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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/4/2018 9:19:07 PM

Blossom Goodchild – March 3, 2018

Blossom Goodchild – March 3, 2018

Hello! Last week we were unable to connect. This week I FEEL we are ready to go. The Energy with ‘us’ is very strong right now. Shall we?

Let us firstly acknowledge the growth within each individual reading this. For the ‘level’ of ‘Enlightenment’ that is … upon/within … so many now, enables us to bring messages through on a Higher Vibration than before. This is most encouraging and in its rightful place.

We know, without you having to ask, that you wish to speak of THE EVENT.

Yes. There seems to be a ‘buzz’ once again, some saying it is about to happen ‘soon’. I laugh of course, at even writing that word! A few sources saying it is this month. Do we ‘go there’ again? Will you speak of it and then with all respect … it will die down, as it always has? What would you say about this? My thoughts were, that if it is to happen any time soon, you might have mentioned it in passing!!??

We are more than happy to speak of it for it is indeed, ever closer/nearer.

Your Planet has reached a position … in which/by which … the recommendation for fulfilling Change has been accepted, approved, ticked and put in the out-tray!

Without question there seems to be upheavals mixed with moments of clarity, within everyone’s daily lives. Many are FEELING so strongly that something is about to happen. Yet, have we not been down this path before … many, many times? Although, each time … this FEELING just gets stronger and stronger. Surely the cork has to pop at some point?

We would say that the ‘pressure’ has built up to such a degree that the cork is beginning to ‘release’ in order to break free. We CANNOT and WILL NOT give a date in time. All we can say is that a phenomenal Event is to occur.

So, with the greatest respect … nothing new there then!

Only in that, the FEELING that so many are experiencing is the level in which ‘Everything is occurring’.

I get what you are saying, yet, could I ask you to ‘word’ it better, for readers to understand?

Within the Oneness of ALL … which naturally you are part of … the FEELING of ‘where things are at’ is BEING expressed WITHIN YOU. Within your body, within your thoughts, within your experiences.

Transfer this then, into what is taking place on a global scale. Should we put it as … a ONE in consciousness? Then add to that … … … this is rather difficult to put into actual wording … THE EVENT that is coming … BEING … within/a part of … that same consciousness. So that, WHAT YOU ARE FEELING/EXPERIENCING is the level of readiness … for which /in which … THE EVENT can come about.

We are trying our best.

I know.

The cork about to pop … regarding WHEN The Event shall occur … is also WITHIN YOU! So, if YOU are FEELING within your soulself that you are about to ‘pop your cork ‘ … this is because YOU are FEELING/BEING PART OF/IN TUNE WITH … THE EVENT.

Do you see?

Yes, I do. So, this that so many are FEELING now … is because we are also ‘part of’ the Energy of the Event that is on its way? This FEELING of expectancy … is because WE can FEEL it coming?

This is so, and yet … can you put a time frame on this expectant feeling?

No. It’s a bit like the tail end of a pregnancy ( so to speak ). In that, you KNOW that baby will arrive ‘soon’ and yet in ‘ITS’ Divine timing. Yet, that KNOWING … that TRUTH is with you all the time … waiting, waiting, waiting. Is this feeling just within the Awakened ones?

Yes. And, the level in which one has Awakened to … deciphers the level of expectancy one is FEELING. The Higher the ENERGIES one has … allowed/built up to … the more in tune they are with the immense Energies that are pouring … in/through … to your Planet.

The ENERGY that this EVENT carries is beyond comparison to anything you have experienced or will remember experiencing throughout your many lifetimes upon Earth. This is why EVERYTHING is so … as we say … ‘Topsy Turvy’.

There is such POWER involved in this ‘Happening’. We would say that it could ‘black the Planet out’ for a ‘short time’ as the surge of ‘electric energy’ bolts through.


You will wake into A NEW DAWN.

And this EVENT will be taking place within the Skies?

Initially … as the outward appearance … and yet, ultimately it shall be taking place within the heart.

I guess the thing is, even though we have this FEELING as if the cork is indeed about to pop … in ‘no time’ … this FEELING could go on for a few more years?

Yet, it won’t!

WOW! That came through loud and clear.

These coming times are your destiny. These coming times are why you are here.

Hold on tightly to that which you KNOW to be TRUTH.

So, going back to the last few of your communications. You have said that these times ahead are going to prove to be really ‘tricky’ and more or less that ‘The system’ will fall down … and that those awake will be needed to guide unawakened soul’s through, for so many will be lost. How does this … tie … up with /in with … THE EVENT? In other words, what comes first the chicken or the egg?

Already your system is falling. We would put it in a way … that a few books are jumping off the library shelfs … intermittently. More and more will do so … until almost every book has ‘abandoned ship’ and the entire structure collapses and crumbles.

Coupled with THE EVENT ‘showing up’ … as part of THE DIVINE PLAN … THE DIVINE ADVENTURE …

All of which you cannot give a time frame to?

All of which you can FEEL IN THE CORE OF YOUR BEING.

You also spoke of our ‘gifts’ coming from deep within to help with this system collapse. What sort of gifts are you talking about?


And offer what?

Healing. Instantaneous for self and others. Compassion, Forgiveness. These are gifts long forgotten by many. Do not just think of ‘gifts’ as Magical Happenings. REMEMBER too, the gifts of the soul in/as/through/of Love.

Intuition shall be heightened beyond recognition of the old self.

Please explain ‘old self’.

The ‘You’ before The Change.

Are you saying THE CHANGE (that you have also, often spoken of) is THE EVENT?

YES. For,when we used the words ‘a wash’ … we meant that also, in the manner of a GREAT CLEANSING shall take place … FOR ALL.

Remembering too , that although Vibrational levels shall rise enormously because of this occurrence … one who is not awake … will awaken. Yet, not ‘suddenly’ become of a Vibrational level of say … one who has been ‘involved’ in the Awakening of the Planet for many life times. Their level of Vibration will too, be unrecognisable. Yet, within that ‘unrecognising’ there will be such familiarity!

This is why we are asking you ALL to ‘STEP UP YOUR GAME’ … within THE GAME.

Prepare! Prepare! Prepare Dearest Souls … for THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.

I Truly do thank you for this. Yet, I am just going to keep on truckin’ in my everyday living … the best I can. THE GAME CHANGER project is now out there … to be accepted or dropped. For many, I am sure, have their own way of coming through this. Will I be asking you the same questions about this in a couple of years … when our expectancy is a little higher? Or, will these messages ( If they are still taking place) be of a completely different ilk? Not expecting you to answer that … just my thoughts being expressed.

One thing we CAN tell you …


All that we ask is that you STEP INTO YOUR HIGHEST POWER in order to BE READY WHEN IT DOES.

My heart is pounding with anticipation. I am assuming THE EVENT’S Energy is doing the same right now. I do wonder though, whether or not there are enough awakened souls to ‘get us through’.

Do you remember we said ‘YOU ARE READY’?

Yes I do. I FEEL we are. So many of us have been ready and waiting for so long. We are more than ready … for something that we know not how it shall occur … yet, we KNOW we are here to be a huge part of it. Our hearts our beating faster … along with Mother Earth’s.


Here we go again … Waiting for the bang! Thank you … I knew I wanted to speak of this today … I wasn’t sure how it would go. It went! In service to Love all ways.

You are showing me an image of thousands of coloured balloons in the sky. You showed this to me once before many, many moons ago.I think it was around the Oct 14th 2008 ‘journey’. I didnt’ know what it meant then … I don’t know what it means now! Hoping I shall find out real ‘soon’. The song ‘Celebrate good times … come on’ … is running through my head.

And we wish you to focus on that! Blessings upon Each One. In Love.


Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/4/2018 9:24:19 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 4, 2018

Galactic Free Press's picture

Love is expansion. Fear is contraction. Acceptance brings comfort. Resistance leads to discomfort. These are basic facts enlightening human beings understand.

Where things start to get more challenging is when you understand these things and then make yourself wrong if you are not loving and accepting 100% of the time. This is where you start to judge yourself and beat yourselves up unnecessarily.

Dear Ones, the nature of the universe is not to be only one thing. The universe moves and shifts, ebbs and flows. Expecting to be unmoving in anything is not realistic.

Be easy with yourselves. We wish for you to understand that all movement is forward movement. You don’t have to have complete compliance to only one or two elements in order to be successful! You simply need to gently redirect if you find yourself in a space that isn’t comfortable for you. Discomfort is simply a redirectional tool. You will soon find that with your awareness you will choose love and acceptance (and thus growth and expansion) more and more, until they are the natural go-to responses for you the majority of the time, and your personal preferences.

As you continue to evolve you will still have ebbs and flows. You will just find your lows get higher and your highs get higher. Your entire vibrational range will continue to move onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of your soul growth.

You do not lose progress if you have a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad month! Your personal growth is reflected by the prevalent energetics you hold. So if you find you have been reactive or responded in a way that doesn’t reflect who you really are, forgive yourselves, honour your feelings, give yourselves the love and understanding you need, and move on knowing you are human and more than ok. In fact, you are doing a remarkable job. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/4/2018 9:28:58 PM

The Council – Am I Going Nuts?

the councilThe Council – Am I Going Nuts?

We will continue speaking today of what is going on now, but we will bring the discussion a little closer to home for a great many of you. If we do not speak specifically about a situation in which you find yourself, do not feel left out. No one is left out. These are universal changes. Just expand the concepts into the situation you are in.

You know that you are approaching massive change. You know that you are, in fact, actually moving into the leading edges of it. You know this because you follow this and other sources. And yet some of you are experiencing things that are upsetting to you. They upset you because no one has told you that you should expect them and what they might mean.

Now there are many lists available to you of what you call ascension symptoms. And we recommend that you find and read or listen to some of them. You may find your own experience listed, but even with as many lists as there are, all of the possible changes you may be undergoing are not in those lists. Why? Because each of you is unique.

Think of it this way; each of you is being enabled to contribute your greatest gifts to those who may need you. Not only have you signed up for the assignment, but you have spent many lifetimes learning what you know. But you have hidden it from others, even from yourselves in many cases. Some of you came in remembering, but you thought you should bury those memories at some point in your lives.

Crunch time is here, however. You don’t want to miss this. So allow these changes in you to happen. Allow your hands to get hot or to tingle or throb at times. Allow yourself to see what you have never seen, and do not dismiss it. Allow yourself to hear us, and do not think you are losing your mind. Mark well the times when synchronicities occur. Take note of the times, however fleeting, when you feel an overwhelming oneness with everything around you. And the list could get a great deal longer.

We know that you are very reluctant to speak of these things. Your history accounts for this. You will not be racked or burned this time. Now, some of those you might tell will not understand. But telling them will at least plant a seed. There will be many times, though, when you mention something to another and are amazed at the flood of gratitude you receive when they discover that they can confide in you. Those like-minded souls are truly all around you. They just are as reluctant to expose themselves as you are.

Allow. Allow yourselves to be. Allow yourselves to expand. Allow yourselves to find out who you truly, truly are. The self that you are has nothing to fear. That fear has been carefully taught to you. Stop dancing with it.

When you decide to do this, ask for help if you feel the need to do so. It is not weakness. We stand ready.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/4/2018 11:42:44 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/3/2018

will's picture

Whenever I talk about the heart, I am not talking about the heart medical science talks about - this is something behind it. Each of your senses has a parallel sense behind it.

If you hear me, you can hear in two ways. Either you can hear only with your outer ear, or you can hear with your inner ear too. When your outer and inner ear both hear, then it is listening; otherwise it is only hearing.

When your outer eyes and inner eyes both see, then the same existence becomes so psychedelic, so colorful.... The same tree is greener than it has ever been - and not only greener, each leaf has its own energy aura. The whole tree is surrounded by an energy aura, radiating rays.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/5/2018 12:10:18 AM


March 3, 2018

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” ~Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee is well-known for his comment about water, which described the essence of his personal journey toward self-actualization. He was not alone in this realization, however, for in the 2600 year-old classic text, The Tao Te Ching, the qualities of water were elucidated in the poetry of Lao-Tzu.

In Tao Te Ching number eight, water, as it relates to our world, is described as such:

“The supreme goodness is like water.
It benefits all things without contention.
In dwelling, it stays grounded.
In being, it flows to depths.
In expression, it is honest.
In confrontation, it stays gentle.
In governance, it does not control.
In action, it aligns to timing.
It is content with its nature and therefore cannot be faulted.”
~Lao-Tzo, The Tao Te Ching

In a recent TED talk, Raymond Tang talks about the hectic and overwhelming nature of our technologically connected society, and how even in the presence of such chaos, one can find fulfillment by relating to the simple and elemental forces of nature.

He discusses the nature of water, drawing out three useful lessons that have been known to the Chinese for millennia.

The first lesson is about humility, and he notes the lowly, yet supportive nature of water as a life-giving force.

“If we think about water flowing in a river, it is always staying low. It helps all the plants grow and keeps all the animals alive. It doesn’t actually draw any attention to itself, nor does it need any reward or recognition. It is humble. But without water’s humble contribution, life as we know it may not exist.”

Secondly, he draws out the lesson of harmony, and how water always achieves it’s aim effortlessly in spite of any obstacles along its path.

“If we think about water flowing towards a rock, it will just flow around it. It doesn’t get upset, it doesn’t get angry, it doesn’t get agitated. In fact, it doesn’t feel much at all. When faced with an obstacle, somehow water finds a solution, without force, without conflict.”

The third lesson regards openness and our tendency to resist change along the path of life.

“Water is open to change. Depending on the temperature, it can be a liquid, solid or gas. Depending on the medium it’s in, it can be a teapot, a cup or a flower vase. In fact, it’s water’s ability to adapt and change and remain flexible that made it so enduring through the ages, despite all the changes in the environment.”

Relating these three lessons to the modern pursuits of business and education, he explains how the lessons offer us a perspective on life that allows for greater fulfillment in everything we choose to take on.

Watch the inspiring full talk, here:

This article (3 Lessons from the Taoist Philosophy of Water) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to DylanCharles and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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