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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/10/2017 11:43:28 PM

The Phoenix Syndrome

energy updateThe transformation process lightworkers/Ascensionees have been undergoing since the dawn of the Shift has been very demanding/challenging (the recreation of the physical body to calibrate to the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension requires that the energy/chakra system be upgraded to handle this shift in energy). Building/harnessing our ascension bodies is fairly intricate and requires regular adjustments to higher frequencies (Energy Work: Breathing, Grounding, Grids, Meditation, Ho`oponopono, etc).

The present state or rather frequency in which we find ourselves, our term of pregnancy so to speak may be considered overdue judging through our 3D filters/perspective. As a matter of fact this impending condition can very well be likened to that of being pregnant, where in the first trimester the body undergoes a series of metamorphosis – proverbialascension symptoms (metallic taste, sour teeth, nausea, glands, hormones, digestive issues, excess weight, etc).

As it is now very evident, we have entered the last phase of the ascension process and many have noticed that our lexicon of symptoms has just over boarded – new/super intense harmonics; this would correspond to the labor phase prior to delivery, the last and most challenging stop – the darkest hour. We are presently seeking refuge through surrender our old reliable (a tension that is set up when the Higher Consciousness and the Lower are out of alignment).

In reality, we are now just waiting for the moment to deliver the baby – our Adam Kadmon body/original divine blueprint, our full spectrum multidimensional selves, fully creational diamond core god cell (the original body given to us by the creators/builders of form at inception).

It is interesting to mention here that pregnancy statistics indicate that in the first trimester some maids manifest some kind of a strange desire to terminate the pregnancy due to the inherent inconveniences; in a similar manner some fellow travelers are expressing lots of lethargy and have even considered options like canceling the trip/mission – demanding diverse derogation.

It would appear Universal Laws have been overridden by ascension algorithm: conditioned souls evolve through the tenets of destiny modulated by free will, but those that have chosen the Light see a good chunk of their free will choices confiscated as they journey close to the finish line. I have heard that `we made a pledge that when the time came for us to step onto the path of ascension, we would allow the Higher-ups to set aside our free will so that they could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken us.’ The roles we now play must take place within the general guidelines of our Script.

I guess our Guides/higher-ups are keeping their distance (hands-off approach) at this point in time in order to give us the opportunity to put into practice all the lessons we have learnt so far – all the guidance we have received. They want us to start paddling our boats by ourselves without any direct intervention; to start re-initializing/experimenting our skills – powers that have atrophied over the ages.

It is my ardent hope that the next potential window should seal the deal – give birth to our real selves, our Adam Kadmon bodies, the originally constituent/core of our system before we took on these physical vessels. We have to die to the old for the manifestation of the new – the phoenix dance.

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/10/2017 11:53:12 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/9/2017

will's picture

People talk indirectly and problems are personal. And they talk philosophy; they ask questions like: How in Buddhism is egotism explained?

What nonsense! What has it to do with Buddhism? Egotism is your problem. Why make it indirect? If you make it indirect, you will miss. You will not be able to understand because from the very beginning you are deceiving. And you may be thinking that you are asking about Buddhism and egotism, then a theory can be given to you, a hypothesis, a philosophy, a system, but that won't help - because each individual has his own problem, and each individual has his own problem in a unique way.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/10/2017 11:56:33 PM

Sananda and One Who Serves: Even Those Deepest Levels Of Darkness Become Illumined By The Light

the collectiveSANANDA

I AM Sananda. Although I did not announce myself to this one, James, I Am here.

And I Am here as each time to bring you closer and closer to all that you know within your selves; to help you to remember who you are. For this is what this entire process is all about; this entire ascension process.

The transition that you are moving through is all about remembering. Remembering where you come from and who you are in the process. Remembering that you are the light, you are the oneness, you are the Source within you just as I Am the Source within me. All of us are the Source together.

There is nothing separate from the Source. Your minds still yet being programmed in many ways pull themselves away from the Source, unknowing most of the time, yet feeling that sense of separation in certain moments where you feel you are not loved; where you feel there is no hope; where you feel there is nothing changing. But yet I tell you as Sananda, as the one who has brought you here, many of you here, I tell you that everything is changing: changing within yourselves and changing outside of yourself. Because as you change within yourself you change everything outside of yourself as well.

As you change, another one changes next to you. And as that one changes another next to them and so on and so one. And as you begin to spread the light the light spreads to the next one and to the next one and to the next one. And soon all feel the light. All experience the light within them.

And even those deepest levels of darkness become illumined by the light. And as they become illumined by the light, if they are not ready for this they have a difficult time with these energies, these energies that you are acclimating to, that you are feeling the changes.

You are feeling the consciousness shift that is happening both within you and within the collective consciousness of man. For you are the collective consciousness of man and the collective consciousness of man is you. This is what you have to come to understand: that you are your brother and your sister. And your brother and sister are you as well. You are all in this together, my friends, all of us. No one is at a higher level than anyone else. Please come to understand this as well. Even though I may vibrate at a higher level than you, I may experience at a higher level than you, at this time my consciousness may be at a higher level, I am no better or worse than you in any respect. All of those of my brothers and sisters all the ones that you revere as the Company of Heaven: Archangel Michael, St. Germain, Ashtar, Sanat Kumara, and on and on, Lady Nada certainly, Lady Portia, on and on with all. We all know that although we appear to be in a higher level of consciousness it does not mean that we are. You do not yet remember who you are, who you have been. As those memories come back all of this will begin to make complete sense to you.

When you begin to look at the idea that there are no accidents and everything is being orchestrated, then you will come to fully understand.

I AM Sananda. I so enjoy these times I can be with you. And as all of us are saying we are all looking forward to times when we can be more personally with you, for you are aware of us as much as we are aware of you.

All of my peace and love be with you.


Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om, Om. Greetings to you!

We are the One Who Serves in case there is anyone out there that does not yet know. And we are here for exactly that reason: to serve. To be a part of your expression just as you have been a part of our expression and we continue to love you through this entire process.

And it is a process people it is a process that you are going through and it is going to be at times a little bit of a rough and rocky road for you as was demonstrated to you somewhat here (an altercation occurred during our discussion where someone in the group became quite angry and agitated and then left). But we commend you so much for the way you handled this particular situation. Did we put it up in front of you? No we did not. We did not but it was allowed to be. And it was allowed to be because there is a reason for it. There is a reason to show you how the kundalini energy can be manipulated here. And when the kundalini energy rises before it’s time many things can happen such as openings, openings into the auric field, openings in from the astral world. And this is what can occur and did occur in this particular moment here where this one came into some forces that were not able to handle in that moment.

This is not to say that this one is in any way in danger or any way has become part of the dark forces or anything of this nature. No, it is far from this. But it is a time that when this occurs one has to move through it and continue to be in the light. This is the important thing because as the shadows become illumined, those that were in the shadows that so wanted to stay in those shadows are now being brought up into the light. And they do not like the light at all.

Those of you [that] have those memories — not so much memories but have had the stories, the movies, those things of the vampires and all of this. What do they shun the most? They shun the light. They do not like being in the light. And they cannot be in the light because the light will destroy them in those lower vibrations that they find themselves.

But as you continue to move up into the higher vibrations all of this begins to shift and change and all of the maladies, all of the things you have been dealing with, all of the frustrations and the anguish and all of these things that are part of this transition, will go away. They will simply disappear. In one moment you will wake up — almost literally wake up — and everything will have shifted in the blink of an eye. And you will know then that you have arrived.

You have arrived back again. Back again from where you came from. In a sense home for your selves and as Sananda said when this time occurs you will understand so much more of what we have been saying when we say everything is being orchestrated.

Stay with this. Know this. Not only believe this but know this within yourself that all is a part of the orchestration.

» Source 1 Source 2 – Channel: James McConell – “Believing is seeing!”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/11/2017 12:15:20 AM

wednesDAY, AUGUST 9, 2017

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Sands Of Time Slide Through The Entrances & Exits Of All That Is Sacred

We as a planet are at a point of no return. There is no going back to what was, it has pasted in time and sequence of events. As one that passes through the pastures of their life; not looking back, yearning only for what the future shall bring in the hidden exchange of destiny. We sit at this place of least resistance as the time doors open to experience themselves in a new longitude and latitude. What was once sought tirelessly is now freed into expression of self and purpose. Truths that were once hidden now unwrap themselves in the schematics of new time dialogue. Energies that went unharnessed from past experiences now are entrained and useful. Duality of purpose seeks a partner as each person of Earth dances around and around within their head, their heart and the choices of their life.

Time passages announce opportunities that have been dormant. As the great planet Jupiter writes itself into the diary of time, abundant tidings that were put on hold now move forward in a ballet of celestial proportion. The expansiveness of Jupiter cannot be bridled or harnessed but ridden in a free form expression, as you hold on tight to all you once dreamt was possible. Following upon the petticoats of that has which dragged you down until now, you are asked to embrace the solitude of your thoughts and allow them to be birthed into a phoenix probability. All the fires and the transformations and transmutations one has endured has burnt away the drowse of the limitations of being human and living upon Earth. Dancing in the arms of one’s own dreams allows one to unfold into perfect proportion.

As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred of land and thought, seen and unseen, humanity’s future is unveiled as it is viewed thru a spectrum of possibility that has not existed up until this time. As each person walks forward in their life, there is a set of footprints, an energetic path that they announce and leave in the world. The energies of the angels on high come to lift you into a place that you will not fall, falter, or stump yourself on the path of humanity’s ignorance. The angels of high allow you to come to a point that is no longer restless in flight allowing you to be safe in your landing.

Time asks you not to give up on what lives in your heart and your dreams. The Universe has placed within you a seed that cannot wither, nor falter, nor be sown under. The Universe has placed in you a latent imprint an active encoding that asks to be seen under the microscopic of Light.

Earth herself wades through a deep level of fear. Humans fear death, the war, the debt, and loss of control. Earth herself and all her inhabitants are at a point of no return that demands that every thought be clear and concise in its output. No more random ravings and musings by government, or by people that wallow in fear. No more allowances for the mistakes by those in power as they look for ways to polish their own metals that are so tarnished by their choices.

Every individual upon Earth has the opportunity to ask for divine assistance, for divine acknowledgment, for divine intervention. Many allow themselves to be washed about in a tidal pool as the waves come and go pushing about them as they try to cling to the sides of their life. Each thought that humanity has is more powerful and important than the thought before. In each thought the wisdom has increased exponentially from the limited perception of moments before. Every interaction with every person gives to you food for thought to be digested in your own discretion.

When you hear news of sadness about those around you, do not immediately jump into that cesspool of thought and assist them in the drowning experience but move your heart and your energies up to a safe place and viewing platform where one can see the totality of the choices and the chances as they are currently displayed.

Those that wear the higher patterns of light, out of earth time, as we know it, will be asked to go beyond what they deem safe and suitable for their experiences. What this means is that you will be given instructions that will ask you to fly, move mountains, and dance through time and space. You will be given instructions from the Universe within the patter of your heart beat that asks you to surpass anything you thought you could possibly accomplish.

You will be asked to become the legions of light that only know themselves are such, the legions of God that have no fear and the legions of heart that hold humanity within the very palms of their hands. So many of Earth have chosen not to change, not to move forward, not to believe and not to trust even their own council. So many of Earth have given up, have not seen their absentee landlord, God, in many moons, have not felt the presence of the angels, have not seen the manifestations of miracles and yet all of that has become so alive and so animated that it actually has taken form and walked amongst those of Earth in physical form.

The energy of miracles has taken the form of raindrops deeply needed on one street and not another. The belief system in an entire town may allow their water to be healing, their flowers to be more potent, beautiful, and full of scent but across the highway to the next town the land is parched and dying of thirst. The biological warranty has expired and shifted in the land of the unseen. Once the fairies were but a glimmer on a petal now they ride the dragonflies fully seen and fully felt. The belief system of Earth has faltered because they do not see with the eyes of faith – most have given up being rescued, most have given up on the angels and many have even given up on God.

As a planet you have been asked to believe in what is invisible, what cannot be seen, what cannot be touched nor smelled or tasted. You are asked to believe in a supernatural being that placed you here for your highest good and growth and then walked away to focus on another DIY project. You have been asked to believe that every loss, every death, was wrapped in a divine cloth, with a chewy center that you often choked upon and stuck to the roof of your heart.

We come to tell you that the very ‘matter of fact’ that you seek, walks amongst you. It listens when you speak. It soothes the wrinkles in your heart. As the planets line up and the eclipses of the heart begin to stake themselves out, a deep surge of emotions, will rise to the surface – angers and loves and sadness’s all come hand in hand. As these eclipses birth themselves through the dark womb of the moon, a great veil will be lifted. Earth has one focus and all will pray as one light. Often times these personal and planetary disturbances are necessary to anchor another slice of light. Through all of this unfiltered deluge be true to yourselves; be true to what you perceive as the most high aspect of God, truth and Light. Do not falter but continue walking forward for there is an end and beginning to all tempests. We are the Sirian Council of Light. You who are the chosen ones must now choose for yourselves. We leave.

There are profound and intense energies happening at this time. Do not ask for any upgradment for your biological unit or your emotional unit. The energies that come forth moving at Millions of miles a second, come forth from deep space from a supernova that turned into a white hole. The white hole pours itself forward into the center of our Earths heart These energies have no consciousness they only have a mission to move throughout the cosmos and deposit their truth into living beings. Because man is of hybrid and stardust anything that comes forth from deep space brings a message a deep remembrance and an activation.

These energies that come forth pouring into the human heart do so at the request of the universe. For even though his presence is not seen as much as in days of old the rhetoric we still hold with divinity always reaches its source. As Earth moves into more tidal waves of light penetrating the cell membrane working forward like a worm in an apple towards the DNA bringing forth Revival in a biological tent. We come to a conjunction within ourselves. The penetration of these energies are deep they are living photons of light they are living Stardust. They come forth as cosmic rays with no barricades of any kind dispersing their molecular intent into all areas of our human life from moods to weather to health. Their entrance Point has always been at the heart their peak season is now. They are demanding and make you look at what you do not want to see.

At this point of energy the universe is pointing its Cosmic finger at our earthly destiny and asking us to receive a truth that’s deeper than the ocean. Contracts will be fulfilled businesses will be changed families will be parted and joined simultaneously. Like one that enters a transporter the molecules and the atoms are discombobulated to be transported to another location. Since we are dimensionally strung about any way this actually could be a call a gathering of the highest qualities of our organic light to merge.

When we come to earth we wear the earthen skin of humanness, it is a role we have chosen to play. Most arrive on earth with selective amnesia, some come with full remembrance; either way the light in human form has ‘freewill seasoned with fate’. It has a mission and a contract to fulfill. When the light in human form leaves this planet it gives back the body to the earth. Echoes of Light and goodness live on in the earthly matter filling the heart and light-body of Mother Earth.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/11/2017 12:20:48 AM

From Where Cometh Joy?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Where is your Heart going? Do you go with your Heart, or do you doubt the direction of your Heart? Do you follow your Heart all the way to your Destiny? Or are you under the subjection of your mind? Your mind may keep you stilled in place. Often, your mind follows a trodden path.

But, ah, your Heart. Your Heart roams. Your Heart takes you places where the Specialty of the Love within you flourishes. This is not pinning your Love on an object outside of you, not even to a Soul Mate. The Love We speak of is deeper, more like the art or music of your Soul. What makes your heart tick?

Your mind, as beautiful as it is, seems to corner you. The mind sure seems like a safe haven, yet, within the mind, ego may lurk. To be sure, ego carries its emotion, and your face goes red with it. No matter how strong mighty ego may propose to be, ego fears to let Love come out of hiding, for Love gets in the way of ego.

See your Heart as the Captain of Your Ship. See your Heart as the Truth of you. Your Heart isn’t a wild card that leads you astray. Your Heart isn’t synonymous with ego. Heart is strong. Ego is full of bluster because it is weak and has to pump itself up. No, don’t mix up ego with Heart, not even once.

In your Heart, you are in your element. Ego is something like a particle of grit caught in your eye. It momentarily blinds you as you seek to see. Ego clogs your Heart. Ego is by no means the key to your Heart. Love is.

With all honor to accountants, for they belong in Life, your mind is given over to accountancy. Your mind likes to keeps count. Your mind stores records. Records are right on the surface. Records are like a ship’s log.

The Heart is more like the ship’s rudder, hmm, perhaps steering wheel.

You may have thought of your Heart as a bit grungy. Not so. Your Heart is unlimited. Your True Heart has no boundaries. Therefore, your Heart may well be more capable than your mind.

Your mind may say to you:

“What is in your best interest now? What will lead you to the most gain in the world? Be sensible now.”

Your True Heart sings out to you:

“What in the world fosters your joy, my matey?”

Your Heart is not thinking of a reward, although, of course, following your Heart is great reward. Your Heart isn’t calculating. It is does not parry with questions. Your Heart has one question:

“What is in my Heart? Where is the Stream of My Love? How do I find this Love? How do I express it? What fills my Heart to overflowing? May I discover where my Heart is drawn at its depths. When I find the venue of My Love, all this Love will spill out and nourish the world. I must know what my Love looks like, and what makes it flow.”

This is not quite the same as taking measurements, you understand. Love is much more an Undertaking of Great Proportions. It is finding out the Essence of your Heart and going further. Love certainly is not staying where your mind happens to be or where someone outside you has relegated your Love to be.

Honestly, your Love is looking for what truly lies within.

Love doesn’t seek for itself with a profit motive. Love seeks to express itself. Love will out. The Love within you wants to know what its avenues in the world really are.

Does the Love in you ride in a gondola? Does the Love in you live in a glade? What beckons the Love in your Heart?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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