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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/15/2019 12:36:42 AM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel ~ The Teachers You Seek Are Love and Wisdom: They Are Within You

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

You have within you all the love and wisdom you need to be whole and live in a holy way in the world. Each time you seek outside yourself for these qualities, you find a little more of your confidence and self-esteem slipping away.

This is not to say that you should not seek advice from others. But when this advice is received, there must be a time of reflection before you act on it. When advice is appropriate for you to act on, there will be a sense of resonance within you, a little feeling of rightness, if not a wholehearted Yes!

Sensitivity to this resonance can be developed. Pray to know what is in your highest good beyond a shadow of a doubt, and be willing to act when this knowing is clear. This is taking responsibility for your life, and will pay off in large future dividends as you begin to know the truth within yourself, and act accordingly.

Looking to others for your truth throws your whole body out of balance. Energy moves into the head as you strain to listen only with the mind and not the heart or your gut. The old sayings about gut-level knowing are extremely valuable. This way of knowing goes beyond common sense, to an uncommon sense of what is right for you. No one else can tell you what is right for you. Pray to know your own Truth.

This is a time of change on the planet. Many are finding that the old ways no longer work. Businesses are struggling; so are families, relationships, and governments. It seems the challenges are so large that the answers are unclear. We can know that if we were enlightened enough in any situation, we would see that there is always an inspired and creative solution. We can affirm and pray for this in the world, as well as within our own lives.

All that goes on in our outer world is often a reflection of our inner world. So when we begin trusting our own answers within, these small steps will lead to leaping bounds in our lives. We have spoken of the resonance available within when others speak to you of what they believe is correct action for you to take. This same inner knowing is the mechanism to be used when you look to your own inner guidance.

Take the time to stop and breathe, before acting. The breath holds the connection to Divine Guidance. Experience this feeling now, as your energy field expands along with your body when you breathe deeply. Feel your feet connecting to the earth and notice the Pillar of Golden Light bringing energy from above your head to below your feet. As you do this, you become a Bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Now you are ready to listen to the loving Truth and Wisdom within you, and remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/15/2019 6:51:56 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 15, 2019

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Dear Ones, if you are always telling others what they should do, while it may be coming from a place of love, it will ultimately be disempowering to them. At best, constantly stepping in sends the message you don’t believe a person is qualified to run their own life, which has the potential to feed fear and doubt. At worst, it encourages them to give their power away to the opinions of others.

Further, it perpetuates separation in your own relationships because the underlying theme is that you feel more advanced or somehow above the other rather than simply connecting with them from a space of unconditional love and acceptance.

It is much like seeing that someone signed up to take an aptitude test to see how much they have learned and then sitting down next to them and giving them all the answers. It would be very difficult for them to gauge their own wonderful capability! Constantly stepping in for another can also deny them the joy of the unfoldment, the joy of self discovery, and the joy of connecting with their own inner guidance systems.

Love others enough to let them find their own way. Share open-heartedly if they come to you for guidance in a way that is empowering to all. Trust that they will learn and grow because they have their own team of helpers and their own beautiful, capable soul at the helm. Encourage those you love to explore their own truths and abilities and celebrate their successes! To do so honours the free will and highest soul expression of all, which is exactly what your guides do for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2019 12:37:36 AM

GFP Newsletter - 1/14/2019

will's picture

Why do people invest so much in systems of thought? Why should somebody be a Christian or a Hindu? Why should somebody be a communist -- for what? There is a reason, a great reason too. Everybody is confused, and so somebody is needed to supply you with certainty. He can be the pope or he can be Mao Zedong, he can be Karl Marx or he can be Manu or Moses -- anybody will do. And whenever there are great times of crisis, any stupid person who has the stubbornness to shout, to argue, who can pretend certainty, will become your leader. That's how Adolf Hitlers, Josef Stalins and Mussolinis became important people.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2019 12:54:33 AM

Win or Lose, Love Anyway

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, if you are estranged from love, you are estranged from Yourself. If I say you are One with Me, you are One with Me. Recognize the Oneness you are. Return to Oneness with confidence. Stand up with Me, for Oneness is. This is the long and the short of it. Oneness reigns.

There is naught but Oneness. There is no fuss to make of it. Oneness is established. In this case, there is no discussion. Whether you believe in Oneness or not, Oneness Is. There is no fuss about it. Of course, your road in life will be easier when you can accept the glory in which you live and that I attest to.

All is well, whatever you may think of it or not. I speak bluntly. Life is good. Death is good. All is good from the Eagle's eye view. Opinions are opinions. Opinions don't change Truth. Truth is Truth. Opinions are opinions. You may affirm that the sea is blue or the sea is green. No matter what you affirm, the sea is what color it happens to be.

Naturally, your opinion matters very much to you. Your opinions are no more than votes, here today and gone tomorrow. You ponder and go round and round about why life seems so hard.

Sometimes you tremble, and you are all worn out. You draw conclusions, although they may not be so. You can't really bow down to your opinions. The final answer isn't yours no matter how convinced you may be. Nevertheless, you tend to be attached to your opinions and consider them to be the end-all and be-all.

Today butterscotch may be your favorite flavor of ice cream. Tomorrow you may be back to chocolate. In this case, your opinion, indeed, may be true and not arguable.

I wonder what is the actual importance of your being justifiably right as you see it; what is the importance of this? Right or not right from your view, life keeps on just the same. What if you are right - why is this essential? By the same token, if you happen to be seen as incorrect this time around, why does this seem to be of the utmost importance as well? Is this attachment?

Of course, you are doing the best you can. What is quite so crucial that you must be cheered on? If you happen to be found incorrect, what is the big deal? You are not exactly thrown out. You still exist.

What is so momentous over what seems to be a mere exchange of opinion? It seems to Me that life itself matters more than whether you are esteemed this time around or not.

Perhaps someone will explain to Me why a difference of opinion is so heavy-duty to you? Do you know? So far as I know, when you and a friend see something differently, no one flings you into the ocean so you will never err again.

Have great compassion for others as well as for yourself. Think of a world that has compassion for all. I don't grasp why life on Earth isn't already compassionate to and fro and back and forth.

When you play Solitaire and you don't win, you are not distraught. You shake your head and keep going. In fact, it would be no fun if you always won every game of Solitaire.

Is it possible to give up the idea of winning or losing and therefore letting life be as it is? You don't need applause when you swing on a swing at the park. Cannot interaction be sufficient? Win or lose, love yourself anyway. Cannot life be good enough simply how it happens to be?

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2019 1:00:15 AM

Mathew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Jan. 14, 2019

Matthew gives ways to raise our vibrations here. I’ve taken the additional step of turning them into a bulleted list.

I’ve also added footnotes to support some of the other points Matthew makes here.

January 14, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The combination of positive and negative responses to ever-rising vibrations has kept Earth’s energy field of potential in too much turmoil for any activity to achieve unstoppable momentum.

However, energy streamers around the effort to indict all Illuminati principals have been gaining strength consistently and, of the multiple activities behind the scenes to end dark control of your world, it appears that the indictments will be the first to reach fruition. If the current pace of strengthening continues, action already underway can become known worldwide within months. (1)

Well-known individuals being charged with crimes against humanity will come as a shock to most people and it’s reasonable to anticipate reactions ranging from “fake news” to vehement denial, anger and fear. Lower-ranking Illuminati will try to jump ship rather than go down with it; wrongfully accused individuals will want to prove their innocence; and, if there is strong resistance in some quarters, very likely military troops will be called upon to keep the public safe. Confusion will be widespread until the society understands the far-reaching benevolent impact of what is happening.

Dear ones, before much longer your mission as lightworkers will rachet up a notch or two. Your fearlessness and exhilaration can calm persons around you and that will be immensely helpful, but you will need to be mentors, too.

The peoples will need to be told that removing those individuals from their influential positions is leading to a peaceful world with wise honorable leaders and the end of warring, corruption, deception and impoverishment.

You can substantiate your explanations by referring doubters to pertinent information compiled by researchers and published on the Internet or elsewhere and, if individuals believe telepathic communication is real, tell them about channeled information from sources you trust. (2)

A number of you are asking if the incoming energy waves could be causing the conditions you are experiencing and, if so, what can you do to relieve the discomfort. In previous messages we have spoken at some length about this important matter, but it bears repeating and we offer a condensed version of that information.

Primary symptoms of bodies’ adjusting to intensifying energy are fatigue, weakness and general sense of unease; episodes of memory lapses, headaches, mood swings, aching muscles and joints, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, cramping, nausea and itchiness are not uncommon.

To lessen their effects, get sufficient sleep, engage in age-appropriate exercise and drink a lot of water. Avoid sugar, alcohol except a sensible amount of red wine, and foods with chemical additives.

Of all foods, fruits and vegetables have the most light, and if you are financially able, choose organic produce. If your diet is not vegetarian or vegan, choose seafood certified free of impurities and eggs, dairy products and meat from animals that have not been given antibiotics or growth hormones.

Reducing mental and emotional stress is of paramount importance—stress is the root cause of all dis-ease—but do not take pharmaceuticals as sleep aids, to pep up or calm down. What will be most helpful to you in stress reduction is as unique as each of you is, but the following suggestions can raise your vibrations, thus beneficial to all. (3)

  • Change negative thoughts and feelings to positive.
  • Avoid situations that drain your energy.
  • Feel grateful for the goodness in your life.
  • Let go of bitterness and forgive those you feel have wronged you.
  • Be in Nature as often as you can.
  • Spend time with animals.
  • Reserve time for solitude and introspection.
  • Meditate.
  • Listen to your favorite music.
  • Read uplifting poetry or prose.
  • Watch amusing TV programs.
  • Write down the source of frustration; then let go of the feeling.
  • Communicate with like-minded people.
  • Smile often and love yourselves as much as we love you.

We caution that the symptoms mentioned above also can indicate the onset of illness. If a condition persists, consult a healthcare specialist, preferably one who has a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment. The more conscientiously you care for yourselves in mind, body and spirit, the more light you absorb; light raises your vibrations, [SB: my emphasis] and that will enable you to more easily adjust to upcoming energy surges.

“For ages the Vatican has known about pedophile priests. Why didn’t a pope take action long ago to end that abomination?” For centuries popes were members of the wealthiest families, the forerunners of the Illuminati. They controlled the masses via “papal infallibility” and “God’s laws” while the popes’ families reaped more riches through tithing, taxes, and “servitude to God.”

Devout believers provided the virtually free labor that erected opulent buildings on Vatican grounds and master painters, sculptors, and creators of stained glass and intricate tile murals produced the art that so grandly decorates the buildings.

Even if the popes during those years and down through the centuries may not have been pedophiles themselves, most assuredly they didn’t want anyone to know that pedophilia was rampant in Catholicism’s hierarchy.

When the first accusations were made, the offenders claimed innocence and that was the end of it; but as the light intensified, so did the resolve of more and more abused individuals to speak out. When the same claims against adults in trusted positions in secular society led to admissions and convictions, accusations against priests no longer could be swept under the rug.

Although papal acknowledgement has been given to those offenses of longstanding, the extent of unconscionable acts that have taken place in the Vatican is yet to be revealed. As shocking to the public as the announcement of indictments will be, disclosing the truth that the Vatican is the international headquarters of Satanism will be more so.

“I don’t think that Matthew has a good grasp of what can happen when ET’s step in to this world and try to make changes. Once they cause change with their technologies, then we’ll be dependent upon them. Once that dependency has been established then control takes place. We have a planet of many resources and likely those resources are valuable to outside civilizations.

“The cabal are the bad guys and we can rid our world of them over time as more and more people become enlightened. We don’t need outside sources for that, particularly when those outside sources are interested in our planet for trading and profit. My intuition tells me that any outside source that visits our world will not be good for us in the long term.”

In numerous messages we have talked about the importance of trusting your intuition, guidance to the conscious mind from soul level, where truth is known. This is a case where belief is blocking intuitive awareness—what one believes, whether it arises from fact or falsehood or assumption, is the individual’s reality.

Dispelling the concerns of that dear soul who wrote is necessary because she is not alone in being wary of other civilizations and crews in crafts surrounding Earth cannot land and ETs living in your midst cannot introduce themselves until the society is ready to greet them without fright.

So then, let us address the two issues that are relevant here. One is Gaia’s desire that life on her planetary body be according to her vision of everyone living peacefully in harmony with Nature and sharing the world’s abundance. The other is a universal law: No civilization may impose its ideas, however beneficial those would be, upon any other civilization.

Accordingly, pre-birth agreements were made by the souls who chose to live on Earth so they could complete third-density karmic lessons and the myriad souls who would help them become enlightened so they could co-create the kind of worldthey, the peoples, want—it’s the same world that Gaia wants for them.

And, God authorized civilizations advanced in spiritual and conscious awareness to help their Earth family rid the planet of the darkness that has prevented them from manifesting that kind of world.

It is too late to think that you can rid the world of the cabal on your own. The massive light beamed from civilizations 80-some years ago interrupted the cabal’s pervasive darkness that was controlling life in your world. Members of those civilizations who volunteered to go to Earth anchored that light and generated their own, thereby bringing to light the cabal’s long-hidden heinous activities.

Crews in your skies have prevented detonation of nuclear warheads launched by the cabal and are reducing the toxic elements in their chemtrails. (4) Some of the many extraterrestrials living among you have thwarted the cabal’s efforts to start pandemics; some have exposed their other illegal and immoral activities; some are working to wrest from the cabal their control of the global economy; (5) some are in the international group whose efforts eventually will hold the cabal legally accountable. (6)

ETs also erected the light grid around the planet that prevents the entry of any source with low vibrations. (7) Therefore, only beings with high vibrations can come to Earth, and those who have been waiting to join you have no intention or interest in profiting from your world’s resources or controlling the populace.

Yes, their technologies will indeed change the planet. With swiftness that will astonish you, they will dematerialize nuclear waste; eliminate the toxicity in your soil, waters and atmosphere; turn deserts into arable lands; and expand the rain forests; and your scientists will work side by side with the extraterrestrials in all of those endeavors.

The populace will neither want nor need to become dependent upon other civilizations and after the visiting helpers teach the use of their technologies and gift them to you, they want to return to their homelands and families.

Feel grateful for these “outside sources”! While your governments deny their existence, your entertainment industry gives them reality as monstrous creatures who will eat, annihilate or enslave you. That is more than enough for the society to overcome without adding concerns that people from other worlds intend to profit from your natural resources—that is what the cabal has been doing for centuries.

Other civilizations have been helping Earth’s peoples in myriad ways for millennia because the souls who embody there are beloved members of the universal family.

We say farewell for now, dear brothers and sisters, but in every moment we and all other light beings in this universe are supporting you with the power of unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

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(1) So action is indeed underway to end the cabal’s control. Hopefully it won’t take months before the Reval is released.

(2) For information on this site, see First Contact at for raw quotes organized into subject headings; the Library at for articles, drawn from that raw data; and the Downloads Page at for books, organized from those articles.

(3) I’ve turned this into a list.

(4) The chemtrails are still present but our star family removes their toxic properties.

“We of the Galactic Federation have also helped by taking part in the cleansing and generally preventing pollution from becoming worse. That also includes Chemtrails which had the potential to seriously affect all forms of life.” (SaLuSa, Nov. 28, 2012, at .)

“Chemtrails are more an attack on your health but are not without their effect on your mind. As we recently mentioned, these are being cleared away so that now they have little effect upon you.” (SaLuSa, July 15, 2011.)

“Chemtrails are not a reality. And again, there are a couple of situations where there are attempts for chemtrails to be dispersed, but in fact these are being immediately transmuted — again, by your star brothers and sisters.

“The resources, the real gifts of Gaia — which is, of course, the Earth, the air, the water, the light, the sun — are being restored, and they are also being protected. So, even when it is appearing that it looks like a chemtrail, simply know that there are elements that have been diffused into these.

“So the danger — that is really the question — there are a couple, literally, of situations, companies, that are dispersing chemtrails. It is not a normal practice any longer, and when they are released, even as they are being released, they have already been infused with codes and elements that are not known or available on Earth. So [chemtrails are] not happening.” (“Archangel Michael: John F. Kennedy Will Return as an Intergalactic Peacekeeper,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 21, 2013, at

(5) Including us, by our efforts to raise our own and the planet’s vibrations.

(6) What we call the White Hats or Alliance.

(7) Including any extraterrestrials of dark or service-to-self proclivities.

“You know that the errant forces, what you have thought of as the less-than-friendly intergalactic and galactic forces, were removed some time ago. Michael, Jophiel, Uriel have been very diligent in not allowing new, heavier, darker energies, negative energies to penetrate the sphere in which this planet is held.” (“Transcript ~ Galea of Neptune Returns to Speak of Intergalactic Language & Porlana C, Jan 31, 2017,” February 20, 2017, at

“You may be sure that no intrusion or attempts by others to interfere with your progress will be allowed. As we have mentioned before, the Earth is quarantined but also being protected by many Starships, in such a manner that you are assured of completing your journey quite safely.” (SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2015.)

“Now those forces [‘what you termed dark forces’] were removed about a decade ago but it gave you, not only a taste of but it catalyzed many of your memories of ancient and more intergalactically recent wars that you have experienced.” (“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings with Ashira ~ 7th in a Series aired May 20, 2014,” at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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