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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2018 12:23:59 AM

Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Dec. 2, 2018

Marilyn Raffaele

DECEMBER 2, 2018

People all over the world are becoming increasingly aware of the hidden agendas of those dedicated to self service. The false beliefs and concepts that have ruled the three dimensional world for centuries are surfacing in order to be transmuted once again into energies of Light. Energy does not dissolve, but rather changes form as evolution takes place. Other planets have done it and it is now earth’s turn to graduate into being a planet in alignment with other evolved planets.

Do not allow the chaos of the outer scene to lodge in consciousness as reality, but rather remember that Divine Consciousness, which is all that exists, is incapable of and thus never has expressed Itself as chaos, violence, or suffering. If God did not form Itself as these things then they must only exist as false creations, manifestations of a collective mind conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation.

This is the illusion that is so often spoken of. Earth and her people are real and not illusory but hypnotized states of consciousness interpret her realities falsely. This constitutes the illusion.

The heat is being turned up so to speak, because those who stand to be acknowledged publicly for their self serving actions fear this exposure and are attempting to keep the status quo by means of tricks and fear tactics that have been successful in the past–anything to distract and keep the majority un-informed.

Learn to stay centered, resting in that clear, cool well of contentment within, regardless of outer appearances. Watch less news, detach from 24/7 electronics, and be alert to aligning with negative discussions. If or when you find yourself in this type of situation, don’t correct the others, but rather stay centered and aligned, tossing out a seed or more of truth where there is receptivity.

There are times when you may be guided to join a heated conversation in order to add Light that will help to open and lift the energy. Never “cast your pearls” where they can be trampled on but rather let intuition always be your guide, which may be to say or do nothing. This is how you secretly and silently pour gentle rain of Light on the fires of confusion. This is Lightwork.

There are many in the world who are spiritually ready to go deeper but who remain reluctant, hesitant to do anything that might change their comfortable three dimensional lifestyle. These dear ones usually do not open to the deeper truths without some sort of wake up call forcing them out of their comfort zone.

No one incarnates without first creating a contract that they themselves draw up with the help of Guides and teachers. Spiritual contracts are agreed upon lesson plans for chosen experiences and interactions necessary for spiritual growth. Contracts can be changed, but few realize this. In spite of what third dimensional thinking promotes, no one is on earth simply to enjoy concepts of pleasure through any means available.

All is proceeding according to plan, never doubt this. Physical eyes can only see the material, but you are reaching a new place by virtue of your inner work where you will begin to access higher frequencies that exist beyond the third dimension. Many of you are already doing this. Do not doubt when you begin to have deep and clear insights or have experiences that were previously unavailable to you.

You are becoming YOU as old cellular memory is cleared and higher frequency Light is integrated. You are beginning to align consciously with your Higher Self who has been present in every lifetime, even though you were mostly unaware of her. Talk to your Higher Self for she/he has been lovingly awaiting your recognition since the beginning.

Each day more people are awakening and although they may not voice this to those around them, they are starting to question the status quo and seek for better and more loving ways of living. The train of spiritual evolution has left the station and is moving forward. Any attempt to slow or speed up the train by running back and forth in the train cars is futile.

We wish to speak of self- love. We have often spoken of love, what it is and how it is, but there remains a great need on earth for real self-love, one not based self importance and ego. Until an individual is able to love and respect self, he will be blocked from entering fully into unconditional love because he has left himself out of ONE and thus remains in alignment with separation.

Humans beings are taught from birth that certain codes of conduct must be adhered to in order to be loved and accepted by society. If the parents are somewhat evolved, these codes will be primarily based in love but others are taught codes of conduct that arise out of denser belief systems.

Every person brings their attained state of consciousness with them at birth because in reality you are consciousness and not just physical bodies. This effects if and how these codes of conduct are accepted and lived which is why parents should not always be blamed for the actions of their children.

Every person, no exceptions, seeks love and acceptance because Oneness is the reality that underlies all creation. Realization of Oneness is what evolution is and has always been about. Every soul innately, but usually unconsciously seeks to once again experience the wholeness of realignment with SELF–Source.

This is the force that drives and governs the actions of human beings in accord with their level of awareness. The love, acceptance, and sense of wholeness that every soul has sought lifetime after lifetime, is already fully present within but remains dormant and inaccessible until consciously realized.

If love and acceptance is only received in negative ways, for instance from gang participation or some other organized group, desperate and un-awakened individuals will do whatever is required in order to experience acceptance and a sense of belonging. (love and wholeness)

Third dimensional ideas about how to experience love and acceptance are usually promoted as being dependent on accomplishment– concepts that often drive individuals to use any means to be beautiful, handsome, rich, strong, and powerful, etc. etc. in the belief that once these things are attained, they will finally have the sense of completeness, love, and acceptance that they seek.

These dear ones often force themselves into the particular mold they believe will make them worthy, by means that often drain them of true individuality. However for some who are spiritually ready, these exercises in futility can be a part of their pre-birth contract, one designed to move them once and for all beyond seeking love outside of themselves.

Drugs and alcohol are often relied upon when even after achieving human success, there remains an inner longing for more and sense of failure. These and other distractions can temporarily relieve the pain but these feelings will continue from lifetime to lifetime until that which the heart seeks is discovered within. The soul’s yearning to be whole is what drives mankind’s continual search for the right partner, a better job, more money, beauty, power etc. etc.

What you as evolving students of truth must never lose sight of is that no one has ever or can ever be separate from love. Once this truth becomes your living breathing state of consciousness, the yearning drive to seek love and acceptance from the outer things (jobs, partners, money, education etc.) dissolves. Only God is love and when you see a loving person, know that it is God expressing ITself through them. Love exists fully present within you now–you are IT.

Many who lash out physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually at others have consciously or unconsciously recognized those same unacceptable qualities in themselves although they will deny this in every way possible. Self loathing is usually disguised as righteousness taken to intense levels of judgement and even violence against certain individuals or groups.

This behavior is common among those who hold to strict religious rules and regulations of what is right and wrong. When these dear ones suspect or discover something within themselves outlawed by their narrow belief system, they lash out at anyone or group represents these qualities in an attempt to convince themselves and those around them that the issue is not a part of them.

Because energy always seeks to align with like energy (oneness) that which is being judged, is in alignment with similar energy in the person doing the hating and judging, otherwise there could be no reaction or even awareness of the issue.

Intense personal reactions to some person or group occasionally pop up even for the very evolved, causing confusion and guilt. This happens because energy from a former belief system is still resonating in cellular memory. Without judgement or guilt, utilize these types of experiences as wonderful tools for more fully examining and clearing energies you may still be holding in consciousness.

As individuals become spiritually enlightened, they often experience intense guilt over past actions. This is normal as you begin to see the world with awakened eyes. Experiences are how humans spiritually grow and evolve until they are no longer needed. Do not give some un-loving action of the past power over you because it has only the power you choose to give it. All experiences are steps along the path of enlightenment and without them you and the others involved would not be where you are now.

Earth school is a teaching school that begins which pre-school, moves to grade school, then high school, college, and graduate school where most of you are now earning the right to teach and assist others coming up the ladder behind you. It is never wisdom to burn down the school once you graduate or to sit back doing nothing in the false belief that you have arrived. Evolution is a group effort– ONE individualized as the many.

Rejoice in your failures and in the parts of yourself that have caused you shame. We are not saying that it is fine to continue with actions that reflect separation once you know better, but we do say that it is time to accept that you grew and learned from these experiences qualifying you now to assist others dealing with the same issues.

In spite of what many paths teach, there is no right way to become more spiritual, because you already are as spiritual as you will ever be. No path, teacher, tool, or experience can make you more spiritual than you already are. Evolution is simply the process of remembering and accepting this fact until it becomes a permanent state of consciousness.

If you are guided to read these messages, it means you are ready to let go and move on from the million and one concepts the world presents regarding spirituality, most of which involve looking to some person, place, or thing outside of yourself. Accept the reality of who and what you are and only ever will be. This is how you love yourself.

To know self as SELF is self love.

Allow any shadow parts to assume their rightful place as representative of who you thought you were at that time. Let everything that has caused you to feel “less than” fade away and Light to take its place. Everyone is only required to live their highest attained level of awareness, doing the best they can with what they know in all situations. There are some who continue to live out from an outgrown level of awareness in order to be accepted by others.

Humans chose to experience separation when they picked earth as their evolutionary path. There are those on other planets who have and are evolving without third dimensional experiences. When fully aligning with the lower resonating energies of duality and separation, humans are unable to access the higher frequencies of their spiritual nature. This is the so called “veil” that prevents most humans from accessing the higher frequencies. This is rapidly changing.

Every incarnating soul is aware of the “veil” before choosing “Earth School”. Those of you reading these messages have weathered many three dimensional storms, lived as all races and both genders, and have experienced intense fear and suffering as well as joy and happiness throughout your hundreds of lifetimes.

Because of this, those drawn to you for spiritual assistance will not tell you anything new or that will shock and dismay because you have already either heard about or experienced it in this or some other lifetime making you a teacher who embodies truth, understanding, patience, and unconditional love.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/2/18

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2018 12:48:55 AM

Head-spinning amount of change – The Council

Head-spinning amount of change – The Council

We have spoken recently about the head-spinning amount of change that you will experience during this time. And if you keep your eyes open, you may now see that happening. It has not yet reached its full force. And much of it is still being kept from you, but you may rest assured that your lives are truly in the midst of a vast flood of change. Some of this must happen as older structures just will not be able to continue. That which is built on fear, on control, on darkness will not be able to continue. Not every change will be comfortable for everyone. But you are on the way to the new world you have dreamed of.

So, how do you get through this time? We would say, deal with what you need to deal with today. Today practice being the heart-centered being that you have learned you are. You do not have to deal with everything that is going on in everyone else’s life. It is not imperative that you know about everything that is happening in every city and countryside on your planet. We are not saying that you should not be compassionate. We are saying that you will have enough to be compassionate about where you are. That is why you are there. There will be compassionate hearts aplenty in those other places. And that is why they are there. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to anchor the light where you are. But we assure you that our secretaries will not disavow knowledge of your actions. To the contrary, you, where you are, how you are, who you are, are writing history you can only dream of.

We will remind you of what we were saying to you a short few years ago. It was not believed that you could accomplish all that you have. But you did. You have changed the destiny of an entire planet. And this is change that is so far reaching as to be unimaginable.

You are the saviors of yourselves. You are the co-creators of a new world. You are the furthest thing possible from powerless. Know that and you cannot fail.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2018 1:07:10 AM

Sometimes a Prelude to Godwriting

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God said:

Beloved, We, the One Truth, taking a voyage to the Moon. Every day you, as My Oneness, fly to the Moon with Me. I wish there could be a word for I that automatically includes awareness of what is referred to as you. We doesn’t quite work.

Would the Oneness of God, I, the Oneness of God, work clearly? Perhaps someone could design a simple Golden Logo.

Or perhaps it already works in another language or two.

Or when God means the Oneness of God, the imagined two – God and you, or the One God as it truthfully does hum a certain high note of music that can be heard again all over the Universe. Perhaps a Oneness Chorus resounds that will never let you forget Oneness as it truly is on Earth.

You can only get up and dance to the tune of it. You won’t care what you are in the middle of or give a second thought about getting up to dance in the middle of anything no matter what anyone thinks. How about in the middle of congress or an election? Get up and sing and dance and see how the voting goes. Even associates might sing an ode to happiness.

Of course, a High Note that runs through your bloodstream would be forever calibrated in tune with this High Note. You will be eternally plugged in. Hallowed be Human Beings on Earth. The High Note of God and Man will synchronize with Heaven on Earth. Blessed be God and Man as one beautiful expression. You are going to hear this music and dance the steps soon.

This cannot come too soon. Come, sit beside Me in My pew and always see and hear from My view which is where you belong. You will see that everyone is high-stepping, as if all the flowers on Earth are blooming at once and ready to bloom again tomorrow, as if today will never end yet always be new.

There will never be another traffic jam or accident. The whole world will vibrate to a Chorus of Love. This will be the long and the short of it. This is how the world will express itself. Hail to Joy!

Anger will be no more because Joy has come to its prime. Hail to the Chief.

Do you know how sometimes an old song starts stirring in your head and heart? Why that song at this time and no other? What is the rhyme or reason, yet here it is – this tune out of the blue! It appears, and that’s it. It’s not even scheduled like an answer to a prayer.

It’s more like: “Suddenly, it’s Spring!”

What can you do but inhale and savor the scents of Spring? A Heavenletter runs ahead of ordinary thought. Its time has come, and you pick up its beat.

This is sometimes how Godwriting may introduce Itself. Something in the distance you don’t always hear you hear now from a great distance. You don’t usually see from this distance. Your senses become more refined without any consultation or fixed thought about it.

Like a sunny day, it just comes. Here it is. Happy days are here again!

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again

Altogether shout it now
There's no one
Who can doubt it now
So let's tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again

Your cares and troubles are gone
There'll be no more from now on
From now on
Happy days are here again

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2018 8:33:05 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday December 3, 2018

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Today’s daily message is completely different than normal but I just had to share what I’ve been experiencing with Gabriel.

It takes me a while to get a real feel for the prevalent energies of a new year. Usually I’ll start to receive bits and pieces of information about it as we get closer to it, but I often won’t get the full understanding of a new year’s energy until we have entered it. But Gabriel has given me this little nugget a couple of times now in private sessions, and it makes me giggle. He says, “2018 has been a year of complete and total transformation. 2019 is the bridge of increasing clarity about what that transformation means for you, which will lead you to the year 2020, the year of perfect vision.” And then he laughs heartily at his own joke. He cracks me up sometimes.

I know this year has been a tough one in so many ways. I thought you might appreciate a little glimpse of where we are going, and also share a chuckle at Gabriel’s sense of humour. Have a wonderful day!

PS. Unfortunately humour doesn’t always translate well into other languages, and I’ve had people message me to ask me why this is funny. In North America when you get your eyes examined at the eye doctors, 20/20 vision is considered perfect eyesight. This is why Gabriel is calling 2020 the year of perfect vision. :)

PPS. Daily messages will be back to their regular channeled format tomorrow. xo


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/4/2018 12:29:38 AM

Monday, December 3, 2018

Benjamin Fulford Update - December 3, 2018

"In historic move, P2 Freemasons—the Black Sun worshipers—sue for peace"

In what future historians will look back on as a huge watershed event, the P2 Freemasons—worshipers of the Black Sun and creators of both fascism and communism—are suing for peace, White Dragon Society sources say. This, coming with the removal of the Rothschild family from control of central banks, means the world is about to enter uncharted historical waters.

The P2 Freemasons are proposing that the world “be led by a triumvirate of the sons of the Black Sun, the sons of big Horus, and sons of the Dragon,” according to the proposal conveyed by Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and the most senior P2 member to contact the WDS.

The “sons of the Black Sun” refers to the P2 Freemasons, who give orders to the Pope and the world’s 1.5 million or so Catholics. The “sons of big Horus” refers to the eye at the top of the pyramid on the U.S. one-dollar bill, presumably referring to non-P2 Freemasons such as the Scotch Rite and Grand Orient who control much of the English- and French-speaking world. The “sons of the Dragon” refers to Asian secret societies who control most of East Asia.

At this point, most readers are probably, and rightly so, appalled at the idea of three secret societies colluding in order to continue to rule in secret. The WDS, of course, wants everything to be open and with full public participation. Nonetheless, the P2 are powerful; they told us in advance they were going to fire Pope “Maledict” (Benedict XVI) and they did so. The P2 also bragged to the WDS that they were the ones responsible for staging the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear mass-murder terror incident. Thus, the fact that they are now suing for peace means they know the dragnet is finally closing in on them.

This move is also intimately related to the announcement that Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George H.W. Scherff (Bush) is dead. As Pentagon sources put it, “While the G20 was prepping the world for a global currency reset, 41st President Bush Sr. expired on 11/30 because 11+30=41.” In fact, Bush Sr. died in June, but the announcement was delayed until all the preparations were made to arrest senior Nazionist (Khazarian mafia) underlings like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the sources say.
This is why U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted this famous image on November 27th with the label, “Now that Russia collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin?”

The answer to that question, Pentagon sources say is that…

…“mass arrests may occur after the Bush funeral, as Gitmo is overstaffed and Trump may initiate military tribunals before the new Congress is seated on January 3, 2019.”

The official announcement of the Bush Sr. death is important, because unlike other members of his group such as Hillary Clinton or Bush Jr., Bush Sr. had a lot of clout and respect at the top of the U.S. military-industrial complex. With him gone, they have lost their last line of protection.

Also, as far as a eulogy is concerned, since readers can find out for themselves about his involvement in things like the Kennedy assassination, I will only mention a few bits of original intelligence I have from my own sources about this man.

The first, from MI6, is that when he went fishing in Maine in July 2007 with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Bush proposed they start a new cold war, with Russia pretending to be China’s ally. Using this cold war as camouflage, the G7, Russia, and Japan would increase their military budgets until they all turned around to attack China and divide it into six countries. Certainly, until recently, that was the plot being followed with all the fake anti-Russian hysteria in the corporate media.

Also, P2 Freemasons told me back in 2009 that Bush was the leader of the faction that wanted to kill 90% of humanity (the so-called useless eaters), enslave the rest, and create a Nazi eco-paradise.

My X-file sources, meanwhile, tell me the Bush who died was actually “Clone Number 34.” As evidence, he provided a link to “a video showing old man Bush choking while allegedly eating sushi and actually dying as his wife Barbara finished him off with a poisoned cloth. This was January 8, 1992. He was quickly replaced with a new clone already waiting in the back room. A fast switch of clones/doubles. This was prepared in advance.”

This writer for years has asked contacts inside the Japanese public NHK broadcaster to get a copy of the original tape of this incident, but apparently it is kept under lock and key.

As a final comment, when this writer approached Bush Sr. for an interview, I was told he was retired and did not do interviews, but that “he knew about and supported” what I was trying to do. In other words, he appears to have changed his mind about the genocide and agreed to the alternative plan of a huge campaign to fix the planet, followed by human expansion into the universe.

This brings us back to the P2 Freemason peace overtures mentioned above. The P2 now say their proposed triumvirate “will guide us into the new era with a new Yalta already in being.” Yalta, you may recall, was the 1945 conference between Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin that decided the shape of the post-war world.

The new Yalta, according to the P2, is an agreement to finance a multi-hundred-trillion-dollar project to “build a huge spaceship to ferry us to other planets as part of a project that has already been developed by NASA.” Of course, U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency sources have previously told us NASA stands for “Not A Space Agency,” so these claims need to be taken with extreme skepticism.

The other thing the P2 had to say was that “the world financial system has been able to create financial debts of $1.4 quadrillion against world GDP of less than $100 trillion. This is a monster that no central-bank algorithm can control; they know it well—both the FRB and the ECB, but also the Chinese.” This is the result of “a devastating financial war between Asia and the West, leading to the continuous creation of new money in a way that is designed only to explode the financial system.”

As a peace offering, the P2 are offering this bond, backed by 46,000 tons of gold.


Despite this peace offering, the fact is that the P2 and their fellow secret societies have been extremely incompetent at ruling this planet and have presided over human misery, endless war, and the destruction of much of the natural world. That’s why, instead of accepting their “triumvirate,” we need to keep fighting them until there is total, unconditional surrender.

On that front, a major Khazarian cabal attempt to start World War III was prevented last week. “There is no Hanukkah miracle this year, after an Israeli false-flag against the U.S. Navy that was to be blamed on Iran was stopped,” say Pentagon sources. Presumably this has something to do with the news that Vice Admiral Scott Stearney, who oversaw U.S. naval forces in the Middle East, was found dead Saturday in an “apparent suicide.”

This incident, combined with the “Mossad” laser pointers targeting him last week, means that “Trump may now be ready to declassify not just FISA, but JFK and 9/11 files to terminate Israel and the Bush cabal,” the sources say.

“Israel is up against the ropes because its air force, missiles, paper dome, and lobby are useless as the UN General Assembly demands the return of Golan,” they continue.

Regime change is expected in both Israel and its client state Saudi Arabia, as patriots in both countries seek world help to remove Benjamin Netanyahu and his pet, so-called Mohammed bin Salman, they say. A sign of this was seen when Trump refused to meet MBS at the just-concluded G20 meeting. Also, the Israeli police have recommended indicting Netanyahu for multiple crimes, and his downfall is just a matter of time.

Pentagon sources say the International Criminal Court is joining Argentine prosecutors as they “look into war crimes charges against MBS, the EU, and the UN, and this may implicate Israel because they nuked Yemen.”

The other Khazarian mafia thug facing removal is French Rothschild slave president Emmanuel Macron. Mass demonstrations to oust Macron continue to rage across France, with 84% of the public supporting the demonstrators. The Macron regime’s thugs are using agents provocateurs to create violent incidents as an excuse to declare martial law. However, French protestors have posted videos that prove the violent protesters actually work for the police.

“When Macron declares martial law, the French military may side with the yellow vests [the protesters] to oust this Rothschild puppet,” the Pentagon sources say. French opposition sources, for their part, say that Macron has hired over 10,000 foreign mercenaries to protect himself, and that the French military are going to use this foreign incursion as a pretext to move against him.

Another Rothschild criminal puppet to be removed soon is Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, Japanese right-wing sources say. Aso has infuriated right-wingers by promising to sell off all of Japan’s water resources to benefit his son-in-law Alexandre de Rothschild. “Aso’s death has already been ordered and if he is not dead already, he will be soon,” a right-wing source close to the imperial family said.

The arrest of Nissan president Carlos Ghosn is part of the campaign to remove French Rothschild influence from that country, the sources say. Trump told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the G20 that “he favors a strong Japan in the rebalancing of the Nissan-Renault Alliance,” Pentagon sources say. “Since Japan’s GDP is almost twice that of France and since Nissan’s market capitalization is almost twice that of Renault, France will be forced to sell or reduce its stake,” they add.

Finally, there is also some sort of esoteric California-style battle involving Directed Energy Weapons taking place in Australia. Australian intelligence sent us the following pictures of what appears to be a massive DEW attack that is starting fires in Queensland.


Things are definitely heating up and we can expect a lot more as the battle to free humanity rages towards victory and freedom from Babylonian debt slavery and towards a golden new age.

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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