Green Zap along with any money. I never had any in there to send over. What is going on with Intgold? I go in and see my account and all of my small amount of money is still there. Will they be back do you think? Sandra Hicks
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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/17/2006 9:51:57 AM
Hi Kenneth, Thanks for all the research you have been doing on Greenzap. I'm glad now that I have not been an active member. This does show we need to do some research ahead of time. First ScamPay now Greenscam! Who's next? Have you done some of the same research on AlertPay as well? Leonard
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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/17/2006 11:10:51 AM
Kenneth...the stuff you posted is OLD stuff and lies. GreenZap will be sueing these bashers for slander. I can't believe you only copied and pasted the same garbage up here that was posted by GreenZap bashers MONTHS ago. You don't know what you are talking about and I would not be calling Mr. Westmoreland a convicted felon if I were you.....just a friendly warning. Pat
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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/17/2006 12:59:58 PM
Kenneth, Thanks for the information,after reading this is pays to be cautious. Thanks again Glo
Patricia Bartch

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Re: GreenZap and Mazumah Are From The Same Guy ... Damon Westmoreland ...AND ...
2/17/2006 2:33:02 PM
I am sorry.....I just realized what I posted. I don't mean to call YOU a liar. I mean the stuff that you copied/pasted from those message boards are lies made up by bashers. Pat
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