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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 9:06:19 PM

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: Ascension Corridor
July 7, 2017

Greetings. I am Mira. I am still serving full-time with the Earth Council and have some relevant information for you today.

First, the Earth is moving into her ascension corridor. This is what you might call the birth canal. She is fully ready to shift into her fully fifth-dimensional self. Her soul yearns to be freed from the third-dimensional experience. This experience is recorded in her history as well as yours. It is one for the books.

As you know she is being assisted by all of creation. There are gateways upon gateways that are being opened. Stargate’s are ready for an influx of galactic assistance. The Earth’s chakra system is constantly being prepared and balanced for this occurrence. The magnetic fields and the Schumann resonance (the heartbeat of the Earth) are in a state of adaptation and adjustment. They are opening to higher consciousness.

Your bodies parallel what is going on with the Earth for you are one. You might be experiencing some discomfort where the body needs special focus for healing. Going through such powerful energies right now are also emotional. The Earth is feeling this way also. Please take the time to allow for new alignments and release of the past. The body is speaking loudly so that you will listen and release what needs to go.

You are also assisting the Earth with your energies and love. By staying grounded and in the highest frequency that you can maintain you will be serving your Earth and yourselves. Please pay attention to everything. The energies are moving rapidly and we want you to remain aware so as not to be caught off guard in any way.

The way of life to which you have been accustomed is falling away. It no longer serves you or the Earth. Instead of each person for themselves the new way of life will be for the good of the whole. This instills a cooperative way of life instead of a competitive system that wounds the soul of humanity and the Earth. The soulless ones who have harmed others and have extracted the soul energy and vital life force from humanity will be rendered powerless and will live elsewhere, not on the Earth.

There will be an extensive revamping of life as you have known it. It is necessary for the Earth to survive and for the rest of life to be free. You will be living in beauty, peace, love, abundance, and joy. You will be expressing your creativity the way that our Creator originally intended. You will be able to do what you came to do on the Earth. Finally!

Please rise above from as much drama, chaos, and unraveling as possible. This is a necessary part of the evolutionary process. As you hear the screams from the darkness while it falls to its demise, let the songs of the angelic choirs enter in to your range of hearing. Let your heart open to the beauty of a whole new musical heartbeat, to a scale that is in resonance with the harmony of the higher dimensions.

Do not be swayed by the distractions that would like to lure you in. Stay focused on your light work because we need the ground crew to help us usher in the new earth. You are being prepared for your new rolls in the dream state. You are in a state of remembering who you are and what you came to do. You are a force to be reckoned with, ground crew.

We love you and we count on you to help bring the Ascension to fruition. I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council.

» Source – Channel: Valerie Donner

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 9:16:41 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/8/2017

will's picture

Try to see your own ego. Just watch it. Don't be in a hurry to drop it, just watch it. The more you watch, the more capable you will become. Suddenly one day, you simply see that it has dropped. And when it drops by itself, only then does it drop. There is no other way.

Prematurely you cannot drop it. It drops just like a dead leaf. The tree is not doing anything. Just a breeze, a situation, and the dead leaf simply drops. The tree is not even aware that the dead leaf has dropped. It makes no noise, it makes no claim - nothing. The dead leaf simply drops and shatters on the ground, just like that.

When you are mature through understanding, awareness, and you have felt totally that ego is the cause of all your misery, simply one day you see the dead leaf dropping. It settles into the ground, dies of its own accord. You have not done anything so you cannot claim that you have dropped it.

You see that it has simply disappeared, and then the real center arises. And that real center is the soul, the Self, the God, the Truth, or whatsoever you want to call it. It is nameless, so all names are good. You can give it any name of your own liking.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 9:18:29 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - August 8, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings to all on this August 8 Lion’s Gate!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

And we see much at work, much Change occurring—and we say this with a capital “C” because this is not the sort of Change you have witnessed before now.

Previous to this new era, you saw “change” in your world in the very narrow sense of the term—a new ownership of an old system, a new perspective on an old idea, or a new way of doing something to improve productivity or convenience, to an old end.

What you are witnessing now on your Earth is a different form of Change entirely.

This is the Change that comes from within, from your own co-Creative determination, ability, and expectation.

It does not come to you, but from you.

And it comes not to create small or even significant shifts in an old system, an old era, or an old structure, but as a complete re-forming—a birthing of an entirely new form of life, which not only reshapes life on this planet, but in your galaxy, and in your Universe.

We do not say it “will” reshape and reform life on your planet, but that it IS doing so now.

The portal you enter now is a powerful one.

As you move through this day and the days that follow, including the day of the total solar eclipse on August 21, you inaugurate the energies of the New Earth in ways that anchor that reality more fully than it has ever been anchored before.

And you are receiving great help in this regard, for the Universe itself—the waves of higher Light now traveling through it, the configurations of planets and stars, and the energies emitted from the Lion’s Gate alignments—all of it has both opened the portal through which you now pass, and created the energy wave by which that travel is possible.

Now, there are some things you will not be able to take with you on this beautiful journey.

You have probably already noted that the old energies, whether you refer to them as karma or density or shadow self or ego-mind, are no longer serving you in the ways they once did.

Whereas once they showed you where your consciousness lacked the Light required for further growth and evolvement, they now only serve to remind you of the forms of Earth life you have left behind.

That struggle by which you once counted progression—the pain and trouble that you were taught is a requirement for growth, as per the third dimensional paradigm of Ascension—now serves only as a marker, an energetic historical document of sorts, that describes a life you are quickly leaving behind.

We tell you with sincerity and great Love, with great compassion and respect for all you have suffered in Earth lives—hundreds of them over the centuries, many of you—that pain and suffering have never been guarantees of inner growth and expansion.

And that they no longer indicate growth or learning in your journey, nor need they be your companions any further on this path of Light which you now walk.

Now, we are aware that many millions still suffer upon the Earth.

Many still suffer from hunger, from ill treatment of every kind, from the ravages and chaos of war and other forms of violence.

And we would say, that when you see others suffering, or when you feel the need to re-experience your own suffering from past or present, affirm the following for others, and for yourself:

“There is no need for this disruption, this sadness, or this feeling of lack or loss or futility.

All density, all shadow aspect is now forgiven, released, and let go of.

I no longer align with the energy of struggle and pain—I release these and all dense energies. I align fully now with the energies of joy, peace, Love, abundance, and fulfillment.

That is my growth pattern. That is my path. This is how I reach enlightenment now—through Peace and calm. Through release of the old ways, and learning of the new.

I bow to your Divinity, and to mine, and to that of this Universe.

All is well, dear ones. The Light of our souls has decreed it.”

Understand that in declaring Peace—finally, fully, irrevocably—in your own spirit-mind, body, and emotions, and in your outer life, you are declaring it for all of humanity.

You are declaring it for the entire planet.

And so now we pass through this great Portal with you, we who have watched from other dimensions and this increasingly fifth dimensional one.

We were there as you first took on struggle and pain for an age that is now past, and we are with you now, as you take on Peace as your signpost—proof that Love is your new reality, your only reality, your greatest expression of the Divinity that you are.

Welcome, Bringers of the Light!

Welcome to your new era, and your new Earth.

Pass through this great Gate, and hear this Lion roar the great tonal frequencies of Creation.

And know that far from being separate from all that is sacred, you are at its center.

And are its most beautiful expression.

Namaste! We are with you, at every moment.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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With much thanks to Maureen Keefe Photography

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 9:25:43 PM

Adrift on the High Seas of Life

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

I hear you cry out from the wilderness:

“Dear God, I write to You during February, the month of St. Valentine’s Day. God, do You give us Life on Earth so that we will experience becoming attached? A hazard of Life is that we hold on tight. And then You sprinkle death around so that we will learn not to become attached but rather to free ourselves from attachment.

“In all due respects, God, this is like a trick, and the joke is on us. St. Valentine’s Day came and went and left so many of us high and dry. Our hope is so great we fall for it every time.

“Certainly, You want us to Love, and we want to Love, yet in this world, we seem to only know how to grab on even when the grabbing on is on the mental plane.

“And, then, when our loved ones leave for one adventure or another, our whole foundation seems to shatter and scatter. We are adrift until it seems we build a certain crust or scab on our hearts. We try to make our hearts more stern, more above it all. The despair we find ourselves lost in is too painful to bear ever again. Alas, to be vulnerable to Love and not find Love again.

“We understand very well that there are no replacements for our deeply-loved ones. If we are lucky, we have a father and mother on Earth. Yet one way or another, they leave, and we are left behind, or we leave, and they are left behind.

“There can be other Hearts we Love, yet never others quite like the ones who have gone onto greener pastures.

“It seems, dear God, that to Love with all our hearts means that the Ultimate Destination of Loving is the sense of loss.

“And, yet, even when we are strong enough to allow our hearts full freedom now, Love is not always so easy to come by. We don’t always find Love waiting on the corner for us. We accept that our Deeply Loved Ones are irreplaceable, yet sometimes we don’t meet anyone to love again, or, despite our own wishes, our range of Loving comes to a standstill, and there is no object or subject of Love for us again.

“Granted, God, You are Love and always loving us, still we - I -- yearn for a special human Being to love again. All dreams do not come true. It’s like I wait for a ship that never comes in. April Fools’ Day stars in my Life.

“Trying to Love doesn’t work. Or, I don’t know how to begin. Truly, I don’t want Love for the idea of it, but for the Truth of it. God, I have come nowhere near.

“You have said that our Love will arrive like the Lighting Dawn. I wait for the Dawn. I understand that my Life does not depend on this, nevertheless. I feel adrift. I feel that I am not Love, and will never again Love with All My Heart.”

Ah, beloved Child, Beloved Children, you still have Life. Life Itself isn’t nothing. It could be true that you have had your last Big Love. You may not find a Great New Personal Love again, yet still you have Life, and Life is before you, and you can Love whatever lies before you. A personal Love isn’t everything. Even if you have a New Love, a New Love may well not be enough to take away the various urgings in your heart. When all is said and done, a sense of indwelling loneliness may still follow you no matter what.

It is clear now that you must love yourself. How about loving yourself as you are in this moment of fictitious time? In Truth, there is no time, so it cannot be true that time runs out. Love is True, and that’s it.

Just Love the Day Before You. Despite your convictions, there is no telling what tomorrow brings.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/10/2017 11:14:16 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday August 10, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

There is a part of you that can connect with and anchor any energy that you wish to experience. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source energy, of All That Is, you have access to all that is.

Just as you can search your computer or a library for any topic matter under the sun, you can also seek to find whatever you wish to explore within yourself. It does not matter if the energy hasn't been used for a long time, or ever, it is still available to you.

As you evolve you will begin to play more and more with the energies that have always existed within you. You will move beyond your self imposed limitations by recognizing that everything has been there all along.

Enlightenment is when, with your free will, you decide to go deep into the exploration of Self and express yourself from the myriad of divine options you already hold, and that, Dear Ones, will be your most exciting and satisfying foray into mastery. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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