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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
3/3/2018 6:29:49 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 3, 2018

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We have a surrender experiment to propose for you today. Why not surrender into being of your highest service at the start of your day and see what happens?

This is a wonderful exercise for it shows that your service does not need to be grandiose. You may notice that a person may ask you the time or to reach something down from a high shelf if you are in a store. You may run into someone who simply needed a hug or an encouraging word. As a non-resistant human being willing to make a difference, you will be led to many ways you can make a positive difference.

This is not about saving the world all on your own, but rather being willing to show up for loving acts of service in the way that will best serve you and others. And you may be so surprised to discover the many ways small acts can make big differences!

If you surrender into being of your highest service and not one thing happens, it does not mean you did it wrong. It simply means that your highest service that day was simply being a non-resistant being of love who was willing to help, and that best occurred by holding the energy which was being an energetic support to the grids and your planet.

Do you see? Surrendering into service takes the guess work out of things. It allows you to see the myriad of ways you can make a difference right now in simple and loving ways. And that, Dear Ones, is how you can step into beautiful and joyful service by willingly moving with the flow of highest potential on any given day. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2018 9:11:26 PM

The Council – So Much Is Going On Now

the councilThe Council – So Much Is Going On Now

There is so much happening in your world at this time that is extremely important for your growth and for the shaping of the world that you will be living in that we can hardly address all of it in one message. By breaking all of it into two categories, we can at least give each of you something that will apply to you.

Of course, what most attracts attention is what occurs in the observable world that appears to be outside of you. And that seems to be increasingly sinking into utter chaos. Not understanding the function of chaos, this is very distressing for you. A few of you may be able to traverse this time by understanding that chaos is the necessary state from which all order is birthed. It is only a sea of unlimited potential. It is only necessary to know what exactly decides what potential will be realized from it. Call that your homework assignment. You might complete it in a few seconds… or a few years. What does your knowing say?

Some of you may choose to participate in the deconstructing and reconstructing that is proceeding as you read this. Others will not be comfortable with that and will choose to await an outcome or to influence the field with intention and self- evolution. Each may do as he or she desires, but be sure you make a conscious choice and do not any longer let life, or others, dictate your course.

As you may have deduced, the other option is to make the changes in yourselves that will best influence the human consciousness field. Now there is an oriental concept that the most can be done by doing nothing. This is not something easily understood by those in your western societies. Perhaps you may think of it as moving the field from within by thought and intention. You cannot make a change within that does not affect what lies without. If you make this choice, it may be best for you to apply yourself to it diligently in order to preclude feeling later that you could have or should have done more.

Now, we tell you that you will each do what you perceive to be the best and that you are the only one that passes judgment upon your actions. Your divine being is only concerned with “what did I learn from that?” and “what else can I learn?” Consider also that the question may be “what did I teach with that?” Usually both will apply to some degree. You do not see that because you do not consider yourself as part of a whole… yet.

This being the case, you may also wish to see that all of those around you are merely doing the same. What if the casting director could not find anyone willing to be the bad guy? What if your current life was one in which you knew everything? Might you be a little bored? But there is nothing to worry about there. In an ever-expanding multi-verse, there will always be more.

Some things will be ‘uppers’. Others will be ‘downers’. You will not always agree which is which. Try to live a life that you will look back on and say, “Wow! That was fun.”

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/3/2018 9:14:35 PM

Stepping Into Your Power

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While you are engaging in the process of shifting, you may begin to feel a new sense of strength and power. Both emotions may be a little frightening because many of you view power in a negative way. The Universe wants you to understand that there is nothing inherently ‘wrong’ being powerful, standing in your power or showing your power to the world around you.
Over the course of human existence, the word power and its meaning has been changed to mean something very different from what it truly is. To most it may mean greed, domination, abuse and/or thoughtlessness toward others. From The Universe’s perspective, it is a moment of being who you really are, embracing that sense of self, knowing that you can assist others in a positive way and, contrary to what you have grown to know, power is selfless and kind. Today, you are being invited to explore what power really means to you and how stepping into your power will help move humankind to a place of peace and Unconditional Love. Are you willing to accept the challenge? ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2018 9:18:33 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/2/2018

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The heart is not just what the medical people say, or the physiologists say - a pumping station. The heart that the mystics and the poets talk about has nothing to do with the heart that medical science talks about. Behind almost every physical organ there is a parallel to it - just behind it, a spiritual receptivity.

Behind your eyes, there are eyes which see things, which these eyes cannot see. And behind your ears, there are ears which can hear music, that these ears cannot hear. And behind your physical heart, there is a spiritual heart which knows love - which this heart has no idea about - which knows joy.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/3/2018 11:37:24 PM

Channelled through Natalie Glasson - 2nd March 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, we are the consciousness of the Holy Family, the souls who supported and partook in the mission led by many such as Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Grandmother Anna, Sar’h and so forth. We are thousands of beings sharing our consciousness now with you. We all played an integral role from the Earth and the inner planes in the major ascension shift which took place during that time upon the Earth. Many believe there were only key souls who instigated powerful shifts and upliftment of energy for all, the entire world in fact. There was a need for many souls to add their power, knowledge and to share the divine guidance given to them by the Creator. The souls whom you see as leading the ascension mission were the links that held us all together. Joining our power in oneness as they reminded us of our unity with all. We are the sick which were healed, those who were inspired and those from the inner planes.

We, the consciousness of the Holy Family, remind you that ascension cannot be achieved by you or any other being alone. Ascension is a remembrance of the truth of the Creator and most importantly a recollection of the power of unity and oneness. We realise that many of you are trying to achieve your ascension alone, maybe hiding yourself away in meditation or feeling that your ascension is personal only to you. This is to encourage the ego in its belief in separation, especially separation with the Creator.

Supporting Energies of Oneness

When one soul raises their vibration, every other aspect of the Creator is influenced in a positive and loving way. This does not mean that there is a need for you to work alone and in doing so, you will support the spiritual evolution of all. Instead, you can further harness the power of oneness and unity which is gifted to you by realising that if you engage with many souls to support your ascension, a powerful source of energy is created which impacts all aspects of the Creator in beautiful, awe-inspiring ways. Connection with others at a physical level is helpful, connection with others at an energetic level is breathtakingly powerful.

When you hold an intention for yourself, others or a situation, you are meditating or achieving a spiritual practice, simply calling upon the energies of others to support you and to join with you, will magnify all your experience and the greater impact upon ascension. Below is a list of energies you can merge with in order to harness the power of unity:

  • The vibration, frequency and consciousness of your entire being including your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well as highest aspects of your being.
  • The wholeness of your soul and soul group.
  • The highest vibration of the Creator before the source of the Creator which is often labelled your Mighty I Am Presence.
  • The Creator.
  • Your Community of Guides or Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Goddess Being and so forth, that you favour and feel a strong bond with.
  • Angels who are linked to the intention you have created, such as if you wish to experience peace you could call upon the Angels of Peace. There are groups of angels devoted to every quality of the Creator, for example, Angels of Fun, Joy, Laughter, Divine Flow, Meditation, Relationships and so forth.
  • The highest consciousness and support of those upon the inner planes and the Earth who wish to manifest the same as you.
  • Mother Earth is available to merge with your energy to support anything that will aid the spiritual evolution of all beings upon the Earth and the Earth herself.
  • The highest consciousness of civilisations who have already achieved that which you are focusing upon.
  • The Divine Plan energy and source of the highest and purest vibration which serves all.
  • The animal, plant, mineral, crystalline kingdoms and so forth.

We, the Holy Family Consciousness bring your awareness to the understanding that you are never alone and there are always energies, support and aspects of your Creator you can call upon to work with you. This would result in not only your ascension accelerating with ease, perfection and speed; you would also be creating a powerful service to all.

Calling in Support

During our existence upon the Earth, we were guided to constantly call upon numerous beings, energies and consciousness especially from energetic realms to enhance our focus. The more we achieved this, the more power we were able to access and gift to others to aid their awakening. Each miracle experienced and achieved by the members of the Holy Family you are familiar with, were made possible by the power we all engaged and drew into manifestation. Imagine one soul calling upon and merging with different aspects of the Creator, then imagine thousands of souls achieving the same and directing the energy into a singular focus. This is how ascension occurs. Often it seems that beings upon the inner planes instigate the ascension shifts. However, it is a co-creation or merge of power with one focus from those upon the Earth and the inner planes. You have a divine role to play, and you are the instigator of the merge of power. As a physical being, you are the anchor, the link that bonds the energy of the Creator. You are also the expression through which manifestation occurs. It is important to realise you are equal to all those upon the inner planes; you simply are achieving a different role upon the Earth, this does not mean that you are less of a spiritual being in any way. It does, however, mean that you have the mission of discovering how to work in harmony, oneness and truth with all aspects of the Creator upon the Earth and the inner planes to bring forth the power of the Creator.

To call for the support and unification of any aspect of the Universe of the Creator, you may simply follow a few steps:

  1. Decide upon your intention. What do you wish to achieve or experience?
  2. Decide or follow your inner guidance as for the energy or energies you wish to call upon to support you and to merge with you.
  3. In your own words call upon those you feel guided to connect with, to link with your energies and merge their light, love, support and consciousness for the highest good to assist you and all aspect of the Creator.
  4. Take a moment to breathe deeply and experience the energy of those you have called upon lending their energy and merging with your being. In truth, you embody all they share with you. You become a greater wholeness of the Creator, accessing the power of unity.
  5. Now achieve the intention you created in step one, whether it was a meditation, spiritual practice, activation, healing for self or others, in truth, anything.
  6. After completing the intention, thank those you called upon and the power they have gifted to you through their unity. Then focus on grounding yourself in a way that is most appropriate for you.

Remember that you are never alone, and you never have to do anything alone, whether you are achieving something physical like a job interview or spiritual like connecting with your soul. It is time for lightworkers to access and experience the power we, the Holy Family Consciousness, accessed. It is time for you to realise that you have the power to accelerate the ascension of all through the simple things you do each day.

In love and encouragement,

The Holy Family Consciousness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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