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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2018 11:30:07 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/16/2018

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I say unto you, the dialogue happens only when there is no I and no thou.

It is a very strange dialogue, of course, because we are accustomed only to a dialogue between two persons; and I am saying that when two persons disappear into one, only then there is dialogue, a heart-to-heart communion.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2018 11:32:17 PM


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Cathy Lindsey - AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

This Capricorn New Moon is a powerful one…..with 6 planets all sitting in Capricorn….and 2 planets (Pluto and Venus) sitting right with this Capricorn New Moon. This is a lot of Capricorn energy. One thing that Capricorn is asking us to do is to stay out of fear and turn our heats and our feelings (Venus) toward transforming (Pluto) our future goals….regardless of how radical they may seem. Manifest, meditate….so important with this Powerful Capricorn New Moon!

These energies will continue to ramp up as we move towards the Leo Lunar Eclipse/Supermoon on January 31st and the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aquarius on February 15th.

Capricorn rules the government, the military, the banks, corporate America etc. Capricorn is about integrity, respect, maturity and to have the discipline to be able to focus on your goals, both worldly (the mountain goat) and for your Spiritual Soul growth (the fish tail). Capricorn is the sign of the Initiate! Capricorn is about structures and the “old.” So during this New Moon…..we are being asked to let go of the “old” that is no longer working….purge….clean out…..and move away from people, places and things that are no longer vibrating where you are vibrating. Get rid of things that are not working for you anymore. Do all of this with Compassion….and in the kindest way possible. You are building a new structure… and it is You. Build it with the highest vibrations you can and let go of anything that isn’t part of the new structure. Capricorn is about mastering the material world…while embodying integrity and respect! It is about where we have earthly ambitions that we eventually replace with our Spiritual Service.

New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle. New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create! Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. It is a time to connect with Source-God/Goddess and ask those deep questions about life and your future. What does that Big Picture look like for you? It is time to take the leap of faith and fall into the wings of what is truly possible for you in the coming year?

The Capricorn energies of patience and timing are also present. Capricorn is about Time….liner time and the “real world/galaxy” Universal time. Pluto is also in Capricorn, and sitting with this New Moon. Transformation around time and the “real world” time…. is part of this New Moon energy. With all the activations over this last year and the Galactic center being activated many times….opening the portal to the Universe…which then has been stretched to let more Universal time arrive on Earth……we are now mixing the Universal time with our liner time. Have you had a day where you just run out of time? A day where you feel as if you “lost” time? One of the things this New Moon is saying is that we are learning to balance Universal and Liner time so that our communities on earth and throughout the Galaxy can work together, back and forth, with the same time system. This means that traditional physics, for example, is being transformed into future ideas such as Quantum areas and realms where things are not so structured or stationary.

Capricorn also represents the Wisdom of the Elders…..the Elders now, in the past, in the future and throughout the Galaxies. Listen to them….close your eyes, sit with the Earth (outside if possible or sit with your hand in the dirt of a large potted plant)…feel the Earth….then call in the Elders….and Listen! Capricorn’s earthly energies also help us to be able to co-cerate the “New” by bringing it into form. Capricorn energy can show us how to strengthen our footing in the “New” that we are co-creating.

This Powerful New Capricorn Moon, as mentioned above, has Pluto and Venus (the wise woman) sitting with it. Meditating and setting goals during this New Moon is extremely powerful as Venus is the planet of love, money, relationships and self love. All very important in this time in history. Transformation through love, through the heart, through creativity! Venus can bring in the desire we need to make the changes we need as we work towards the transformation of our old goals… as we move them towards our new goals. This New Moon is also centered around relationships of all kinds…home, family, lovers, work and everyday life in the everyday world out there. Venus in Capricorn conjunct this New Moon and sharing the energy with Saturn and Mercury all in Capricorn, makes for a strong Venus…a strong feminine Venus! With this New Moon squaring Uranus/Eris/Pallas Athena….its adding even more strength to the feminine voce of Venus, as Eris and Pallas Athena are both strong Goddesses sitting with the constant of change with powerful Uranus!

Mercury in Capricorn, one of the 6 planets in Capricorn at this New Moon… which is also about communication…speaking with authority and integrity…. is also lending its energy. Saturn which is also one of the 6 planets in Capricorn….is in its own sign, saying among other things….Integrity, respect and maturity in all things and in all areas having to do with the Capricorn energies…..but especially right now when it comes to the voice of the feminine…Venus in Capricorn….its a powerful statement at this New Moon!!!!

This is a very powerful New Moon. With all the chaos and disruptions of the last several months.....this Capricorn New Moon helps us to move forward with the rebuilding process and restructuring of our goals and our wishes of how we want our “New” world and ourselves to be. Capricorn helps us to bring our goals and our manifestation/intentions into reality…… by showing us how to ground them into the “new” structures that we are co-creating! Meditate on this theme…..ask for guidance…..Listen and then manifest…….

Remember that in honoring all relationships (the Capricorn New Moon) we also need to honor the relationship within ourselves. The relationship of the everyday mundane realities, and our Spiritual realities symbolized by the Capricorn goat with the fishes tail!. They need to be balanced….they/we need to appear as one! There should be no separateness. When we evolve into higher Spiritual realities and energies… is something that should be with us all the time! It becomes us! We don’t separate them…..we don’t go to work and be another person and then come home and be a Spiritual person. We have to embody the spirituality on a daily bases….everywhere we go….everywhere we are…..everyone we meet…. will see us as a whole Spiritual Soul based person. This won’t be easy……but this is part of this shift. Speaking and showing the truth of who we are….. By being our true spiritually evolved selves, we will attract people to us……they can feel the higher energy and then they will want to be a part of it. We help others evolve spiritually just by embodying our higher energies all the time….and by just being who we are!

With this Capricorn New Moon ……The Universe is asking us to face our greatest fears….to face things that we haven’t wanted to look at (rather recent or in the past)….face our shadows (our less desirable qualities)……except them…. move through them… so we can transform them into the higher energies, as we become part of the “New.” This is a very powerful time….with lots of changes leading to transformation

Think about where you were at this time last year, to where you are now………can you see how much you have moved forward into the “New”……can you see the powerful changes that you have made, in your life… your thinking ….in the world..….and how you are able to really see that big picture down the road……and to know that you are not only……. Co-Creating yourself, but that you are helping to Co-create the World? We are moving rapidly and urgently into the “New”……. Meditate on how you have moved forward in this last year… you have grown, and the new goals you are making for yourself and the World.

All changes are for the Good……We are being provided with everything we need to do the work that we came here to do. This is a time to be still and to listen. Open up to and acknowledge what you are feeling, hearing or seeing. The veils are very thin now so ask for guidance from God/Goddess, Creator, and your Angels and Guides. Lets create a beautiful reality for the Earth, for Humanity, for Community and for Ourselves.

At this powerful New Moon…….Meditate on your future and the future of the Earth! Manifest Love, Peace, and Joy for all humanity. Connect with God/Goddess and all your guidance……communicate with them…..ask for guidance… still ad listen to the things that you are feeling and hearing. Create a beautiful world for yourself and all humanity!

With this Capricorn New Moon...we are being asked to become aware of our power, as we create and manifest with every thought we have. Again it is time to get our “Ducks” in a row. What is it that “We” want to create and bring to this “New” that we are co-creating? Direct that power from the Heart as you mediate and manifest on this Capricorn New Moon. Meditate on how things are transforming and changing in the “Real World” to the “New World”, and how we are now moving into areas that we have never been in before…remember to focus on the Heart and create from the Heart! The Heart is the new brain! Create a beautiful World for you, your community and all humanity. This is a powerful New Moon. Create and manifest your future, set down your goals for the year. Sit with yourself and Listen !!!! Listen to your guidance….Listen to your Soul.

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2018 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved.

Astroeyes Evolutionary AstrologyCathy Lindsey


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2018 11:34:47 PM

Vaulting across the Universe

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God said:

You are growing in love and wisdom right and left. And the growing is not always easy. Your ego is being wracked right and left, and that is how you grow. Ego is forced to step aside, at least for a while, and you see yourself rising to the sun. You did not get burned. Your ego did.

Ego doesn't go up in flames without a fight. I talk about ego as though you have no responsibility for it. Never mind, you are learning to get along without it or without so much of it.

You are really beginning to learn that there are no affronts to you, only to your ego. Oh, beloveds, think of what it will be when ego no longer pesters you and gets the best of you and when you stand above it. Picture yourself standing tall, ego on the floor beneath, and with your foot on ego, you keep it down. Now ego submits to you, instead of your submitting to ego. Now you have risen, and you are vaulting across the Universe knowingly with Me.

Ego has cramped your style. You are just beginning to find out what your style is, your true style, your true way of being unshackled from ego and ego needs. When you don't have ego, what do you require? Without ego, you who are everything have everything you need. And, if there should be something you don't have, then you don't need it. You did very much need to be without commandeering ego, that selfish twit of an ego who got in your way. I say this as it is.

We do not make an ode to ego, nor do We hold animosity toward the now fallen ego. Although ego has been an opponent, it had its purpose for you. It brought you to where you are now. Now you are a hero to yourself. Without ego, you can truly love your God-given self. Ego was like a rash, hot and itchy, and now you are not inflamed. Now you are calm and cooled down. You have removed the hair shirt of ego. No longer do you bow to it. Now you bow to the sun and to the God in you.

Let Us thank ego for helping you and the world to see what ego really looks like, hardly the picture you had of it and the importance you held it in. Now you remove your foot from the prone ego and let it go off with its tail between its legs. Ego was all an illusion anyway. It never existed except as you gave homage to it. Ego had you twisted around its little finger. How presumptuous ego was.

Now you are free of ego. Even though it had you in its power, it had no power except as you granted it. You fed ego's ego. And now you are free. Or almost free. You certainly are getting there.

What is there to say about ego when it is gone or well on its way out? Ego really never had anything to do with you! It was your ego! Instead of your training this errant ego, you let it train you! And now you are getting out from under ego. You used to be prone on the floor of life, and ego had its foot on you. You let ego go. Avast, ego, avast. At last, you are releasing your hold on it.

Let's have a party. Let's have a Thanksgiving Day. Hurray, you are outliving ego and all the pictures of the past.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2018 12:11:03 AM

Transforming our Pain into Wisdom with Forgiveness

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In this Data, “Facebook revealed to CBS News that in the 24 hours after (Alyssa) Milano posted her Tweet, 12 million posts and comments went up, and 45 percent of all U.S. users had friends who’d posted #metoo.”

In the post, After #MeToo: Healing From the Trauma of Sexual Assault, we learn:

“Within two weeks following sexual assault, 94 percent of women will also experience post-traumatic stress disorder, reported the Journal of Traumatic Stress in 1992.”

“PTSD can affect an individual’s ability to work, to have close and meaningful relationships, and can trigger addictions and unhealthy behaviors. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found in a study that women are twice as likely as men to develop PTSD.”

Meghan Patenaude, in the YouTube below, says the best thing to say to a victim of rape is:

I believe you. I’m here for you.

In this YouTube, #DearDaddy, we see patriarchal society has helped create this planet’s history of rape:

If we ‘tuck these things under the bed’, pretend they don’t happen, it’s very difficult to create new ways, societies that do work.

Dr. Lauren Tober, Clinical Psychologist and Yoga Teacher, says:

“Many of us spend much of our life trying to avoid our own emotional experience.

“We can spend a whole lifetime doing that — the food that we eat, using drugs and alcohol, FaceBook, television, even going to a yoga class — anything we can do to try to stop feeling what we are feeling, and that’s really time-consuming. It uses up a lot of energy.

“Being willing to welcome any experience that arises within us, I believe is something is important for all of us to cultivate.”


Feeling for healing, combined with the ancient knowledge of The Tarot, we become our own alchemists.

Being, 2 The High Priestess, with a consistent practise of meditation and listening to our guidance, we can transmute pain into beauty, 11 Lustre, and self-worth, 17 The Star.

Each day we can choose to leave the old behind and create the new, 18 The Moon, to practise authenticity with our own innate courage.

Our suffering transforms into wisdom, 3 The Empress, by being the Love, forgiving others and ourselves.

A consistent daily practise of meditation, invoking Universal Law, calling upon the power of the I Am, the sacred flames and their Keepers, aids our ability to integrate and transmute the old, 14 Art, to balance our pain with forgiveness, 21 The Universe.

I Love you and myself

I forgive you and myself

I Am Forgiveness of Everything

From that place of forgiveness, harmony and balance — peace within — we can reach out to help others, 4 The Emperor, the leader.

Our sorrow can become

our sacred purpose,

our sacred joy.

Here’s an example of transforming pain to beauty:

An Artist’s Visualization of the Viral #MeToo Campaign

Erin Gallagher’s visualization of the spread of the #MeToo hashtag. Courtesy of Erin Gallagher.


In the global picture there are babies starving in Yemen and other atrocities happening. . .

From my understanding, everyone’s unhealed trauma contributes to the continuation of war, within/without.

Peace — harmony, balance and joy

for our entire Gaian family —

is transforming our pain

with forgiveness

into wisdom.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2018 12:49:52 AM

You are That which You Seek

“You are that which you seek,” says the Arcturian Group. (1) In how many ways is this true?

Everything I say here becomes merely intellectual knowledge the moment it’s spoken or written down. Nevertheless it’s a starting point.

But ultimately we have to know what is said here (realized knowledge).

(A) We are God.

If God is everything, then logic alone tells us: How can we possibly not be God? We are included in “everything.”

If we are light of that Light, a spark of the Divine fire, a firebrand plucked from the burning, then, when reality converges, how can we not be revealed to be God? Does an aberrant flame not reunite with the fire and disappear? Was the flame separate? (2)

Interimly, not ultimately.

Keep in mind that we are speaking about ultimate reality at this moment. In our interim reality, it seems very real that we’re separate from God.

And when our consciousness is anchored in the interim reality, one could say that we are. Certainly the Divine Plan was to have us experience this separation and then reunite with God.

God created the illusion of separateness to fashion the game of life, in which we seek and ultimately find our true identity. (3)

(B) We are love.

It only takes a heart opening to see immediately that all we are is love having taken form. In the flow of love that we then are, for as long as it lasts, (4) the tight grip of ego is released, with its desire to remain separate, and we see that all we are is love.

In that state, we experience that love is all there is and that, if we were capable of allowing realization to such a degree that love alone was, the separated spark that we are would return to the all-consuming Fire; the seemingly-separate drop would return to and immerse itself in the Ocean of love.

(C) We are consciousness.

“Consciousness,” the Arcturian Group says, is “the substance from which the outer scene is formed.” And the inner world.

If all is consciousness, then we are consciousness as well. If we seek full consciousness, we seek the fulness of the experience of ourselves. We are that which we seek.

By “seeking,” we engage the very thing we are seeking. Our gaze busies us and prevents us from realizing that which has always already been there and is occupied doing the seeking.

Apparently, seeking that which we are is productive in the early stages of spiritual practice but reaches a point where it becomes unproductive. Ramana Maharshi and Bernadette Roberts explain:

Ramana: “Your efforts can extend only thus far. Then the Beyond will take care of itself. You are helpless there. No effort can reach it.” (5)

Roberts: “At a certain point, when we have done all we can [to bring about an abiding union with the divine], the divine steps in and takes over.” (6)

Adyashanti discusses the process:

“The most difficult thing for spiritual seekers to do is to stop struggling, striving, seeking and searching. Why? Because in the absence of struggle you don’t know who you are: you lose your boundaries; you lose your separateness; you lose your specialness; you lose the dream you have lived all your life.

“Eventually you lose everything that your mind has created and awaken to who you truly are: the fullness of freedom, unbound by any identifications, identities, or boundaries. It is this locationless freedom of being that spiritual people are seeking, and at the same time are running away from because its faceless nature gives no fixed reference point for the personality to hold onto or to seek security in.

“As long as you remain identified with the personality, you will always be seeking security to the exclusion of the Truth, and will remain in a constant state of struggle. It is only when your love and desire for Truth outweighs the personality’s compulsive need for security, that you can begin to stop struggling and be swept up into the arms of an ever unfolding revelation of the Truth and Freedom of Being.” (7)

It’d be far better if we tried to feel who we are, rather than seekingit. The Arcturian Group say:

“An intellectual knowledge of truth is the first step out of this maze, but it must evolve deeper and become an attained state of consciousness.” (8)

Intellectual knowledge is the first step. Experiential knowledge, including feeling, is the second. And realized knowledge – “an attained state of consciousness,” they call it – is the third.

Being at the experiential level, we’re now positioned to realize the love that we are. Experiential knowledge is like a launching platform.

And given what the Divine Mother shared in An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 4, 2017, we’re all of us in the midst of a gradual heart opening anyways. We can not only test out what is said here, but also watch and experience the reality of love within our own fields of awareness.

I used to say that my life was a workshop, an experiment. We’re in a time when the lives of the whole world will soon become a workshop, as we all watch in marvel as our hearts blossom and reveal the true source of love in us and our essential identity.


(1) “Arcturian Group Message through Marilyn Raffaele, 1/14/18,” January 14, 2018, at

(2) If we were not God, then there would be a second to God and God is said to be One without a second.

(3) Enter “purpose of life” (in quotation marks) in the Search box.

(4) Until Ascension or Sahaja Samadhi makes the heart opening permanent.

(5) Ramana Maharshi in Munagala Venkatramiah, Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Downloaded from, 31 August 2005., Question 197.

(6) Bernadette Roberts, “The Path to No-Self” in Stephan Bodian, ed. Timeless Visions, Healing Voices. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1991. , 131.

(7) Adyashanti, “Call Off the Struggle,” 1998, downloaded from, 2004.

(8) “Arcturian Group Message,” ibid.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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