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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
7/6/2019 2:55:08 AM



Friday, July 5, 2019

New Moon Phase/Crescent Moon Phase 10:53 pm EST/02:53 am UTC

Moon in Leo

Tzolkin: 12 Deer

Skill: practice careful and gentle understanding

True Alignments: back on track, structuring a foundation, meeting challenges or facing something, weathering hardship, uniqueness, carving out a place for self and/or others, blazing trails in consciousness, bringing something from darkness to light

Catalysts for Change: swallowed by staring too long at darkness, issues with support or abandonment, directionless, seeking danger, doing things the hard way when an easier way is available, self-restricting, trendy, keeping up appearances, noisy and lack of consideration, outworn or old models and methods, stone cold

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a clown caricaturing well-known personalities” (things are exaggerated in order for us to see truth)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “fairies dancing in the setting Sun” (sunset on the control systems)

A few quick themes and one in-depth look at the energetic that the Black Moon switches to today:

1 - SEEKING GUIDANCE OR DIRECTION - This month, one of the main themes is finding solutions and answers. This is enhanced today, and found in unusual or novel places or sources. We can’t always get what we want, but we always get what we need, yes? Again today, pay close attention to animal sightings and nature in general for reminders and confirmations. Turn to the northeast direction and see what comes to you. The Sun is discharging “a very old man facing a vast, dark space to the northeast.”

2 - EVERGREEN - Staying power is brought to things today with the Earth discharging “an ancient bas relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture.” What do you want to stick around?

3 - GO SLOWLY - To avoid pitfalls, it is best to SLOW DOWN today. We want to be sure-footed with our actions. Venus is discharging “an Arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons.” We want to look before leaping into anything, remembering that the overall energetic is “no turning back.” Persevere no matter what.

4 - OUTER MATCHES INNER - Mars is discharging “a mature woman keeping up with the times, has her hair bobbed.” This energetic always asks us to assert ourselves and our independence, and not cover ourselves with a mask. True self seeks expression.

5 - SOUNDING THE CALL - At 11:23 am EST/03:23 pm UTC the Black Moon will move to 08 Pisces, “a girl blowing a bugle.” Yesterday the Mahavidyas directed me to sound the call, which you may have caught in my short recording last evening - “All Wings on Deck.” I did not realize the Black Moon was moving to this degree today. It’s time to rally and hold the line of truth and love. This is not a drill. There is MUCH MORE happening than meets the eye, and it is happening first at the spiritual realm. All we need to do is not waver and stay on mission: TRUTH AND LOVE PREVAILS.

The Black Moon will remain at this energetic until July 14. Then the real work happens between July 14-23 while the Black Moon discharges “intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed.” July 14-23 will be a critical time when we all will be needed. A direct spiritual clash will occur - metaphorically a “ride or die” time. We keep our eyes on the horizon. No fear, just love.

The Moon will move into Virgo tonight at 12:25 am EST/4:25 am UTC, bringing a weekend when those with the Sun, Moon, Chiron, or Black Moon in Pisces or Virgo (“Black Moon Days” as I call them) have tremendous growth and opportunity via integrating shadow sides. I had not planned to do a weekend report, but that will follow to bridge us through the void. The people in this category are taking up “the six” of the fellowship of humanity’s march to freedom from archontic control systems. Many thanks to all of them.

This month, wisdom tells us to allow space for humor to come in and heal. Let’s find that gate and open it up!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
7/6/2019 9:34:27 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday July 6, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, the more you release the need for labels, the more freedom you have. The moment you label something, you put constraints and restrictions upon it. Many times, in fact, it immediately stunts its growth.

Labels feed expectations and limit growth. They are often are created because you are trying to control something or to force it to behave in a certain way. Much like a fish will not outgrow its tank, the moment you put your creations in a box they can only become as big as their container.

The greatest gift you can give yourself and the things that matter to you is the freedom to self express and the room to grow into their grandest expressions of self. You sell yourselves so short when you start to restrain things in your desire to have safety and predictability, for the moment something stops growing is the moment it loses its purpose. There is so much more available to you than what you realize!

Allow your relationships to grow and evolve. By giving them the space to unfold, you support them in blooming into their highest potential. What labels do you have for yourself? Can you loosen them up or become broader in your own expectations of self? Can you allow your service to continue to evolve? Can you become friends with the flow and let it continue to surprise and delight you?

Your expansion is what allows you to shine brighter and brighter in your highest expression of self. The same it is for all the things that are most important to you. Support the fullness of everything around you and you will be amazed at how much more potential there is than you ever could have imagined in all areas of your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2019 9:47:57 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/5/2019

will's picture

It is only for a very few sensitive souls to find a sage as a master, because the mediocre follow the saint. Only very very intelligent people attune themselves to a sage, because the sage has no character and he cannot fulfill any of your expectations. He is bound to offend you, he is bound to disappoint you, he is bound to shake you and shatter you in many many ways.

Slowly slowly, he will make you as free as he himself is.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
7/7/2019 12:20:14 AM

GaiaPortal 7-6-19… “Angelic contrasts are presented to the unawakened”

First of all, this GP apparently was corrected after initial emailing, because the email had only the letter “c” in the first line.

The message here appears to be related to a type of “release from slavery”. Now the word “Telluride“… can mean an atomic element, a town in SE Colorado, et al. So I’m not surer what that is intended to mean.


Angelic contrasts are presented to the unawakened

Angelic contrasts are presented to the unawakened.

Starkness of the diligents is viewed by the empires.

Seething plantation items are released.

Tellurides come into view.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
7/7/2019 12:36:37 AM

Change the World – The Council

Change the World – The Council

Today we are going to ask you to change the world. Some of you will know that you are already doing that. But for those of you who do not, we want to return to a few simple concepts that we have discussed before. It will be beneficial to see them discussed together.

Changing the world seems to be a very daunting project to embark upon does it not? Pictures come to your minds of grandiose acts that change the course of history overnight. While that may seem to be what happens as you look at the historical record you have been given, it is not what happens. It never has been. We are excepting global and cosmic phenomena of course.

Historical change has always been made by mankind building upon previous change. Always. Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, Agricultural Revolution, and many more that you have no record of at this time were all processes that you went through. The same is what you are engaged in at present.

What we wish to discuss with you is not whether or not there is such a process happening. There is. What we wish to discuss is your place within it.

It is possible that you could be now, or may become, an individual who causes a major change in politics, in agriculture, in technology, etc. Yes, that is possible. But you must understand that throughout mankind’s experience on this tiny planet there have been many more, vastly more, anonymous persons than ‘famous’ ones. In fact, fame itself, as you know it, is an extremely recent phenomenon.

Were the untold millions not needed? The millions were the reasons for the changes. The millions were the ‘world’ that changed. The millions were the soil out of which the ideas grew. And more often than not, individuals receive credit for changes that they did not, individually, create.

Now, this is not the aspect of the subject that we wish to stress today. What we wish to point out to you is that you are sitting in an environment of vast change. This has never, in fact, happened on this scale where you are. It will be some time yet before the extent of what we are speaking of can be fully understood, but it is happening. It is happening now. This gives you an unprecedented opportunity. What so we mean?

As you are sitting in the midst of all this, you can decide something that will prove to be one of the most important decisions of your life. Or you can decide not to do that. Your choice, as always.

Are you going to go along for the ride? Or are you going to change your world? Are you going to rise each day with the intention of taking every chance to raise the vibration of the energy you are in? Smile? Be kind? Be of help? Contribute? Please learn to see every act that you or anyone else does as having an effect upon your world. It does. It does. It does. You cannot do, or not do, anything which has no effect. Every cause has an effect. Every effect is, in its turn, a cause. That is the truth of the yin/yang symbol you all have seen.

Are you affecting? Or are you at the effect of? This is a decision that you can choose to make. Our promise is that it is a decision that will change your world, your personal world.

The rest will happen. Indeed it is happening at incredibly developing speed. Many of you now can feel this. Hang on. It gets better.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
