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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2019 12:11:48 AM

GFP Newsletter - 6/30/2019

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The consistent man is a logical man, his life is one-dimensional. He lives in arithmetic, he follows logic. If anything goes against logic he simply avoids seeing it; he pretends that it is not there, because it is so disturbing to his logic.

And the logical man is the poorest man in the world, because life consists not only of logic, but of love too. And love is illogical. Only a very small part of life is logical, the superficial part. The deeper you go, the more and more you move into the illogical, or, to be more accurate, the supralogical.

Logic is good in the marketplace, but not in the temple, not in the mosque, not in the church. Logic is good in the office, in the shop, in the factory. Logic is not good when you are with your friends, when you are with your beloved, with your children. Logic is good when you are dealing in a businesslike way. But life is not all business; there is something far more valuable in life than any business. Allow that too.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2019 12:25:49 AM

Michael through Ronna: The Memory Seed Atoms Within Your Soul




Beloved masters, it is vitally important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times whereby many special dispensations are in force. It is a grand opportunity for you, the seekers of the Light, to tap into your Divine heritage and your special gifts and talents.

At rare intervals, and during the transitional period from one great Age to another, Cosmic Law allows the Beings of the angelic realm and the spiritual hierarchy to pass through the veil and make contact with select, awakened members of the human race. You must express willingness and a desire to interact with these wondrous, advanced Beings, for they will not infringe upon your free will.

When you focus your attention on a particular master, angel or Being of Light, they are immediately aware of you and will respond. The more intense, sincere and constant your desire, the more of their radiance they will bestow upon you.

Your guardian angels, spiritual guides and teachers will make every effort to assist you to receive the higher frequencies of wisdom which are critical for these chaotic times of transformation. These benevolent Beings endeavor to gain your attention by intensifying the Light within your Solar Power Center and eventually within your Sacred Heart.

You have waited centuries for an invitation to consciously communicate with the ascended masters and the angelic realms, and they have patiently awaited this time as well. Communing with the Beings of Light is a great evolutionary step for you, as human Beings, for it quickly facilitates a new conscious awareness and a powerful transformation within you.

Most likely, you will first connect with, and learn to interact and communicate with your personal guides, or sometimes, your master teacher will quickly establish a relationship with you – especially, if you made an agreement to work with that particular Being before incarnating in this lifetime.

When the time is appropriate, your master teacher will send forth an etheric Memory Seed Atom, via your Higher-Self, into your Sacred Mind. This Memory Seed Atom will ignite another Memory Seed Atom that was placed there before you incarnated. If you are willing, it will establish a telepathic link between the two of you, which will enable you to gain access to the appropriate higher frequency wisdom teachings via your master teacher.

This is one of the many miracles that await those of you are diligently traversing the Path of Light, and who have harmonized most of the imbalanced thought forms within your four bodily systems: physical, mental, emotional and etheric. We will speak more of this in the future; however, we will tell you that one of the greatest gifts awaiting those who are now resonating with the frequencies of the higher Fourth-Dimension is access to the etheric White Fire Memory Seed Atoms within the OverSoul-Self, which contain the many attributes, qualities, virtues and talents for this lifetime.

Many of you are in the process of developing your sixth sense – the intuitive mind, whereby you will have a direct line to your OverSoul-Self and certain Facets of your multiple Higher-Selves. It is the beginning phase of creating a direct line to home base, your Sacred Triad within the Fifth Dimension. Do not seek God in the heavens or some far away, unattainable place, for the Essence of the Creator, a Spark of Divinity, resides within your Sacred Heart. Many of you are becoming aware of your Divine origins; however, you have only a slight inkling of your vast potential as a bearer of Cosmic Light. It is vitally important that you become attuned to the ever-increasing frequencies of Creator Light, for it will accelerate the ascension process and assist you in attaining the status of a Self-master so that you may fulfill your pledge to be a Light upon the Path and a Wayshower.

Remember, you can only access vibrational levels with which you and your Soul Song are compatible. That is why it is so important to have gone through a clearing /cleansing process in order to achieve a more balanced and harmonious State of Being within your mental and emotional bodies.

Long, long ago, you, who would later come forth as the StarSeed Wayshowers for the ascension of humanity and the Earth, agreed to take on a special role on the planet Earth sometime in the far distant future. This group of brave Souls would incarnate into every race, color, culture and creed, and they would be spread far and wide upon the planet in preparation for a preordained cosmic drama: the mass ascension of humanity and the Earth, along with all material manifestations within this Sub-Universe.

Those of you who stepped to the fore were given a special dispensation whereby much of your minor imbalances would be cleared so that your earthly burden would not be too overwhelming. All that remained would be the major lessons that you needed to resolve so that you could return to a balanced and harmonious level of vibrational frequencies, thereby lifting your Energetic Signature / Soul Song to the Mid-Fourth Dimension and higher.

A vast multitude of you, the StarSeed, are well on your way to Self-mastery; however, too many of this Wayshower group are still at slumber or in denial. Each of you has a major role to play in the accelerated evolutionary process that is now in progress. The genetic encodings of this group carry the best qualities of all the former root races, along with special memory cell encodings for the new Golden Root Race of the future.

It is true that over time there have been great imbalances amongst this group of Souls, and many have not listened to the nudgings of their Spirit Self. They have forgotten their earthly mission. However, deep within your Sacred Heart core, each of you were encoded with a Light-encoded Memory Seed Atom which, when activated, would help you remember your promise to be our earthly representatives – that your mission would be to strive with all your Beingness to become proficient cocreators of beauty, peace, harmony and abundance on the Earthly plane.

We wish to review some basic information so you will be able to put what we are sharing with you in proper perspective. It is important that you not see yourselves as people of only one lineage, for all of you have experienced lifetimes in all the major root races. It is important that you do not place yourselves above those on the path behind you, for you have also been non-seekers and followers in many, many lifetimes. You have had black skin as well as the brown, white, red and yellow skin of the other root races, and you also have within your DNA all the distinct attributes, virtues and qualities of each of these root races. In this lifetime, you chose to be born into a particular family or to live in a specific country for a very explicit reason.

At a Universal level, after you had externalized into your individualized God-consciousness, and you had experienced eons of time in joyous cocreation, you and a harmonious group of Souls, which we will call “Soul family groups,” were called together in a great pyramid of Light in the higher realms. These Pyramids of Light would later be called WORLD SERVER PYRAMIDS, and they are scattered throughout the many sub-levels of the Fifth Dimension. You were told that there would come a time in the far distant future when a major phase of the Divine Plan would come to a culmination. Many specialized groups would be brought together who would have important roles to play in the “reunification process.” THAT TIME IS NOW!

Those of you we fondly call Old Souls are scattered throughout the world. True, there are greater numbers of these old Souls in some locations and cultures; however, this vanguard group is scattered around the Earth, from the most primitive rural areas to the most cosmopolitan and highly cultured cities. These brave Souls are not the people who run the government or make the headlines. They live on farms, for they love nature and the animals they care for. They have mundane jobs in every field of endeavor and quietly go about fulfilling their duties. They have positions of great responsibility, and they serve their country and its people in a great variety of ways. They live in mansions and in hovels, and in every social level from the lowest to the highest. They are members of organized religious groups, and they worship in their own unique way. Many are attuned to the whisperings of their Higher-Selves and have become masters of Self. Many others are well on their spiritual path, but unfortunately, there is a great multitude of these StarSeed Wayshowers who are still unconscious of their Divine nature and the promise they made so long ago.

Those of you who are in this group have encoded within your DNA the major virtues, abilities and qualities of the Atlantean race, that of leaders/pioneers/warriors. There is a deep-seated desire to use your mental abilities along with the Divine Will and Power of our Father God in order to be major cocreators on the physical plane of reality. In addition, you are infused with the highest virtues, qualities and abilities of our Mother God, which were instilled in those Souls who came to Earth during the Golden Age of Lemuria, the gentle, nurturing, intuitive, inward focused qualities, and in addition, great artistic abilities and a desire for peace, tranquility and contemplation.

You have experienced a rich and wondrous spiritual heritage, and in the past you have been blessed to have so many magnificent Beings of Light in your midst – masters whose teachings have left you with wondrous guidelines for living a virtuous life. However, it is time to blend the past with the future, and humanity is experiencing a deep-seated need for guidance, inspiration and support from one another.

We are going to suggest a new way, and it is our greatest hope that some of you will take up the banner. We are asking you to become the future spiritual champions for the emerging new spirituality among Self-aware humankind. We ask you to begin to come together in order to study, support and inspire each other. We ask you to share your knowledge, your wisdom, your visions and your experiences with one another.

We are aware of a great sense of loneliness amongst the peoples of the world – a sense of isolation. It is not enough to just read the teachings we give you or those of the masters, or to visit a beautiful cathedral or temple and pay homage to God. It is a time of reunification, and you must begin to come together to share your love, wisdom and inspiration; a time to study together and to support one another. We are not asking you to build more great temples, for that is not where the gods of the future will dwell. You are the cocreators of the future – Divine Sparks of the Creator – who are being asked to take your rightful place in the grand march into the future.

Beloved ones, it is time to release all the guilt, shame and feelings of unworthiness that so many of you have carried as core issues from a very long time ago. You must heal the pain of the past so that you may assume your proper role in the wondrous plan for the future that is now unfolding so rapidly on planet Earth.

Through our messages, we have given you the tools, wisdom and insight to release all things in your life that do not serve your best interests and the greatest good. We implore you to take to heart what we have told you, over and over again, You are worthy of all the love, beauty, joy, peace and abundance of this universe, for it is your DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT. You must learn to love and respect yourself. You must have a deep sense of self-worth before you can truly love and respect others, and before others will return the love and respect that you so richly deserve.

We ask you to review the qualities, virtues and attributes of your Divine Heritage that you are now displaying. Are you projecting too much of the masculine Atlantean energy, and focusing too much on acquiring and creating? Remember, we have told you that you are looking for a state of Being or a quality of life. You can acquire great wealth and manifest many wondrous things materially, but if your heart center is closed or you have ignored and not developed your Lemurian /Goddess virtues and qualities, you will feel incomplete, and you will experience a deep, indefinable sense of dissatisfaction.

Come together in groups of two, three, ten, one-hundred or one-thousand, it makes no difference. However, if you join together for the benefit of all, we promise you, we will be there in full force to empower you, to assist you, and to radiate the love of our Father/Mother God to you in the greatest measure you can contain.

Your major goal at this time is to return to the originally designed spectrum of Light and shadows, the vibrational patterns that make up your personal world in the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality. In doing so, your pendulum of consciousness will not swing so radically from positive to negative frequencies, and your mental and emotional natures will become stabilized and centered once more. This is an important step in learning to live centered within your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind. As you elevate your vibrational patterns, the higher frequencies of Light will gradually dissolve the many membranes of Light that restrict your higher consciousness. Once this occurs, you are well on your way to living a conscious, Soul-inspired life of a Self-master.

It is a most wondrous time, beloveds. We have been with you from the time you first externalized into your individual consciousness within this Sub-Universe. We will be with you as we go forward into the bright new future, as we join forces with the mighty Elohim, the great builders of form, in preparation for the fulfillment of the glorious new Age to come. I send forth the radiance of our Father/Mother God as we enfold you in an aura of Divine Love and Light. In you, we are well pleased. I AM Archangel Michael.

​​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address are included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2019 12:43:25 AM

GaiaPortal 7-1-19… “Left-leaning stars fade from view”

Well, I’d already posted a GaiaPortal moments ago, and now this new one comes out, and it seems to be “strangely” political, perhaps, if “Left-leaning” refers to “Liberal”. But the GaiaPortals have always pointed to much more than the 3D, so I’m presuming this one is as well.

It’s possible that it is referring to those “left-leaning stars” in the US Democrat party, for example, but it could also mean those principles of “socialism” (aka, “everything is free for all”) that are fading from view.

The third line, “Stars of Guidance become the mountain”, to me means that more and more people will see the principle of “Following Higher Guidance” as the most important one (“the mountain”) to follow.

In any event, have fun with this one!


Left-leaning stars fade from view

Left-leaning stars fade from view.

Transparents are collected for the Light Path.

Stars of Guidance become the mountain.

Marches of the ancients are seen again.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2019 12:53:37 AM

Laura Eisenhower on the Coming Celestial Happenings

You may have caught the fascinating discussion between Laura, Magenta Pixie and Jeffrey Daugherty the other day. Laura Eisenhower posted this on her FaceBook page today ~

Mercury retrograde happening soon, and some incredibly powerful Eclipses. Be careful with your words. These sorts of window periods between Eclipses can greatly shape our reality.

July 2nd is a Solar Eclipse in Cancer, and July 16th to 17th the partial Lunar Eclipse is in Capricorn. The Eclipses are close to the nodal Axis which is like a compass that points us in a direction that’s important for our Soul growth. The impact of Eclipses lasts for about 6 months.

It accelerates energy because it’s like a portal that takes us into the Soul Matrix, but here in this density we are mostly residing in the Personality realm ~ waking up in the Matrix and having to play human all the time….seeking deeper experiences and more connection.

When we do, we’re not in a 3-D mindset anymore and we can begin to recognize the way into true Ascension. Authenticity in our self, real community and true love relationships can offer us this solace and awareness, but as these Eclipse energies affect us ~ how much can we step into that zone and communicate on that level?

This is a powerful time because Cancer / Capricorn are the Mother / Father. We’ve been in imbalance and patriarchal control, and are now moving into the North node of the Mother ~ Water, Intuition and Nurturing. In doing this we feel the wounds of the feminine, the Artificial manipulations of our emotional bodies from the Moon that hangs near our Earth.

We have to feel it to heal it and connect in with higher octaves, to clear us of these lower energies. Capricorn Moon mid-July is conjunct Pluto, so what has this window of time created? What transformations and changes are on the horizon so that we can re-set the energies of Saturn/Capricorn in our lives? This occupies the South node position and our past, the foundation we have become familiar with.

We should focus on clearing the damage the patriarchal agenda has done to us. It’s impacted both the Male and Female. It’s more the control system that’s limited our DNA. It’s the net that we exist under, the false Matrix that generates Artificial Timelines until we take it upon ourselves to go beyond it all.

We can reset during this time and truly embody the divine template, but to do so, we may feel the pain of the distortions, traumas and wounds of our dark history…the theft of Sacred Union in our hearts and the programmings that have created false gender expression that’s not aligned with Soul, Monad or the Universal Mind/Heart.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2019 1:20:44 AM

Monday, July 1st, 2019

Benjamin Fulford Update - July 1, 2019

"Pentagon takes over G20, will push for Middle East peace and world federation"

By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society, July 1, 2019

Now that a peace deal has been reached (in principle) in the Korean Peninsula, the US military, who just took over presidency of the G20, are going to push for a real Middle East peace deal, Pentagon sources say. Peace is also breaking out in other trouble spots like the Ukraine and the India/Pakistan border. All this is happening as the US and China call a truce in their trade war and start negotiations to form, as the Chinese government puts it: “a new model for global cooperation.”

“The dialogue must be conducted on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Legitimate concerns of both sides must be addressed,” is how the official Chinese Xinhua news site described the situation.

The negotiations will include discussions on setting up a future planning agency to work in harmony with the multi-trillion dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, sources in the British royal family say.

The other big event last week was a deal reached between the British and the Russians over how a post EU Europe would be run, British and Russian sources agree. This deal was reflected by the official return of Russia to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). This group of 47 democracies is older and bigger than the 28 nation EU and includes major players like Turkey and Russia.

Also, since Russia was kicked out for annexing the Crimean Peninsula, this means a de facto recognition of the split up of the Ukraine.

The fact German Chancellor Angela Hitler was seen shaking mysteriously twice in public makes us wonder if she was not hit with some sort of electro-magnetic weapon in order to force her to give up on the German dominated EU.

What is certain is that Germany went along with the re-admission of Russia into PACE. It will also probably agree to a no deal Brexit.

Pentagon sources also say a financial black swan event is being engineered to…

…put an end to the fiat-based financial system and replace it with a Quantum Financial System (QFS) backed by a basket of real-world goods. “Trade wars, [problems with] Deutsche Bank, a no-deal Brexit, and Iran tensions are meant to cause a stock market crash and end fiat currency to launch the QFS,” the sources said.

You do not need to have a Pentagon insider source to realize that the current system is mathematically doomed. For one thing, the amount of money traded daily on financial system computers is literally thousands of times greater than the underlying real-world assets they are supposed to be based on. Right now, 80% of stock trading is done by computer programs, meaning AI is already controlling most of the future decisionmaking processes of listed companies. This has real-world effects.

First of all, it’s creating an asset inflation bubble of the sort that led to Japanese commercial real estate prices falling by 95% in value after their bubble burst.

U.S. pension funds, for example, assume their investments will have a year-on-year return of 7.15%. However, even if the stock market increases in value by more than that percentage every year, the real economy is only growing at the most by 2%. Since stock prices are not reflecting the underlying reality, this will mean that all pension funds are going bankrupt in the real world and people will suffer poverty in old age if the current system continues. Asset inflation also means that in the U.S., for example, 74% of people cannot afford to buy a house.

The trigger for a new Lehman-style shock this time is likely to be a $3 trillion financial garbage heap called Collateralized Loan Obligations, according to the BIS, the central bank of central banks. “What is good for today need not necessarily be good for tomorrow. More fundamentally, monetary policy cannot be the engine of growth,” the BIS admits in its latest report.

In other words, even the BIS realizes that something like a reality-based, meritocratically run future planning agency would do a better job of managing the economy than using AIs to distribute fiat money and create financial bubbles.

The admission of failure by the financial oligarchs is, of course, is why there is so much frantic real-world horse trading going on these days.

The biggest real-world commodity remains oil, and here is where the United States still has its strongest cards. This tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump puts it nicely: “China gets 91% of its oil from the Strait, Japan 62%, and many other countries likewise. So why are we protecting the shipping lanes for other countries (many years) for zero compensation? All of these countries should be protecting their own ships.”

Pentagon sources say this tweet has already caused China, Japan, and India to send submarines to “to patrol the [Persian] Gulf and hunt Israeli [submarines].”

Of course, it was the Pentagon that was behind the tweet. “With Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense and Mark Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it appears the Army now runs the Pentagon after the Marines had their turn with [Generals Jim] Mattis and [John] Kelly,” the Pentagon sources note. This means the Marines have established a secure beachhead against the Khazarian mafia and now the Army is taking over more mundane but important administrative tasks.

As we mentioned near the top of this article, the U.S. military now has leadership of the G20. That’s because their Saudi American colony has taken over leadership of the G20 from Japan. This means the U.S. military will coordinate the agenda via their script-reading fake Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

The Pentagon, of course, is furious at having been manipulated by radical Zionists into invading Iraq and is determined not to be manipulated into fighting a war with Iran. The Pentagon sources note that “at the G20 there was no coalition against Iran, but India cancelled a $500 million deal to buy anti-tank missiles from Israel.”

The fact that Trump was positioned between MBS and Turkish President Recep Erdogan at the G20 group photo was meant to show that Turkey, together with Saudi Arabia were going to work together for peace in the region over the coming year,” the Pentagon sources say.

Russia will work with Turkey, Egypt, Saudi America, and Iran to force the Israelis to accept real peace, Russian FSB sources say. Last week Israel was given a warning when its GPS systems were made dysfunctional by the Russians, rendering most of their weapons systems useless.

The people of Israel are also finally starting to wake up. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak announced his return to politics last week saying, “This is not time to be on the fence… Netanyahu’s regime, with its radical messianic zealots and its corrupt leadership, must be toppled.”

Since Barak used to be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s military commander, he knows from personal experience what a dangerous zealot the man is. By referring to “radical messianic zealots,” he was confirming what this writer has long asserted, which is that Israel is run by fanatics trying to start an artificial Armageddon.

Getting back to Asia, Chinese sources are saying the reunification of the Korean Peninsula will start with moves to deepen economic relations by linking railroads and roads, opening the Kaesong Industrial Complex, and allowing South Korean tourists to visit the North, among other things.

Also, in Indonesia, President Joko Widodo was officially confirmed as winner of that country’s election by securing 55.5 percent of total votes, ending Khazarian attempts to seize that country’s gold. As the Red Dragon Ambassador famously predicted, “555 will beat 666.”

Of course, just because the Satanists are losing does not mean the war is by any means over. The news from Italy of a mayor, doctors, and social workers selling children to sexual predators is just the tip of the iceberg. In the U.S. alone, more than 40,000 children are disappearing each year.

These people, concentrated at the top of the Western power structure, are literally fighting for their lives. They know what will happen to them if the public at large finds out what they have been doing to their children.

They will also fight hard to protect their system of debt slavery. Last week for example, newly elected Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced that instead of bailing out banks, he was going to write off people’s debts. It was unlikely a coincidence that major explosions destroyed a military base there around the time of the announcement. Imagine how they would react to a worldwide jubilee.

The battle against high-tech oligarchs running Google, Facebook, etc. will also be very tough. To help win this one, a bounty will soon be announced on the heads of major high-tech shareholders and top management, secret society sources say. This is because legal actions by individual governments will not be enough to bring these transnational criminal enterprises to heel. They must be stopped from distorting the truth and replacing it with a fake AI-controlled reality.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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