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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2018 12:51:04 AM

GFP Newsletter - 1/17/2018

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You have entered the door of the temple, and now there is no way of turning back. Just accept it as a gift of the divine in total humbleness and simplicity of the heart; otherwise it can become a heavy burden. The experience is too big, and we are so small.

It is almost as if the ocean has dropped into the dewdrop - just think of the poor dewdrop! When the dewdrop falls into the ocean, it is simpler; but once in a while the ocean also drops into the dewdrop - then it is tremendously awesome and overwhelming. But to whomsoever it happens, he is blessed, immensely blessed.

Just take it with deep relaxation, and with a humble heart, and soon it will become your natural way of life. Looking at the trees, or at the stars, you will find the same dialogue.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2018 1:19:23 AM

WEDNESDAY, january 17, 2018

A message from Selacia

A new moon like we have today is an excellent time to energize your life and commit to a course of action that helps you manifest your goals. Continue reading for additional suggestions for using this week's powerful energies.
The Opportunity

This week provides an opportunity moment to take stock of key things in your life - like relationships, work, fun, health, spiritual growth.

Since it's the first new moon of 2018, this one can be just the catalyst you need to energize things on the back burner and to dream into being what you want to be manifesting this year.

If something is out of balance, or simply stuck, now is the time to look at it.

If a relationship has become stale or toxic, this is the moment to reassess things. Look at your role in the relationship as you assess. Relationships are a dance between two people. Take responsibility for your part.

In fact, this week's new moon energy is an ideal time to take a deeper look at the relationships of your life and take an initial action to address what's missing or out-of-balance. Pick just one relationship at a time for this assessment, starting with the one that comes to mind as you are reading this. Getting your most problematic relationship into more harmony can make a huge difference in your progress during 2018.

New Moon Wishes

If you don't usually set intentions during energy gateway moments like a new moon, I suggest setting some today and over the coming days this week.

To make your list, I recommend connecting with the feeling you will have when something happens. As an example, when your book is published or you finish a project how do you want to feel. Tap into that feeling and combine it with the intention of completing the book or project. Similarly, if you have disharmony in a relationship, tap into the feeling you will have when you have harmony with the person.

Here's another tip. When making intentions, make them specific. To say you want a good relationship is very general. The specifics of "good" need to be identified and felt inside your heart - to manifest the intention.

Set Goals

Intentions are wonderful, but without goals involving action, you have missed a key element.

Therefore, for each intention, set specific goals of actions you will take to create the desired result.

As an example, if your intention is to share your wisdom with others, what specific steps can you establish towards that? The possibilities in that case are numerous, of course, but perhaps start with teaching a class or writing a blog. Most likely, you have boundless wisdom to share - don't be stingy with it.

Remember that you are a divine changemaker, alive now to shine your light and be an example to others of how to live and how to love. When you remember that bigger picture, and factor in examples like those above, you can be inspired to be your very best self - every day.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2018 1:22:55 AM

Unfinished Love

will's picture

God said:

All love is unfinished. Don't you know that?

That means that all love is unending.

Love you gave in the past continues. Every kindness you ever gave continues. The waves of love continue. You are riding on them. They transport you. All the love you ever extended continues to extend.

Every connection you have ever made with the heart of another continues its outpouring. How many years ago doesn't matter, for in the matter of love, there is no time. Love is exclusive of time. Love is too momentous to fit into the corners of time.

Love has to go somewhere. It never settles down. It takes everything with it in its swath.

The whole course of your life is a travelogue of love. Your life points out things to you. Love stars in your life. Start noticing that. Start noticing all the love that is given. And accepted. Quietly given, and quietly accepted. Not in crescendo does love impart itself, but in whisper, constant whisper. Listen.

Love is the substance from which you are made. I declare it. Love is the dust, and love is the flame. Love is the medium of life, and the medium of your life. Love flows, and takes you with it. Only you don't always know what is going on. You don't always know where you are. Most of the time, you don't know where you are.

You think love is something other than you. You think love is something you pick up every now then in pieces. You think it is something imparted to you once in a while, when you are good perhaps, but you don't know how good you are and how much love you impart.

You are too good to keep to yourself.

Sometimes you only notice yourself in others.

Well, then, notice the love in others, and you will see your own.

Start noticing love, the little evidences of it. Evidences may be small, but love never is small. It cannot be. Smallness is a contradiction to love. Smallness can not fit into the greatness of love. Only greatness befits greatness.

Love is sweet and cannot conceive of sour.

Love is purposeful and powerful. It is the greatest power on earth, and it is your greatest power. Now is when you unleash your love for creation and all created beings. Now is when you remove the cloak you have been wearing and declare yourself love to yourself. You are the only one who has to know the title you wear. But emblazon love itself across the entire universe.

The universe has been waiting for your love to reveal itself to itself.

Say to yourself this morning:

"I am love. I am nothing else. There is nothing else in the whole world for me to be but love. It is the easiest thing in the world to acknowledge the love that I am. I am only love. Only love is. I float on love. I moor in love. I am God's embodiment of love. From love I came, and to love I go. My life is based on love, for there is no other basis to life.

"Love never runs out. There is no bottom to it. I am a bottomless pit of love. I am a ceilingless height of love. The love in my heart dwells on earth as it dwells in Heaven. I am an incubus of love. My genes are love. My DNA is love. What circulates in my veins is love. My cells are love, deep within themselves, and my very breath is love, for it is God that I breathe in and breathe out.

"I stand on the summit of love. From this summit, I see life as it is, not as it is purported to be. From the summit of love, I see very well, and I see into the eyes of everyone I meet, and I see God there, and I welcome the love I see and the love I sow. Love welcomes itself. And I am all the love in the world and in Heaven. I AM."



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2018 11:32:33 PM


Méline Portia Lafont ~ Super Blue blood Moon ~ January and personal update

Beloveds and precious hearts,

I wish you all a very beautiful and potent, loving new SOLAR year in the Now moment. I have been away and offline for about 1 month after writing a very honest and open article about my current personal situation. I wanted to share an update with you all as many have been wondering and emailing me. After this personal update I will also share a bit about this current moment, the Super Blue Blood Moon and the energies of January.


I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the amazing support I have been receiving from you during a difficult time. After my December article I received a tremendous amount of support in the form of donations and emails. I am amazed and still in AWE of how much Love and support was lend to me. The donations that came in have helped me a lot and have allowed me to get through my rough month of December. I was able to breathe and take some rest. THANK YOU all for your donations, emails and support!!! Donations are always and still very welcome as I am very slightly moving, still transitioning through a very deep and difficult pathway. Financial support helps me to worry less and to focus on my health/transformation and have some rest/breather. Inspiration abounds when worries and stress for finances are gone.

December has proven to many that it was a tremendous HARSH time. I have seen more doctors in this month than I have seen in the past 10 years. Physically I have been suffering from some serious conditions, experienced a light heart attack and having all sorts of infections on top of it. It lingered on the entire month and did not improve in any way. For the first time in 10 years I had no other option than to go to the doctor, do some examinations and take in medications. Energy work, healings, alternative therapies did not help. My physical body went over a boundary that was extreme and dangerous. I was obliged to rest and take time off from everything.

At this point I am still climbing out a very deep hole... that is how it feels. My body is slowly getting stronger. And then you have the emotional and mental bodies that are peeling of their layers like crazy.. I feel ripped, vulnerable and empty of all. There is no grip anymore to find. Thanks to the donations I can focus on my health without worrying for finances, which on itself was so healing for me. I am sharing this because I want to be open, many of you will recognize yourself in this. I know what my situation is all about, so please refrain yourself from sharing me your ideas of what this means for me or any type of information/guidance. There is no meaning, it is what it is and I am aware of what this all is to me personally. I am thoroughly working with this and with myself and what it brings.

About my services: I have decided to continue my work. Some things have to change to enable this continuation, which are my rates. The services such as healings and sessions are now at a higher rate. You pay as an investment in yourself and for my investment of time and energy to assist you. These sessions and services are worthy of the new rates.

The donations that came in brought me the insight that my balance was completely off. The giving part of the scale was much heavier than the receiving part of the scale. I realized that I have done and given much more for free than what was given back/received. My rates were clearly too low as well, like many of you have informed me. By receiving all of the support, my scale became balanced again and I could experience an abundance in multiple ways. I have never experienced a flow in that area in my entire life, to taste it very shortly was a blessing and surely a path I wish to continue. As support came in, I felt EVEN MORE inspired to give more to others as well than I was already giving prior to this. And this felt good to be able and give support to others who are in need as well.

The prices of e books, audios, tools and videos remain the same. I keep them very low and some even for free. You tube videos and channelings remain free for now, so are a few audios on my website. This way ALL can work with my energy and energy work through the tools.

Typed readings are officially over. I do not longer perform channeled typed readings anymore. This is old paradigm for me, and I want to continue in new paradigm energies. If you wish information, the readings are now done through skype sessions. These sessions cover all of your questions within the chosen time frame and can cover more than what used to be offered in typed readings. All sessions are recorded and included in the rates.

Crystals will be sold soon. At this moment I am attuning the crystals with special energies of Master Saint Germain. This is new and exclusive! There will also be opportunities to order your personalized crystal with special energies of your favorite Guide Master Being. Keep an eye on my website, I aim to put them online this month.

ThePurging Quest package is on top of the list! It is a new package and quest of intense work on the Transformation path. This is all about transformation and assisting you with this journey. A channeling or connecting to your SELF course is included. Check out this package on my website, it is worthwhile to take this journey with me as you will experience my powerful Transforming energy and effect during the sessions. For those who do not know me: I AM a Violet Flame and Ray soul who carries the Lady Portia and Saint Germain Flame within. My Aquarian and Uranus birth chart enhances these qualities into the body form that I AM in this lifetime. Those souls who are already taking this Purging Quest with me are having tremendous special experiences and changes already in their lives. Proving me that this type of energy work is indeed beneficial as it is intended and designed.

Beside of this all, I am also going to study again. Back to adult school :) This is to open new doors and to expand my horizon in the area of my service work. I will combine this with my current spiritual work and grow into something new. Uranus is at my but to make the changes go ahead: there is no room for going back! Bookings are available, make sure to reserve your space.

What December has brought to me as an insight is that things are no longer tolerated. Enough with it and time to keep your head up and move on. Do not linger too long in such place where you wonder or where you are missing something. What you cling onto is taken away, ripped from you. Sudden explosions and eruptions of energies, very drastically. Dangerous vibes hanging in the clouds, running all over you. The summon of “be aware”, constantly repeating itself in your mind.

I have, with pleasure, retracted myself from collective life and the world during the month of December. Just keeping a low profile as everything seemed to be enough to be attacked or to be broken off. Every breath was enough to provoke a chain of reActions. It was a very dark month as well, with weird vibes and happenings. Especially on the physical level.

I, personally, do no longer resonate with or wish to hear the word “Divine Plan”. I have seen and learned that we all do it ourselves and create it ourselves. No more keeping it outside of ourselves! A brutal change perhaps for many who follow my work and know me, yet a very welcomed and relieved insight for me. I know there are some others who are in that same space as I am. I can see that many are opening their hearts and eyes. Many are seeing through the veil of spirituality and what it means, what it IS. All worlds are merely veils, opportunities, expressions. In fact, nothing is real, everything is only vibration as it resides as a world. There it is real.

As for the rest of us, and all, concerning this month of December. The many challenges that were experienced in December have a deeper meaning and a deeper cleansing of things. YAY to the Scorpion energy we have entered in earlier. It says: “let's go dig deep into the bottom of things, and oh yes: I can sting and be toxic as you go along.” Sounds familiar?! It surely does to me.

Up to better things – in its own way: January

Super Blue blood Moon.

The Super Blue Blood Moon is a combination of a few things. A lot of movement is to be predicted here! It is a super Full moon and a Blue moon (which is so when there is a second full moon in one month) on January 31, 2018. What adds to this occasion is that there is a total Lunar Eclipse happening as well. This Lunar Eclipse will turn the Super Blue Moon into a red-orange color because the moon will pass by in the Earth's shadow. This can turn the moon into a reddish color.

This particular Super Blue Blood Moon is giving you the opportunity to stand your ground concerning the deeply Feminine energies and powers that might have been affected for a very long time. It is a potent moment to cherish yourself deeply and to reinstall or recover your deeply rooted Feminine self that was issued before to be given away or being hurt. Recover strength, recover self value and recover yourself. The Moon Goddess energies will help you with these empowerments.

There is something magical aligning in this sphere and it is that of resurrection. Those who have been feeling depleted will refrain from further mortification and instead make room for internal realization and take a turn in their life. This turn will no longer be twisted, but bold and clear. It is a moment to see through some things and truths, to face and to make a u-turn. Depletion will than make room for internal request, internal investigation and a change about. It is like you no longer will drive the same wheel nor the same car.

The Total Lunar Eclipse energies on the other hand are rather bringing a shift in consciousness. The question here is: do you dare or not? Are you willing to “leave behind” and do things differently than what you did so far? And when you do leave it behind, are you ready and steady to complete things first? This finalization is a shift in itself. A clear consciousness awakening and moment of heart. A door of new energy waves which opens and allows for new creational potential.

The Blood Moon energies stir emotions, deep emotions, engraved feelings and sensitivity. A rush of things will pass your radar all over again, and so it seems.

We are closing off and still wrapping up final times, as they call it. Only is it final in its chaotic and tumultuous ways. I can see January being one of these moments and months where it goes up and down – influenced by Cosmic triggers and energy waves which are blasting our way. Let us see to it that you can remain descending into the moment and ascending into the Being.

With love

Universal created gift 2012-2018. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2018 11:40:48 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for January 19, 2018

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for January 19, 2018

Yet again I find that Kryon has put out a message that contains very important information that will help to increase people’s awareness and understanding. It also tells us how we are going to be helped to learn how to get on with each other.

The idea of war will be replaced by tolerant and peaceful intentions. Learn about the new triad that is the new consciousness and realise that with the upliftment of the vibrations, humanity is leaving the old paradigm behind as it has served its purpose, and is making way for a new one.

Have no doubt that a new era has begun, and once the old ways are disempowered. Progress will speed up as that which has been hidden will be revealed. You the people are already helping create a new future that will be one of peace and loving intentions.

The following is an extract from Kryon’s message, and to read it in full simply enter the undermentioned heading in your Internet Window.


Each Being has their own schedule based upon what they chose when they were not here. Coming on line is what we will call the template. When the Pleiadians laid the groundwork for the seeding of Humanity, giving them the piece of God that you have in your esoteric seeding, you mixed your biology with them. The result was the DNA you have now and inside the things you cannot see that are Quantum and dynamic and carry with them the seeds of God.

The original creation template was that Human Beings would awaken with dark and Light awareness and search for the Creator. No other animal on the planet searches for the Creator. It is not simply the intellect of the Human Being that allows this. It’s the template, and as proof of this I give you that over 85% of this planet believe in the afterlife in some way. That cannot be an accident. It cannot be chance. It does not fall into the bell-shaped curve.

It was planned and designed that way in the template that was yours. We told you it also included that energy and system you called karma. It has been the same template until now. The time capsule of this planet created the template through processes you are not aware of that are grand and beautiful, that are Quantum based – that is to say multi-dimensional – that come from the Creative Source.

The Pleiadians have their DNA working at over 80%. They are almost Angelic and in their physics of Consciousness they do not need crafts to travel to other places. They use what you call the process of enlightenment already seen by your physicists, where physical objects can be in two places at the same time. This is not beyond your reasoning it is simply beyond your normal experience, and they gave this planet several attributes that you use today. The template they gave you is not a controlling template, it is an influential one. It makes you think a certain way and gives you free choice about how to decide about them.

I want to talk about the new template. You are going to leave behind the idea of conquering and greed and conspiracy and power. It takes time sometimes generations for one to see the folly in what they did the time before, to realise that there are better ways to accomplish that which you really desire which is health, celebration of happiness on this lifespan you have not had before, and the ability to get along with the rest of the planet. And you will have different ideas and different qualities yet you will have tolerance to get along with the rest of the planet, and you will have different ideas and different spiritual qualities, yet you will have tolerance to get along, and you will see that is the prime directive for that will create what you always wanted –not war.

There are three more templates coming, this is just the beginning, there are no markers to pass, but there are places where literal inventions that will make a difference of what you are aware of and what you do next, and a new template will be needed for you to think beyond where you were before, these are templates of awareness and the very fact you have a new one being broadcast from the nulls and nodes, you should celebrate because there are those who said it would never ever happen. The Triad is the new consciousness that involves the three parts of the consciousness that we channeled about specifically. They are the brain, intuition and heart. The heart has the highest magnetic field of any organ including the brain, and in the body there is more activity in the heart than the brain. Science sees it as the second brain.


Re-valuation of the currencies is still the focal point for many people and the waiting still goes on, yet there signs that the final days are upon us. One thing is for sure and that is whatever happens it will eventually come about. It will be a time marker that is the start of great changes in the money markets, and more importantly the making of currencies that fairly reflect their real value.

It may start in a small way but will eventually result in a review of all currencies. The days of fixing currency values to the advantage of investors or speculators will no longer be possible, and all dealings will be above board and honestly carried out.

If you take note you will find that honesty in all types of transactions will be the order of the day, and those that are less than honest will be revealed and unable to hide their actions. Honesty will be the byword in all things, and there will come a time when it will be impossible to hide the truth. The new Age will show up all that is less than honest and there will be nowhere to hide such activities. Naturally as a fair society is built up and all people treated as equals, people will begin to live in a happy, peaceful and loving atmosphere. It may be early days to ask you to focus on what is coming, yet the more that do so the quicker those times will arrive.

The changes clearly have to start somewhere, and it may well be the City of Light that Genii has recently informed us is now near to manifesting. Certainly there is a renewed activity where it is concerned, and the impression given is that we are very close to seeing the first City of Light manifest in Sedona. Genii regularly visits her friends in the City and there is great optimism that something will happen very soon.

Yes, you have heard it all before but as time passes and the vibrations continue to rise up, the ideal conditions get closer and closer. There are some great celebrations to come and when they do the joy and happiness that will be expressed, will far exceed past disappointments. The time of change is upon you, so keep positive and do not waste your energy on negative thoughts. Unless you still have karma to clear, you should be able to enjoy a smooth path to advance you ever forwards.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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