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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2018 7:16:11 PM

Natalie Glasson ~ The Dimensions of Mother Earth by Mother Earth

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 20th July 2018 – Original Source:Sacred School of OmNa

The beauty of my being can be seen all around you, in the smallest plant and in the largest tree. My essence is within every particle of soil and every flower that blooms. You will find me in the essence of animals, insects and all forms of living creatures, as they carry my energy with them. You will discover that my energy is within your being, vibrating in harmony with your essence and light. I am Mother Earth/ Gaia. When you seek and discover the beauty of my being within the Earth and nature that surrounds you, however small or large, you will allow yourself to enter into another dimension of yourself and the Creator’s energy.
Life is a collection of dimensions. You choose which dimension you exist within by your perceptions, thoughts, and willingness to open your heart and soul.

I, Mother Earth, am not speaking of the dimensions of the inner planes or the Universe of the Creator, I am speaking of the Dimensions of Life on the Earth. There are so many ways to live and experience life and there are many dimensions of the Earth to encounter. There are dimensions of creation which describe the nature kingdoms, elemental kingdoms, and even the elements. Then there are dimensions of existence, each signifies a certain openness of being and acceptance of the truth. When existing upon the Earth it is not so much for you to discover which dimension of the Earth you are experiencing. More so it is to seek a greater connection, involvement, and oneness with my energies, Mother Earth. In doing so you open yourself beyond any false limitations created by humanity, not the Earth herself, and begin to explore the true nature and experience of the Earth.

The beauty of my being can be seen all around you, in the smallest plant and in the largest tree. My essence is within every particle of soil and every flower that blooms. You will find me in the essence of animals, insects and all forms of living creatures, as they carry my energy with them. You will discover that my energy is within your being, vibrating in harmony with your essence and light. I am Mother Earth/ Gaia. When you seek and discover the beauty of my being within the Earth and nature that surrounds you, however small or large, you will allow yourself to enter into another dimension of yourself and the Creator’s energy.
Life is a collection of dimensions. You choose which dimension you exist within by your perceptions, thoughts, and willingness to open your heart and soul.

The beauty of my being can be seen all around you, in the smallest plant and in the largest tree. My essence is within every particle of soil and every flower that blooms. You will find me in the essence of animals, insects and all forms of living creatures, as they carry my energy with them. You will discover that my energy is within your being, vibrating in harmony with your essence and light. I am Mother Earth/ Gaia. When you seek and discover the beauty of my being within the Earth and nature that surrounds you, however small or large, you will allow yourself to enter into another dimension of yourself and the Creator’s energy.
Life is a collection of dimensions. You choose which dimension you exist within by your perceptions, thoughts, and willingness to open your heart and soul.

I, Mother Earth, am not speaking of the dimensions of the inner planes or the Universe of the Creator, I am speaking of the Dimensions of Life on the Earth. There are so many ways to live and experience life and there are many dimensions of the Earth to encounter. There are dimensions of creation which describe the nature kingdoms, elemental kingdoms, and even the elements. Then there are dimensions of existence, each signifies a certain openness of being and acceptance of the truth. When existing upon the Earth it is not so much for you to discover which dimension of the Earth you are experiencing. More so it is to seek a greater connection, involvement, and oneness with my energies, Mother Earth. In doing so you open yourself beyond any false limitations created by humanity, not the Earth herself, and begin to explore the true nature and experience of the Earth.

I, Mother Earth, am not speaking of the dimensions of the inner planes or the Universe of the Creator, I am speaking of the Dimensions of Life on the Earth. There are so many ways to live and experience life and there are many dimensions of the Earth to encounter. There are dimensions of creation which describe the nature kingdoms, elemental kingdoms, and even the elements. Then there are dimensions of existence, each signifies a certain openness of being and acceptance of the truth. When existing upon the Earth it is not so much for you to discover which dimension of the Earth you are experiencing. More so it is to seek a greater connection, involvement, and oneness with my energies, Mother Earth. In doing so you open yourself beyond any false limitations created by humanity, not the Earth herself, and begin to explore the true nature and experience of the Earth.

The beauty of my being can be seen all around you, in the smallest plant and in the largest tree. My essence is within every particle of soil and every flower that blooms. You will find me in the essence of animals, insects and all forms of living creatures, as they carry my energy with them. You will discover that my energy is within your being, vibrating in harmony with your essence and light. I am Mother Earth/ Gaia. When you seek and discover the beauty of my being within the Earth and nature that surrounds you, however small or large, you will allow yourself to enter into another dimension of yourself and the Creator’s energy.
Life is a collection of dimensions. You choose which dimension you exist within by your perceptions, thoughts, and willingness to open your heart and soul.

The Dimension of Beauty

The Dimension of Beauty can truly be grasped and understood when observing nature in all its many forms. When you acknowledge the beauty of nature you become aware of the perfection of all things and your need to release judgment of what beauty should be or looks like. Beauty exists within all things, beings and situations, it is not reserved for some and not others. Beauty is not necessarily the outer reflection, more so it is born from the inner reflection. Beauty can manifest as numerous qualities and yet it has the ability to resonate with another and create an intimate awakening of truth.

The Dimension of Beauty promotes within you an inner awakening of truth and a reflection of the purity of the Creator, and the energies I channel through my being; Mother Earth. When you exist within the Dimension of Beauty, you see, sense and acknowledge the reality around you as perfection manifested. Everything speaks to you of the Creator and you develop a deep-seated awe, gratitude, and appreciation for all that manifests. The Dimension of Beauty allows you to access a deep-seated understanding and connection with the Earth and the Creator which opens you to receive and become the Creator on a greater scale. You become an expression and witness of beauty, understanding it beyond the physical manifestation and more so as a direct link to the Creator.

To access the Dimension of Beauty there is a need to witness your own inner beauty. There is a need for you to seek within your being beyond your outer manifestation, beyond your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions, journeying into the source and core of your being. It is within your essence that you will discover your beauty. Emanating your inner beauty into your being and surrounds and especially into nature and the Earth will support you in accessing and existing within the Dimension of Beauty. This can take patience, as often there is illusion which shrouds the Dimension of Beauty, once accessed, you will remain connected, experiencing daily the beauty of the Creator in manifestation through the Earth.

The Dimension of Diversity

The Dimension of Diversity encourages you to recognise change as a natural aspect of your being and reality. The continuous flow and expansion of the Creator upon the Earth and working through the Earth become apparent to you. You realise that time does not exist therefore everything has a constant nature and manifests eternally while also developing, transforming and morphing into something else. The balance of the constant and yet inconstant nature of the Creator is experienced by you with harmony, ease and a sense of wonder and respect. It is within the Dimension of Diversity that you tap into the laws of the Universe of the Creator and how this influences and shapes the Earth. You also become aware of the permanent and impermanent nature of your soul, meaning your ability to merge with all that is the Creator, letting go of all you recognise yourself to be while recognising your identity or identities. This can be one of the most challenging dimensions to comprehend, however, it invites you to let go of reason and trying to understand,
instead seeing the true systems and workings of your being, the Earth and the Creator. You begin to experiment with the purpose and process of duality as well as the essentially required experience of balance.

To begin to explore the Dimension of Diversity there is a need to call upon my energies, Mother Earth, to heal your reflection upon everything as separate and linear. This will be a shift in your perceptions of yourself and outer reality, allowing limitations and illusions to drop away, encouraging you to be more able to recognise the presence of diversity in all aspects of the Creator upon the Earth. As you allow me to work with you lending my energy and promoting an inner transformation I, Mother Earth encourage you to explore what diversity means to you and the deepest core of your being. It is through your exploration that understanding will stream into your being allowing you to access the Dimension of Diversity of the Earth, benefiting from its influence and presence in your reality.

It is important for me to accentuate that the earthly reality remains the same as you access the Dimension of the Earth, it is a shift within you and your perceptions that manifests, a deeper connection with and understanding of the Earth. You enter into a new dimension of your earthly being and your connection with myself, Mother Earth. The dimension is experienced through you and the way you see and interact with the world around you.

With loving truth and generous support,

Mother Earth

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2018 9:17:16 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday July 26, 2018

Galactic Free Press's picture

With your awareness, we suggest you pay attention to how many times you deem yourself, or others, wrong. You might be surprised to discover it is far more often than you realize. This is a good indicator of how much resistance you are still experiencing towards life.

To shift out of this, you may wish to simply observe when you fall into that habit and then refocus. You might try an affirmation that feels good to you. You could try, “We are all beloved aspects of Source.” “God is guiding me now.” “We are all doing the best that we can.” “We are all in this together.” “Everyone is the master of their own path.” “Everyone has their own innate wisdom as well as the assistance of guides and helpers.” “I trust in the unfoldment.” “I choose to remember who I really am.”

Before you are in a state of resistance, think of an affirmation you can use that helps you feel the energy of acceptance. Even a simple, “I love you”, is a wonderful go-to statement you can apply to yourself and others, for it includes rather than separates, which is an act of acceptance. When you get out of the well entrenched habit of resistance, Dear Ones, you will find much more flow, peace, and comfort in all areas of your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2018 9:19:37 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/25/2018

will's picture

Because of ego you have forgotten your authentic being. Don't be concerned with the ego, be concerned with searching for your authentic being. The moment you find your real being, the ego will disappear.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2018 9:21:23 PM

Glory Hallelujah!

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

What seems in the offing to say to you this morning regards the non-existence of time. Hallelujah! Time does not exist, so how can I speak of it, for time has no existence, let alone glory. Yet something seems to be on My calendar to convey to you in the presence of love on this precisely-encircled date. Of course, I speak in an instance of Infinity which is out of time.

It must be I want to tell you of My roaring love for you. My heart treasures every thought of you. No doubt, I want a thought of you to escape My heart, which can only be love. You are My treasured thought. You are holy to My existence. A thought of you is uppermost in My heart.

Don’t think that you appeared out of the blue. Nor can I say you were always a thought in My head. You have always been in My heart, a rainbow that covers all the crannies of My heart. You are. At the very thought of you, you became Mine forever and I yours, and We contain Oneness as One Bell Ringing. There never was an end to Oneness or even a beginning. You never had to knock because you were always here inside Me, and I never had to answer the door. My heart was always ready on the doorknob, even as I never had to turn it.

Heaven has been Mine, yours, Ours from the rising of the sun. The sun poured itself out. The world has never known a split second without Oneness. There never was a forethought or any afterthought. Oneness arose from the beginning of the thought of that which is said to be My thought of you. A thought of you simply arose from My heart like a budding rose.

It has been said that you were born in My image. Aha. In actuality, I am greater than any image of Myself, nor are you simply an image of Me. Oneness birthed Oneness. There was no discussion about it nor any delay. The sun arose without any doubt about it. Oneness awoke to itself at once. Oneness isn’t exactly a continuation. Without the consequence of time, what can continue? Infinity isn’t exactly perpetuated. Infinity is more Oneness than you can imagine. Once Oneness awoke, Oneness was instant. We can say that Oneness was one press of the key. Bung! Oneness existed at once. I can’t even say that it was at one press of the key. Oneness appeared once, a Oneness that defies time. I will call Oneness as an At Oneness that exists without time touching it, for Oneness is One Oneness and not quite the same as once upon a time in a faraway land. Time, on the other hand, is fleeting and can only be imagined.

Time has nothing to do with Oneness. Infinity is regardless of any concept of time. Infinity escapes any pretense of borders. Time is less than even a flash of time or lump of time and far beyond any thought of time.

I was going to ask you if you can follow My train of thought, yet, of course, away from the notion of time, there is no following what I say nor any train of time. Without the thought of time, the idea of illusion can hardly exist. It can only be a thought of existence. Oneness IS the Real Thing, and advertising Oneness requires no paste-up and takes up no space or thought.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2018 6:55:36 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - July 20, 2018

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.

This week, we wish to answer a question from a Lightworker who wrote us regarding the timing of NESARA’s announcement—something about which there is great speculation!

I read a lot of predictions about when NESARA will be implemented on the physical plane. I’ve never believed the “today, tomorrow, next week” predictions that have been floating around for years.

While I do not believe all the predictions I read regarding timing, I would believe information from the Collective regarding timelines. I know "soon" is Archangel Michael's favorite response to the question "when.”

Likely meaning, any time in the next 10 years. And I understand that Ascended Masters, Angels, and other loving spirits do not deal in linear time.

It seems that with the current group of folks running this country, allowing the physical plane implementation of NESARA will not be "soon" at all.

Must we wait until the shift to the New Earth is significantly more manifest?

You are correct, dear one, in noting that “soon” is not an exact timeframe, and one not entirely applicable to your world and to Time as you know it.

What it means, when used by those who are oriented more to the higher realms than to Earth, is that NESARA is on the horizon—that Earth is moving into that reality in steps, not one sudden jolt.

And that of all potential realities, the timeline you currently exist in will indeed see NESARA fulfilled—publicly announced and enacted.

You are correct that it does not mean “soon” as in “next week” or “next month,” for it cannot mean that.

It is not that those times are not possibilities.

It is simply that we cannot be prescriptive in the slightest, regarding When this great transformational moment will actually occur outwardly.

You and nearly all Earth Beings came into this life under the agreement that Earth events would co-creatively enact their own reality, just as you co-create your own reality in your particular Earth life.

This means that forms of interference by those in the higher realms that would re-route, revise, or prevent certain aspects of your life or Earth life—even by way of time predictions—are not permitted, due to the provision of Free Will on this planet.

This is what is meant by Free Will! You create your own existence on all levels, both in this life and beyond it.

All must respect this, or face consequences before a very high galactic court.

Understand that when we in the higher realms step back from human affairs, it is not out of a noncompassionate or noncaring belief that human beings are not worth troubling with—far from it.

We stand back to allow you your choices—your own journey, your own evolvement—and increasingly, your own empowerment, as you more and more understand that you Have the choices of free will and evolvement, and can know full empowerment, which is the realization of your own Divinity and the unity of all things, all beings.

Now, this is not to say that interventions do not occur, for they dooccur.

You bring these into your reality as you declare that they mustoccur, in whatever form is best.

The energies now shifting not only Earth’s vibration but human consciousness also bring in interventions.

We see only a forward movement, a trajectory of conscious evolvement that is moving ever-upward, beyond the material distractions, beyond the despair and fear, beyond the sadness you feel some days, that what you have experienced in this life and other lives has been just too much, and will your liberation never occur?

We have said many times that you yourselves are the ones establishing your own freedom, your own kingdoms, your own sovereignty.

And why is that, you may wonder, when there are so many in the higher realms who love you beyond what any Earth language could convey?

Because that Free Will determination and active co-Creation is how sovereignty and freedom are established and maintained!

Particularly after so many eons of existence in the low vibration of third dimensional frequencies.

You are the only ones to pull yourselves above the fray, the madness, the confusion, and what you call injustice, though you chose this road you’re on quite consciously, and there is not a one amongst you whom we could call a “victim."

And why has it all followed that self-determined path?

Because, great co-Creators, you wrote it this way.

This is your film, your canvas, your holographic projection.

And do we see now your decision to raise your voices in a song of liberation, in a high vibrational harmony that only Ascending beings could manage?

Yes! We hear you, and we witness your increasing demands for the kinds of Freedom, Peace, Joy, and Abundance that only a liberated people could create for themselves.

So the question becomes not so much “when” NESARA is birthed outwardly, but how often you and your fellow Light Warriors celebrate NESARA’s precepts, spirit, and intentions, as if it were already here.

For that is how you create in your world, dear one.

Not by waiting, and certainly not by asking “when.”

The question is never “When?” There isno question.

NESARA is here now, on your timeline, as you are here, and once enough of you fully join your frequency (in the present moment) with that which you claim to have waited for, you will wait no more.

We realize the unsatisfactory nature of our answer on some levels.

And so, as a side note, we do see things shifting upon the Earth and in Earth systems, including an inevitable dissolution of the old regime, with a speed and a determination that we have not witnessed before on your planet.

And yet—we celebrate that far, far less than we celebrate your coming to remember your own Divinity, your Unity with all that exists, and your great Love of your own journey, even in its darkest days.

Your bravery is fully seen, and your journey marks the way for life on a higher dimensional Earth, the joy and colorful brilliance of which you have only begun to envision.

And so yes, you are getting there -- the "when" is up to each of you.

Namaste, dear ones!

We are with you, always.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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