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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2019 9:11:51 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 2, 2019

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What words of love can you speak to yourself today? What loving song can you sing to yourself today? What energy can you wrap yourself up in today that allows you to feel your own tender care and nurturing? You are the expert on you and as such are the best one to know exactly what you need to move forward with the most comfort, ease, and support possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2019 11:24:59 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/1/2019

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Life is multidimensional. Don't confine it, don't make it linear, don't live like a line. Live the multidimensions of it, the multi-phases of it, and then you cannot be consistent, because life is paradoxical -- one moment it is joy, another moment it is sadness. If you are very consistent, then you have to go on smiling; whether your heart is crying or smiling, that doesn't matter, you have to be consistent...

Life consists of sadness too. And sadness is also beautiful; it has its own depth, its own delicacy, its own deliciousness, its own taste. A man is poorer if he has not known sadness; he is impoverished, very much impoverished. His laughter will be shallow, his laughter will not have depth, because depth comes only through sadness. A man who knows sadness, if he laughs, his laughter will have depth. His laughter will have something of his sadness too, his laughter will be more colorful.

A man who lives life in its totality is a rainbow; he lives the whole spectrum of it. He cannot be consistent, he has to be inconsistent.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2019 12:10:24 AM

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - June 30, 2019

Hello there. Well … last week we spoke of the full-on Energies hitting our Planet at the moment. This week I would like to talk about the full-on Energies hitting out Planet at the moment! I mean … what the? So many souls going through intense clear outs and not only dealing with that … so little sleep and feeling wiped out! Everything is feeling ‘Topsy-turvy’, yet I feel the ‘Topsy-turviness’ that you speak of is far greater than this and still to come?

Welcome to Each One upon the Earth Plane. Each outstanding soul that is there to do that which you came to do and doing it so well. Indeed Blossom … you are correct … these upheavals that are stirring from within are nothing to what is to come.

Far out! Something to look forward to then!!??

Yet, they shall be upheavals of a different type. For, at the moment these Energies entering and ‘doing what they came to do’ are for the soul /sole purpose of cleansing/healing all of the soul’s ‘past’ … through all lifetimes. Can you imagine that? When you think about that alone … it is of a ‘shift’ of gigantic measure.

You can say that again! It’s difficult enough sometimes, just shifting and healing stuff from this little journey, let alone going way, way back in time.

And let us add on to that also, the fact/knowing that you are not just healing/cleansing all that is from YOUR Energy … yet, that as a WHOLE CONSCIOUSNESS.

No wonder we are all pooped!

So it is that these initial stages …


Correct Blossom. Initial. For as we said it is just beginning. These initial stages of the purging are concentrated upon the soul-self, from a human level/soul within the human level point of view and there is quite a way to go before this is complete.

Then … the Energies coming in will be concentrating on the embedded imprints upon Mother Earth that will then have to be cleared. When one considers wars, famine … you name it … there is much to be released. Much has been ‘trapped’ within the *’field force’ of your Planet and must now be set free. It is time.

Could it not have been achieved before now?

No. The Energies coming into assist you are of a much Higher established level in order to have the effect required. It was necessary to wait in order for the ‘agreed register’ to be reached allowing such intense Energies through.

When you say ‘agreed register’ do you mean ‘register’ as in ‘tone/level’ type thing?

Yes. Please keep in mind that although we have spoken of more intense clearing ahead to cleanse and heal your Planet … you will be in a more ‘sound position’ to be able to see it through … because by ridding your entire Being of all ‘the old’ … such strength shall return to you. The part of YOU … that is of the Highest Light and therefore, allowing your following ‘commitments’ to be handled with greater ease and understanding than you are presuming. You are considering it to be ‘much worse’ than that which you are confronted with now … this NEED NOT be the case … depending of course on how you choose to accept that which is taking place for you now.

One can choose to feel miserable and downcast and moan and groan … or one can recognize this time for what it is … a way forward into a MIGHTY SURGE OF CHANGE.

Would you/could you not say for yourself Blossom that the ‘purging’s’ that have arisen for you of late have brought you into a clearer place within your Being?

Without doubt, though at the time it was ‘horrible’!

And Each One shall feel the same as they recognize the choices to address.

One thing that baffles me is … certain circumstances will present themselves that may not ‘appear’ to have anything to do with that which needs cleansing/healing/forgiving and yet, the outcome can bring up something from way, way back that one may not only have forgotten, yet, maybe not even know about … from a past life perhaps? So, are you able to explain how the Energies coming in ‘MAKE’ that work? How does ‘Energy’ conduct each one of us to bring about situations/circumstances/souls that can release that which needs to be released?

We would answer by saying that we cannot answer that! From the aspect of Universal workings that are Divine and ‘playing their part’ in the healing /cleansing of this Planet and those who are involved with her … in order to Change the Game.

We could offer that the Energies are of a Higher Vibration so that lower frequency Vibrations cannot merge with these Higher ones … so they have to be ‘got rid of’. So, in that Knowing from the soul-self … the Universe will literally provide scenarios to be played out that will give opportunity to recognize and release all that is within/of these lower frequencies … so that the process of Ascending can follow its course.

A lot of souls are experiencing the ‘what’s the point of it all’ … ‘why bother’ … when they look around and see so much sadness and pain and unnecessary suffering that innocent souls have to endure. You say nothing matters. So, what’s the point of it all? (I am not in that space right now, yet, many are.)

It is part of the cleansing.



We understand that this is perhaps a little ‘alien’ to you. Yet in TRUTH there are many ‘states of Being’ that are already residing within such Energies upon/within other scenarios of ‘life’. And it is that, perhaps another aspect of yourself is enjoying that pleasure of residence in this moment.

Yet, THIS aspect of yourself is here to Enlighten your Planet Earth and the souls upon it, in order to change the Energy … for it was not always like/of this as you know.

The Energies that have befallen Planet Earth effect everything … as … everything … affects everything.

Due to this affect … one has come down here to make an effect … that will bring about change.

TO LIFT EARTH’S ENERGIES ONCE AGAIN … Therefore, making the difference to The Whole.



I thought you were going to say ‘The change … is coming’ … yet, quite strongly you sent the thought ‘almost here’. So, once we as human beings are cleared … and we then move on to the Planetary aspects … surely that is going to take a while to complete?

We would answer with both yes and no.


In that … this is when Topsy-Turvy land will be in full swing. There will be no question of the upside-down-ness and the spinning around of it all. Again we state we are not speaking of your Planet’s physical movement. We are speaking of your governments and how countries are manipulated. We are speaking of all that does not serve the human race as a whole being uncovered and brought to trial. There shall be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, for the souls who have chosen to play these roles in THE GAME.

You have asked us in the past to send Love and forgive these souls for the atrocities they have performed … knowingly hurting and knowingly uncaring of the effect it would have on an individual … a race … a community … a country. I feel this is going to prove difficult for so many to forgive when their behavior is out in the open.

It will be indeed, one of the most difficult positions /circumstances that one has EVER had to encounter. To find in one’s heart forgiveness will have to come from the deepest Highest place of their soul.

Ok. If we are being asked to forgive them … and we do … not being funny, yet … have they not got away with their actions? If we just forgive everybody everything … then … can we not all do exactly as we please? What would it matter?

Yet, you know that to do what these souls have done … would not be as YOU please Blossom, or many please.

We have spoken before of sacrifice of a Lighted Being to ‘come down and be of service’ presenting as a ‘soul of lesser light’ … in order to teach and assist others in understanding the Light of Love that they are. It is like … when one auditions for a role in a play or a movie … they are playing the part … yet, it is not who they really /Truly are.

Yes. I get that too. Yet, they cannot just ‘get away’ with such behavior, can they?

No and they do not. Even though they may have, as we say ‘Sacrificed their Light’ in order to serve. Knowing they would have to ‘receive’ the repercussions of such a service. In that … no one can do anything to another without doing it to themselves.

In that … ALL THAT ANYONE DOES TO ANOTHER, be it of Enlightened or unenlightened behavior … they shall experience the same within themselves at some point. I.e. How they made another ‘feel’.

If it was making another feel so very Loved … then THEY shall experience feeling so very Loved.

If it was making another feel great pain, be it physical, mental, or both … THEY shall experience that same feeling that they cast upon another.

This is Law. As we have spoken of in days gone by. You cannot escape your actions. So, although forgiveness is the key … it serves both parties and yet … it does not release one from cause and effect.

We ask you to ask for assistance in these times. Those who were not chosen from their voluntary post as you were … are eager to assist in this ‘setup’ from elsewhere. They are so keen to offer strength and Loving Energy to help see those who did get this position … through these very turbulent time.

We feel it is time to retract our Energies … as you are tired.

Aren’t most of us? Yet, I feel we are all going through different stages at different times.

This is correct. We are aware this session has reached its usual ‘time frame capacity’ yet, we wish to impart that there is so much to remain Joyful and uplifted about. SO MUCH!

WE ARE GETTING EVER CLOSER TO ARRIVAL and we choose to let Each One decide for themselves what we mean by that … For we mean each thought one has on the matter!

You little tinkers!! Good job Guys. In Gratitude. In Loving service … I AM.

*They said ‘field force’ as opposed to ‘force field’ … so I will stick with that.

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

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Website: Blossom Goodchild

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2019 1:19:03 AM

Be Prepared

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Just a little more quiet time, a touch more tranquility before the heavy work begins. Yes, it is again time to tie down anything you do not want to lose and don your safety gear. (Smiling) The next round is coming and will be much different from the last few waves that have come through. The vibrations of your world are rising exponentially, and you will be receiving the tools and knowledge to put this new vibration into play.

The primary goal of the next few days is to help you become as comfortable as possible with the upcoming work. The Universe will never leave you unprepared. Just focus and breathe…all will be well. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2019 1:59:58 AM

The Hilarion Connection© Update – July 2019



Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The way before you is becoming clearer and you will find yourselves moving forward with amazing speed and focus. This is just what you have needed in order to take up the projects that have lain dormant while you assimilated a lot of awakening and activating energies and come to terms with unusual situations that have occurred in your life. These are still coming through and will continue to do so but you will weather the energies as they come in without feeling as though you are taking two steps backward. You are transmuting, transforming and transcending all that still comes up to the surface for your attention. You have learned to identify what is coming forth with life situations from the past and so you merely note that and change your thought to something else in its place, something pleasant.

This is how you transcend the situations in your life into a life that is lived in its highest potential. You must remember that each of you is a universe unto yourself, therefore you as the creator of it can exercise and engage higher thoughts of that which you desire to create and then observe as these become manifest in your reality. This skill level is an advanced ability of creation and manifestation to those who are on the path to mastery of themselves and their planetary collective thoughtfield. Those who are able to perform this ability easily are well on their way to the completion of their chosen soul lessons and the way before them beckons into new horizons. There are so many possibilities to ponder that it can become quite overwhelming.

What to choose from the menu before you? Do you want to explore new healing modalities, do you want to learn how to draw, paint, play music, dance, grow a garden without using pesticides, create sculptures that add great beauty to your surroundings, learn to beat your new drum and join or create a new drumming circle, do you want to write that great novel? The difficulty now is making a choice and honing in on what it is youwant to do. It is a strictly personal exploration and there is no wrong or right way in the doing of it. It is merely the wonderful realization that you have been the creator of your life all along but it was society’s programming that encouraged you to take the ‘safe’ route and stay small, rather than living large. Now living large looms in front of you!

Living large means you have the choice as to how you wish to approach this new arena of exploration. What will be your focus, what will be your purpose, what will be your own unique way. Is it to be timid and careful in the beginning and then burst out of that limitation into success in ways you could only dream about before? Or should you just go for it right from the beginning and take a chance that everything will work out as you envisioned? The world really is your oyster as they say, you can do anything, and it is up to you to find the pearl in every situation! Trust in your own inner guidance and your beautiful heart, if you do so, you will always be in Divine timing and placement at exactly the right time to reap the harvest of the seeds of love and light you have sown and which have grown into joyous abundance everywhere you turn.

Yes – you too, the constant giver, are now ready to reap the good that you have sown so persistently and generously throughout the years. You have always done what was asked of you in faith and trust. You have held your yoke of responsibility with tenacity, faith and loyalty even through the most trying of times and circumstances. These did not break you but made you ever stronger within so that you always rise like the phoenix as the fires of initiation come upon you. The Universe is smiling down upon you and awaits your command! Accept that this is so and allow the flow to become a raging river…you are so deserving of this! Know that you are blessed and revered upon the higher planes of consciousness.

Until next month…

I AM Hilarion

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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