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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2018 12:54:17 AM

Love is a Given

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God said:

Beloved, why are you delving into love when love is a given? To receive or to give love are not so different as you may think. Love is not a contest. It is a not a test. You are love on Earth or in Heaven. Love is your expressed DNA.

Where else can you be but in the world and be Oneness and also carry a unique fingerprint? See, this is what I mean when I say:

“Why, oh, why, do you question so much? Accept all this much instead. If you are born to the world, no matter, you are love in the grand design. You are here to love. Just be it. Swim in the Ocean of Love. It is for you, and you are for it.”

Wherever I am, you are. The birds that sing know they are messengers of My love. What wiggling puppy does not know that he is love, and that’s it? What flower does not recognize its scent? Why would you, a Human Being, be the last to know? Decide now to head the list.

Imagine a portrait of yourself with your title, God’s Love, under it. This is all you have to know. There is nothing else you can be. This is Who you are. Hello, this is the long and short of it.

Do you debate with Me? Why would you? Am I not the Source of All? Oneness exists. There are no exceptions. Only you may think you fantasize what is not so. You put the cart before the horse. Believe in yourself as I believe in you. Do you really disbelieve Me?

Well, Who do you think is carrying you? The One and the Same One God, the Oneness of One. No One is omitted.

This is My clarion call. The One of One is My clarion call. Your heart is wide open. Acknowledge this. My One Heart is wide open. This is Reality. Your heart is wide open to Mine, and My heart is yours in service to Oneness, and this is life as seen from the treetops.

No matter how real the world may seem to you to be, it is illusion. The desert is illusion. The Oasis is truth.

All this scurrying around you do to find water or to find love or to scatter love to the winds is illusion. The ground under your feet is love, and that’s it. It is natural to love. Love is all over the place pure and simple. Existence itself is love. There is no debate. Every body has a heart. No one is without a heart at its base.

Now your mind intervenes and says: “Well, oh, God, what about murderers?”

Stop looking for exceptions. To what benefit is this?

Somewhere there is a heart who may have cut itself off from the Sun.

I suppose it can be said to some extent that your heart is not full-fledged, yet I will not say that, and why would you? With God, all things are possible. Love is most possible. Sun can shine all over the world. The Sun does shine all over the world. Eyes can open, and love can be seen in what the world calls unlikely places. Beloved, what if you had eyes to see? And why not you? Why not you?

You seem to see misery. Why can’t you see light? What can equal blazing light?

Will you consider that you can see what you have as yet not allowed yourself to see?

We are having a heart to heart talk right now. Your eyes are beginning to open. Arise from the dark. Turn the lights on!

You are alive! Be the light.

How do you know that I am not beaming in front of you this minute?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
12/1/2018 2:48:53 AM

Answers Ep. XIX – Manifestation – The Council

Answers Ep. XIX – Manifestation – The Council

There are quite a few questions regarding the subject of manifestation. If we may, we will give you a short treatise on the processes involved. We are not going to tell you how to sit, what to say, or what to think; there is more than enough of that already.

“Why not?” you ask. And our answer is that you are doing it now. You have always done it. And you always will do it. If you were to say, “No I don’t! I am just going to sit here and not manifest anything.” You would manifest a stubborn person who is sitting with crossed arms refusing to manifest. Let us start at the beginning.

“In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.”

What happened there? God had an idea and he spoke it. Everything you see, touch, taste, smell, etc. comes from that. Everything comes from an idea, a thought. That is a variation in the energy field. At that point, the idea exists and it has potential. It can become more and more ‘real’ or it can fade. But if it is reinforced through intention, through repetition, through the energy of sound, through the constant embellishing of what it will become, it gathers more and more energy, eventually substance, and then it will be ‘real’. We put that in quotes because, as almost all of you know, it was real in the instant it was thought. “Thought are things.”

You are creators in the same manner as your Source is Creator. That is exactly how you manifest… all the time… every day… individually and collectively.

Are there ways to do it faster? Meaning bring something into the material. Are there ways to cancel it? Are there things we do to inhibit it? Yes, yes, and yes.

First nothing is possible if you think it is impossible. Impossibility is what you manifest. So doubt is a killer, do you see? You cannot have something that you do not deserve. BUT, my friends, who decides that you do not? If you think you do not deserve, are not worthy, and may not have, you manifest as the one who may not have.

Conversely, if you know you may, if you know that you can, or even of you just allow for the possibility, then your intent, the e-motional energy you give it and the reinforcements you make can and do bring it forward.

Also, having gratitude for the manifestation is the same as stating that it is, as you say, a done deal.

We chose this topic today because it fits hand-in-glove with what we discussed with you yesterday. The more you allow the truth of that, the more you will begin to consciously create. You create in any case, but the fun begins when you know that you are doing it.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/1/2018 8:00:49 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 1, 2018

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Dear Ones, we realize that the endless releasing and reviewing you’ve been doing has been arduous, and that, along with the turbulence of the collective energy, has made things feel heavy and dense at times. But we are here to tell you that there has been influx after influx of light this year, and that is what you have been integrating. You are also entering into a season of light that will last right up to when you step into the new year.

It is a grand success to be able to process and anchor so much light, and to embody so much of your own divine essence. 2019 will be a year that will be all about discovering what that means to you, what new capabilities you have, and how you will use that creatively in your lives moving forward. To say these times are glorious would be an understatement. Allow yourselves to bask in the light that is available to you that is testimony of your diligence and your commitment to the shift and your own enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/1/2018 11:16:57 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/30/2018

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Why live in either/or? Why not live in both/and?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/2/2018 12:19:14 AM

God, Thy Will on Earth as It Is in Heaven

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God said:

Beloved, I am near. Nearer are you to Me. Nearer and dearer are you to Me. I am so full of love, and so are you. If you would but believe Me – Yes, I am speaking to you. My heart is full of you. I do not know what more to say but that you are truly My Beloved. This goes without saying, yet you want to hear Me say this again and again. Maybe someday soon what I say will really soak into you. My Beloved, once and for all, may you grasp what it is to be My Beloved.

You and I are the Subject and the Object. Actually, We are One. We have known this from the beginning, even before life manifested the same way a hyacinth blooms from its bulb hidden in the snow. When life erupted on Earth, bodies manifested singly, and spirits arose as One. This is the way of life.

Life on Earth is a world-shaking experience. The Earth becomes populated with all kinds of life in all shapes and sizes, all precious, all in color, all receiving My full attention in even from one glance of Oneness.

O, Beloved World, what I wrought when I wrought you. It may have seemed to you that you were on the back burner, and you felt bereft and sought solace. However, Beloved, there is no emptiness, only fullness of fullness finding its way even as there is no space to find it in nor time either, yet the experience of this newly-born life is rich, so very rich. Of course, Heaven is Home. Your roots grow deep. Your longing for Home is true.

You may think of mountains and valleys. Of course, Earth arose and families and Oneness is the Word of the Day everlasting. Oneness always exists. Snazzy cars were invented. How easy can it be before you settle down to Vastness of Soul when you have other fish to fry, such as daily life even as your blessed Soul waxes immortal?

When dust unto dust was spoken of, perhaps this referred to the physical world. In another sense, perhaps the meaning bowed toward Oneness, that is, spirit whirling around spirit unto a world deeper, higher, greater than the physical. Surely, there is a higher motif to life on Earth than the passing velour that you are drawn to.

Dust unto dust may be too earthen for you who fly high. From sun to sun sounds more like it. Yes, there is Greatness before you. There is Greatness forever and ever. Greatness is My Grace given to you. You are graced with Me, and so am I graced with you regardless of the variant detours you may take a spin on now and then.

Be apprised of how innocent you are. How unknowing ahead of time, you are. I say this at the same time as I say unequivocally that you are, in truth, a sage of the world. You are, in fact, all-knowing. You have more knowledge than what exists commonly in the world. You were not born yesterday. You are Bright Light, and you shine upon a world that seeks to know itself when you as an individual have been given the Sun and the Moon and the Stars, all created by God for glad tidings for all who have been and all who are to come even as there is no beginning and no ending. Life on Earth is far more than from A to Z.

No longer keep the idea that you are not much when you exist as everything to Me. My Will on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Never were you not. Never will you not be. I, God of Love, am invested in you, Heart and Soul. You are My Resplendent Self shining in the wholeness of love. What have you been thinking?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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