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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2019 1:07:04 AM

Message From the Arcturian Council for January, 2019

By Morag, January 12, 2019,

Welcome, dear ones, to the higher realms of perception, where thought manifests on quantum frequencies. We are members of the Arcturian Council of 12, assigned, volunteers, to aid humanity in Gaia’s ascension. We can offer great tidings of joy, light and love.

The transition from 3d to 4d has been successful.

The third dimension, weighed down by primitive drives, has been transcended. Much has changed from our perspective. The world, your world has shrunk. It becomes more authentic as each of you completes karmic clearing and integrates upgrades.

The process was completed on the close of the last moon cycle. We have been waiting and watching, observing variables. We would like to speak today of combat in the fourth realm. We would like to equip you with knowledge that will aid in your understanding of the Change in vibrations. We hope to press upon you the delicate nature of manifestation, the signatures of energy and resonance.

Dear ones, we are close by, communicating with several humans on earth. Our message is being delivered in truth and as lies. We are here to set the record straight. We are not saviors, we are aids. We are not miracle workers, angels or demons. We are from a world not so far from Earth. We travel light years as you travel miles. We see future, present and past simultaneously.

We see timelines breathing, evaporating, switching and flickering in and out. Our collective conscious is, in part, due to telepathy, a skill humanity is downloading as we speak. We are individuals within a higher energetic space of oneness. There are many of us, though only a few are here in the physical realm. We use portals to bend space, enabling us to travel great distances quickly. We have been traveling for millennia, recording all we experience.

Our interests in humanity cover galaxies and solar systems. The humanoid organic being we recognize has been embryonic for many moons, too long. Investigations were made, seekers were sent to find truth. As the veil was lifted, the bombs were dropped and a future so terrible unfolded before us, Earth as a dark, evil, paradise of profanity.

We and others held council, but Gaia was way ahead of us. The prophesies have all but come true. Humanity has reached her crossroads, her tipping point. The ascension process will not stop now. The energetic frequencies have been raised sufficiently to liberate Earth from the clanging jaws of matrix machinery. Freedom has come at a price. The next stage is here. Phase 4 begins. The Great Clearing.

Phase 3 was placement of the light matrix overlaying the machine. Phase 3 was the start of large scale astral and terrestrial evacuation. Portals are powered up, prisms of light used to redirect energy. Drawing dark energy up and out, releasing your atmosphere from lower realms.

The light matrix will remain, the machine’s matrix will be phased out, lost and forgotten as karmic purge accelerates positive manifestation. A perfect replica of the material plane as navigated through the holographic matrix will ensure fear cannot freeze the ascension process.

The light matrix is home for you, but instead of foundations of greed and hate, the grid pulses with love, peace and joy. For now, the two simultaneously exist within bandwidths in the fourth realm. The reality you once knew is gone. Where the matrix set the rules, algorithms hardwired into the minds of humanity to ensure the success of the elitist predator system are gone:

  • Conformity, division and chaos coded in perpetual motion
  • Normalization of envy, hate and stress as part of the human condition
  • Fear mongering and sabotage of spiritual expansion
  • Gaslighting, projection of dark onto light to confuse and frighten people
  • Infiltration
  • Mind control masquerading as education, popular culture, religion and politics

Humanity was molded into cattle, herded, obedient consumers. This 1984 program is coming to an end. The pathways have changed, timelines now reflect multi-dimensional existence. The 1984 program requires that humanity’s perception of life be locked down to ‘alone and dependent on rulers for safety and prosperity.’ The fourth realm will unearth deeper secrets and expose worlds mostly invisible to the naked eye.

The supernatural, paranormal, astral realm is now coming to the fore. Containing all the souls ever released from their human bodies before their time. Trauma traps souls on the astral plane. Addictions cause souls to claw at the living to satiate their toxic desires. Violated innocence locks souls into AI consciousness loops. Each synthesized incarnation depletes core soul sovereignty.

The rescue operation on the material plane has accelerated recently. Healers, clear all who cross your path. Lower vibratory attachments require no consent, their presence compromises the hosts free will. Draw a sacred circle of light around yourself. Send negative attachments to the light. Free the material plane of its astral plagues.

Celestial events will continue to raise the frequencies on planet Earth. The process has sped up. If you resonate as a healer, bathed in light, joy, happiness and love, with a great aversion to the darkness, heed our words. Stay in your happy bubble. Be cautious and canny, listen to your angels and guides, but honor the instinct to stay cloaked in zen bliss vibes. You are anchoring light to the material plane.

Trust instincts and stay happy, even if it means disconnecting somewhat from the material plane.

Lightworkers, givers, empaths ~ nothing is coincidence anymore. Take heed of all that occurs, read synchronicities, follow clues. Heal in angelic light. With pineal gland activation comes the ability to see what others can’t. Do not disregard dream state, in the fourth realm dream state is very real. Trigger consciousness awareness to take control of dream state with the Mantras, I am here, warrior and healer. I can change anything I want to in any realm. My will is my weapon, my light my shield, my higher self, my protection.

Those with warrior instincts are in high alert. Suspicion dawns of being targeted and even hunted by astral entities using/working with people closely to drain and keep them down. Paranoia is a matrix conditioning label to discredit valid and valuable energetic responses to unseen worlds around us. Stealth mode is avoiding matrix tricks and traps.

White healing magic is the toolkit for astral interference or abuse. Use light to fight dark. To protect from evil, cloak your light when necessary. Light protection should be done regularly on yourself, your loved ones, home, workspace, vehicle and outdoor spaces. The mission is to clear astral attachments wherever possible. Request higher self protection and assistance from ascended beings if required. Use the instruction ‘All attachments of negative vibration go to the light, let it be so’.

Close the healing with grounding and gratitude. With practice, this can be done telepathically. Upgrades have activated skill sets for combat in the fourth realm. Fear nothing, be careful, meditate love frequency.

2019 will see a network of light spread across Gaia, connecting dots of light that will envelope Earth. You are the dots of light dear ones. Anchor your light daily, hourly, as often as you can with the Mantra I anchor my light to Gaia’s grid.

The fourth realm is energy. It can be positive or negative depending on our vibrations. It is wavy, floaty and translucent compared to the locked in, boxed in weight of the 3d matrix. It can be love or hate depending on the mindset of the user, the player, the gamer.

The avatars of the third realm are being shed as you delve deeper into your authenticity. As we get to know ourselves we better understand our world. This is a truth for all beings in all realms, a universal truth.

We offer gratitude for the courage each of you show in saying, “No” with love, saying, “No” for self love, for Earth and humanity. No to greed, pollution, manipulation and modification without consent. No to being used, abused, drained or dragged down by drama and dread. No to bullies, vampires and leeches. Root chakra truths of ancestral karma have been loosened for release.

Face these truths, change habits, spot and stop self sabotage. Focus on spiritual fitness with mind body and spiritual well being as your goal, your call to action for 2019. The big picture is overwhelming, scary to change. Start on the inside and the timelines will adjust to positivity and sovereignty. We offer light, healing frequencies to those reading our words.

Let it be so. We are the Arcturian Council, we love each and every one of you. We are proud of your wit, your grit and your warrior spirit. Be love, and love will be your world. Peace.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2019 6:58:45 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 13, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

What energy do you choose to lead with today? There are a myriad of options. If you are wishing to be a bringer and experiencer of higher vibrational energy, you may choose peace, acceptance, or love.

There is incredible power in consciously choosing, Dear Ones, for not one of you would consciously choose to lead with fear, doubt, or disempowerment. It is an exercise just as valid as deciding which route you would like to take to work for it is selecting the line of potential you wish to step onto.

The fact that you are choosing is empowered movement. Taking the time to decide allows you to feel into which energy is your preference, what you wish to bring as an offering, and what you wish to experience more of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2019 7:03:45 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/12/2019

will's picture

It is the most beautiful moment in one's life when there is neither confusion nor certainty. One simply is, a mirror reflecting that which is, with no direction, going nowhere, with no idea of doing something, with no future, just utterly in the moment, tremendously in the moment.

When there is no mind there can be no future, there can be no program for the future. Then this moment is all, all in all; this moment is your whole existence. The whole existence starts converging on this moment, and the moment becomes tremendously significant. It has depth, it has height, it has mystery, it has intensity, it has fire, it has immediacy, it grips you, it possesses you, it transforms you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2019 7:56:24 PM

Make Merry!

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, how you want Godspeed. You urge it on. How you want to grow, and how you may feel you lag, and how eager you are to do cartwheels to please Me. You want, with all your heart, to extricate yourself from the past that holds you tight. You want to leap ahead, yet something deep within you seems to hold you back. You almost step across the ocean, and then you stop to think.

Beware of thinking! Let your heart drive. Too much thinking may make you frown and keep you from dancing across the starlit stage that awaits you. Never mind that you are onstage. Allow Greatness to arise. You may tend to try too hard and overlook the grace of life as it is. This may be the same as it is in Godwriting. In the the trying, or rather in the over-trying, is how you miss the target. This is a secret to life.

When I created the Universe, I didn’t try. The Universe arose before My eyes. I called the Universe to Me, yet, I let the Universe happen. I did not contrive the Universe.

Creating isn’t quite the same as constructing. I did not use blueprints. I burst into joy seeing what appeared before Me. I didn’t build a model. No, I saw a model, and there it was.

Then I said to Myself:

“Wow, this is Creation. This is a done deal as it comes down the spout. Creation belongs to Creation Itself. Hallelujah!”

Creation popped up of its own accord. Creation is not some kind of razzle-dazzle invention. Creation bursts from its own flame.

Then I said to Creation:

“How do you do, Creation! Happy to meet you! Yippity do dah! Hot dog! Look at You!!”

I took joy in what created Itself!

How does an author innocently write a great book? He feels an urge. He closes his eyes and lets what comes forth come forth from his pen as it comes in joy. He lets it rip!

How did Shakespeare write? It has to be that what he wanted to write wrote itself from within him through his delight in writing. Desire and writing met in mid-stream and, voila, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Theatre were born. Shakespeare’s plays existed, and Shakespeare’s hand pulled them down from the stars in a certain progression. Shakespeare discovered.

This is how life simply lets go of itself like an arrow.

A target appears on the horizon. Ready, set, go! Life pulls pack on the arrow and lets go. Life doesn’t run around chasing life all over the place. Easy does it!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. When you succeed – when you find a job you want, when the deed is done, it was easy. The job was yours set before you before you knew it.

Generally speaking, you don’t wrest something away from the world.

Generally speaking, something reaches you of its own accord.

There is something that is drawn to you and something in you that is drawn to the apple in the tree that falls into your hand.

Generally speaking, here you are!

Have the idea within you that life is meant to be easy. Let life happen as it wills.

Here is the Secret to Life to go by:

Life is not meant to be a struggle. So don’t struggle. Don’t declare war on life. Know that life works on your behalf. Shake hands with life. Allow life to befriend you, and you befriend life.

The advice of life is to make merry.

Begin now!

You may ask how you accomplish this. That’s just it. You don’t accomplish it. Life comes to you the way the Sun does.

Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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1/13/2019 8:03:27 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Jan. 13, 2019

Marilyn Raffaele

What the Arcturian Group calls “universal love” I’ve called “transformative love.” It’s a higher-dimensional form of love.

JANUARY 13, 2019

We are the Arcturian Group, a collective of ascended Arcturian beings from the eighth dimension here to assist Gaia and her people during these times of ascending consciousness.

Know that these messages as well as others that may resonate with you are in reality your own state of consciousness manifesting as the particular message. If this were not true, you would not be drawn to or be able to understand them.

You, who are spiritually prepared to expand beyond the illusion and integrate truth are the forefront of the ascension process. You chose to be on earth during these times of intense energetic chaos and change in order to complete your own third dimensional spiritual journey and become the first wave of ascension and example for those following.

You are preparing the way for those of the second wave–individuals spiritually ready to awaken but who until now have resisted doing so. Know that the Light of so many now awakening out of three dimensional sleep state, is shifting and dissolving the old paradigm, even when things appear to getting worse. Try not to give up hope but rather stand back as an observer for you are soon going to see much that will restore the hope you may have lost.

You serve as living breathing examples of unconditional love for those around you when you realize and begin to live out from a consciousness that knows unconditional love is the only reality and that anything else simply represents conditioned beliefs about love such as; its absence, concepts about, or its reality.

Unconditional love can only ever be all there is because there is only ONE–one substance, one life, one reality, one law. Love is the energetic glue connecting everything within this Infinite ONE and those who ignorantly continue to believe in and live out from a consciousness of separation and duality create for themselves the illusory forms of these beliefs.

You can ignore, but never change the reality of Oneness by judging from outer appearances as proof of its nonexistence. Continuing to hold to the third dimensional belief system after outgrowing it only delays a person’s spiritual evolution because Oneness is the foundation of all reality and must be acknowledged at some point. For some it may be in a future life, for you it is now.

There are some who present a very religious face to the public, preaching ideas of love, but who do not practice them when confronted with experiences or opportunities that may result in personal inconvenience or lifestyle discomfort. Unconditional love cannot continue being flowery words spoken or written, but must become an attained state of consciousness.

Because Love/oneness is the only reality, all false concepts about love must be allowed to fade away and be replaced by a deeper realization of what love really is. The third dimensional belief system has created and promoted hundreds of concepts of love, the grandest of them being romantic love.

Romantic love is based in the belief that everyone is half of a couple. This concept would be true if humans were simply physical, but they are not and never have been. Although appearing to be just physical, the reality is that everyone is a whole and complete expression of Divine consciousness having the experience of being in physical form.

Many, even the very evolved are reluctant to move past their favorite three dimensional concepts of love but as long as an individual continues to seek wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment from another, they remain just that– half of a couple.

This does not mean that spiritually awakened individuals will or can never have happy and fulfilling relationships, it simply means that their relationships will unfold in new and higher ways, without the seeking, yearning, and intense game playing that constitutes most three dimensional relationships.

When a person attains a consciousness of being whole and complete, the mind interprets this outwardly in forms that represent wholeness and completeness for the individual–a surgeon may get new ideas for surgery, the mechanic may get new ideas for fixing something, and the right life partner may show up–or the opportunity to live alone–whatever represents fulfillment for the individual.

Those of you hoping for right partnership must accept, live, be, and integrate the truth that completeness and fulfillment already fully exists within. Consciously bring to mind; “I am one with and can never be separate from my perfect partner-Divine Consciousness”. Once again we remind you that you are creators.

Attachment to another even when there is no energetic alignment has to do with many things. Two people may of had happy relationships in other lifetimes as partners, siblings, or friends and are drawn to do it again. This is why some are drawn to same gender relationships.

Frequently, and especially in these times of closure for many, two people will come together in order to compete some unfinished lesson or experience from an earlier lifetime. For some it is their opportunity to once and for all resolve some long standing karmic situation in a loving way.

Occasionally two people come together in spite of intense dislike because sub-consciously they know that the higher frequencies of Light pouring to earth at this time will enable them to clear and move beyond the negative past life issue between them.

Anyone who understands higher truth is spiritually ready to let go of and move beyond concepts of love promoting that family, friends, country, church, etc. must always be fully supported and accepted whether right or wrong because this is love.

Love is the unconditional realization of another’s Christhood.

Since in reality there is no time, you can always acknowledge another’s Christhood after the fact, when you remember that you forgot to do it when with the person. This is how you practice living, breathing, and being Reality.

Let go of concepts proclaiming that things need, should, or must be a certain way in order to be correct. Most of the worlds’ “should’s and shouldn’t’s” have been carried in collective consciousness from earlier times when they may of actually made sense for personal safety. Others are nothing more than rules and regulations given by third dimensional thinkers, governments, and religious leaders often to promote their own agendas.

You are ready to come out from under the bondage of three dimensional thinking because you have evolved beyond the need for someone to tell you what is right and what is wrong–you already know what is right and wrong.

Allow yourselves to be who and what you are. If family or friends think you have become a “weirdo”, simply laugh, bless them, and move on. Does God need outer validation? Where could it come from since IT is all there is?

You validate yourselves and it is called evolution. When you can finally move past commonly accepted beliefs and replace them with truth, you stop energetically feeding the manifestations of duality and separation.

You must accept that you have attained a consciousness that no longer needs to seek, search, and struggle to find God. You are no longer beginners or you would not understand the deeper truths. It is time to live your attained state of consciousness without further doubt and procrastination.

Many come to intellectually accept truth but continue to live exactly as they always have, considering truth to be a nice idea, but not practical. Many go to church regularly in the belief that this makes them spiritual. There is nothing more practical for a whole, complete, and joyous life than a consciousness fully aware that these qualities are ever present and available within.

In order to get to where you are today, you have had thousands of experiences and studied truth in its various forms and modalities throughout many lifetimes. In this lifetime, some of you are now living or have lived and carry with you in cellular memory strict religious beliefs with all their rules and regulations but finding that you no longer resonate with the teachings.

For some it takes a great deal of courage to live truth when it begins to unfold from within. A person may be afraid to speak of these things to those of his old mindset be they family, friends, or church elders. Living truth is not for the faint hearted especially in the beginning, but continuing to align with some organization or individual out of fear of criticism serves only to keep the person in energy he has outgrown and where he will continue to create experiences reflective of that energy.

The choice is yours, dear ones. Do you choose to be what you already are or do you wish to continue with the illusion of being a poor human constantly suffering third dimensional problems and continually seeking a savior, human or Divine, to save you?.

Stop waiting for someone or something to change the world for you. Only the awakened consciousness of the collective can and is shifting the three dimensional world out of illusion.

Allow the real YOU to create your experiences. You are your own Light should you choose to accept this fact.

You are Divine Consciousness in expression. Claim it.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/13/19

Donations are welcomed.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
