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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2018 12:03:02 AM

Theory To Practice

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It is time to hang on tight…one more time. The wave coming to your Earth plane will, once again, bring many changes in thought, mood, emotion and action. Your path may become bumpy where it was smooth and less challenging where it was rough. The important thing is to keep walking. The tenacity you have shown thus far is admirable, however, it may require a bit more. (Smiling) Keeping an open heart and mind while maintaining your boundaries during immense times of change is a feat in and of itself, but it can be done. You chose this lifetime and The Universe chose you because of the power of change you possess. It is time to move from theory to practice, dear one…it can be done! ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2018 12:30:03 AM

Answers Ep. XVIII – A few of your questions – The Council

Answers Ep. XVIII – A few of your questions – The Council

We will choose to answer a few of your questions today. The answers may be rather short, but that does not mean that the questions are unimportant. The first, for instance, is very important to us.

“What areas of spiritual inquiry and questions is The Council particularly interested in assisting us with, at this point in time?”

The particular interest of this group of energies, and we would say of all true guides and teachers, at this time, is the awakening of the earth human to the true nature of his/her being. This is an expansion of consciousness. It is an awareness of self. It is a replacement of denial with acceptance.

This true nature is not a secret. It has been stated unequivocally. It has been pointed to. It has been the object of countless metaphors. And still, it is not accepted, not considered possible, and for some it is deemed heretical. You, each of you, all of you, are divine aspects of your Source. It matters not at all what you call that in your language. You are not God. But you are certainly of God and a part of God. Nothing, nothing, nothing and no one can possibly be anything else.

But this is a fearful thing to consider for most of you. Yet, it is coming. The truth of you is here. Will you finally see it? Will you feel it? It is not some judgmental smiter of souls looking down upon you. It is the energy of love, of light, of truth that you are an inseparable part of. All you need to ‘do’ is open to the feeling and the expression of it.

This, in many words, in many languages, in every part of your world is THE message. And we thank you deeply for asking this question.

“Is negative Karma, true and do we need to pay someone back for a wrong doing, even in a different lifetime? Is there a way to deal with Karma in this lifetime easily so we don’t carry it forward to future lives?”

Karma is the effect side of cause/effect. Negative and positive are values placed upon this by you. Do I like it or do I not? We do not belittle, we simply try to impart understanding.

Karma has been operative for thousands of years. But it need not be.

“How is this?” Ask yourselves why it exists. Is it the payback of a debt or a reward for right action? Who determined that? Who is the judge demanding the payback? And we tell you that you are that judge. And, yes, you – the greater you – brings it forward to be balanced. But with the understanding of that, and in this current time, the judge can forgive, can pardon. And remember, the judge is you. Forgive you, forgive your acts, your thoughts, your secrets, your words throughout all time, in all places. Forgive everyone. Forgive everything. This is easy to say. It is extremely hard to do. But the effort alone is more than worth it. The intent and the effort will initiate great change.

Thank you.

“Each and every day people are being diagnosed with the most horrible diseases. Of course, from a human perspective, it’s never an easy subject even to consider. Though, it happens nevertheless, as it happens on a global scale. Despite the medical cause of such a problem, I wonder whether it’s possible to fathom the spiritual reason behind it.”

The causes of medical problems, diseases, etc., are as numerous as those who express with them. But your question is not as far off the mark as it would seem.

There is a seemingly simple cause for all of the above. That implies a simple solution. And there is one of those, as well. However, simple does not mean easy.

You may detect a pattern to our answers today. The simple cause is that you are separated from your Divine Source – in your minds. Actual separation, as we have stated previously, is simply not possible, but it is your experience. End the experience. Easily said, yes? Do you imagine that your Father/Mother does not yearn for the return of the prodigal son/daughter every bit as much as you do, if not more? But we say again, the cure, the fix, the forgiving, whatever is needed is not outside of you. No Santa Claus. No Easter Bunny. No Event thrown to you from out of the Cosmos. No new book. No other teacher that you will meet tomorrow and pay for the answer. A real teacher will only lead you into your heart.

We may have tested your patience today. But we are only of truth. And you have faithfully asked out of your need. Thank you and bless you each. Good day.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
11/30/2018 9:21:16 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday November 30, 2018

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If something you wish to create seems stalled it can be helpful to stop and ask yourself what constraints you have put upon it. Can it only come from one source? Does it have to look a specific way?

So many of the times what is the highest match for your soul and your path is much bigger and more brilliant than you can imagine, and your control from your limited vantage point can be stalling your creation. In such cases the lack of manifestation is your soul and the universe protecting you because there is something so much better available to you.

So loosen up any restrictions and surrender into the flow that leads you to your next grand adventure. From there you will be able to rest assured that you are in a space of receiving and willingly co-creating with complete and faith and trust in the universe and that it will come together with divine timing for the highest good of all. Again we say, allow us to surprise and delight you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2018 12:32:24 AM

GFP Newsletter - 11/29/2018

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There are many doors to God's temple. Beauty is one, wisdom is another, love still another, and so on and so forth. Music can do it, poetry can do it, literature can do it. The flowers on the trees are beautiful -- what do you think of great poems? They are flowers of consciousness.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2018 12:47:48 AM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Nov. 30, 2018

30th November 2018. Mike Quinsey.

As the level of consciousness increases people will become more intuitive and less likely to accept what they are expected to believe. For ages they have been fed with news that has not given them the full truth and at times have been outright lies.

Now the situation is changing as people are becoming more aware and they are beginning to demand the truth. Their voices will be heard and at one end of the scale there will be demonstrations until they get what they want. It is regretful that violence has been used but it does nevertheless show the passion that people feel about such issues.

The same energy must be channeled into peaceful protests, as otherwise it will give the authorities an excuse to use greater force to control the protesters. The authorities have no wish to fight the people, but if order is to be maintained it sometimes becomes necessary to act when violence is used. It is unfortunate that unscrupulous people use demonstrations as a cover for it as it is not necessarily connected with the aims of the protesters.

The people of Earth have much more power than they realise, and when their collective thought forms focus upon the same things it brings results, and it is why group meditation is so powerful. For the same reason prayer is powerful but not the degree of repetition that is often associated with religion. The message must come from the heart and be filled with love.

When you call upon the greater powers such as God for help, be assured that your prayer is received. Sometimes it will be responded to in such a way that you would not necessarily link it with your request. Those who make negative requests are likely to find that it rebounds upon them through the Law of Attraction.

If you consider that there has been no apparent let-up to the changes occurring on Earth, it should be obvious that there is no going back to the old ways or conditions. A new era has already begun and with it the old ways have been overtaken by new ideas, and the New Age is slowly but surely becoming firmly established.

The time has long past when changes that should have been introduced can be held up by the actions of those who continue to support the old ways. In your present time, new inventions and ideas to bring in better ways of doing things are prevented from benefitting you, by those who profit from progress being held back. It is prompted by the desire to maintain the old ways of doing things that are often more profitable. However, progress will ensure that the changes will come and be introduced, and those Beings of Light helping to bring it about will succeed.

Dear Ones whatever situation you find yourselves in it is more than likely you have attracted it to yourselves. It does not mean you are necessarily going to be involved, but your experience may be from the point of view of an observer. You are in effect learning all of the time whatever situation you find yourself in. for example if you think upon it, you may see an accident and would your first thought be to give assistance, or not get involved as some people choose. Many such situations crop up quite frequently and they are in a sense a test of your reactions. Clearly you cannot be all things to everyone, but, if your first thoughts are for the wellbeing of others, you are raising your vibrations.

The Earth is a tough place to gain your experiences, through which you learn what is right or wrong from a spiritual point of view. Bear in mind that what you reap [sow?] comes back to you, and when you believe an experience has been unjust it may not necessarily relate to your present life.

Karma can be held until an appropriate time comes up when it can be cleared, so be assured there are no mistakes where it is concerned. Take it all seriously and accept what you perceive the lesson to be, and it is almost certain you will not have to experience it again. Karma is not a punishment but a learning curve that evolving souls have to go through. The system is absolutely fair and we have often told you that as a result of lessons once learnt, you will never have to go through the same experience again.

If you find the experiences of life overpowering, know that you always agree to them before you incarnate, and no one is expected to accept more than they can cope with. After all, your Guides are ever present and help you through the difficult times if you listen to them. Then again you have your Higher Self, your ever-present aspect that knows you better than yourself who also gives you guidance, but it is never forced upon you.

Freewill is respected even if you use it incorrectly but it will incur karma. So accept your lessons with grace and goodwill as they are your stepping stones to evolution. If you knew exactly how much your Guides have helped you, it would surprise you as they influence you to take the right action when your thoughts may take a different path.

In your loneliest or saddest moments, your Guides try to lift you up; they are always by your side. They send you loving energies all of the time and are ecstatic when you in turn give your love and blessings to another soul. Every kind deed is noted and goes a long way towards increasing your vibrations. Other people that come in contact with you will experience them without knowing what they are, and feel very good in your company because the higher energies are healing in nature.

At the other end of the scale negative energies make people feel uncomfortable as they are clearly unpleasant. In the near future such souls will find themselves with like-kind, whilst the souls that are ready will ascend.

Life can seem unfair if you do not understand the system of karma, and what you need to do to move on and create your own opportunity to evolve is leave the lower vibrations behind. You should concentrate on your own progress as no one soul is favoured over another, and all are given equal opportunity to learn and evolve.

It is up to you when you consider you are ready to advance, and as soon as you wish to do so help will be on hand. Those who have already evolved to the higher dimensions will help you along your chosen path. At many different levels you are helped through your lives, as it is in everyone’s interests to help as many souls as possible to ascend. It releases them from the wheel of karma and frees them from the necessity to have to keep reincarnating into the lower dimensions to evolve.

I leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion.

This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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