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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 5:03:31 AM
Hi Diane... Thanks for stopping by.. Yes,,, the title of this group is a little scary but the reality of mold deserves such attention.. Mold has destroyed so many lives and I was never aware that it could even hurt you until it was too late.. Some of the things that it has done to me is permanent damage and I really want to help people avoid this suffering. I have almost 530 members now on facebook and they have all been hurt terrible by mold.. I would sure appreciate it if you would help me spread the word about our new group here Diane... I tried this before in Adlandpro and it didn't work very well... I am hoping for a better turn out this time..
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 5:14:11 AM
I am going to start off by posting some personal experience stories that i have collected over the years.. I am doing this for 2 reasons.. 1 is so you can get an idea about how serioius a problem mold can be when it comes to your health.. The other is so,,, if you recognize anything familiar in these stories,, then you may want to look into it more and see if you might be suffering from a mold related illness.. I am not going to post the names of the people whose stories these are just in case their situation has changed since they sent their story to me,,, for privacy issues.. Here is the first one.
" At first I began to suffer from headaches and sinusitis. I went to the Dr. and she put me on antibiotics for about four months. During that time I developed chronic fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, terrible nose bleeds and was diagnosed with Asthma, which I never had a day before in my life. My primary care Dr. then diagnosed me with fibromyalgia due to the amount of pain I was experiencing in my joints and muscles.

The entire time I just kept getting sicker and my sinus infection worsened. Finally she directed me to an ENT who said I had a sinus infection with a 75% blockage in my right sinus, 55% in the left and he recommended surgery. I had evacuative sinus surgery and my sinuses felt better for a little while.

The fatigue, hair loss, memory loss and pain still persisted. After six months I was in worse shape than before. I went back to my ENT and he said I needed sinus surgery again, this time I had such pain in my ears it was unbearable. He did my surgery and put me on steroids and more antibiotics, I felt so sick from the medications and steroids I felt as though my life was slipping away.

I still had the fatigue, hair loss and memory loss. While in Greece I went to see a homeopathic Dr. who seemed to understand some of my symptoms and provided me with some relief. When I got back to the U.S., I researched several Doctors who all sounded good and was about to go get treatment with one of them for my fibromyalgia.

By chance I spoke to a girlfriend’s husband who had gone through a nightmare with mold in his home and he had lost his job, became disabled for a time, but now has experienced a complete recovery. I remembered that at the time before I got sick, in my home, my icemaker line had broken and flooded my property for about a week.

The plumber came and cleaned up the water and fixed my refrigerator, but I never thought about mold. Finally, I had a mold test done and they found mold in my wall behind my refrigerator, the wall beside my refrigerator and in the subflooring under my refrigerator. I had the place remediated and once the post-test came back clean I went to research treatment. I asked my girlfriend’s husband where he went for treatment and he recommended the Mold Treatment Centers of America.

Though I was not as sick as I had been before, I decide to go to for testing before treatment to see what exactly was in me. I had high levels of Tricothocenes and Ochratoxins. I wanted to try and get this out of me once and for all, so I went for treatment.

All I can say is that my hair has grown back, my fatigue was gone within a few weeks and I feel like my old self. Strangely enough, since my treatment I no longer suffer from any symptoms of the Asthma or Fibromyalgia. I don’t know for sure if my Asthma and Fibromyalgia suddenly going into remission had anything to do with the treatment, but I would like to think so.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 1:51:04 PM
Hi Diane... Thanks for stopping by.. Yes,,, the title of this group is a little scary but the reality of mold deserves such attention.. Mold has destroyed so many lives and I was never aware that it could even hurt you until it was too late.. Some of the things that it has done to me is permanent damage and I really want to help people avoid this suffering. I have almost 530 members now on facebook and they have all been hurt terrible by mold.. I would sure appreciate it if you would help me spread the word about our new group here Diane... I tried this before in Adlandpro and it didn't work very well... I am hoping for a better turn out this time..

Good morning Bill and I am getting the word out...oh by the way did you read The Adlandpro Friday Review? I would suggest that you do?
RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 5:17:48 PM
I just looked over the review Diane and I was pleasantly surprised to see my group mentioned there.. That was very nice of Bogdan.. I also saw another post about my group on the FB updates.. I can't tell you how appreciative I am for you guys doing all this to help me promote my group.. We do have a very important message and I want as many people as possible to see and hear it.. Mold is literally destroying lives and in many cases even killing people and yet,, it is like one of the best kept secrets in the world.. We have to get the word out so I do thank all of you who are helping me do that .
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Bob Shoaf

202 Posts
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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 5:30:27 PM
Hi Dave,

Good for you for finding the natural way to healing ones body. The body does a far better job than the doctors for most diseases.

If people only knew the toxins they are taking into their body, they would start looking for better solutions.

The muscle test I've posted allows one to test a product and determine if it is a good or bad product. There's no agenda to this test. The product tested is either good for you or bad for you.

Some thought I was advertising something when I posted that 7 minute video. I posted it with absolutely no agenda. The method was meant to help people who wanted help to determine for themselves whether their product was good or bad.

Best regards,

Bob Shoaf
I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart

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