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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 10:48:01 PM
Hi Helen, I believe the issue is that because it is a closed group, then you will only see the front page ( people and images). Maybe Bill could put the doc he is talking about here within this group to help people know what symptoms are...or... you can join the group if that is something you would like to do.

What I am reading about this terrible illness, needs to be talked about openly.




I didn`t see the list there. I clicked on the link you provided and there`s no list there except a list of people and pictures of them.


I am posting a link to the list of symptoms for mold related illness here.. This is probably the best place to start when trying to solve a medical mystery like mold... Most mold victims have at least 8 of these symptoms.. Many of us have more and it is not uncommon to have 30 or 40 of these... I would copy this list for future reference and that way you can check off all the ones that pertain to you..
RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 11:11:31 PM
Hi Helen.. I don't know what to tell you... When I click on that link it takes me3 right to where it is supposed to take me... To the list of symptoms I have posted in the files in my mold group on FB.. I would try it again ,,,maybe it will work now..
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 11:15:52 PM
I will post the complete list of symptoms here on this page.. It is a very long post so I don't know if it will post all of it at one time but here goes..

In alphatibetical order, this just about covers every possible symptom. Only those afflicted would not be surprised at the number of symptoms experienced by the average mold victim. Others may think you are crazy when you mention your symptoms. Some people actually believe they are crazy but, in reality, having 20, 30 or more of these symptoms is not uncommon. What is uncommon is finding a Dr who believes you and can treat for these symptoms. How can they possibly treat an illness they they refuse to diagnose.

abdominal pain
abnormal pap smears
acid reflux
allergy symptoms (wide variety of)
mild to severe and from transitory to chronic - Ref: Middleton and assoc.
Allergic bronchiopulmonary Aspergillosis - worsening of underlying asthma or cystic fibrosis,
coughing up blood, weight loss - uncommon
Allergic Rhinitis and asthma are associated with responses mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE)
altered immunity
apnea, sleep
Aspergilloma (fungal growth in lung), cough, coughing up blood, weight loss. Uncommon.
asthma and asthmatic signs
asthma, adult onset
asthma, sudden onset, any age
asthma, increased symptoms or renewal of previously diminished symptoms
Asthma due to fungal allergens: chest tightness, wheezing, cough, dyspnea. Worsens w/ exposure. Cx typically occur within 1 hr of exposure

balance, loss of
bladder and kidney pain
bleeding lungs
blood pressure irregularities
body aches and muscle pains
boils on skin, especially neck, especially following disturbance of moldy materials (S. chartarum) (photos on file)
breathing difficulties
Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis / allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: inflammatory disease caused by immunologic response Aspergillus sp., usually A. fumigatus, growing in bronchi of asthmatics reported in immunocompromised patients and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and has been linked to building-related illness (BRI)
bruising easily
burning mouth
burning eyes
burning throat
burning lungs

candida, systemic
Chronic Candidiasis FAQ - see Dr. Fungus:
central nervous system disorders (CNS)
chest pain associated with excessive coughing
cholesterol or triglycerides unusual variations
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
chronic sinus infections
coated tongue
colds, recurrent
cough, dry hacking
coughing up blood
dandruff resistant to usual treatments
dark urine
death in extreme cases (humans, other animals)
Dermatitis: red, itchy skin, rashes
difficulty concentrating
difficulty in swallowing
dirt-like taste in mouth

eye infections, (beware of undiagnosed fungal eye infections), loss of vision
eye irritation

face flushing intermittent
facial movements, unexplained twitching
farmers' lung disease
fibrous discharge from the nose, nasal fibers, mucosa - (See Morgellon's syndrome or Morgellon's disease below)
fibromyalgia - numerous websites and articles discuss possible connections between mold exposure and
Fibromyalgia - including these:
jessica.pdf#search=%22Fibromyalgia%20mold%20%22 - Swarthmore study - free clinical search
we have also corresponded with people who report suffering from Fibromyalgia and significant mold exposures, though the identification of genera/species and level of exposure were lacking.
flu-like symptoms: WARNING: flu-like symptoms can be a sign of potentially fatal carbon monoxide poisoning! Immediate help may be required.
food allergies
frequent bloody noses
frequent infections
fungal infections, systemic such as histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, and cryptococcosis, responding to contaminated bird droppings or construction dusts

Glucan sensitivity: Glucans are glucose polymers that are components of most fungal cell walls, and exposure
to airborne 13-beta-D-glucan has been known to cause irritation symptoms due to airway
inflammation (7). However, these irritant effects are transient and self-limiting

hair loss
heart attack
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis - (Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis) - tightness of chest,
difficulty breathing, cough, fever, muscle aches, reactions occur 6-8 hrs after exposure. - Uncommon.
hemorrhagic pneumonitis
Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis - (Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis) -
hypersensitivity to airborne allergens or house dust
hypersensitivity to mold
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, associated with T-cell responses and responses mediated by
immunoglobulin G (IgG). hypersensitivity pneumonitis is characterized by recurrent symptoms of
fever, cough, and chest tightness and the presence of pulmonary infiltrates on a chest radiograph.
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis features progressive dyspnea, fatigue, interstitial pneumonitis, and
pulmonary fibrosis (Farmer's lung)

Alphabetic Index I

immune system deterioration, decreased resistance
invasive pulmonary aspergillosis - pneumonia, fever, bone pain, chills - occurs in immunocompromised patients - uncommon
irritation: aggravated existing allergic rhinitis or asthma
irritable bowel syndrome
itching skin, eye, nose, mouth
judgment, loss of ability to think clearly and make decisions
kidney pain and failure
learning difficulties
leaky gut syndrome
liver pain
long lasting flu-like symptoms

Alphabetic Index M

memory loss
menopause, unanticipated onset
metallic taste in mouth
migraine headaches
mood swings, sudden
Morgellon's syndrome or Morgellon's disease: symptoms including fibers in nasal secretions
fibers in skin and scalp particles or scrapings - skin lesions
mucous accumulation on back of the throat
multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
mycosis - various mycoses ascribed to mold exposure including
also see Trichothecene poisoning (below)
mycotoxicosis - Mycotoxins, which typically are cytotoxic, disrupt cell membranes and interfere with the synthesis of protein, RNA, and DNA The only well-documented human mycotoxicoses have been the result of ingestion rather than inhalation
also see Trichothecene poisoning (below)

Alphabetic Index N

nasal discharge, green slime, fungus, mucous, other (See Morgellon's syndrome or Morgellon's disease above)
neck boils or round rash spots (see online photos)
night sweats and hot flashes
nose irritation
numbness in face and limb
odors, increased sensitivity to (See ODOR DIAGNOSIS CHECKLIST)
Pungent odors may initiate avoidance reactions, a generalized feeling of discomfort, breath holding, and a burning sensation on the skin
open skin sores and lacerations
open sores on head
organic dust toxic syndrome

Alphabetic Index P

peripheral nervous system effects
personality changes
pets, sudden odd behavior, aggressiveness, disorientation, running in circles,
stumbling, falling, respiratory disorder, sudden death, incl8uding death of pets due to pulmonary hemorraging [area of ongoing research by DJF - web author] See: circling disease in sheep. See "The Toxic Effects of Mycotoxins on Humans, Sheep, & Possibly on Pets" discussed at MOLD EXPOSURE STANDARDS
pets, Cryptococcosis of Cats
poor appetite
puffy or droopy eyes
Pulmonary hemorrhaging:
Stachybotrys chartarum (S. atra) is a large sticky spore not easily made airborne. Stachybotrys mycotoxin was thought to cause acute pulmonary hemorrhage and death in infants, but the CDC has stated that the association has not been proved).
About 10 ng of mycotoxins are produced for every 1 million mold spores [Probably widely variable from zero to high numbers based on environmental variables as well as species variation--DF].
Assuming the exposure is cumulative, inhalation of 109 spores per hour would be required for toxic effects. [This is a very low level and easily obtained in circumstances where occupants are exposed to moldy building materials during demolition or cleaning.-- DJF]
Therefore, [in the opinion of some experts--DF] it is unlikely that inhalation of fungal parts presumed to contain mycotoxins could produce significant human illness--particularly in a nonagricultural setting.

Alphabetic Index QR

redness of eyes
respiratory distress
ringing in ears
runny nose

Alphabetic Index S

smells, increased sensitivity to
spleen pain
shortness of breath (see Asthma, COPD, respiratory disorders)
sinus congestion
sinusitis, cronic
skin rashes or irritation
skin redness
sleep disorders
slurred speech or verbal dysfunction (trouble in speaking)
sneezing fits
spitting up or vomiting mucous
swollen glands
swollen lymph nodes
Syndromes, mold-related
Eye Infections
Nail, Hair, and Skin disease
Onychomycosis (Tinea unguium)
Pityriasis versicolor
Tinea barbae
Tinea capitis
Tinea corporis
Tinea cruris
Tinea favosa
Tinea nigra
Tinea pedi
Systemic candida infection

Alphabetic Index T

Throat irritation
Tightness in the chest (this can be a common symptom of many complaints including mold-triggered asthma attacks)
Tinea: most common fungal disease is this superficial mycosis, not linked to IAQ/building-related illness
Tremors (shaking)
Trichothecene poisoning (Alternate names: Mycotoxins, T2, Yellow rain) - possibly related to mycotoxin exposure from some molds.
The US CDC offers lab criteria for diagnosis of Trichothecend poisoning including:
Biologic: Selected commercial laboratories are offering immunoassays to identify trichothecenes or trichothecene-specific antibodies in human blood or urine (2, 3). However, these procedures have not been analytically validated and are not recommended.
Environmental: Detection of trichothecene mycotoxins in environmental samples, as determined by FDA.
References for poisoning by mycotoxins, T2, Yellow Rain, or Trichothecenes:
Clinical Guide to Bioweapons and Chemical Agents, Vincent E. Friedewald, Springer, London, ISBN 978-1-84628-787-9 (online),
Trichothecene poisoning is discussed in depth at the US CDC website where the following references are also provided:
Wannemacher RW Jr, Wiener SL. Trichothecene mycotoxins. In: Zajtchuk R, Bellamy RF, eds. Textbook of military medicine: medical aspects of chemical and biologic warfare. Washington, DC: Office of the Surgeon General at TMM Publications, Borden Institute, Walter Reed Army Medical Center; 1997:655-77.
Croft WA, Jastromski BM, Croft AL, Peters HA. Clinical confirmation of trichothecene mycotoxicosis in patient urine. J Environ Biol 2002;23:301-20.
Vojdani A, Thrasher HD, Madison RA, Gray MR, Heuser G, Campbell AW. Antibodies to molds and satratoxin in individuals exposed in water-damaged buildings. Arch Environ Health. 2003;58:421-32.
Tuomi T, Reijula K, Johnsson T, et al. Mycotoxins in crude building materials from water-damaged buildings. Appl Environ Microbiol 2000;66:1899-904.
US CDC: "Case Definition: Trichothecene Mycotoxin",
unexplained fevers
upper respiratory symptoms (eg, nasal congestion, sinus headache, episodic dyspnea)
urinary tract infection (UTI)

3/30/09 discusses the possibility of making weapons from Trichothecene mycotoxins.
Alphabetic Index V
vaginal yeast infections - wee Women' health problems (below)
vertigo or dizziness
VOC sensitivity:
volatile organic chemicals may reach levels sufficient to produce central nervous system symptoms such as headache, inability to concentrate, or dizziness
vomiting (nausea)

Alphabetic Index WXYZ

weakness, loss of strength
wheezing breath
women's health problems, nonspecific
yeast infections, vaginal, (other?) symptoms: Vaginal. Recurrent episodes of Candida vaginitis associated with the classic symptoms of pruritus, burning and abnormal discharge.
Gastrointestinal. Heartburn, bloating, diarrhea or constipation.
Respiratory allergy. Rhinitis, sneezing and/or wheezing.
Central nervous system. Anxiety, depression, memory deficits and/or loss of ability to
Menstrual abnormalities. Severe premenstrual tension and/or menstrual irregularities.
Other Systemic Symptoms.
Fatigue, headache and/or irritability.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 11:24:30 PM
um Bill? I think you have just managed to scare the heck out of me...that is a huge list and one on its own would be bad..but to have 20 or 30 of these symptoms? this is terrible!!
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 11:29:27 PM

Thank you, William (or is it Bill), for that list of symptoms. It looks like it has every symptom there ever was or ever will be :))

I won`t use the Quote button. It is a long list. Thank you for posting it.


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