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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2019 6:11:21 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday January 12, 2019

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The moment the word should enters a sentence it is an indicator that you are making choices based on self judgment or fear of the judgment of others. It is a sign that you are in resistance to what you are truly feeling, or at the very least not connecting with your own needs and preferences. It is an indicator that you are giving more value to external validation than your internal guidance.

What if you replaced what you should do with what you feel guided to do? You would start to create more comfort, grace, and ease for yourself. You would start to make decisions based on what is the highest choice for you at any given time. You would step outside of societal expectations into honouring self.

You would leave resentment behind because your choices would be based on what is in alignment with you. You would begin living far more authentically, which would shift all of your interactions with others into truer connections because you would be showing up with your full willingness and presence.

Be aware that the word should indicates there are other choices that are looking for your consideration. If, once you look at all the options you still decide to go with what you think you should do, realize that has now become your preferred choice that you are making consciously, not something you have no control over. You are always, always in charge of your choices and your awareness of that will shift how you show up for yourself and others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2019 6:19:04 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/11/2019

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Once you see that the mind is confusion and there is no way out through the mind, how long can you go on clinging to the mind? Sooner or later you will have to drop it; even if you don't drop it, it will drop of its own accord. Confusion will become so much, so heavy, that out of sheer heaviness it will drop. And when the mind drops, confusion disappears.

I cannot say that you attain to certainty, no, because that too is a word applicable only to the mind and the world of the mind. When there is confusion, there can be certainty; when confusion disappears, certainty also disappears. You simply are -- clear, neither confused nor certain, just a clarity, a transparency. And that transparency has beauty, that transparency is grace, it is exquisite.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2019 6:44:21 PM

Answer to a very important question – The Council

Answer to a very important question – The Council

This is the answer to a very important question. The question was much longer, but this will give the idea and we will cover as much as we can in our response.

“I’m back to square-one which is despair and hopelessness. I just don’t believe that I can do this…achieve this Oneness state on my own nor apparently with what I thought was spiritual guidance.”

Spiritual teachings, as you find them today, originated from the written or oral accounts of those who experienced direct spiritual realizations. Therefore, all of those teachings, which have become religions, have, at their core, varying amounts of truth. And we will say that all have been ‘interpreted’ for you by persons or groups that had agendas that may not best serve you at this time, if they ever did.

That is why so many of them just do not ‘ring true’ to you now. Many of the old teachings survived in various secretive groups or societies in order to keep them unchanged. We are saying that the time for that is over.

You have been taught, as was stated in the lengthy question by the reader, that you and the Divine were, are, separate and may not meet unless something or someone intercedes, or unless something supernatural occurs for you. God good. You bad. God up there. You down here. And even though you may intellectually agree with newer concepts, those old ideas are deeply imbedded in your consciousness.

Today much greater clarity is being shared. We, higher states of consciousness if you like, other aspects perhaps, it matters not, are laying aside those inaccuracies and bringing to you those beneficial concepts that you have been denied.

Now there are numerous teachings and practices that can benefit you and that have been around for a long time. We do not deny that. What we are saying is that there are core beliefs that, if you allow it, can be found within yourself that will expand your consciousness and begin your journey into the knowing of the Truth of your being. We will state the basics here. You can find many more in past messages and in many languages in all parts of your world. It is THE message at this time.

First, as we said above, God is not ‘up there’ while you remain ‘down here’. Every teaching plainly states, though sometimes taught differently, that God is everywhere, in everything. You being a ‘thing’, in other words manifested in form, are included in that statement. Moreover, you are told that you are made in the likeness of God. You can see that no two of you look exactly alike, so what does that mean? Could it be that it is, perhaps, a non-physical likeness?

So here is the thing, as you say: you are made by your Divine Source, of your Divine Source. And that Being is living as and through you, all of you. And, by the way, expressing as and through every single thing you see and those you don’t see.

So, next: there is nothing for you to become. You are IT already. You simply need to allow yourselves to remember and believe that you are what you already are. Now we know that after thousands of years of having been told that this was not true and that it was, in fact, blasphemous, impossible, this ‘simple’ thing we describe is not easy. But it is a process that you can begin and carry through if you refuse to quit. And we also tell you that the divine being that you are in truth will not rest until this transition is complete.

There is, as we have stated before, one caveat. You must recognize and allow that what we have said you are is also true for every other, even those you do not like or agree with. You are all on your way home. Some are more lost than others. Love them, too. Love the divine within them. You do not have to have them over for beer and a movie.

If you notice, we said nothing about what you ‘must’ practice, what you ‘must’ say, what you need to study. All of that historical baggage is just that, baggage. When you see it as that, drop it and continue on. If what you are currently doing serves you well, by all means continue to do it. But we caution against allowing it to be your straight jacket. In some ways the idea that you are there to learn is quite correct. You are there to remember who you are. When you simply do that, you give permission, in some sense for all others to do the same.

There are a great many messages transcribed by this channel. They have evolved, it is true. But we do not waste your time with less than truth. Now your world has reached a threshold that we knew would come to be. You have actually reached it a bit sooner than was forecast. There was a time not long ago in which most of you would have never accepted what we have just stated. But your collective has advanced past that stage and is continuing in an ever increasing rate. Every step each of you make changes the field of consciousness that you all live in. You have learned separation. Now you are remembering inclusion.

We thank the reader for the wonderful question. It has given us the opportunity to restate these primary concepts once again.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
1/12/2019 6:49:53 PM

To Be Among the Brave

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God said:

Beloved, the distance between what you call your heart and between My heart is no distance at all. Oneness is One. There is no distance between hearts. Of course, you may not yet have the confidence to accept Oneness once and for all. You would like to believe that what you call you and what you call God are One and the same. Wouldn’t this be nice? This sounds so good, yet you dally.

You mistake illusion for reality, hesitant child of Mine. How you desire Oneness, yet you are unsure that Oneness can really exist for you. You realize the rockiness you live with every day. Of course, you would prefer the steadiness of My stride, yet you fear you might topple.

Oh, how you don’t want to be disappointed. You may feel you have had all the disappointment you can live with in this lifetime and no longer can bear any more unsettledness. You may prefer established disappointment than a newly-dashed turn-down. Of course, you would like to be in sight of Home rather than to have the rug pulled out from under you. By and large, when is enough enough? You call for inner peace.

You want a semblance of security. The relative world seems to be about insecurity. You may feel you cannot take on any more. Not even one more down-turn on any other day. You say: “God, I beg your pardon. I’m just not up for any more.”

You would welcome being set aside and not under the eyes of the world for awhile. The carpet has been pulled out from under you too much. Your hair stands on end. You would even appreciate a little boredom for awhile now and then if that is not asking for too much, or, just to go unnoticed.

It’s not that you feel targeted. You don’t want even the possibility of one random upset. You might like a little walk in a lovely garden if this could meet your safety concerns. You whisper to Me that sometimes it seems that a lax excursion skips past you in the Garden of Eden.

All that you desire may not pass inspection. Alack and alas, My Child, you as I, God of the Angels, you would like to be on the sunny side of the street. Is it impertinent of me to ask You if there is anywhere that even angels do not fear to tread?

“Where, God, does all my panic come from? I don’t quite dare to lie down with angels because of the inconstancy of life in the raw.

“In the unexpurgated world, where does danger of one kind or another not exist no matter who I may be or in what land I may live? I hear that all humans are born with fear of falling. It may well be that that everyone is rough and tumble.

“O God, give me freedom from fear. This is what I ask. I can wear all the seat belts in the world, and still fear pursues me.

“I want to serve You well, yet I do not pass the first screening.

“Tell me, please, God, wherein does security lie for certain souls?

“What happenstance has not already happened to someone near or far? From my meager point of view, things should not befall as they may on even one of Your beloved children.

“Beloved God, please do not test me, for I already find myself wanting.

“I want no one’s heart to break, not ever. I never desire to let You down, not ever. It takes courage to be among the brave. I wait in line for an opening to serve as You beckon me to.”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2019 12:40:43 AM

Mike Quinsey - Channeling His Higher Self - January 11, 2019

11th January 2019. Mike Quinsey.

Information coming through many reliable sources, not unexpectedly gives much detail about the coming “Event”. I believe it is correct to say that no one knows exactly when it will take place, except that it is coming very soon and to this end much information is being released to prepare us for it. My impression is that the Event will take place approximately around 2028, so at least you will have some idea as to when. However, as the years pass it almost certain that firm indications will be possible, and we should expect to have a much better idea of the timing of the Event. By the time we near the end we should have made immense progress because as the vibrations continue to lift up, we will have been enjoying a period of growth without the interference of the dark Ones. There are profound advancements in living standards that will be released but only when it is the “right time” to go ahead. Life will change for the better never to go back to where it was previously. The Light has won the battle for your souls and will continue the upliftment without fear of interruption.

For those of you who have not yet read a fully detailed version of what to expect, I have taken an extract as follows that details the core of the message.

SANANDA: The Great Event is Coming.

Simply put, the Event is a singular, cosmic, completely visible, planetary-scale ‘explosion’ of Divine Light and Love on Earth. These powerful waves of Divine Light and Love will come straight from the God Source channeled through the Great Central Sun. They will pass through your galaxy and planetary systems, to arrive and encompass all of the Earth in ONE single moment ~ reaching all living within the planet at the same time. Gaia and all of her inhabitants will be able to see and feel the Event, and not a single person will remain unaffected afterwards.

What is likely to happen during the Event is that the incarnate souls will feel a powerful undeniable surge of the following feelings all mixed in together - Unconditional Love, Divine Bliss, Complete Acceptance of who you are, Divine Grace, Blessings and strong feelings of finally being home again. During this powerful energy surge, some of you will be able to witness the appearance of an Ascended Master, Leaders and Founders of the religions/faiths that you believe in or have a close spiritual connection with. For example, if you are a Christian, you may see a vision of Lord Jesus and will be able to talk to Him personally. If you are a Buddhist, you may see a vision of Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha, and be able to have a private conversation with Him. You will instantly be able to recognize who they are by the very powerful Light and loving vibrations they emanate, and by your own eternal connection with the souls of these highly-evolved Light Beings.

Even after reading what is written above, it will be challenging for most of you to even imagine what the Event will feel like, because you do not yet have a previous life experience as a starting point of reference to compare it with from within this lifetime. However some of you reading this had experienced something similar to the Event during your meditation/spiritual awakening, but in a much smaller scale. If you belong to this latter group, bear in mind that whatever you had previously felt in the past you will feel all of the above feelings again, but magnified more than a thousand times during the coming Event.
What will happen after the Even, and this is where it gets a little bit tricky to explain. Every one of you will perceive and process the Event differently, depending on the type of soul group you belong to among the four different soul groups.


Dear Ones, the dark night has passed and the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth. So please try to release yourselves from any attachment to that which is the remnant of the negativity that still abounds on Earth. Be assured it is in its dying days and is slowly losing its power to interrupt the progress of those who tread the Path of Light. You have waited so long for the time that is manifesting now, and soon you should see the signs that indicate great changes are coming that will be beneficial to those on the Path of Light. There is more help for you than ever before and you only have to ask your Guides for help and they will be there for you. Indeed some of you will become aware of contact being made with you in your dreamtime by recalling the experience upon awakening. Such contacts will become more common and you are likely to “feel” the presence of your Guides in your waking state.

The time you are in now is very different to that prior to 2012, as you have already grown in your understanding because of the powerful Light that now pervades the Earth. It will help fully awaken those who are ready to move into the Light, and with an expansion of consciousness they will quickly move onto the Path of Light. There cannot be any other outcome as the Creator has decreed that Ascension will take place, and no mortal or even awakened soul can alter your decreed destiny even if they so desired. As you become more enlightened so your mere presence and vibrations will help uplift those around you. Help them by all means if they express a desire for more information, but try not to go beyond that which they wish to know. When they are ready, you may be sure that they will seek answers from you or someone else who is capable of giving that information.

The curtain has lifted and the truth of all matters is on hand, and as you seek so shall you be led to those sources or people that can help you. Many advanced souls are on Earth who have been waiting for this time, some are the younger generations who have come with advanced knowledge and information to share with you, and help give answers where their experience is needed, and you only have to ask for it.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion.

This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
