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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
11/29/2018 2:29:45 AM

Life Isn’t All That Hard to Please

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God said:

Beloved, life isn’t out to get the better of you. It seems to Me that you tend to repeat gossip heaped on you and/or someone else.

Sometimes you feel that life is hard on you, yet I see you pick on yourself. Beloved, sometime you beat yourself up. Life isn’t all that hard to please. You are the one who may be so hard to please – not life.

Sometimes it’s almost as if you call a halt to yourself, like you will not leave yourself alone. You seem to require to refute whatever hardship is heaped on you and won’t be done with it. You may blame life and people for not giving you slack, yet it may be you who pushes your shoulders to the mat.

Yes, it’s true that others can be unkind. Yet it is not always others who have a bee in their bonnet. You also do a good job of not letting go. You may keep unfairness to you. You may be the hardest of all on yourself. You do not give yourself a fair shake. You may find it hard to get over something. Release yourself by first letting others’ trespasses go.

However, you may be the one who harps on this state of affairs. You say, “Shame on those who are cruel.” Why would you keep anyone's false banner waving on your porch? Change the subject. Now it is for you to get on the good side of yourself.

Surely, you have heard Me say: “Let the past go!”

Let the past go once and for all. No longer obligate yourself to fight with the past and to continue to go over it in your mind and, therefore, to play the fall guy.

How many times have you heard not to take so much to heart?

No longer stab yourself with sharp swords. Who is the prosecutor now? Because others build a case against you doesn’t mean you have to play it over and over again in your mind and so disparage yourself.

You’ve heard the refrain: “Let My people go.”

Now I say: “Let yourself go.” No more anguish. Throw out the past and not yourself.

Under no circumstances are you to categorize yourself as a martyr. Absolutely don’t prove to yourself or anyone that you have been a martyr.

Stand tall.

Let go of unkindness heaped on you. Don’t be party to it. There is need for you to support others’ possible hard feelings.

Climb up another tree. To forgive others their trespasses now means to change the story you tell yourself about yourself.

Remove others’ trespasses from your mind. No one else is the writer of your story. You are! The story I tell of you is quite different from the one you tell yourself.

In Whom do you trust? Keep My Words in your heart. Get others’ gossip out of your head. This is the meaning of forgiveness. Forgive yourself for having been thought about unkindly. Be done. You require no retribution. Your kindness to those who might have held a dim view of you is to stop thinking about them. This is another spin on: “Let My people go.” I ask you to let My people go.

What vibration do you wish to pass out to the world? Be in the company of well-wishers. Be an example of how to deal rightly with false testimony.

Don’t repeat it even once. Most especially refrain from perpetuating bad-mouthing of yourself.

“Beloved, let My people go! Let yourself go.”

You have glad tidings to give and not hard feelings to repeat.

Come with Me to the treasure troves.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/29/2018 3:09:45 AM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Brief Message to Lightworkers - November 28, 2018

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you today.

We see that many of you are feeling particularly stressed this time of year, as holiday times can require you to be around family members you don’t always have an easy time with.

For some it also means performing extra work to cover holiday spending, or doing extra cooking, cleaning, and other chores for family, friend, and community get-togethers.

This can be tiring and frustrating, as your child self wants to regain their wonder over the beauty of the season, and not be so tied up in “getting things done.”

We wish for you many beautiful, quiet moments this winter season, in which you take in the beauty of Nature at this time of year, and not only think in terms of scraping the ice off the windshield or having to wear snow boots.

We bless you with a sense of stillness that supersedes the rush and pressures of the holiday time.

You did not invent these stresses—they were handed onto you by those who did not know that they are not a requirement for an enjoyable holiday season.

They were invented so that you would rush headlong into spending money on things that others do not necessarily need or want, so that you would not feel guilty about not getting them a present.

Children do not need endless gifts or sweets over the holidays—that sort of excess often leaves them uncomfortable, tired, and confused.

It has little to do with the joy reaped from enjoying beautiful music, fulfilling time with family or friends, and simply the realization that somehow, you already have all you need.

The more you state this to yourself, the truer it becomes.

You can be a beautiful example of the Light Being who does not succumb to holiday pressures, as you also stay strong in the face of news about how those at the southern border of the US are being treated, and how thousands have been devastated by the fires in California.

Send Light to all situations that stress or trouble you now. Use the transmuting Violet Flame of St Germain to cleanse and lift any situation to a higher frequency . . .

Keep your holidays well, but keep them as simple and elegantly joyful as you can, without undue rushing about and feeling too pressed for time to enjoy the day or evening.

You are creative enough to discover the simpler ways of doing things, to not overdo with food and sweets, to offer simple gifts that encourage someone to follow their dreams to be their best selves.

Even just offering someone a list of everything that is wonderful about them—everything that you and others value in them—is a beautiful gift that they will never forget.

Photo by Lynne Newman

This sort of transformation is one of the things you came in for, and you are doing a beautiful job.

Release the need to “go on automatic” and forget your inner calm, just because of the time of year.

Give yourself quiet time each day in which you are speaking to your Spirit team or to Source, and speak of anything that is troubling you, asking for guidance and wisdom. The answers, if not immediate, will come to you in perfect time and way.

We surround you with our Love.

And as always, we are honored to assist on your path.


Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/29/2018 6:47:36 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday November 29, 2018

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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11/29/2018 6:50:22 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/28/2018

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Let this sensitivity grow, and slowly slowly, as you become more and more sensitive, more and more sensuous, you will see more and more beauty around. The deeper your insight, the greater the beauty. And when you see this whole existence as a tremendous dance, a celebration, you are liberated by it.

It is celebration that liberates, it is love that liberates, it is beauty that liberates -- it is not metaphysics or philosophy.

But I am not saying that you have to throw your books out -- because there are beautiful books too; they are by-products of great experiences. Don't be lost in them, but to read something of Shakespeare or Kalidas or to read something from Buddha or Atisha is to move into the same world of beauty from a different door.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
11/29/2018 9:12:15 PM

Your Heart of Gold

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, We love. I am love. You are love. Why isn’t this always widely accepted in the world? I would love to see more given in love and less inquisition into love. It seems to Me that there is a lot of shying away from love, hesitation about love, a lot of wondering whether you really have ever been loved or ever given love, as if perhaps all you’ve been doing is hanging around the edges of love yet not yourself ever fully giving yourself as one who is ever fully loving except here or there.

You have given better examples of love than you claim to.

Perhaps you have seen those to whom love is a natural event. As for you, love in the world hasn’t exactly portrayed itself like a duck taking to water.

Loving doesn’t seem to be automatic for you. For you, love has been a weight that you have not yet quite fulfilled, at least as love is often revealed in books.

You wonder if you have a tendency to skirt around love, that love is more a token to you than love itself. You would love to abound in nice, easy, quiet peaceful love.

In fact, love seems to have been more of a burden to you that you try to keep up with.

As a matter of fact, the only love that has been opportune for you may have come to be your love for Me. Well, that isn’t anything to complain about, the grace of God. You are not anonymous to me, Beloved, Beloved, Beloved.

You must grasp that love is not a finite thing. You don’t have to question love so much. Stop asking yourself so many questions about the love in your heart. You can say honestly that you feel a great deal of compassion for everyone alive, well, except for yourself sometimes perhaps.

You may feel you have to whip yourself into shape before you can love or be loved.

You have been disappointed in love, as if true love hasn’t been reserved for you.

The individual love you have been bound to in the world hasn’t exactly been holy.

Only recently did you have the idea that it is My love you have been seeking to and fro. You didn’t have a name for it. Consciously, you thought that love in the world is the high point when Our One love is It. You have seen, that for some others as well, it has been perilous to love in the world.

What were you doing here in the world, feeling that you don’t exactly belong in the world, yet rather that you are out of it, not in sync with it, that the word love is not a song you know how to sing?

I am for you. As it is, you kept Our Ideal love hidden from yourself when the giving of love is to preoccupy you. You are consumed in love to the degree that you don’t exactly see the very gist of your life. You don’t know how to clap your hands for yourself.

Beloved, you are held in the arms of love. Perhaps the cherry tree doesn’t notice its own blossoms. Then the cherry tree isn’t looking in the right places. The cherry tree may look at other cherry trees and see their blossoming and not its own.

Dear, why be so investigative? Why so much comparison? Well, oh, yes, this is the way of the world.

Come closer to Me where you can see yourself close up as I see you.

Where is Heaven? Why, you are Heaven. You are your glimpse of it.

Let’s quiet your mind, your inquisitive mind that hacks away at your Heart of Gold.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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