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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2018 9:06:59 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 6, 2018

Galactic Free Press's picture

As this is a year of flow and creation, people’s focus will naturally be on their ability to manifest and move into life expressions that are far more in line with what they would like to experience. We love that you are all experimenting with your creative abilities!

Almost every enlightening human being will come to a point of frustration where what they are wishing to create is not coming together for them. We wish to offer some insight as to why that may be.

One of the greatest requirements to manifesting is your willingness to receive. Most enlightening human beings are far better at giving than they are at receiving. This is because they are on the planet with service contracts. It is far more natural to them to put others first. Because they see themselves as the help, they have trouble accepting help from others. If you are having trouble creating what you desire, we highly recommend that you examine how willing you are to receive.

Do you take compliments well? If someone offers help do you gratefully accept it? Do you make time to focus on your own wellness? Do you see unconditional love as being an aspect that applies to everyone including you? The first place to adjust if you are having difficulty in creation is your willingness to openheartedly receive in the many ways the universe can deliver to you.

Tied into an ability to receive is feeling worthy. Dear Ones, there is not one thing you need to do in order to be deserving of what you wish to experience. As an individuated aspect of Source energy, it is your birthright. You are a part of All That Is, and as such have access to everything in the universe, as does every other person on the planet. You are not taking away from another in order to receive, either. There is more than enough for everyone.

Some of you have fear or doubt associated with stepping into embracing your authentic power as a creator. As power issues are at the forefront of the focus this year, it may be time to examine how you feel about being powerful. If you are staying in alignment, being empathetic, and conscious in your decisions, you will never misuse power, Dear Ones. You will create mindfully and beautifully.

Are you being too inflexible in what you wish to create or setting the bar too low? Do you limit the universe by thinking abundance can only come from one place? Often what the universe and your soul wish to deliver to you is much grander than what you can imagine! If something isn’t coming together for you, why not loosen it up a little? Why not surrender into the flow of endless potentials and allow the universe freer rein to show you what is possible? It may be a wonderful gift that you haven’t manifested something that was far less than what you really deserve and is available for you!

Are you surrendering into the flow with faith and trust long enough for the magic to happen? It is common to doubt when things are coming together behind the scenes. Ask for signs that you are on the right track. Use your guides and helpers! Stay open and positive. There is no faster way to stop the flow of creation than to fall into fear and doubt. The more you allow your energy to shine brightly and purely, the more satisfying will be your results.

Use whatever methods help you stay in a positive space of alignment. We also highly recommend that you do whatever you can do to support your dreams in your present moment. Educate yourself on what it is you are trying to bring into reality. Meditate and feel it as if it were already part of your life (if you can imagine it, it is!) Make space for what you want to create. There are so many little things you can do to support it from where you are. Gratitude is a wonderful tool to anchor the energy of what is desired, as well. Trust that God’s timing is perfect timing.

Above all, we want you to play with it and find what works best for you. If something isn’t working, rather than sitting in frustration, try something new! Get creative. Use your mastery and follow your own intuition. Develop your own tips and tricks that allow you to expand and explore and tweak your own ability to manifest. How do you know it’s time to try something new? If you are frustrated, or if your body is feeling clenched and fearful. You simply cannot create what you wish to experience from a space of contraction.

Creation can be great fun, and that is the energy we wish for you to experience during this phenomenal year of potential and forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2018 9:16:08 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - March 5, 2018

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones!

We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.

We were sent a question recently, regarding what some call the “reincarnation trap,” and so we would like to answer that question now.

QUESTION: Is there a reincarnation trap or soul net that recycles our souls after death, to keep us trapped in the Matrix?

The idea being that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean. It is then recycled—reincarnated—into another body, where the same process is repeated.

So that the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it is very difficult to escape.

A soul net works as an artificial energetic grid (this is not the natural energetic grid of ley lines on the Earth), to prevent souls from leaving the Earth, making Earth a closed system where people are born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotions for the archons to feed off of.

Humans then have no conscious memory of Who they are or what their real situation is.

As the archons expertly trigger our emotions through the media, war, and other methods of fear and deception, they then energetically feed of off the low vibrations of our emotions.

Does this system exist, and are we trapped in it?

This is an excellent question, and one that has been discussed and considered for many thousands—actually, millions of years.

You are not the first generation, nor even the third or fourth, to have realized that archons exist, that the planet was invaded eons ago by a number of invaders and usurpers, and that your DNA was intentionally reduced by numerous strands.

This was to lower your consciousness to a level by which most people never spotted the “matrix” consciously, or if they did realize its existence, could do little or nothing about it.

Yet understand that you are no one’s minion, and no one’s slave.

Most assuredly, human beings lived on the Earth for many thousands of years in those exact roles, outwardly appearing to be at the mercy of the “powers-that-were” as many now correctly call them.

And yet, you are not at their mercy, and you do not have to slave eternally for anyone to reap energy from.

Nor are you recycling endlessly from one Earth life to the next, never quite remembering what came before, or your true soul essence and the powers it possesses.

There is something to that theory, but it is not the whole story. And that time is now over.

Recall from deep within that you were a part of the soul collective that, eons ago in Earth time, asked for this experiment you have called third dimensional Earth, though the density of that life became far heavier than you would ever have envisioned.

You have journeyed long and arduously, and it may seem many days that much is out of your control—the wars and other violence, the hunger and homelessness, the debts, illnesses, and depression.

Certainly things have looked and been bleak upon the Earth.

But the “system” you refer to has been dissolving for decades—in fact, more than 100 years—and no longer applies to Earth life to the extent that the information you have received would like you to believe.

Be aware that there are various forms of disinformation now being disseminated online that would have you believe that far from moving forward, humankind is as “stuck” as ever, when nothing could be further from the Truth.

Or you will read an article that says that yes, perhaps some now on Earth will evolve and Ascend—but “you don’t seem to be one of those people.”

The British used to exclaim, “Poppycock!” when they heard such complete nonsense, and that would apply well to the deliberate disinformation being handed to you now on a steady basis.

Be aware that what you see online or on the news channels—even that which is considered “alternative news” is often still held in lock step with what the old order prefer you to hear.

This includes the “alternative” information sources you read on the internet, which are not so alternative at all, dear ones.

The dark hats, in losing their grip on human consciousness, are pulling out all the stops to distract your attention, and to try (uselessly) to dilute the intensity of the Light data flowing to you now at increasing levels.

This is to turn you from your own growing independence of thought and realization to remaining entrained to certain forms of “education” that are simply lighter modes of mind control.

Of course, they cannot win.

You—all of you, who are Divine Love expressing in human form—you are and have won your own liberty of not only thought and belief, but of feeling-sense, in terms of how you perceive life and its many Lights, shadings, and colorings of meaning and experience.

If you do not wish to consider yourself a form of energetic food for some lower entity, why would you spend your powerful co-Creative gifts on entertaining that “this might be true”?

That is similar to deciding that just because you have X number of dollars or any currency in the bank, it means that you are “poor” or that you are “wealthy.”

How could the same amount of money be considered either poverty or wealth? you ask.

That is easy: It is entirely up to you.

Your perception—your Naming of a thing—that Naming/Creating ability that all Creators hold—decides for you.

And so, if you desire to be free—are you calling yourself that?

Or are you waiting to receive an email or phone call, or to read the headline finally proclaiming that you are free?

Proclaiming that NESARA has been fully enacted, that Full Disclosure is on the way, and that humankind are once again free to run their own planet, without all the density of third dimensional life?

We wait for You to tell Us that you are free, Light Beings!

You are the only ones to proclaim such, and to “make it so,” as one starship captain used to say.

That is a co-Creative phrase, and came to the writers of the second Star Trekseries Not At All by accident.

You are ALL captains, commanders, Galactics, higher guides, and Angelic or other beautiful higher beings disguised as humans for a time.

You are None of you anyone’s “food.”

Your vibration is so high, that those you have in the past feared as your overlords would choke on and spit out the purity of the Love that you now resonate with, were they to take it in.

And so we would say, if you do not wish for a particular reality, do not entertain it as a viable explanation of your existence.

So many have been told, “That mountain can’t be climbed,” or “There is no cure for your illness,” or “You will never have children,” or “You will never be a great artist.”

Yet history has recorded how time and time again, those who levied those cautions were made to look like fools, as those they “warned” broke all the rules and fulfilled the high vision they continually sustained in their heart.

And so—with your very presence on the Earth now, you prove wrong those who tell you you are only food to be recycled from one meaningless existence to another.

Did You create that reality? No?

Then leave it. It is not yours. It never was.

Your soul is far more powerful than words of most Earth languages could ever convey.

All of the Wisdom, the Great Learning and Higher Understanding and pure Experience you came here to gain–all of that is coming forward now, and proving their “useless recycling” theory very, very wrong.

Affirm your Light, your co-Creative power, and your Divine Mission, dear ones!

Before you incarnated this one last time to a third dimensional life, you charged us with reminding you often of Who you are.

And yet—you shine so brightly now, that we think soon, you shall be the ones encouraging all of Us.

We send you more Love than you can yet imagine—

Namaste, dear ones!

You are never alone.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2018 9:17:55 PM

Kp Message 3-5-18… “Significant Movements are in Store for Humanity”

All I’m going to say here is that my deep sense is that we are soon moving into a heightened activity that will manifest Higher Vibrational Awareness for a much increased segment of humanity.

Exactly how this is to happen is not mine to say, nor do I know, but this is a very deep sense that heightened planetary activity is in progress. Manifestations of long-held visions by Lightworkers and others are coming… rapidly.

Enjoy each moment as it unfolds, and refrain from judgement of any type as these manifestations actually manifest.

I suggest remaining in the Light, at all times, and doubt not that the Highest of the Highest of vibrations is “in charge”.

Aloha, Kp

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2018 9:19:55 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/5/2018

will's picture

Give all your energy to joy, and fear will disappear. Ignore fear, don't pay any attention to fear, because the more attention you pay to it, the longer it will linger on. Pour yourself totally in the direction from where joy is arising, and fear will disappear just as darkness disappears when you bring light in.

Joy is light. And joy is the beginning of a great pilgrimage which ends in finding God. So go on - without any fear, because existence always protects those who trust it. Relax, give yourself to existence and allow the joy to overwhelm you. Let it become your wings, so that you can reach to the stars.

A joyful heart is very close to the stars.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2018 9:24:21 PM

"Don't Let Negative Circumstances Dictate Your Focus"

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the tremendous control that each of you have when it comes to how you choose to respond to the negative circumstances in your life. You are living in a world of polar opposites, there are contrasting experiences in every single aspect of your reality. This can of course be seen as a blessing or a curse dependent upon your perspective. Allow us to further explain.

You see, each of you will and do undoubtedly come into contact with negative experiences, there are times when things appear to be falling apart, you may become frustrated and even feel as though you have no control. However, we often say, you are either the creator of your reality or you are not; and we can assure you that you are indeed powerful eternal creators having a temporary physical experience.

When you understand that everything in your reality is a result of your most dominant vibration, and therefore you can only experience what you resonate with, you begin to understand how very much control you actually have even over circumstances that appear to be ‘out of your control’. When negative circumstances arise, you have one of two options, you can choose to remain in the vibration which attracted the problem to begin with, or you may choose to shift your attention and perspective elsewhere, preferably onto something that makes you feel much better. Why is this so important you ask.

You see, what you focus upon will always expand regardless of why you are choosing to focus upon it. This may seem contradictory to what many of you have been taught, but you simply cannot solve a problem from the same perspective that attracted it in the first place. Many of the challenges that you face, have not actually manifested yet, rather they are imaginings in your mind of what may happen and often times it is of the very worst case scenario you can conjure.

As we have said before, your imagination can be the greatest tool you have at your disposal, or the greatest enemy you can create. You always have a choice as to what you are choosing to focus upon. Now we are in no way declaring that shifting your thoughts onto something positive when everything feels as though it is falling apart is easy, but it is necessary if you wish to create something different going forward. Otherwise the very attention you give to the problems only gain more speed, more momentum and create larger problems from the power that you have given them.

May we suggest that when you are feeling particularly at peace or in a state of optimism, that you make a list of all of the things you can think of that you find to be peaceful, enjoyable, and inspiring thoughts. It could be different sounds, your favorite song, a walk in nature, going for a run. The activity or thought makes no difference as long as it is something that makes you feel better. The reason we suggest this activity when you are feeling at peace is so that you access to the thoughts that resonate with the vibrational ‘channel’ you are choosing to focus upon. This summons more thoughts to you that also perpetuate the current feeling you have at any moment. You literally are changing the channel of your life and therefore you become a new vibrational match to entirely different circumstances. Many of you know this to be The Law of Attraction and it is always at play every waking moment of your life.

Our intention for this message is to offer those of you who are feeling particularly discouraged, frustrated and in a state of worry to relax into the process of allowing the Universe to do the only thing it can do, reflect back to you what you are in resonance with. A shift into a new state of mind will make all the difference in the world for you. As always we are always eager to assist you in everyway that we can, all you must do is ask and allow.

We hope that we have served you in some way.

In love and light we are your Angelic Guides

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Much Love,

Dr. Taryn Crimi

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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