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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/2/2018 6:27:47 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday March 2, 2018

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One of the greatest things you can do for your relationships is to become self aware and self responsible. This means that you don’t depend on others for your happiness. It also means that you check in with yourself before you agree to do anything, and if you do agree to something you embrace it gracefully because you understand it was your choice.

If you take the time to do those two simple things, you will move beyond resentment. Since resentment creates anger, resistance, and separation between you and others, making choices that are in line with what you really wish to do helps you show up for others with an open heart from a place of love, safety, and connection, which can only support and heal your relationships. Further, being responsible for your own happiness and choices frees others from the pressure of trying to figure out how you really feel. Your self awareness and self responsibility opens the door for true communication, and for actions and responses to be based upon that truth.

The days of martyred service are over, Dear Ones. Making sure your efforts honour and empower everyone involved will pave the way for the new template of joyful service, which will serve everyone much better than ever before on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/2/2018 6:54:17 PM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 18 February 2018

Veronica, my dear, now you know without doubt, just how far the Cabal will go to protect and preserve its hold on humanity. What has happened this week has shocked you to the core. Evil is not too strong a word for it. Those with whom you shared the information are horrified that this should have happened in England. The Peer of the Realm whom you approached for assistance with this matter, is out of his depth. He had no idea that such a situation has become the norm.

The Cabal is attacking everyone, worldwide, who dares to expose their plans. That such evil actions can be taken against anyone should act as a warning to all of you. I know, my dear, that you are doing all in your power to expose these crimes. Make no mistake, this is a crime. This is but the tip of the iceberg. It is happening every day, but few care, because it does not directly affect them. They fail to realise that this is what will happen to everyone unless you find the courage to stand up to it. If everyone stood up for justice, then justice you would get. The Cabal operates as it wishes because the majority of you close your eyes to what they are doing. When you see injustice, you should shout it from the rooftops, for one day it might be you in need of help.

Veronica has been exploring the work of an amazing woman in America whose efforts should be studied and acted upon:


Her work will open your minds to what you are living through. Her research is first class. Please take the time to learn about what is being done to you and to the Earth that you should protect. Forget all the petty things, explore how you can survive and protect humanity. Your enemies have achieved control by stealth. You are the 99% whose strength will overpower the Cabal, if you stop being useless puppets, and open your minds to what the Cabal is doing to you. Look at the bigger picture. Your survival is what matters.

I know, my dear, that you were shocked when you realised that the legal profession in the UK is corrupt, as it is in America. There is no justice in your world. You have given away all your rights. All countries have removed the rights of the people. Do you really believe that you have a voice when you vote? There is not one leader in your world who has the power to do anything. They are all puppets, obeying their masters. Even Mr Trump (though he is doing more than any other President) does not have the power to do all that needs to be done. Trump does not allow chemtrails over America now. He has also removed the surveillance cameras. However, if he steps too far out of line, he will be assassinated, and he knows it. He must tread carefully.

They did it to Kennedy, and ensured that the whole world watched, as a warning to all future presidents who step out of line. This is what you are dealing with. The sooner you wake up to this fact, the better for all of you. Every day, innocent people are locked away for fictitious ‘crimes’ and the Cabal throws away the key. Sometimes the medical mafia is used to make pronouncements, so that the Cabal can lock people away. This is the norm in your world. One day, it could be you. Who will stand up for you?

Humanity is on the brink of extinction. What are you prepared to do to save it? Stop taking the Cabal's medication which is slowly killing you. Refuse their GM food. Demand that your government takes action to protect you, or remove that government. Why should you pay taxes to pay for chemtrails which cause cancer and other deadly diseases. Are you really that helpless that you give them permission to kill you! The Cabal is playing games with your lives. What will it take to wake you up to this reality?

Last week, Veronica saw, first hand, what they are capable of. It was a real shock to her but she is taking steps to expose it and protect those involved. Protect your freedom. You do not realise how precious it is until you have lost it. One day, it may be taken from you. Never be so foolish as to think that it could not happen to you. Two people whom Veronica knows, thought that it could never happen to them. But now they know otherwise.

Knowledge is power. Explore the plans of the Cabal. They do not hide their plans as they believe that you are too stupid look at them. Take back your power from religion. The Vatican is on shaky ground as its dark secrets are being exposed. It will not survive. It is based on lies.

Microwaves have been weaponised. They are being used to kill, to destroy property. They can be directed wherever the Cabal wishes. They are also used to target individuals and to put messages into their heads. Those unfortunate individuals may be instructed to kill or do whatever the Cabal demands. It is happening all the time. People are temporarily taken over and they obey the instructions they are given. THEY ARE VICTIMS TOO. Humanity is being played with and it is not nice for us to see this happen. We observe what is happening on the Earth and we can see it more clearly than you, who are actually there. For you are blinded to what is being done to you.

It is URGENT that you research what is being done to destroy you. ACT on your findings. Meditate whenever possible, to lift yourselves out of the darkness that surrounds you. You are being attacked from every possible angle. Humanity has never been so vulnerable, so action is needed now.

The Cabal ensures that you feel helpless and hopeless. Do you have the courage to become what you really are, a being of light, having an experience on Earth, who has been captured by the Cabal. Take back your power, and together, TAKE BACK YOUR WORLD.

Tell them that their game is over and they must leave the Earth. They are not welcome. All this can be done without recourse to killing. When enough of you refuse to work for them and support them, they will go. You must find the courage and the strength to bring this terrible situation to a conclusion. Ask yourself what you are prepared to do, to protect your lives and the Earth you live upon. If Veronica, who is not in the first flush of youth, is prepared to step forward to protect the vulnerable and humanity, then what are you prepared to do. Together you stand, divided you fall.

My dear, my heart went out to you as you tried to cope with one shock after another last week. Every fibre of your being cried out to protect your friend as the Cabal took control. It is not over yet. Remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. "IN THE END, WE WILL REMEMBER NOT THE WORDS OF OUR ENEMIES, BUT THE SILENCE OF OUR FRIENDS."

The battle is not over yet. Take heart, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

Dave has asked me to thank you for your letters. They are a great source of comfort to him. He has had letters from 11 countries and 7 states in the US. Even one from County Clare, in Ireland. He has asked me to let you know that he cannot receive padded envelopes or anything with sparkle or perfume.

He is an avid reader. He welcomes your suggestions. He is not allowed hardback books, they must be paperbacks. He has also asked if those of you in America would allow him to call you, to connect with you. You would have to accept the charge, however, as he is allowed to talk for only 18 minutes each time.

If you send your email address, the reply would have to be sent through me, Veronica Keen.

Your letters mean so much to him. Thank you for being kind enough to reach out to him.

Veronica Keen

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/2/2018 7:14:00 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/1/2018

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This is the moment when trust is needed. Trust in existence, not in any belief system, not in any priest, not in any church, not in any holy book, but in existence. All around you the trees are so deeply trusting, the rivers are trusting, the mountains are trusting, the millions of stars are trusting.

The whole existence is a tremendous experiment of trust.

And this is the right moment for you to become part of this immense experiment of trust. Let life lead your way. Give your hand to existence without any doubt and without any question. And never ask where it is leading you - it always leads to your destiny, and it never fails.

Those who cannot trust, they fail, because they think themselves wiser than the whole world, the whole existence. What is your wisdom? What is your intelligence? Not even a dewdrop. And when the ocean has called you, trust it - take a jump and disappear into it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2018 12:13:31 AM

Deeper than Language

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God said:

It could be said that We, you and I, the One of Us – isn’t it interesting how We navigate in language? – We speak, communicate, or We can say commune on a level deeper than language. In a sense, We can say that language of itself is “all talk.”

Deeper than language – the Source of Language -- We can perhaps call it pre-language. We can say that the Source of Language is Being, and Being is powerful in and of itself. The Power of Being may arise as a vibration, and so it can be said that vibration is the precursor of speech. Speech is a fill-in. Speech is written between the lines.

In the world itself, much is unspoken and understood very well. All that a sigh can convey, posture, a look into someone’s eyes, somehow feelings conveyed before words and before thought, beyond continents, perhaps even beyond understanding. Not everything has to be put into words, yet a word is meant to be a caress across the airwaves.

Ah, it could be said that We speak silently in Golden Light. I am tempted to say in powerful lightning bolts yet silent and without drama. There is no gasping.

What is known for sure is that there is something called communication which includes understanding, yet which is beyond figuring out.

How connected to breath is spoken communication.

Of course, all understanding connects to Soul -- to and from Souls. Soul to Soul – far beyond intellect. Intellect can be considered a mere hierarchy.

Beloveds, all communication arises from a hush of stillness. Of course, rather than say people communicate, We can say that communication is from one mountain top to another.

It can be as if words are communicated from your fingertips as well. Certainly communication also includes communication from yourself to yourself and back and forth with or without agreement.

Communication may be heard. This is like a door that slams, or like a creaky door that needs oiling. There is a speaker or a conveyer, that which is conveyed, and a listener who receives the message or may not.

With what tenderness communication is to be given and with what gentleness it is to be received. A speaker and listener give themselves to the extent they are able.

Babies babble. Something is conveyed although the message cannot exactly be pointed to. In a sense, adults also babble. Nevertheless, a hand is reaching out to touch another.

My Cry is: “Hear Me, hear Me.”

In a real sense, a babbler also says: “Hear me. Please notice that I am here, asking to be heard, to be seen, to be recognized, waiting for a nod from you that says: ‘Oh, I know. I know you are here, and I make room for you in my heart.’”

Is it so hard reach out to another Soul and to touch another’s heart as if your life depends on it. It does. Yes, says the heart to simpleness of understanding. There is no science to it.

Godwriting is not a science nor can it be. An artist does not paint by numbers. His vision is invisible and undeniable. It pours out. One color is chosen here and not another. The artist does not know beforehand for a fact what he is going to paint and what it will look like. There is a “gotta” to art from within the artist that comes from somewhere. Godwriting is an art. There is no goal but itself.

I do not prepare what I am going to say to you, and, yet, I say it. I speak al fresco, so to speak. Extemporaneously -- and yet all is known. Godwriting comes from a well in which you dip an unseen dipper and drink.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2018 6:26:08 PM

Kryon: Excerpt from “To Stop the Aging of the Body”

2nd March 2018. Mike Quinsey

Dear Friends,

Once more I’m forwarding extracts from a Kryon message that I feel every soul will benefit from. It gives clear guidance as to how you should approach this new cycle to fully benefit from it. You are now virtually free from the attention and interference of the dark Ones, so grasp this opportunity with both hands with full assurance of success.

In view of the uplifting information now coming through Kryon’s messages, it seems apparent that from time to time more revelations will be made to assist our progress, so that we are aware of how much more is likely to be given us along with our new capabilities. Some information such as the following is so important I feel it is vital that as many souls as possible have the opportunity to at least read what I consider to be the high points of this message.

It is obvious that since 2012, we are in a totally new paradigm that is giving us freedom and the “permission” to progress at an unprecedented rate without fear, and with the full backing of those of the Light. I am sure most souls will welcome the opportunity to take their future progress into their own hands, knowing even so that their Guides are still there if help is needed. The New Age has now clearly taken off and it is up to us as individuals to take control of our future, as we determine which direction to go in and choose whatever we need to experience on our way to Ascension.

To make easier reading of the extracts, I have re-worded some small parts so that they flow together without losing the original intention or meaning.

Extracts from Kryon message “To Stop Aging of the Body”

“Sparks” as they are allowed to do so, are the things which prod you to find information, and it comes with intuition. There is a new paradigm not using tools of the old energy, and there is a new frequency that you can tune into. Say “I will allow for new things to come in.”

You are starting to have revelations. Say “I can control my life and I do not need authority to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to anything, or create a reality that is totally yours [mine?].” There is a confluence of energy that smooths things out. Say “I am free. I can control who I am and stop the aging of my body. We are going to operate differently, and I am in control.”

You are ageless and can stop the aging now. Talk to your cellular structure. Understand, you are the boss. You are in charge. There is no greater power on the planet than the consciousness of Humanity. You can drop your karma, as you have control over these type of things. Drop it completely, and say “I can control my own reality – and drop my karma.”

God did not put [you] here to suffer – there is no reason to recreate an old energy of suffering at all for you to move forward. God is love, God is inside you – suffering is man-made. You ask, is it correct that we should suffer a little, No! and Innate will tell you, and Higher Self will tell you that suffering will be replaced by joy. They will tell you that it comes from an old energy. Say “No more suffering for me” and let your intuition tell you this.

There is no reason to create an old energy of suffering at all for you to move forward as an old soul. Make a proclamation from this point on “I drop my karma. I am in control. I do not have any more karma that would create bad things occurring in old souls.” Are you starting to understand who is in control? You and your Higher Self are because you both guide the Sparks, and give it your permission and the awareness to start changing your reality.

There are those who said that only God can do that, and I will agree. Saying “You are God” that is blasphemous, yet today a new energy is going to be the common mantra of old souls say “Inside me is a piece of the Creator that is eternal and that is what I follow – the God inside, and that is pure and everything I have. I control with the intent to listen to that voice and be that thing that I know is in line with the Creative Source, which is in me and talks to me, and that is why I am not going to age much anymore, because I removed the karma, and I am in control.”

The spark of the Revelation of Family – the Spiritual Family is pure and forever, and may not be in your Biological Family. I want you to get up and find it, because it will change your life. It will smooth things over. It will create benevolence in your control of your own life because you have family who knows you and loves you, and follows the Creative Source inside them too. And you could look at that family member and see the God inside them and acknowledge it in you.

That is the family and if you are lucky enough to have that in a biological family, you are so fortunate. And it is not an accident. They were brought here for that so that they would know that their Mother or their Father or Sisters and Brothers have something and they would be motivated to go find it in you and there they sit. Old souls do not necessarily come in with old souls.

You are starting to take charge of the Light, and are ready to move forward and strike the Light with the Spark, and know it can control everything about you. Say “Dear Akash, dear Higher Self, dear Innate, dear Corporeal Structure, listen. There is no fear of enlightenment in me because now I am in an energy that supports me instead of one that was against me. The fear belongs to the old energy, not this energy. – I am free.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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