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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/1/2017 4:35:58 PM
Heavenletter #6216 Come to the Sanctity of Green Pastures, December 1, 2017

God said:

Once upon a time, a world was born. So far as you have been aware, you are a passing fancy, currently active. No one knows your deadline. You must know this isn’t the story I tell. I know you firsthand. I know firsthand that you always existed. There is no day you were not. You are as Eternal as I am. You and I have ever been living in Infinity as One. Never were you not. Furthermore, you are far greater than you ever conceived yourself to be. You’re definitely not a new kid on the block.

Take it as God’s Honest Truth that, seen or unseen, known or unknown to your present self, you have ever existed. Take this on Truth. If this means to take this on Faith, then take it from Me on Faith. What I say, you can accept. Why would you accept the Word of the physical world as the Gospel before what I say? Beloveds, physical evidence is the least you can go by. I realize very well that, as a Human Being, this is a hard nut for you to crack.

It’s like this: When the Earth was seen as flat, the Earth was forever round all the while. It never was flat. Evidence and even Belief can be incidental to what is.

You’ve had a thing or two backwards, wouldn’t you say? The Universe doesn’t change its spots no matter what you believe and how strongly you believe it.

In any case, the Universe is True regardless of your stance. Your perceptions go according to how you see. You see as you see. You believe firmly in how and what you see, yet what you see may or may not be True. Your firm beliefs often are not sure bets.

Dear Ones, your thinking tends to go only so far. Truth doesn’t switch around. Absolute Truth, whether you cognize it or not, doesn’t change. Truth is, or it isn’t Truth.

Is it possible for you to admit that at one time or another, you have been mistaken? This is a good reason why you want to hold your horses. Proving is too often based on other people’s fallible proving grounds. The whole world can be mistaken, and again and again, it has.

You can be innocent of the Truth no matter how sincere and convinced you may be. There is a reason why it is said: "In God we trust.”

Hello, Beloveds, trust in Me to lead you to the sanctity of Green Pastures.

Come. Hallowed be Truth. Truth isn’t arbitrary. You just may not know enough to swear to anything. Beloveds, if your beliefs divert from Truth, the worst this does is to make you mistaken. It is not forbidden to be mistaken. It happens every day. It’s perfectly honorable to see in another way, yes?

To change your present awareness isn’t a reason to beat yourself up. Be glad you see from a greater vantage. So, you made a mistake. Now, you see differently. A mistake is not a fateful error. It is a mistake made, and now you see from a bigger frame. It’s all right to change your mind. Ah, now you see further. Hallowed be thy Name. Congratulate yourself and not condemn yourself for growing.

Sometimes a child’s vision is more to the point than an adult’s vision. Often a child’s vision is not so cluttered with facts and judgments and God-Knows-What.

Many appraisals of people are far afield. I mean it when I advise you not to judge. It is wise and, frankly, sensible enough to know that you do not hold all the cards.

What you do have is Love right in your pocket.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/2/2017 4:43:39 PM
Heavenletter #6217 The Beloveds of My Heart, December 2, 2017

God said:

In Life, upon what do you depend? Everyone and everything? Or, worse, nothing at all? A pittance? Loneliness? Regret? Sense of Isolation? Abandonment? Fear?

What is this Peace and Balance in the world you seek? From where and whence do you manifest the Desirable? How is it that you attract the fearsome to you? How is it that you consider fear and let it enter your Life? Let fear be in a shambles, not you, not My Child Whom I hold in Innermost Love.

No longer attach yourself dependently here, there, and everywhere. You gulp, for you may see yourself as a fragile leaf blown about in the wind, seemingly without solidity -- hapless, rootless. How reckless-seeming is the surface of Life when, all the while, you are deeply rooted in the Blessedness of the Universe. Know your Blessedness. It is yours.

You are not part of any rabble, yet you have been a fearmonger. Desist. Cut this out now. Not once more do you parcel yourself as a frail leaf when you are the Beloved of My Heart.

The hidden blessing of fear could be that, living in fear, you call out to Me truly as your Very Self. I exist. Fear is a hollow log. Come to Me in the Solidness of Unity.

Fear is no more than a phantom. Fear is big in your mind, yet that's all fear is, a tentative thing. Throw your fears to the winds. Fear is not worth keeping. Fear is an interloper. Excuse yourself from fear's presence. Don't waste your time on fear. Fear is not to scrape your feet to. Be done with fear. If you don't enjoy fear, don't cater to it once more.

It appears that My Children are born with a fear of falling. Fear is famous. The physical Universe takes pot shots at you. In fear, you allow yourself to be blown from pillar to post and hither and yon when the Truth is that We, the seeming you and the seeming I, are One Indissoluble Being. Remember, you and I are in this Life together, and We are One.

Any way you look at it, from the untoward surface of Life where fear attacks the Heights of Unity, pack up your fears and put them away along with all your worries in your old kit bag.

What purpose do fears serve but to scare a semblance of you? When all is said and done, what good are fears to the world? Fears are of no use to you. A sense of jeopardy is unworthy of you. Let go of it.

Be a bird who sits in a tree and sings. In between, a bird hops on the ground, and, a bird flaps its wings and embodies itself in Flight and getting closer to the Warmth and Light of the Sun. May you Fly High with your Heart and Mind and be warmed in the Sun.

This is not a flight of fancy We are on now. No, this is the real goods. Accept Once and For All that We are the One of the Universe.

Take flight with Me as One Soul, for We, the One, are Compatriots.

Beloveds, you seek to know the Sun whereas I know you comprise the Sun. Together We venture to the Heart of the Sun. Venture forth in Life today. Put your arms around Life's shoulder. We are Compatriots in Life!

Hail, hail, the gang's all here
What the heck do we care
What the heck do we care
Hail, hail, the gang's all here
What the heck do we care now?

Fly with Me.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/3/2017 4:34:42 PM
Heavenletter #6218 When There Is Happiness, Must Unhappiness Follow?, December 3, 2017

God said:

It seems that Life causes you difficulties. Even when an incident is long past, you may conjure up every detail of it. For what good reason would you do this? And yet you have. And yet you do.

How much pain and suffering are such incidents worth?

Of course, some incidents you rate high, and then there are those now that you yourself wonder what the fuss was about. Many incidents reduce themselves to size in the interim and are not worth much at all, certainly not the cost you paid for them.

Perhaps someone looked at you cross-eyed or didn’t give you the time of day, or someone cheated you, as you saw it, and your heart feels snubbed and hurt.

I agree with you that you are worth far more than snubs and that you deserve greater than to spend your time and aggravation as you may well have on such matters. Why do they mean so much to you as they do? What would you have gained if you hadn’t felt such hurt? What is it exactly that does matter so much to you? What is the difference in your Life in the long haul when Life is here today and gone tomorrow anyway?

There are more serious matters that take up your time to get back on an even keel. Loss of Loved Ones ranks high. All losses of anything pretty much appear as great losses.

Must you put so much energy and effort into painful matters? I question why you have to be so affected by so much.

Where did the idea of suffering come from? Why do My Children take evidence in Life in the world so hard? What if suffering were not a common activity? What if you had never heard of suffering? Would your heart then ache to the extent it does?

The world even schedules mourning for a year’s length. Why must mourning exist at all? Of course, I realize that in the world, it is expected of you.

It isn’t that death as it is perceived in the world is a secret. Why do My Beautiful Children associate with death and defeat so deeply as you do? What is the merit in all the suffering and attention on what you perceive as bad news?

You already know that in the world, nothing is permanent. Why is it such a cruel blow when Loved Ones take off on a new journey which is not yet yours to travel? Why must this occurrence repeatedly take the Heart out of you as if you can’t get over it?

Why is loss so overwhelming? Why cannot joy in what you had speak louder than the loss later? Beloveds, I know it’s like your very breath has been taken out from under you.

Beloveds, much of Life in the world is a passage to and fro ships and trains passing in the night. Whether you experience absence or Presence, must such a big gully be made of it? Must you participate in this, and why must you? Who says you must?

Probably most of My Dear Children suffer deeply in their thoughts long before the event of so-called death.

When there is happiness, must unhappiness follow?

When it comes to caring, must uncaring also co-exist?

I say a resounding NO.

In nature, when there is a hole in the ground, it gets filled. You are intended to have Joy on Earth. Love with all your heart without suffering as a future event. You and all Loved Ones will meet again. Why does attachment charge you with such misery? This is not my Will.

Love, yes.

Care with all your Heart, yes.

Suffer, no, dears, not so much as you do.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/4/2017 7:29:51 PM
Heavenletter #6219 You Believe in Thoughts , December 4, 2017

God said:

Whither thou goest? You go from where you came. You come precisely back to Me.

However, the joker is that you never parted from me in the least.

You thought so, yes, for you believe in coming and going, left and right, somewhere and nowhere, up and down, backwards and forwards, in something and nothing and all the variations.

You believe in thoughts going back and forth.

You believe in many erstwhile matters and the realness of such things as Life and death and Life or death.

You may have so much belief and faith in Love, as it so happens, yet you doubt the Truest of All which is Love Beyond the Bounds of Earth. You may almost believe, yet not quite.

You may be a part-time believer the same as you are a part-time skeptic. You doubt both your Beliefs and your Doubts. You are an erstwhile Doubter, the same way as you may like your coffee half and half with cream. Of course, this is your choice, and, My Dears, you have chosen as you will. You are half-committed to whatever you are committed to - you have one foot on a train track and the other up in the air waiting before it puts itself down.

You are a Klondike prospector. You'd like to find gold. You'd like to be right, yet you don't want to be wrong either. You want to be right beyond a doubt, and this is how you may dither with your Life, invaluable as it is.

Of course, you don't see your life as an Ever-Present Continuum as yet. You see Life On or Off, Here or There. You see Life as a Once in a While Thing. Surely you see Life as separate pieces of pie, and each pie different. You count time in partitions when the wholeness of time is that there is none. You count time as though it were real. You keep peeking at your watch. You cannot imagine what you would do if you couldn't squeeze time or expand time into segments as you do, the same with space. If there were no space, where would art exist?

Where does art exist now? It exists now in your Consciousness. In Reality, there is no Out There in front of you nor an Out There behind you or Anywhere at all or Anything at all on Earth. You drizzle in Consciousness. That's how two people can look at the same movie and see a different movie. This is how one person can see himself surrounded in Love and another see himself in a desert without an oasis. Life on Earth is all seemingly.

This is how one person can count sheep, and another fall asleep the minute his head hits the pillow.

What is concrete and what is abstract? Ask your Consciousness. It will tell you, or, you may draw a blank.

All the while, none of it matters. None of it really matters. It seemingly is the Luck of the Draw at the same time as the Deck of Cards appears to be loaded.

Sometimes you do see what it is to go nowhere even when you are a prospector in a Gold Rush. There is nowhere to go and nowhere to come back from. There is a Never Never Land.

In this case, all I can say is that you are Never Anywhere but with Me. As God is My Witness, My Self, I say this.

There are answers. In actuality, there is no question to be answered because it was never asked and who would there be to ask it to?

There is, of course, just the same, Much Ado about Nothing. This is the case because there is Nothing at All really to make much ado about. There are no Ins, and there are No Outs.

There is Being, a Still Waterfront.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/5/2017 6:42:36 PM
Heavenletter #6220 Soldiers of Good Fortune, December 5, 2017

God said:

Let Us sail the seas today. Let Us float. Let Us be afloat in Joy.

What does it mean to be on vacation but on vacation from woe, weariness, and worry? Yes, I understand the desire to escape fear and whatever you may see as drudgery and fault in yourself and others - and the Stars.

You are not idle as you float, yet, yes, you desire a vacation from worry and displeasure and other concerns.

The world would love to go forward without great concerns as well. You can do without the hustle and bustle of countermanding the world. How elated you are just to think of being in a state of approval.

What do you believe you need worries for to protect you from? Your endless worries focus on what is wrong in the world or what can go wrong. Start thinking about what can go right. Ah, what can go right isn't called worry. It is called looking forward to.

Make a good long list of what to look forward to -- and more and more. Line up what you look forward to like little tin soldiers in a row. We can call these little tin soldiers as Soldiers of Good Fortune.

Look forward to what Life offers you! Isn't this a novel idea? Probably, you have been thinking more along the lines of what you don't like, and when will the axe fall?

Come now to new paths and new means of travel. So long as you have choice, why not travel first class?

The thing is that you do have choice. You can travel more than one route. There are many possible destinations for you to choose along the way as well.

If you have been going along on one track, why then, you can just as well travel along another.

What is this perfection you seek that is supposed to exist somewhere outside you?

Perfection does not seem to exist in the world's eyes. Oh, perhaps moments of perfection exist. Constant looking for what you see as perfection in the world is barking up the wrong tree. You keep waiting. You keep expecting. You follow the wrong clues.

It isn't exactly that you surrender to inexactitude. You just are not so gung-ho for illusory perfection as you believe perfection is supposed to be.

What is good nature? What is receptivity? Oh, My Dears, you accept the world at large to change its drum beat at your command. You do not have to be vexed by all that vexes you.

We come back to the story of the Princess and the Pea where nothing could quite be good enough for the Princess.

You know what, Life can be ordinary. It's okay. Life can be made of ordinariness. It would seem that there will always be dusting and scrubbing. There can also continue to be perpetual desire for perfection. This stance doesn't seem to work -- this implied necessity for perfection in a world that doesn't reach your standards.

You are not slacking if you do not whip the world into shape.

Try as you may, you are not perfect either, and no one has to think you are. Your children are not epitomes of perfection. Your husbands and wives are not. Your mothers and fathers are not. Your making high suggestions to others doesn't make the world perfect or anyone in the world perfect no matter how much you would like to exact perfection from the whole world.

The world does not exist to please you and your preferences.

Who said you have to be pleased at whatever does not please you? Who proclaimed you sentinel of the world? Make Life happy as it happens to be.

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