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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/14/2019 1:17:18 AM

Cosmic Logos Mahatma via Natalie Glasson: The Realms of the Unknown

Audio version. Video version.

Please receive my pale turquoise light as it flows over and through your being now. I, Mahatma, the Cosmic Logos am present with you, I embody 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe. I am present with all beings in great magnitude and equality. I am an aspect of your being, energy, and essence.

I am present within the reality that you know and are accustomed to and I am present in the realms that are unknown to you. It may come to your mind if I am present in all areas of the Universe of the Creator what am I? I am the same as you in your original essence and in your current existence, I exist in the energy of the Creator that is label-less and in the manifestations of physical form.

When you describe yourself as your original essence and truth, this is what I am. I am the pure intentions and consciousness of the Creator, I am the active energy of the Creator. I can be expressed and experienced in numerous ways as can you. My energy remains at the purest vibration of the Creator whichever level, realm or dimension I am experienced. Your energy is the same. You can exist upon the Earth as the purest vibration of your being and expression of the Creator.

Within your being you have all the knowledge of the Universe of the Creator, everything is available for you to access, this means that there are realms of consciousness, existence, and knowledge that is within your reach and yet unknown to you at this moment. Some of these unknown realms may be unknown to you for your entire lifetime or multiple lifetimes upon the Earth.

When you return to the inner planes all these realms become known to you once more. Your connection with these realms allows you to recognize the full essence and extent of your being. However, it is not essential for you to have conscious awareness of the unknown realms while embodying your physical body. The information, wisdom, and knowledge that is essential to support, nurture and empower your current reality and ascension are available to you, and in truth, nothing else is needed.

I, Mahatma, share with you about the unknown realms of the Universe of the Creator in order to expand your ability to see and sense beyond the illusions that are present upon the Earth. Illusions can act as a process of ensuring your safety, however, there comes a time in your spiritual evolution where there is a need to expand your awareness beyond the boundaries of illusions.

To achieve expansion beyond illusion there is a need to contemplate the Unknown Realms of the Universe of the Creator. To simply allow yourself to recognize and accept that there are Unknown Realms within and beyond the Universe of the Creator creates a shift and awakening within your being. This awakening will be different for each person and will activate different aspects of your essence into manifestation.

By contemplating that there are Unknown Realms you allow yourself to access a deep-seated sense of acceptance that the Creator is far greater and more expansive that you could possibly imagine and yet you are everything that is the Creator. This acceptance creates a healing within your essence especially associated with separation. It allows you to feel, sense and acknowledge the full power and presence of the Creator within and around you.

The healing also supports you in letting go of your attachment to your identity; who you are, what you know and how you exist in the world.

I, Mahatma, wish to share some practices to support you in exploring and experiencing your connection and acceptance of the Unknown Realms of the Creator’s Universe.

You Are Present Within All Aspects of the Earth

During meditation or quiet time, I, Mahatma, invite you to contemplate and consider that your energy and essence is present within all aspects of the Earth, areas of the Earth that you know and areas of the Earth you do not know. Imagine yourself first in energy form or quality form, then imagine that energy or quality is present within everything and everyone upon the Earth. You may feel at first that you are placing your energy or quality into all areas of the Earth.

With practice, you will recognize that your energy, quality, and essence already exists within all areas of the Earth. This practice requires time in order to shift your perspective from imagining yourself present in all areas of the Earth to, knowing, seeing and sensing your presence in everything and everyone. This practice will create a shift that allows you to move from separation and loneliness to feeling connected to all and in awe of your current existence and reality upon the Earth.

You Are Present Within All Aspects of the Universe of the Creator

During meditation or quiet time, I, Mahatma, invite you to contemplate and consider that your energy and essence is present within all aspects of the Creator’s Universe. This may require some imagination at first because you may not know or remember what the entire Universe of the Creator appears like. It may be easier to sense and feel your energy expanding into the Universe of the Creator connecting with all that is the Creator.

This practice also releases fear of the Creator, Universe and the Unknown. Many souls because of other lifetimes, adopting the thought process of others or misunderstanding of the presence of the Creator can feel a build up of fear of the Creator within their beings.

This often manifests as a fear of the unknown as they are unable to remember and reconnect with the knowledge and wisdom available to them due to their oneness with the Creator. Fear of the unknown is an illusion and causes boundaries to be built around you which creates further feelings of being unsupported, alone and powerless.

Through this practice, I am asking you to face your fears of the unknown, to realize you are safe and protected at all times and to come to a space of acceptance that the Universe of the Creator is vast and expansive, as well as being an energy you are a part of. You will also begin to realize that the Universe of the Creator is both known and unknown to you, acceptance of this awakens a deeper connection with your inner peace.

You Are Known and Unknown To Yourself

There are many aspects of your physical and spiritual being which are known and unknown to you. Accepting the aspects of yourself that are known can support your greater experience of your unconditional love for yourself and a deeper recognition of who you are as a being rather than who you wish to be. Accepting unknown aspects of yourself brings the unknown aspects closer to you, you may or may not gain a deeper understanding of the unknown.

However, you will feel a greater sense of connection with all that you are, creating new opportunities for new understandings and experiences to enter into your reality and awareness. Fears will be released, and your energy will expand allowing the Creator’s light to flow through your being with greater ease, thus, you will experience the benefits and inspiration of opening your being to the Creator.

Remember that you do not need to understand the Unknown Realms, acceptance that there are Unknown Realms is all that is required and will create expansion and activation’s within your being.

During meditation or quiet time, I, Mahatma, invite you to focus upon the presence of your physical being, energy field and soul. Allow yourself to contemplate and consider that there are aspects of yourself which are unknown. Cultivate gratitude and acceptance for these unknown aspects of yourself, feeling your sense of self and connection with self expanding. Remember it is not about understanding the Unknown Realms of your being, simply a process of acceptance.

The purpose of my sharing and practices is to return you to a natural state which always exists within your being, this natural state is the state of being PRESENT with all that is the Creator. To be present with all that is the Creator is a powerful gift of mastery that can be awoken from within your being, allowing you to access your Creator power and essence.

With divine support,

Mahatma, Cosmic Logos

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/14/2019 6:44:24 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday January 14, 2019

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Dear Ones, please realize that your broad intentions give the universe much more room to connect you with the highest potentials and greatest possibilities you are not aware of. If you are trying to create something in your life and it is not coming together, we strongly advise that you examine any ways you may be limiting your dream and cast your net wider because it has been our observation that the majority of the time what you think you can create and what is truly possible for you are vastly different.

Co-creation is honouring your seed of inspiration and then allowing your soul, along with a universe that adores you, to water and grow that desire into its fullest potential and beyond in ways you simply can’t imagine from your side of the veil. The magic occurs in the realm of infinite possibility, and that is where you wish to give your soul permission to play. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/14/2019 11:14:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/13/2019

will's picture

I cannot give you certainty; certainty is given by ideology. Certainty is nothing but patching up your confusion. You are confused. Somebody says, "Don't be worried," and says it very authoritatively, convinces you with arguments, with scriptures, and patches up your confusion, covers it with a beautiful blanket -- with The Bible, with the Koran, with the Gita. And you feel good; but it is temporary, because the confusion is boiling within. You have not got rid of it, it has only been repressed. That's why people cling to beliefs, churches, scriptures, doctrines, systems of thought.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/14/2019 11:28:47 PM

Look Toward the Sun

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God said:

Beloved, who does not prefer the Sun to shine? Look toward the Sun. Seeds plant themselves. Flowers don't have to grow in greenhouses, and you do not require special protection. I would like to write an Ode to Safety. Not everyone dares to high-step it in the world.

You don't have to look around every corner seeking safety in one form or another. Be done with the idea that you are in jeopardy. You don't have to put your fisticuffs up. Have you had the idea that you have to protect yourself and your rights on Earth at all costs? All good can happen without an arsenal looking to get you. You don't need a defender! Beloved, I am your Escort. Innocence is the key. If you must look around every corner, look for the blessings that are on their way to you.

Look up at the Heavens. Be gentle with the world. Put down your fears. Rest your head on My pillow. Look for the Good Will that attends you. Breathe. Be not attached to looking for trouble around every corner.

The bottom of life does not have to drop out from under you. Choose the side of harmony. Why not, beloved? Make the choices you favor.

There is good in the world. I insist on it. Look for the good and from whence it comes. Spot love. Hasten your heart. It matters very much what you speculate on. Speculate on glad tidings. Every day there is a dawn. Be a bird who sings and greets the dawn every morning. Awake!

Once upon a time, you may have tended to wake up in trepidation. What danger will appear before you, you would ask yourself.

I poke you in your shoulder, and I remind you:

Beloved, have expectancy of peace. No one is out to get you. Put fear thoughts aside, and you will gain. Why terrorize yourself? It's not necessary. It could well be that the world is bowing down to you and not looking to pounce on you whatsoever. Kindly stop counting possible dangers. Make short work of them.

Beloved, it is possible that every thought of yours contributes to your very life. Concede that it makes sense for you to contemplate good fortune. Good fortune is out there to be had. Why, then, fill a wheelbarrow with causes for fear?

Have a beautiful mind and fill it with rainbows and be done with fearful thoughts. You are not obliged to bow down to danger. Where did you ever get that idea? If you do accrue danger to you, leave danger behind you.

I understand your fears, and I ask you to get onto a different track. Fears are not holy. Why oh why hang onto random fears for dear life? I suggest you hie to other thoughts that help you to hold your head high. I suggest more thoughts of love to support your life. I suggest love thoughts on the double.

How can it happen in a world I created that fear thoughts could become a leader of the band? Even the thought of love is the best vitamin in the world. Here, I slip you tablets of love. Swallow these tablets with water or swallow them with sweet cream as many times a day as you like. You cannot overdose. Make sure you take enough. Love love, and know love is yours for the asking. Love is here for you to swim in. Fear is to be done with. I encircle you in My arms of love right now. Our One Heart flies high and carries enough love to bless the world entire!

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/14/2019 11:40:53 PM

Monday, January 14, 2019

Benjamin Fulford Update - January 14, 2019

"Supreme Court Justice, World Bank President, and another Rothschild fall as revolution continues"

Now that top-level satanic Khazarian cabalists have fallen, second-rank officials like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim, and Serena Rothschild (widow of Jacob Rothschild) are being removed as the war to liberate humanity continues.

Ginsburg “has gone missing and may be dead or still in NY hospital, missing two weeks of oral arguments at the Supreme Court, or the entire month of January, with no proof of life, setting the stage for U.S. President Donald Trump to name another Justice,” Pentagon sources say.

Jim Yong Kim, a Clinton appointee, was forced to resign as President of the World Bank because of corruption, say Dragon family sources. Investigators are focusing in particular on Haiti and Kim’s involvement with Clinton corruption related to the artificially induced 2010 Haiti earthquake, CIA sources say.

Serena Rothschild was the widow (or wife) of senior Zionist elder Baron Jacob Rothschild and mother of Nathaniel Rothschild. All we know is that she died “after a short illness.” We have reported that Jacob Rothschild is already dead, but it appears that attempts are being made to make it seem he is still alive in order to prevent his progressive-minded son Nathaniel from taking over the British branch of this still-powerful family.

In any case, with U.S. military tribunals well under way, many more prominent power brokers and financiers will be removed in the coming days and weeks, Pentagon sources say. Among those due to fall soon are IMF head Christine Lagarde, and senior KKR financiers

…Henry Kravis and George Roberts, the sources say. In addition, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, President Emmanuel Macron of France, Prime Minister Theresa May of the UK, and mass-murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel will go, Pentagon sources say.

KKR and and their employee General David “betray us” Petraeus are being charged in the ongoing U.S. military tribunals for their role in creating and arming Daesh (we don’t want to insult the Goddess by calling them ISIS), the sources say. KKR public relations had not responded to a query on this matter by the time this newsletter went public.

French military sources, for their part, say Emmanuel Macron will be removed soon by a military government that will arrest the cabalists who have stolen French democracy for the past 11 years. After that, they will restore true democracy to the Republic. Vive la France!

The move to arrest Shinzo Abe will take longer, but preliminary work has begun as French police have indicted Tsunekazu Takeda, president of Japan’s Olympic Committee, on bribery charges.

While this can be seen as French retaliation for the arrest and mistreatment of former Nissan president Carlos Ghosn, there’s more to the story. According to Japanese right-wing sources, Takeda is a member of the Japanese imperial family and was involved in Japan’s getting the 2020 Olympics as a reward for going along with the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear mass-murder attack. Abe, his cabinet, and the Iwasaki Mitsubishi clan will all be taken down as a result of their complicity with this mass murder, the sources say.

Theresa May is being removed for her role in trying to sabotage Brexit and hand over control of British intelligence to the gangster families that control the EU, according to MI6 sources. The letter below was sent by the former head of British Intelligence to MPs to warn them of May’s treason.


Furthermore, the U.S. government has made it public that it no longer recognizes the EU as being a legitimate government by downgrading its diplomatic status.

IMF head Christine Lagarde is also being targeted by the U.S. because of her ongoing push to position a cryptocurrency-type IMF Special Drawing Right (SDR) as an alternative to the U.S. dollar, CIA sources say. Instead, a Dragon family ambassador says the IMF is going to be liquidated. Lagarde previously had begged the Chinese for a chance to move the IMF to Asia and was turned down, the source noted.

The IMF has a miserable track record of forcing poor countries to impoverish their own people in order to hand resources over to corporations controlled by the Khazarian mafia.

In any case, it appears that as the dragnet closes in, bankers have started falling off buildings again.

British Intelligence say the bankers are being killed both to cover up evidence trails leading to senior people and to collect insurance money.

Speaking of evidence trails, forensic accountant Kenneth Boyd has looked into how people like Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Prince Charles, former UK Finance Minister James Sassoon, as well as various mega-corporations use offshore tax havens to avoid taxes that the rest us are forced to pay.

The dragnet is also closing in on the rogue state of Israel and their satan-worshiping and criminally indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Pentagon sources say. On that front, the big kahuna, 9/11, is being taken on. Trump’s speech on January 8th was exactly 9 minutes and 11 seconds long. This is a prelude to Trump declaring a national emergency and releasing all the 9/11 files, the sources say.

Also, an “Israel-drafted anti-BDS bill to provide $38 billion in aid and punish political speech was defeated twice in the Senate (56-44, 53-43, and it needs 60 votes) as moves are afoot to purge Congress of Israeli dual-citizens and traitors,” the Pentagon sources say. (BDS = Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.)

Furthermore, the global boycott of Israel is intensifying as “as HSBC Bank divests from Israeli arms merchant Elbit Systems, Airbnb bans West Bank listings, and Brazil may not move its embassy to Jerusalem,” the sources say.

Netanyahu’s neocon slave boy John Bolton “got his wings clipped” by Turkish President Recep Erdoğan and top U.S. General Joseph Dunford when he tried last week to stop the U.S. military withdrawal from Syria, they add.

Meanwhile, former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, General James Mattis, and General John Kelly are running military tribunals with intelligence support from former NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers and former Defense Intelligence Agency boss Mike Flynn, who are currently dealing with the above-mentioned KKR and Petraeus, the sources say.

With the U.S. government now shut down for the fourth consecutive week and no end in sight, the whole world can see that the days of the U.S. Corporation are numbered. Dmitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian Roscosmos State Space Corporation, cancelled his planned February visit to NASA (“not a space agency”), because the “second American civil war” is under way. Also, the fact that NASA’s money has been cut off by the shutdown was undoubtedly a factor in the cancelled visit.

The shutdown means that as more and more unpaid prison guards and air traffic controllers call in sick, and as food benefits run out for the 44 million Americans relying on them, chaos is coming to the U.S.

For the few remaining Kool-Aid drinkers out there who still believe the U.S. government shutdown is about funding an already-funded wall, we would like to remind them that the U.S. has a cumulative trade deficit of over $11 trillion, a government deficit of over $22 trillion, and unfunded liabilities of $210 trillion, versus a GDP of $19 trillion. So if you are earning $19,000 a year and have debts of $243,000, would you want to declare bankruptcy or remain an impoverished debt slave for the rest of your life?

The White Dragon Society (WDS) and its allies are offering an alternative to never-ending debt slavery. Our proposal is to immediately eliminate, as a singular event, all public and private sector debt. We would then redistribute the assets stolen from the people by fraudulent privately-owned central banks. We estimate this would mean a one-off payment of the equivalent of $400,000 to each man, woman, and child in the U.S. Furthermore, once freed from debt slavery, the American people would be able to use their farms, resources, people, factories, know-how, and superior technological skills to create an era of unprecedented prosperity.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, once the West had nationalized its central banks and removed the criminal element from the banking system, it would be possible to carry out a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. This could be done without debt or taxes if a proper meritocratic governance structure were put into place.

The Chinese “One Belt One Road” project, 60 times bigger than the Marshall Plan, is an example of the type of project the West also needs to start. When the old-guard elite meet at their Davos lovefest on February 22nd, let’s see if they offer anything that even comes close to the WDS plan to spend trillions of dollars per year to help save the planet. If not, then it’s time to remove their control over the financial system. Humanity needs to be free to create an ideal future for our planet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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