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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/12/2017 5:05:16 PM
Heavenletter #6197 Riding on the Wide Waves of the Ocean, November 12, 2017

God said:

What would you like to speak out about today or delve into or forget about? Where would you like to start, and where would you like to wind up?

You may not want to wind up ever. You may just keep turning and winding around the imagined world you live and love in that seemingly revolves outside you for all the world to see, yet when does the world ever really see you?

By now, you know there is no world outside. There certainly seems to be a world outside, yet all is within. The world is all how you see it and say and express and live it.

Life is a movie you go to. You may think it’s the best movie you ever saw whereas your companion may say: “Ho hum, what a slow-moving movie this one is.”

Therefore, you take the curtains that surround you with a grain of salt.

How many billions of people share the world with you -- that’s how many worlds there are seen from all kinds of perspectives and introspection. Many interpretations, and many revelations and much digression in this pot-boiler of a world where One Yellow Sun beckons you to come play. There is one country after another, yet the Universe is One interpreted in many ways. The interpreter is also One seeming person. What a strange situation you find yourself in and often feel inadequate to levitate in. You wonder what on Earth you are doing here, thrown out of Heaven only to land you know not where or how, or what you are to do and what you are to make of it, let alone what to give the One Universe that awaits you with open arms or not. You do not always feel welcome even as I welcome you before Me.

When you think about it, what difference does any of your present Life have to do with anything? You have simply passed through one country into another. You are just someone, even a stranger to yourself, passing through, having your passport stamped, as if you exist. When you look at yourself with new eyes, you are a stranger to yourself. You are an unknown pretending that you exist, a kind of con-artist who pretends to be present yet is really nowhere, a kind of interloper who has no idea what he or she is doing here, a Pretender to the Throne who may fool everyone including himself.

You are in perpetual motion. You ride on top of a raft on the wide waves of the Ocean! How on Earth did you get here, and what on Earth are you doing here? How long must you stay a Pretender? When does Life actually happen?

You are here, and not here. You are here while you are simultaneously elsewhere. Your mind is often somewhere else, and you may not recollect where your mind has been.

Between every thought of yours, there is a gap. This is where you have been – in the gap – yet you also have no idea where or what this gap is anymore than you really know where or what you are when you are seemingly midstream.

Confess, you don’t know much with certainty. You don’t begin to know yourself or know what’s going on with you or with anyone else either. At best, there is some kind of illusion you perpetrate upon yourself.

Somehow someone wound you up and let you loose, yet, when all is said and done you may feel disconnected to everything as the true state of affairs.

Beloveds, there is no said and done. There is you on a secular island, so it seems, as you pace back and forth, wearing out the carpet.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/13/2017 5:09:12 PM
Heavenletter #6198 Chock-Full of God’s Love, November 13, 2017

God said:

On the Constant Occasion of My Love for you, I AM ever-present whether you catch on to this or not.

From My view, the Essence of My Love holds you in the Cradle of Love. My Love ever fully shines on you. This can only be because the Universe, Heaven and Earth, are chock-full of My Love. We can say it is My Radiant Love that shares itself with your Radiance. Awake!

Your Radiance is the same as My Love. I am certain of My Love. You tend to lack Awareness of Who you are. You may find Truth difficult to believe when you get enrapt in fiction and hold on to fiction as if to save your very Life.

You are encased in Love and full of Love, and that’s it. Love is what is and all that there is. There is no reason for you to ask for more Love except you bemoan that somehow you have covered up the Love that you hid away, waiting for your Love to come out from somewhere without your telling it to.

Wake up now to the Love that fills the Universe and fills you with Love from within and without exception. You are Love, and you are Love Pure.

It is your habit of thinking that is off-base. You see as you see. You may not yet see what is visible until you open your eyes and heart wide.

C’mon now, what else would I possibly make you from if not Love? I do not plant within you seeds of discontent or weeds, yet, I must say, even those strangling weeds you make up in your mind serve a purpose. The purpose is to wake you up. Wake you up to what?

To wake you up to the Being and Love you have ceased to remember that are the Truth of you and never were anything else but the Truth of you. You have regarded limits on Faith. You upheld Faith in desultory disruption to the Beautifulness you and every other seeming limited Human Being in the world can only be.

The only thing you can be less than Pure Love is a slow-awakener, a studied awakener. Oh, yes, you wake up in the morning. You yawn, stretch your arms, and then you may crave to go back to sleep. Yes, you are capable of slowing yourself down, yet you cannot make a difference to your True Nature except as you fake yourself out. That’s it. There is no more. That’s the Whole Story. Within all the variations, this is your Fictional Story complete. The same story is echoed throughout the Universe.

Now I tell you that you are everything that All the Recognized Great Ones are. Your Realization and converse perception of Who you are – therein hangs the tale. You do not know yourself. You feign streetwise knowledge and accept yourself as a hood or a vagrant, an opportunist, or a tough guy. With willingness to see anew, you will discover that you are the same as all the High Beings you have read about. I hail you.

Be an opportunist of Truth. The world you call real doesn’t have all that much in common with you. Do not be misled by your titles or income or fame in the world. Until you have a speaking acquaintance with the Truth of you, you don’t know much worth knowing, that is. Regardless of your degrees, the Truth of yourself and Our Relationship -- you have hidden in stealth from your Self the One Oneness you truly are. You may repress waking up in favor of not rocking the boat. You fear a random fear or two. It can be scary to carry a different identity from what you are used to.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/14/2017 6:17:46 PM
Heavenletter #6199 Ride Two Horses, November 14, 2017

God said:

Well, Beloveds, you have bet most of all your pennies in one direction when, all the while, there is another direction for you to go in – a direction that will take you to Greater Heights and Greater Depths for the Ride of Your Life. You will reach all these only so long as it takes you.

In your possession, you have one horse to pull you in your carriage and another horse for you to ride bareback. The first horse is named Earthbound. The other horse is known by many names familiar to you, one of which is Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love.

Somehow, in a flash in the middle of the night that you have no recollection of, you leap out of the carriage that Earthbound pulls and you ride on the bare back of Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love. You ride under the Stars! You race through the Bright Heavens until morning when you find yourself riding along once again in the carriage pulled by Earthbound in the dark forests.

You may blank out altogether on the idea that you have ridden anywhere at all, or you may feel vaguely that you have been somewhere without knowing where, and you leave it at that.

Of the two good horses you are engaged with, you realize you will reach your destination faster with Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love. Earthbound is more familiar to you, for he roams your daily habitat. Whereas you are no stranger to Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love, Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love is not so directly memorable to you.

You are also aware that this Second Steed has Infinite Horsepower. Nevertheless, you may prefer to ride in the comfort of the carriage that Earthbound pulls. Yes, it is easier for you to take out Earthbound, for you grew up with Earthbound. He takes center stage and is talked about the most in your circles.

No matter how much you may hear about the Dynamism of the Bareback Steed, no matter that you are sitting with Me, God, knee to knee, Earthbound is uppermost in your mind. Stories of Life and Earthly Surprises stay fresh in your mind and lure you to stay with them. Stories and Earthly surprises keep you where you think you are anyway, even when Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love is guaranteed to take you closer to Me sooner.

You may still believe in the power of ego and the overt riding of your loyal horse, Earthbound.

No matter how many times ego and the surface of Life have let you down, you keep thinking that ego will change your Life on Earth and rescue you and/or introduce you to something else that could be above the world. Anyway, you tell yourself that there is time to wait.

Nevertheless, ego can certainly keep you in bondage and in sufferance due to its tomfoolery. Ego’s wiles are as attractive as can be.

I do not tell you to abandon the world. I tell you to leave your attachment to the Earth world, no offense to the Earth. To be sure, the Earth is sparkling and has bright lights and wheels that spin. Even babies reach toward bright lights and rattles.

There are Brighter Lights and Greater yet to reach for. From My hand I hold out the Greatest of All to you Who may still believe in riding Earthbound to distraction. Take My Hand now. I will lead you to where you have always been which is right Here with Me. I will lead you to True Reality of Our Oneness. Ride both horses, Beloveds.

Heaven is where you have come from and where you are and have been all this mythical time I offer you Freedom. Walk right in. Here I AM waiting for you. Here I AM, holding My hand out to you. Come. Come now. Enter. Dare. Dare now.

Yes, you will lose the old photo of yourself and that old paraphernalia as if clutter could really be your natural habitat.

Beloveds, wake up. I AM your Natural Habitat.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/15/2017 8:02:24 PM
Heavenletter #6200 Life Is What You Make of It, November 15, 2017

God said:

There is Life, and there is Life.

Life is what you make of it. This is Life on Earth.

What you make of Life says a lot about you.

Remember that you are not to judge. You are not to weigh even your own Life. Let Me take that back and look at this from different angles. I mean, really, who can sum up Life, for Life is ongoing.

One man has no family, no money, not even one red cent. He finds a crust of bread in the street, and he is grateful for the moment he had something to put into his stomach.

Another man has a fortune, a big family, lives in a mansion. He has a chef who cooks him delectable meals, and he is tired of even food. In general, he doesn't see his Life as hunky-dory.

Life is not equal. Circumstances change. Life may reverse itself. Regardless, where does happiness come from? Without gratitude, Life is less. A Child of Mine has much to do with his happiness-rating.

Appreciation accompanies happiness.

It could be said that the hungry man appreciates, and the wealthy man despairs. Who can figure?

Certainly starving men may generally feel despair and ingratitude while wealthy men appreciate their lives from dawn to dawn, and vice versa. What makes the difference? Is it upbringing? Habit? Luck of the draw?

No one can skip death of the body. It is possible that a man convicted falsely of murder dies happy. How can this be?

And the man who committed the murder may be jumping for joy, or he may be sullen.

It may well be said that it is up to the individual himself what he makes of Life, yet many individuals are unable to see it that way. Who wouldn't choose happiness if only he knew how? Nope, it seems to most human Beings that happiness and unhappiness alike are foisted on them, that happiness or unhappiness come with the territory, that they have no choice at all.

Regardless, all people, wherever they may live, live under the Sun by day and the Moon and Stars by night. Light exists, yet not seemingly in every Life. What's up, doc?

All the favors in the world do not guarantee happiness, nor does a long list of miseries ensure a Life of misery. What is the missing factor?

I tell you to take Life in your stride. You answer that you would love to, yet you just don't seem to know how. Begin by having the intention. Desire without desiring your State of Desiring as being the end-all of your Life. Be happy without jumping up and down with Happiness then.

Oh, yes, when you count your blessings instead of woes, you will, of course, be aware of more happiness.

Here is an example of how high even in prison one innocent man can travel. Nelson Mandela, confined for so many years for irrational reasons, nevertheless, led a Life. He uplifted and lead many to higher Lives.

There is something in the world that can rise above all circumstances. Is it one man's destiny, or is it the destiny of everyone who defers his destiny?Who in the world can predict where Great Destiny comes from? Do the heroes themselves do it, or can it be simply that the Sun shines on them in this way?

Did everyone rise to great merit on his own, or just somehow, something got started with or without expectation of it?

This much can be known that Everyone participates.

Listen, when Peace and Love fill the conscious world, no one will go hungry. There will be room for all in the Inn.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
11/16/2017 3:03:57 PM
Heavenletter #6201 Make Life New!, November 16, 2017

God said:

There is nothing like Life on Earth.

Where else would you find all these twists and turns and otherness aside and apart from Oneness?

Not in Heaven, and not in all the other isles where Beings may abide. Only on Earth is there such a mix, such a mix of one thing or another, a mix of coincidences that congregate, and are still greater than the sum of all the parts. In fact, now remember a Glorious Oneness upon Earth. Life has had you fooled, Dear Ones.

There is something going on, and it is Life. Life is Life, yet Life on Earth is a mystery of mysteries. We might also call it the Holy of Holies.

What an Adventure you live and skate on. There is a volume of other Adventures you live amongst and apart from what you know you partake in. Sometimes you star in the stories, and sometimes you have walk-on parts, or you are even part of the scenery, as if no more than a painting on the wall. Nevertheless you are involved. You play a Great part.

You go through the revolving Doors of Life the way you walk into department stores. In this case, the merchandise is Life Itself and all the Stories of Life, no two alike, are all being shipped here and there, wrapped for sending. This Department Store sends further shipments but no refunds. Once delivered, lived and paid for, there is no story you can return.

However, you don’t have to keep staring at what was. You are free. You don’t always have to keep the home fires burning and stay locked up in the past, beautiful or not. By no means does a past story have to hold you a willing captive. You and another and others are joined while you appear not to be joined. When one role is no longer yours, you are free to rise from what once was. Honestly, you may have to go along on another path.

You can start a new story. You are not disloyal. You simply are not to stay in one place forever. It is loving of you to let go of the past. Life is a progression. Life is not at a standstill.

Remember, your loved ones have moved on to a greater plane or will. It is for you to renew yourself and go forward. You are not to have qualms about moving forward in Life. Your dear departed ones travel to other Lands. It feels heartless to you that your loved ones leave Earth and go in another direction. It isn’t heartless. Everyone sooner or later leaves Earth. No one is abandoning anyone. What happens is that your loved ones go on an ocean voyage ahead of you.

Consider that your Loved One is off to another Isle where he or she learns a new language. Life, so to speak, is about learning new languages. You will learn new languages by and by. You will speak in new tongues. And in Silence.

Beautiful hearts flow in and out regardless of the name of the dance they dance. Everyone learns new dances, one after the other.

No matter what, all partner with Me. All blend with Me – only seeming to be in the guise of one human form or another.

You will come to see that it has been yourself all the time that you charmed and were charmed by. Through thick and thin, all the characters are you. You are not lost. You cannot lose another, nor can anyone cast you aside. No one can cast any seeming other aside. All that can happen is that you wear different-colored glasses at one time or another. True Oneness IS. There is no one or another.

Where I am are you. Where you are am I.

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