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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2019 8:45:35 PM



Thursday, July 4, 2019

New Moon Phase: set intentions and set goals

Moon in Leo

Tzolkin: 11 Death

Skill: remain strong yet flexible

True Alignments: accepting opportunities, strong character, self mastery, passionate, strong foundations, taking the high road, willpower, willingness, chance to plan for the future, moving forward

Catalysts for Change: hot tempered, aggressive, feeling one is better than others, mental breakdowns, overestimating oneself due to ego, trying to put others “under thumb,” backed into a corner, pushing things onto others, stuck

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a clown caricaturing well-known personalities” (things are exaggerated in order to see truth)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “fairies dancing in the setting Sun” (sunset on the new world order)

Happy Independence day to one and all, American or otherwise! Everyone is invited to the party of freedom!

In the US, today we celebrate our nation’s birth, but in actuality we are celebrating our REBIRTH. Today is 11 Death in the Mayan sacred calendar. “11” is rebirth and “Death” is the cycle of death and rebirth or transformation. So you could say today is “double energy” for rebirth. We are finally throwing off the chains of monarchy and empire - the true Second American Revolution. The Sun is finally setting on the Phoenician/Babylonian/Roman/British empire. Our sovereignty unto ourselves is our inalienable right.

In perfect timing, the South Node (which rules the past) and Saturn (the planet of self-control) are in exact conjunction at “the Union Jack flies from a new British warship.” Empire’s flag is changed. It no longer flies above the fellowship of humanity.

The Sun is discharging 13 Cancer and the Sabian symbol energetic of “one hand slightly flexed with a prominent thumb.” Wisdom tells us that it is important to remain flexible. If plans change, roll with it. It will lead to something better. Open your heart and extend yourself. (This is the American way.)

The Earth is discharging 13 Capricorn, “a fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.” With the Moon in Leo, things have the potential to get quite FIERY. The highest use of this energy takes the reins of personal power (willpower) and focuses it for positive purposes.

“Playing with fire” is likely to back fire.

While this fiery theme is in effect, the Moon is also squaring Uranus today, bringing higher potential for shocks, accidents, and conflicts. Be extra cautious around fire, flames, and fireworks. Double check that candles are extinguished.

Venus takes us sky high today to see a bigger picture. Venus is discharging 02 Cancer, “a man on a magic carpet observes vast vistas below him.” What do you see from your magic carpet today? Since Venus is involved, we may gain new perspective about interpersonal relationships.

If you are alone or feel alone today, take heart, as Mercury is discharging “rock formations tower over a deep canyon.” This energetic advises us to go inward to the depths of ourselves to bring something out. Our inner strength is limitless - and it is the place of Divine Connection. Leap inside yourself and pull something forward. What we do for ourselves, we do for all.

Finally, today’s energy asks us one question: Do you want to take a chance or stand still?

Have a happy and safe Day For Freedom, wise owls. I will see you tomorrow.
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/5/2019 12:11:08 AM

GFP Newsletter - 7/3/2019

will's picture

Live it as richly as possible, and don't try to be consistent. The consistent man is a very poor man. Of course the society respects the consistent man, because the consistent man is predictable. You know what he is going to do tomorrow, you know how he is going to react. He is manageable, he can be easily manipulated. You know what buttons to push and how he will act. He is a machine; he is not truly a man. You can put him on and off and he will behave according to you; he is in your hands.

The society respects the consistent man; the society calls consistency "character." And the real man has no character. A real man is characterless, or beyond character. A real man cannot afford character, because character can be afforded only at the cost of life. If you renounce life, you can have character. If you don't renounce life, you will have many characters, but you will not have character. If you don't renounce life, how can you have a character? Each moment life is new, and so are you.

Society will not respect you, you will not be a respectable citizen -- but who cares? Only mediocre people care about the respect of the society. The real person cares about only one thing: Whether I am living my life or not, whether I am living it according to my own vision or not, it is my life, and I am responsible to myself.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/5/2019 12:16:01 AM

Daily Message ~ Thursday July 4, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, so many of you are so hard on yourselves if you forget to practice what you know or behave in a way that you feel is not spiritual. We would see your slips as successes from our perspective.

The fact that you wish to show up as your highest version of self is a wonderful intention, which indicates growth and expansion. The fact that you catch yourself when you are not in an alignment you prefer rather than simply staying there is great progress, for it indicates you have evolved beyond being comfortable in those old energies.

Every single time you catch yourself and choose again it is a vibrational leap that not only serves you but the planet, as well. Every time you redirect back to your own truth it is a powerful declaration of self and a clear demonstration of your new preferences. You are in the process of energetically anchoring new habits that better match who you are and where you wish to go.

So rather than beating yourselves up for your perceived failures, please know the fact that you have developed awareness and now prefer something different is a wonderful success. It is defining yourself again and again in ever higher vibrating ways. That is exactly what is driving the shift on your planet and is a truly a glorious thing to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/5/2019 1:18:44 AM

A Message to Lightworkers – June 28, 2019

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

And we see that many of you are coming into a time of Integration, which our writer was speaking about with someone today—a time of integrating your higher self, your soul’s presence, and your most authentic life intentions, into your spirit, mind, and body.

Several things may occur to you as you think of doing this: “It’s too difficult—I might fail at it,” or “I don’t know howto be my higher self!” or even, “Am I allowed to be that insightful, Joyful, and empowered?”

And we would say, you are more than allowed.

With these energies pouring in now to your planet and solar system, integration with your higher self is actually now a requirement of your daily life.

We would encourage you to open up and to welcome the process—to welcome the process of releasing feelings of stress and worry, of sadness and disempowerment, of smallness and powerlessness.

Are these pleasant experiences, to feel any of those? Of course not. You don’t need them!

A great part of your life path now is engaged in moving out of those feelings and experiences, and breathing fully into your power, realizing Who you truly are.

Consider for a moment what this means for you, on a daily basis.

As you integrate with your higher self and merge more often with your soul and its incredibly wealth of resilience, Joy, wisdom, and self-assurance, you begin to relax into Knowing that All Is Well, even when outer situations challenge you.

Santa Fe Sky – Photo by Jennifer Scalia

You begin to see that you are not on the Earth only to wrangle with challenges and pain (past or present), but to reign over the circumstances of your life as being only an outer projection of what you have chosen to experience—a choice made either in this life or before coming into it.

You begin to grasp that in this great holographic projection that you call everyday life, you are the Creator and the Originator, the Experiencer and the Reformer, all in one.

You are not at the mercy of what feel or look to be “outer realities.”

You are in fact their author, and can revise anything you wish, beginning first with how you feel about those situations—how you view them, what you believe them to be, and whether or not you see them as having power over you (and they have none, unless you allow that).

Is this a simple transition to make? Does it happen quickly?

Some of it, yes—as soon as you determine to stay in your body and your heart-space as you view everyday life, releasing the impulse to allow your mind to determine and interpret what is happening, letting it tell you how endangering, annoying, or Wrong that situation or person is.

As soon as you decide that your focus now comes from a higher place—from your calm and Peaceful higher aspect, not your confused lower, smaller self—you begin processing experiences and ideas from that higher perspective.

And that perspective is a miracle, compared to how you have been taught to view life.

That perspective lives in a place of ongoing unconditional Love for yourself and all others.

Does that mean that everything that happens to you or others is OK and wonderful?

Well, no, as you still live in many paradigms of duality in which the denser “realities” of life will strike you as unfair and unjust many days.

But remaining in your body, not trying to heal or fix or change the situation or person immediately, and staying responsible for your own well-being before you take up responsibility for another—this will free you from entering absorbing the density, sadness, and destruction of a painful situation.

In that moment, you end the practice of giving up your power.

You begin to transform the situation by holding space for its healing, from a place of detachment.

Photo by Lynne Newman

The detachment and release of dense, third dimensional Earth systems and circumstances does not come to you from without.

The only way to free yourself, and to empower others to free themselves from all the illusion, is to know that no matter how seemingly difficult a situation may be—yes, even when children are kept in cages and cement block cells, away from loved ones and denied proper food and medical care—no matter how dreadful that may feel to be, there is still the chance to know inwardly that their souls are more powerful than any outer situation they encounter.

You may be wondering now about those souls that have been fractured and impaired by life experiences that were too traumatic for them to bear, and we are aware of this.

We would say that your Universe has made a decision, in moving into a new Sat Yuga of Peace and Healing, to bring in the higher Light that can heal the souls that have suffered more than they could bear.

And that reintegration and healing on a soul level is being offered more Earth souls now than ever before.

If you have a hard time believing this, it will be harder for you to co-Create your own soul healing, reintegration, and empowerment, and therefore, your own Earth life empowerment.

Is that where you desire to be?

Will you allow the ego-mind and the personality, and the brainwashing of religion over your many Earth lives to run you to the degree that you surrender all choice, all power, all renewal over to them, as if those influences were your lord and master?

Is that why you came?

We would say, you came for the opposite of that.

You came for the liberation not only of a planet’s population, as dramatic and powerful as that is, but for your own freedom, re-formation, and enlightenment.

That is your path, and no one can take it from you.

Photo by Lynne Newman

You may begin today—right now—to look at a situation in your life that has been causing you pain or consternation, and put your hand over some symbol of it, or your own heart, and tell it, “I bless and release you to your higher good.”

Then hand it over to your guides and higher self, and as your higher self stands before you, step into his or her energies.

Stand up and do this now if you like, living out the visualization fully by walking right into your higher self’s presence as they stand before you.

Know that as you daily hold the intention to BE your higher self, not only to be guided by them, that you are indeed achieving this, in beautiful ways.

And that in this, as in all moments as you Ascend on your path, dear ones, you are never alone.

Namaste, friends!

We welcome you to your new Earth life, and celebrate with you all that that holds, as you create ever higher forms of Earth life.

For this you came. .

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
7/5/2019 2:10:32 AM

This Is It!

Galactic Free Press's picture

Some of you may have noticed a deep fluttering of energy moving through The Universe. As it moves through your physical world, you are being guided to look within, to feel into your body and soul and explore the possibilities existing there. This type of energy is the catalyst for manifestations and great change…and it is just the beginning! (Smiling) You have reached a critical point in your evolution, dearest one. Now is the time to act on your deepest desires and most treasured dreams. If ever you were waiting for a signal or sign…this is it! ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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