
error This forum is not active, and new posts may not be made in it.
Patricia Bartch

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/12/2012 7:52:11 AM
OKAY... THIS IS NOT CLEAR TO ME AT ALL. I wish the directions made it easier to understand HOW TO REACTIVATE A FORUM.

I can not figure it out.

One of my forums has gone inactive. I never wanted it to be inactive. what do I do??? thanks for anyone who can help

p/s. ... i did edit it but nothing would reactive it!!!!

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/12/2012 8:41:17 AM
Hello Patricia

You need to check your forums all the time. If a forum goes inactive, log in to the forum.

If you see the forum is inactive Go to ACTIONS Heading and then you should see heading ADMINISTRATOR

Click on EDIT just under Administrator.

On the side under PUBLIC or PRIVATE

Tick the box ACTIVE

Then go to the base of the page and click on UPDATE button

This will save and activate the forum.

You will be then have a live forum again.
Mr. D

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/12/2012 10:27:42 AM
OKAY... THIS IS NOT CLEAR TO ME AT ALL. I wish the directions made it easier to understand HOW TO REACTIVATE A FORUM.

I can not figure it out.

One of my forums has gone inactive. I never wanted it to be inactive. what do I do??? thanks for anyone who can help

p/s. ... i did edit it but nothing would reactive it!!!!

This one example of why the new forum is open and checked often.
You are a member of the AdlandPro Learning Center where you can get the help you need.
Mr. D

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/12/2012 11:56:58 AM

Keeping Your Forum Active

Here is easy to follow instructions to follow with screen shots to reactivate your inactive forums.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/12/2012 1:11:13 PM

Thanks Mark, That's a great link. Good info.

Thank you for your forum.

This forum has been around for some time and was set up to form a link between Admin and members with a view to sharing problems.

Your superior I.T. knowledge is helpful particularly in view of graphics.

Thanks for keeping us sane


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