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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2019 2:17:53 AM

Weaving Your Universal Tapestry Piece

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 21, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show You no longer feel comfortable with your former 3D activities, and yet you remain cautious about testing your new skills. You’re in limbo. Such will pass once you realize you can create a new activity or action if you don’t enjoy that which you thought you would.

I Know Who I Am is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you remain concerned that humanity is in a downward spiral. That destruction, as happened in Atlantis, is happening again.

The opposite is true.

Perhaps it would help you better understand if you could observe from afar, as we of the Universes do, for you are too close to the pattern of the earth’s new tapestry to see the images.

Many of you proclaim that such is merely another carrot encouraging you to continue this seemingly never-ending journey of self-discovery. For your dreams remain in the nebulous state of someday maybe, instead of appearing, as we predicted, easily and effortlessly. Such effortless creation is yet to come.

You are in a rest state, adapting to the energies of the past few weeks and preparing for the upcoming energies that will be more dramatic than most.

For you have transitioned beyond merely adapting energies to creating your new being.

Those following you will use the upcoming energies, as you once did, to create their new beings, to initiate the self-love process you are now deeply enmeshed within. For even though you might be concerned about your need to rest for the next energy burst, you are doing so without fearing you did something wrong or that you will never transition.

Without pinpointing the exact date, you are now likely relaxing into your new being – not by shouting and screaming in joy, but instead, by exploring the need to ignore shoulds and have tos. Which probably does not seem like a huge step, but is one of the largest leaps you have completed to date.

Your first transition efforts were to clear those pieces that held you in 3D despite your best efforts to move beyond 3D. Your second was to learn to love yourself. And your third is to follow your needs instead of those you once believed were more important than you.

Your next, and perhaps most dramatic stage to date, will be to incorporate your self-love into your self-contained being. Knowing without question who you are and where you wish to move next. That is the piece you are preparing for during this resting stage. For indeed, just loving yourself without acting on that knowledge is no different than many of the self-help courses you participated in when you were of 3D. No one can teach you how to be you.

Yet, that self-knowledge remains frightening for many of 5D for you want someone to tell you that you are right – ensuring that others are wrong. A stance you are quite familiar with, but which no longer enthralls you as it once did.

Your wish to be special is a 3D need. Your wish to be different is a 5D push. Yet, you continue a need to be acknowledged by others for your uniqueness. Something you learned in 3D as a pre-requisite to claiming yourself.

This next shift is exactly the opposite of that with which you are familiar, for no one will applaud your uniqueness other than you. You are now a self-contained entity who decides when and where to be. Something that appears easy, but is a task you might find as difficult as learning to love yourself. That is not to frighten you, but instead to inform you why you might require rest the next few days.

For you are about to declare yourself to any and all who attempt to place you in a special niche. You will not be nasty about your declarations, but instead, will find it difficult to understand why anyone needs to push you in any direction. You will become more independent than you have ever been while of the earth in any lifetime. At the same time, you will find it almost annoying that others want to follow you for you will not require obedience from anyone – eventually. During the initial days of this new phase, you will wonder why no one seems interested in the activities you find intriguing. But your need to slough off your “me too” actions will deepen as you delve into this next phase.

Loving yourself and acting on that self-love are two different phases. Even though those two phases are not as clearly defined as they might seem.

For initially, you will declare yourself independent and then feel uncomfortable, lonely, or even angry that you have done so. Just as was true when you took your first baby steps into self-love continuing many of your 3D shoulds even though you did not enjoy doing so.

This next phase will be as if you have closed the door on those 3D shoulds wondering why anyone questions your doing so. As if you are unknowing about your actions – not from your perspective, but from that of others. You will find most others boring, dull, or just not worth your time – even though you will be somewhat lonely doing so. A quandary you are preparing for and will overcome within a few days of declaring your self-knowingness.

Do not be frightened by your new assertions, even though you might shock those around you. You acted somewhat similarly as you moved into self-love. The difference is you will not feel guilty during this next phase. In truth, you will find it difficult to understand why your need to be you disturbs anyone. For you have or are moving beyond pleasing others to pleasing yourself no matter the 3D consequences.

You are evolving more rapidly than you now imagine creating your new you tapestry – a piece of the new Universal love tapestry. A tapestry that is growing exponentially daily as more transition to 5D and beyond.

You helped create the border of that tapestry when you initiated your transition, as is true for those now starting or in the midst of their transition. You are now preparing to fill in the tapestry images that are yours alone. So it is you must allow yourself to rest so that your new colorful images shine brightly for others to see and expand upon. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
7/3/2019 6:36:55 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 3, 2019

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The way you behave is a reflection of your level of attainment and personal evolution. It is the outward expression of your internal state.

This means you cannot control what another does by telling them what to do or how to behave, or forcing teachings upon them, because they must find their own readiness and energetic alignment to change from within. Any changes they may make in an effort to please you will likely not last because they are not supported by their own energetic foundation.

You create the most change through your own unique expression of self. You are the most powerful teacher by example. As you embody your beingness, others will notice and will naturally seek you out when they are ready to move forward with their own evolution.

Be the love. Be the safe person for people to approach. Accept people wherever they are on their journey. Offer your wisdom when asked but understand you are planting seeds that will grow whenever it is the right time for them, as each person’s awakening has its own pace. It is a divine unfoldment, and just as flowers grow at their own speed and bloom when they are ready, the result is always perfect and beautiful. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2019 6:38:58 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/2/2019

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Live all the moods of life; they are your own and they all have something to contribute to your growth. Don't become confined to a small space. Howsoever comfortable and cozy it looks, don't become confined to a small space. Be an adventurer. Search and seek all the facets of life, all the aspects of life.

It is said that you cannot write a novel about a good man. And that is true; a good man really has no life. What novel can you write about him? At the most you can write a character certificate saying that he is good -- and that is his whole life. He does not have much of a life, because he has no multidimensionality.

Live, and allow all that is possible. Sing, dance, cry, weep, laugh, love, meditate, relate, be alone. Be in the marketplace, and sometimes be in the mountains.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2019 7:15:23 PM

“Thinking” in Accordance with your Divine Design



Activation of Initiation ~ this Sunday, July 7

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This next Rite of Passage sets into momentum a grand shift into a brand new system of thought.

This new thought structure places your attention upon the ‘greater’, and the God in action within you. This overrides the existing defaults and eventually brings you out of limitation, permanently.

This applies to any number of life situations… finances, lacking something, challenging relationships, failing health, raising children, literally everything that you think, say and do.




Reprogramming the default pathway of thought can be simplified all the way down to some fundamental understandings. If we were to truly live our life through these key perspectives, our reality is guaranteed to shift radically.

The greatest understanding of all is that we live, move and breathe inside the body of Universal Mind, the consciousness of Absolute Source. Life, in all its activity everywhere manifest, is God in action.

It is only through a lack of this understanding in our human thoughts that we are constantly interrupting the pure flow of that perfect and wondrous essence in our lives.

Through the action of thought, we are either opening the door to our greater light or we squeezing off that flow.

Sometimes our thoughts escape us, and are automatically sent forth ignorantly and ungoverned. We can also fall into the trap of thinking through our emotional triggers.

It has only been through our own projections of thought that we have experienced limitation in our lives. This runs contrary to the divine design of our intended blueprint.

There is only one thing in this entire world that brings in limitation; one thing only. This is your acceptance of the outer appearance instead of the active Divine Presence of God within you.

When we bow to the false appearances, they will assuredly manifest in our lives.

The principle of life is naturally perfect and in harmonic order.When our thoughts are anything less than this, this life principle becomes instantly misqualified.

This sets the wheels of discordance into manifesting action, reflected back as experiences of limitation and suffering.

It is our willful ignorance of the law that misqualifies the divine principle of life and its perfection. It’s that simple.

“Misqualify” means to encode the thought with any vibration less than love and wholeness.

Thus, you can understand how important it is to know what you are doing when you thoughtlessly use dense expressions, day dream about negative scenarios or project low vibration thoughtforms.

We can climb out of this blunder filled barrel by sincerely accepting the Divine Perfection of God right within us. When this truth is authentically embodied, there are positively no adverse conditions. The attention is focused in the intelligent action of the Divine Presence.

This initiation is like slipping in a magic carpet under your feet to provide the springboard into your highest life potential.

We must stop giving power to the outer appearances. Every time you find yourself going down a path of limiting thought such as I am stressed, I am broke, I am old, I can’t, I shouldn’t, whatever the misqualification might be, instantly reverse this fatal condition.

Repolarize the default pathways by instantly repolarizing the thought. Call it right back and move it securely into your highest spiritual alignment.

You live, move and breath inside the body of Absolute Source. Therefore, the Divine Presence is in action in every facet of your life.

Re-polarize every thought you have to this truth!

“In this Rite of Passage, you are moving into a brand new thought structure that changes the entire person that you are.”

Tiara Kumara

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2019 8:30:36 PM

The Stillness

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You may be experiencing a little peace, a little quiet and a whole lot of growth right now. Use the time to enjoy the softness of the day, the tranquil pace and the abundant Unconditional Love flowing around and through you. There will be time enough for the hurried pace of quantum leaping later, my darling child. Today, give yourself the gift of reveling in the stillness. ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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