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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2018 9:45:16 PM

A Message to Lightworkers – January 15, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, beautiful Light Bringers in this new age of humanity!

This new era for humanity, and for all upon the Earth, whether they are members of the two-legged nations, the four-legged nations, the winged and feathered nations, the rock or tree people, or the gods and goddesses of the seas, air, or soil.

Within and without, and all around this planet of great beauty and astounding diversity, there is without question a vibration of Change.

And that vibration is powerfully re-adjusting and tuning to it all other vibrations, no matter how low or discordant those vibrations have been.

So that, as you see or hear certain persons releasing statements against certain nations or ethnicities (and these are not what you assume them to be—you are all of you seeded from every corner of this Universe), or warning of war, or insulting whole genders or races—you can breathe calmly, and remain in your perfect center.

For the bluster of that loud wail carries none of the height and staying power of the note being sounded above it—one that is so pure, so high, and so finely created in substance and intention, that nothing can ever remove its influence.

You may be wondering, “But how does that higher vibration, no matter how beautifully and perfectly sent from the higher realms, have the power to anchor permanently into the Earth?

How can it finally drown out the low drums and foul screams of war, violence, and oppression, when these have ruled Earth for so long?”

And we want to say, that in the final hours of his and Sam’s journey, Frodo Baggins assumed the same.

As you yourself may feel some days, he also felt that there was very little use in going on.

Yet with Sam’s help, he made it to the top of the last mountain of the journey, and threw the ring back into the fire from which it was forged.

You are doing no less, dear ones.

We are aware of your dizziness, and exhaustion, your feelings of illness, anger, and grief some days.

We are aware of (and feel with you) your inner confusion, as so much in the world appears to be getting worse rather than improving and moving into the Light.

And so it is, each time the dark expresses itself in ways that appear to blot out the increasing levels of Light all around you—the Light that you are yourself—as it attempts, in one last desperate plea bargaining with the lower realms, to reassert and maintain its “supremacy,” which was never meant to be permanent, never meant to characterize Earth life indefinitely.

You ask how the higher vibration that is Peace, that is Love of all diversity, of all Life and all Light, could have the wherewithal to anchor permanently into the Earth, when the usurpers appear to perpetually have the upper hand.

They appear to have the technologies (unknown to you for the most part) and the mental control of Earth’s people required to ensure that their vibrations remain the predominant ones, while yours languish in dreams and unrealized visions.

And we would say, this great journey, this great task is why you are here at this most miraculous time.

For as Earth transfigures from enslaved entity to free and empowered Goddess, you are the ones who stand upon Her outer rim, with sword and shield at the ready, as you anchor with your very being those energies now flowing to the Earth from your great Light source and ally, Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, the source to whom your own Sun answers.

You do this in concert with Alcyone’s consort, Mother Sekhmet, who watches over this process, aiding in the birth of this new Being Whom Earth is becoming, and ensuring that Justice is done, not only on your planet, but throughout this star system.

We are aware that this will sound to be wishful mythology, and not a true description of what is occurring now.

You have been viewing the machinations of those desperate to maintain their stranglehold on Earth, treating Her not as Source, but as “resource”—things to be used, not guarded and honored.

We are aware that your thought processes and emotions have been manipulated for eons, so that each time you returned to a human body, you would again become the easily formed and directed entity that unwittingly or unwillingly helps support the dark forces with your efforts to survive.

And yet—in every age, there have been those who have risen above.

Those whose words or music, or whose deeds or intentions, or pure Loving presence, were such that they lifted all around them, including Nature Herself, out of the matrix of death and defeat, and into remembrance of the higher realms.

Into the re-claiming of the higher vibrations from which you come, and the true nature of souls who live freely, in Service to Source as they are in Service to Others.

And now—look, dear ones!

There are not a few of these now, but billions of you, come to re-form and re-set Earth’s predominant vibration from one of despair, loss, anger, and grief, to one of Peace, higher intent, Love, and inner Knowing of and connection to all that expresses as Light in the higher realm.

Those Beings and energy forms that are constantly reaching for a higher vibration, for the pure Joy of it.

That is the New Reality, and that is the note you are sounding!

Did you think we would describe that transforming, Earth-changing, Life-giving tone as being sung only by Angels and Light Beings?

You are such, or you would not have come here now.

So remain in your place, Light Warriors—this is not a battle of death and destruction.

It is the last climb up what Tolkien (who foresaw all you are living in now) called Mount Doom.

And in those moments when you feel you cannot go any further, call out to us!

As your loyal servants, we will carry you to the very end.

For this is your journey, which you willingly took on, and you are more powerful than you can know.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2018 9:51:10 PM

GaiaPortal 1-15-18… “Thoroughfares of Energetic pathways have been cleared”

This new GaiaPortal came out on 1-15. Very important message I feel. “Nocturnal living is finished” is a most significant part of this. Those who want to remain asleep will no longer be able to stay asleep. And “Levitations into Higher Consciousness [will] become commonplace” for them.

I talked about this in the following Kp blog post.

And here is a definition of Thoroughfare: “A place of passage from one location to another.”


Thoroughfares of Energetic pathways have been cleared

Thoroughfares of Energetic pathways have been cleared.

Higher Levelers are succeeding in the hu-being arena.

Nocturnal living is finished.

Levitations into Higher Consciousness become commonplace.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2018 12:54:55 AM

GFP Newsletter - 1/15/2018

will's picture

But at the moment of death, just before death is going to happen, you don't have any ambition. And whether you are rich or poor makes no difference; whether you are a criminal or a saint makes no difference. Death takes you beyond all discriminations of life and beyond all stupid games of life.

But rather than helping people, people destroy that beautiful moment. It is the most precious in a man's whole life. Even if he has lived one hundred years, this is the most precious moment. But people start crying and weeping and showing their sympathy, saying, "This is very untimely, it should not happen." Or they start consoling the person, saying, "Don't be worried, the doctors are saying that you will be saved."

These are all foolishnesses. Even the doctors play a part in these stupid things. They don't tell you that your death has come. They avoid the subject; they go on giving you hope. They say, "Don't be worried, you will be saved," knowing perfectly well that the man is going to die. They are giving him a false consolation, not knowing that this is the moment when he should be made fully aware of death - so acutely and so impeccably aware that pure consciousness is experienced. That moment has become a moment of great victory. Now there is no death for him, but only eternal life.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2018 12:59:01 AM

Shining Light

will's picture

God said:

When you carry resentment in your heart, you are not free, for resentment lugs you around. You are at its mercy. Resentment carries you over its shoulders and bumps you into walls and bruises you.

You have a heart that is meant for love, not resentment. You have a heart meant for softness, not hardness. This is true even when someone, in her own distress, seems to despise you. Her distress is contagious, and she would like to pass it on to you. It is a hot potato.

You need not accept everything that is handed to you. Another's rough edges do not have to rub off on you. Do not latch on to another's hard-heartedness. It doesn't belong to the other person either, but for convenience, let's say it belongs to them. They will dispense with it by and by. It is for you to dispense with now. Dispense with it now and forever. You want to be free, don't you? Give up resentment then.

The person who resents you wants to give you her resentment in exchange for your good will. She wants to steal from you. You have something she wants. It could be your good name. It could be your good fortune. She will not like the person she wishes to steal from. Do not allow yourself to sit on the seat of the other person's teeter-totter.

Do not steal your good nature from yourself. Do not give it away. It is precious. Do not let someone knock you down from your perch. Do not let them walk all over you either. You do not seem to know how to balance such difficulties. Meanwhile, you fall down. Now pick yourself up.

Do not give one resentment toward another. Do not amass resentment. Do not hold it close to you. You are more wonderful to refuse to accept another's judgment of you than you are to forgive. Get the one who resents you out of your mind. Let them go. If someone wants to resent you, let them. It is their business. Dirty looks do not have to hurt you.

The only person who can hurt your feelings is yourself. When someone is unfeeling or negative toward you, you don't have to burn in the fire.

You don't want anyone to shove you aside, nor should anyone try. Most of all, do not let anyone shove aside your peace of mind. Do not give another a piece of your mind. Do not tell them off, not even in your mind. Do not fragment yourself because someone else is fragmented. Do not cut your heart into little pieces. Your heart is precious to Me. It is, indeed, My heart. Would you stab My heart?

Get anguish out of your heart.

"But how," you say. "How do I do it? My heart is stubborn. It won't let go."

Your heart is willing to let go. Your heart wants to let go. It does not want to collect debris. It is your unrelenting mind that will not let go. Free your mind and your heart will be absolved of resentment. Free your heart from the past. Shake it loose. Think of other thoughts instead of the tormenting ones that have been going through your mind ad infinitum.

Find a way to escape thinking of yourself as wronged. Or, acknowledge that you have been wronged and walk away from it. Otherwise, you wrong yourself. You undercut yourself. You sentence yourself to despair. You override yourself. You eat poison. You can help yourself. Do not drink that last drop of bitterness. Toss it away. You are greater without it. Be My shining light.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2018 6:44:33 PM

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation for Jan. 16, 2018

Selamat Balik!

We return. The events of today are encouraging and continue to foreshadow the defeat of the dark cabal. The important point is to understand what this defeat would truly imply. The dark is reeling as it collapses in the wake of its unavoidable defeat.

Consequently, we are ecstatic and realize that this is just the beginning of many rewarding events to come. We recognize what this process truly means to all of you who are working in the Light. We expect, after initiating our next gambit, to present you your long-sought victory of prosperity and freedom. We have now devised a special strategy to see that this is actually carried out. The dark can no longer rely on power as its main base.

So far, the dark does not yet fully understand our intent. We are determined to achieve the victory that their defeat implies. It is not easy to remake a reality that is over 13 millennia old. We ask that Lightworkers persevere in the patience you have shown so far. An important event is expected to occur in the coming weeks, so be prepared. The dark realizes how close its demise really is.

The dark continues to deploy any stratagem it can to delay the inevitable. The long-delayed packages are being readied for release. The maneuvers of the GF and our Earth allies have enabled us to surmount certain obstacles. Once all is in place, be prepared for the sudden arrival of the RV GCR NESARA/GESARA, including all the rest of your promised prosperity. A number of discrepancies in the banking system are currently to our advantage.

We are using their own system to out-smart them. These ‘banking rules’ are to allow the long-promised Lightwork to actually occur. We clearly foresee a torrent of liberating activity when this discrepancy is resolved. The secret war in the banking system is being put right. This change is to result in the end of USA, Inc. and the just and undeniable rise of the Republic in the United States. We expect all of this to unfold in the coming weeks. Be prepared to witness these truly extraordinary events.

This prospect is to alter your world’s entire reality. We eagerly await the unfolding of our plans and some heart-stirring announcements. These disclosures will, indeed, change everything. They will allow NESARA to be realized to the world at large (GESARA). The time of your liberation is near at hand.

When all is in place, we expect a series of broadcasts to clarify its meaning to every man, woman and child. Within a month of Announcements, soft disclosure will begin. We ask for your help in educating those who will be in fear as they learn of our existence. Disclosure will change everything – from religion to science to history to technologies.

We live in a time when the nuclear threat can be deactivated and the rise of the new consciousness explored to its fullest potential. Do not fear nuclear threats, for Heaven rendered them obsolete decades ago. We are delighted to see that you and your world are been liberated and welcomed, once again, into the Galactic community.

Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters.

We come knowing that your world is now in transition. The chaos you are witnessing is simply the demise of the dark’s stronghold on you. Let us explore a vision of what lies ahead for you in your new reality. We are here to support this transition and to show you what it means and how you are to navigate the changes.

Your reality is now undergoing a tremendous shift that goes unnoticed by many. Feel how these changes affect you on a daily basis. Use your discernment, for they are unfolding quickly and continue to do so. Energies are at work that can alter your perceptions of this reality. Spirit feels your expanding, loving nature and is happily watching these gentle changes transform every part of you.

Creation works on many levels. It is subtle, and gently alters the reality that is You. It is at these most minute levels that spirit is most effective. Using spirit’s tools, we alter your current reality by making you more conscious of the world and of those that seek to find a better way to the infinite. Working between these layers brings out Spirit’s way, allowing it to gently move you forward into a new consciousness. This new form of consciousness emphasizes how subtly these changes affect everything.

Spirit’s design is to create beauty and wonder at the simple things in life. Remember how spirit works to produce joy and love, for it is in these that we can work most effectively. We are here to help you in your journey home. Call on us: we lovingly await your requests. This is a team effort. When we work together, we are Victorious!

Today, we discussed the events that are soon to transform your world. Bless us all, and let these divinely ordained events manifest! A time of wonder is at hand! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, January 16, 2018, at

Source link: Sheldan Nidle PAO Update for January 16, 2018

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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