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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2017 11:47:12 PM


The Eclipse, Unity Consciousness, Perceptual Fields and PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT book


The Eclipse, Unity Consciousness of Perceptual Fields

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

For some reason, I feel as though the eclipse of August 21, 2017 has a special importance, especially for the United States. I do not live in an area where I will see the eclipse, but I do live in the United States, which has been in a lot of chaos.

Perhaps I am so interested in this particular eclipse because chaos almost always precedes change, and the United States has had a lot of chaos lately. I will present some information from the Net for the reader first, then put your Arcturian response below that.

Below is some:


Click below link to see the path of the Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse:

A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, causing the moon to temporarily cast its shadow on Earth, appearing to darken the sun.

The sun is 400 times larger than the moon, but it is also approximately 400 times farther away, making the sun and moon appears the same size during an eclipse.

NASA on the Total Eclipse

Solar eclipses are not uncommon. They happen about twice a year. But total eclipses are only visible to those in the path of the moon’s shadow as it crosses the Earth.

A total solar eclipse has not been visible from the United States since 1979. Not many people witnessed that eclipse because the path just clipped five states in the Northwest and the skies were cloudy.

The centerline will cross 12 states, but everyone in the continental Unites States will see at least a partial eclipse.

Nashville is the only large metropolitan city that will experience the total eclipse. Portland will see a 99 percent eclipse and Atlanta will see 97 percent eclipse. Half of Kansas City and half of St Louis, Missouri, are in the path of the total eclipse.

Only those in path of the total eclipse will experience seeing the sun’s corona, the bright ring around the edge of the moon’s shadow, and stars in the daytime.

As the moon moves in front of the sun, several bright points of light, known as Baily’s Beads, shine around the moon's edges. They are the sun’s light rays streaming through the valleys along the moon's horizon. estimates that more than half a million people -- and possibly as many as 2 million -- will flock to South Carolina to see the eclipse.

South Carolina is expected to see the huge influx of visitors because it will be the nearest spot within the path of totality for at least 100 million Americans in the Atlantic Seaboard and Florida.

The centerline of the total eclipse across South Carolina is 251.1 miles long.

The average width of the path of totality across South Carolina is 71.5 miles.

Path of Aug. 21, 2017 Eclipse

The eclipse will cross the United States from Oregon to South Carolina in 94 minutes. The states in the path are Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina.

The total solar eclipse will enter South Carolina at 2:36 p.m. and leave the Atlantic coast at 2:49 p.m.

The last two total solar eclipses visible from South Carolina were on March 7, 1970, and May 28, 1900.

Meteorologists say there is only a fair chance of clear skies in South Carolina at the time of the eclipse; so many people are expected to relocate to find clearer conditions as the time of the eclipse approaches.

The total eclipse will be over Greenville and Anderson at 2:39 p.m. and will last two minutes 38 seconds. It will be over Orangeburg at 2:43 p.m. and it will last two minutes and 26 seconds. Less than 5 minutes later, it will exit the state after being visible over Charleston for 2 minutes and 34 second

The boundaries of the sunset partial eclipse in Western Europe

Calculation with Eclipse Droid with atmospheric refraction

In northwestern Europe, the eclipse will only be visible as a partial eclipse, in the evening or at sunset.

Only Iceland, Ireland, and Scotland will see the eclipse from beginning to end

In the rest of the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, and Portugal, sunset will occur before the end of the eclipse.

In Germany, only in the extreme northwest the beginning of the eclipse might be visible just at sunset. In all regions east of the orange line in the map, the eclipse will be invisible.


Dear Arcturians,

For some reason, I feel as though the eclipse of August 21, 2017 has a special importance, especially for the United States. I do not live in an area where I will see the eclipse, but I do live in the United States, which has been in a lot of chaos.

Perhaps I am so interested in this particular eclipse because chaos almost always precedes change, and the United States has had a lot of chaos lately. I will present some information from the Net for the reader first, then put your Arcturian response below that.

Below is some:


Click below link to see the path of the Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse:

A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, causing the moon to temporarily cast its shadow on Earth, appearing to darken the sun.

The sun is 400 times larger than the moon, but it is also approximately 400 times farther away, making the sun and moon appears the same size during an eclipse.

NASA on the Total Eclipse

Solar eclipses are not uncommon. They happen about twice a year. But total eclipses are only visible to those in the path of the moon’s shadow as it crosses the Earth.

A total solar eclipse has not been visible from the United States since 1979. Not many people witnessed that eclipse because the path just clipped five states in the Northwest and the skies were cloudy.

The centerline will cross 12 states, but everyone in the continental Unites States will see at least a partial eclipse.

Nashville is the only large metropolitan city that will experience the total eclipse. Portland will see a 99 percent eclipse and Atlanta will see 97 percent eclipse. Half of Kansas City and half of St Louis, Missouri, are in the path of the total eclipse.

Only those in the path of the total eclipse will experience seeing the sun’s corona, the bright ring around the edge of the moon’s shadow, and stars in the daytime.

As the moon moves in front of the sun, several bright points of light, known as Baily’s Beads, shine around the moon's edges. They are the sun’s light rays streaming through the valleys along the moon's horizon. estimates that more than half a million people -- and possibly as many as 2 million -- will flock to South Carolina to see the eclipse.

South Carolina is expected to see the huge influx of visitors because it will be the nearest spot within the path of totality for at least 100 million Americans in the Atlantic Seaboard and Florida.

The centerline of the total eclipse across South Carolina is 251.1 miles long.

The average width of the path of totality across South Carolina is 71.5 miles.

Path of Aug. 21, 2017 Eclipse

The eclipse will cross the United States from Oregon to South Carolina in 94 minutes. The states in the path are Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina.

The total solar eclipse will enter South Carolina at 2:36 p.m. and leave the Atlantic coast at 2:49 p.m.

The last two total solar eclipses visible from South Carolina were on March 7, 1970, and May 28, 1900.

Meteorologists say there is only a fair chance of clear skies in South Carolina at the time of the eclipse; so many people are expected to relocate to find clearer conditions as the time of the eclipse approaches.

The total eclipse will be over Greenville and Anderson at 2:39 p.m. and will last two minutes 38 seconds. It will be over Orangeburg at 2:43 p.m. and it will last two minutes and 26 seconds. Less than 5 minutes later, it will exit the state after being visible over Charleston for 2 minutes and 34 second

The boundaries of the sunset partial eclipse in Western Europe

Calculation with Eclipse Droid with atmospheric refraction

In northwestern Europe, the eclipse will only be visible as a partial eclipse, in the evening or at sunset.

Only Iceland, Ireland, and Scotland will see the eclipse from beginning to end

In the rest of the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, and Portugal, sunset will occur before the end of the eclipse.

In Germany, only in the extreme northwest the beginning of the eclipse might be visible just at sunset. In all regions east of the orange line in the map, the eclipse will be invisible.



Dear Suzille, you asked if the eclipse had any special significance, and our answer is “absolutely.” For one thing, the eclipse is something in which Americans from all over the country are interested. Therefore, the eclipse offers a great “unity of interest.”

Unity of interest provides a common ground where many Americans from different areas, and with different lifestyles, as well as across all economic levels, can share their “choice of perception.” Let us speak for a moment about the concept of “choice of perception.”

Everyone is always creating their reality via their “choice of perception.” For example, one could choose to look at their unpaid bills, which they have no way of paying. This perception will likely make them very sad, depressed and even defeated.

On the other hand, if they chose to look at the bills they have chosen as the most important bills, and the ones they have paid, they will feel happier and more inspired to find a way to pay the rest of the bills.

In other words, when one chooses to put their attention onto the challenges of life, rather than the rewards of life, they will feel helpless and depressed. On the other hand, if you just look at the few bills that you could pay, and take a moment to deeply understand how you found a way to pay those bills, you can expand that creativity and self esteem to make you feel even better.

Most of you have heard the term, “What you think about –You bring about!”

“But how do I control my thinking?” we hear many of you asking. The answer is the same. What you choose to perceive has a great deal to do with controlling your thinking.

For example, if you direct your attention on a problem, your problem will expand. However, if you place your attention on the solution for that problem, you will feel more in control of your life.

When you feel in control of your life, you believe that you can choose to place your perceptions and your attentions on the components of your reality that you love, enjoy, are proud of, and veryimportantly, are centered around “service to others.”

Service to others places your attention on, “How can I help this person, this situation, this place, or even this thing. Then, if there is a problem, for example, you have placed your attention on “a door that you will open.”

In other words, you have already you convinced yourself on, “Yes I CAN.” Release the tag on lines such as, “This door is too big to open,” and return you perceptions to the “inner image” of yourself opening that “symbolic” or “real” door.

Whether or not you can open that door is less important than the fact that you have perceived that door, not as a barrier,” but as something you WILL be able to open. With that positive message to your self, your mind and emotions will calibrate to find the solution.

On the other hand, if you had perceived the door as something that you could never open, there would be no reason to try to open it. Therefore, your self-perception would be of yourself, walking away from that door because you could NOT open it.

You are always perceiving your self, whether or not you are aware of it. If you are not aware that you are perceiving/watching your self, the opinions that arise from your perceptions will be stored in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you will forget your perceptions, as well as anything you could have learned from them.

Let us now address the eclipse. If you chose to perceive the eclipse as, “Big deal. Eclipses have never changed anything about me or my life.” Then you have denied yourself the opportunity to experience a “unity of perception” that is very rare in such a large and diverse country.

On the other hand, if you choose to tune into the energy field of all those who can perceive and who are choosing to perceive the Eclipse, you have allowed your perceptual field to join into the collective consciousness of all those who are watching, and/or thinking, about the Eclipse.

Yes, your thoughts are very much a component of your “perceptual field.” For one thing, if you do not think about the Eclipse, you will not remember to put yourself in a situation where you CAN perceive it, or place your attention on the fact that thousands of people are able to see the Eclipse and have chosen to go outside and look at it.

You might say, “Just because they all saw it, doesn’t mean I can. I am not in the path of the Eclipse.” Yes, that is true that your physical body may not be in the path of the eclipse. However, there are many people who can see it, at least for a moment.

Therefore, all you need do is to place your attention on your own inner perception of the Eclipse, or on the television or computer screen. Why do you do that? Because “what you think about, you bring about.” Even though you were unable to perceive this event, your consciousness wasfocused on the same thing that thousands of other people’s consciousness is focusing on.

Therefore, you have chosen to perceive a group energy field. With so many people placing their thoughts and expectations on the same thing, you have joined into a group energy field that was created by so many people gathering to experience the event of the Eclipse.

This degree of Unity Consciousness goes beyond time and/or space. Therefore, you will NOT see the Eclipse at the same time zone, or from the same place as others who perceive it. However, you have joined into a group energy field of people, from different places and different time zones, who have chosen to direct their perceptual field on that event.

In fact, you may watch it on television, or on your computer, as these machines will allow you to direct your perceptual field into the same energy field that thousands of others are tuning into. It is this unity of “choice of perception” that is important. Even the people who will actually be able to perceive the Eclipse within the same time zone and at the same place, will all have different lives, ages, and histories.

Therefore, everyone will be looking through their own perceptual field, which has been created from all their interests, manners of thinking, reasons for watching, or even those who are not able to perceive the Eclipse at all, but are directing their thoughts and attention onto the same thing as many thousands of others across a very large country.

The gift of this Eclipse is UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Even if only a few people realize that the Eclipse has activated this sense of Unity Consciousness it does not matter. This united human consciousness, focused on one event, will create a beacon into the higher dimensions saying,

“We, the humans on Earth, are able to choose to look up into the sky without fear or superstition. We, the humans of Earth, are becoming evolved enough to unite our consciousness on the same event that travels across the entire country, starting at one of the last states to be colonized, Oregon, and ending at one of the first 13 colonies, South Carolina.

While everyone is “looking into the sky,” perhaps they will see our Starships that will fly a bit lower to be more recognizable. In fact, what if the eclipse brought in the New Age of full disclosure that we, the members of your Galactic Family, are constantly with you.

We have come within the NOW because YOU have called us. Just as humans no longer believe that an Eclipse is an omen for the “end of the world,” more and more of them are fully aware that we, your Galactic Family, are here in your skies ready and willing to assist you, if you ask.

Yes, Gaia is a “Free Will” planet and we will respect your free will to see, or not see, that we are with you. We are here within this now to tell you that,

“You are not alone, as we, your Galactic Family, are always with you.”

We are ONE and ready to return to the ONE of our true Galactic Selves
Blessings From the Arcturians


Dear Readers,



We are ONE and ready to return to the ONE of our true Galactic Selves

Blessings Sue Lie

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 12:40:30 AM

Sheldan Nidle 8/8/2017

sheldan_nidle7 Men, 13 Pop, 1 Ik

Dratzo! Many signs now indicate that we are actually moving closer to the much-anticipated deliveries. The numerous delays and their accompanying glitches have reached a most critical point. We continue to fully expect your promised deliveries to eventually occur. This process, as noted in previous reports, is taking far too long to successfully execute. The constant delays by the deliverers is appalling. At times, their frequent excuses would appear planned. The distribution process should not be a hit-or-miss procedure. It would be much easier to work in large and complete delivery batches to achieve a success.

To us, these ongoing delays are an omen that, in reality, there is still an undercurrent of an internal argument between those who wish to succeed and those who indirectly do not. We know that such large programs can be easily set up to do as one truly desires. It is a sign of planned incompetence when each attempt at a workable delivery system proves unsuccessful. We possess technology that could easily achieve these goals in a most secure manner. The time is now ripe to use a simple saying: Either one decides to ‘fish or cut bait’. Ultimately the decision rests with the deliverers.

The current process is forcing the banks to reactivate long-abandoned procedures. A new method would be more able to allow the endless amounts of money to be successfully selected instead of being repeatedly recounted. A revamped procedure would make it possible to discover the means to quickly correct any previous mistakes. In this regard, it is hoped that a final solution be adapted and successfully utilized in very short order!

Changing the banking system is why we believe it possible for a workable solution to be created. Hence, we expect all systems to be in place shortly. In fact, those now in the know expect a decisive solution will resolve all current difficulties and provide an easy resolution. We are happy to bear witness to a conclusive scenario which now draws extremely close. The final celebrations are at the most just over the horizon!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The method required to “clean up” the mess created by the current global delays can still be easily accomplished. We are, in spite of this lengthy process, fully ready to alter what is unfolding and to finally permit our visions to create joy and prosperity. Let us thank Heaven and all in charge for prioritizing the new approach to success. It is to put us all quite near to our true destiny and, in this, we greatly thank Heaven for graciously demanding this current effort.

The present endeavor is yet another sign that a great final push is indeed underway. This divine effort is being underwritten by the gracious decrees of Heaven. With this behind us, we are confident that these renewed attempts at resolving the delivery holdups will be able to bring into view both your prosperity and the new NESARA Republic. It is only a short time before all that you have long dreamed of becomes a true manifested reality. Once again, it is vital that you hold your visions and prepare for what is swiftly to be yours!

Take this blessed time to review and again sanctify what you see in these visions and be ready to do all that is necessary to truly manifest them. Within your Heart, never lose sight of what you wish to create to facilitate your part of a vast humanitarian effort. You are here to alter this present reality and to change it for the better. In this manner all of you are to forge a brand new reality. Never let all the many delays change this most marvelous vision of a new realm for all humanity! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we reviewed what now is certainly happening around this precious orb. The new “powers that be” are deeply determined to complete the deliveries needed to assure that the global RV and its associated cousin, the GCR, are initiated and completed as soon as possible. In addition, the rise of the NESARA Republic (GESARA globally) likewise needs to be completed quickly. The never-ending and countless supply of Heaven is indeed Yours! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy! ) So Be It!

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 12:43:41 AM

Create Camaraderie in the World

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

There is no such thing as the poor, the rich; the beautiful, the ugly; the good, the bad; the worthy, the worthless; the white, the black; the guilty, the innocent; republicans or democrats; Christians or Muslims; the young, the old; the honest, the dishonest; the brave, the cowardly; the washed, the unwashed. Do you understand Me? Only in the world are there opposites. Do not call out a name that you cast as defamed. You are to create camaraderie in the world.

Certainly, don’t set up boundaries. Instead, create the boundless. Without a glance, you may flaunt the use of words with opposites. Without even looking, you may tend to categorize people without a care in the world. You may, in fact, feel smug about your position as though you are the end of a see-saw that goes up when someone goes down.

I say categorically that everyone is a mixed bag. Even the beautiful do not always appear beautiful, and someone you might judge as ugly may grow on you. It is ugly to identify anyone, including yourself, as ugly. Which is worth more -- good feelings or good looks? You are choosing every minute of the day.

Your mind plucks the idea of groups. People themselves may don cloaks, yet there is no such collection of people, no such union. There are only people. Stereotypes are made up rudely. There are people who wear maids’ uniforms or nurses’ uniforms or clown outfits or blue jeans. Underneath all the names and clothing are simply people of all kinds, and no two are alike. Each one has a heart that beats. Each yearns for something more.

No longer can you stuff individuals on a shelf and leave them there. What a dismissive way to narrow opportunity.

The world is made of assorted people. Every fingerprint is unique. Every person is unique. People can be lumped as prisoners or guards, diners or waiters, masters or slaves. The thing is they are people, and people grow. Open your eyes.

Close your eyes if you want to make less of people, yet recognize that you are intended to see the identities of people far more deeply than by name-calling. Who are you to proclaim what another human Being is or is not? When you make such calls, you make yourself small. Self-righteousness isn’t righteous at all.

When you limit another, you limit yourself. You cut out your Heart and offer your Heart to an altar of ego.

What do you think I mean when I say: “Hallowed is thy name.” This goes for everyone.

If you want to be a name-caller, there are many beautiful and wise names to choose from. What you call another, you hear. What you hear, particularly what you hear again and again, may well become a vibration you really don’t want to acquire. There is no way you lower another without casting yourself down. Don’t be quick to limit any other.

When you call someone else a fool, who is the fool?

If you want to build yourself up higher than you are, if you have this need to be greater, to this end, build others. Let uplifting others be on your mind, for so as you treat others, so do you treat yourself. If you want to grow bigger by making others smaller, forget it.

When you help others to see themselves as I do see, you help yourself, others, and the world. If you desire to make a mark in the world, this is the mark you want to make.

When you make the world a better place to live in, then the world you live in becomes a better place for you to live in. What you serve others, you serve yourself. What you do reaches you.

It is no sacrifice to love one another. This is the Open Sesame to Heaven. Raise Earth and you raise a wonderful world. I am not the only One Who Creates the world. You have a hand in it too.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 6:45:03 PM


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Full Moon Phase: clarity, revelations

Moon in Pisces

Sun: 18 Leo - "a chemist conducts an experiment for his students"

Higher Expression: remixing or reshuffling elements of a situation, trying something new, transformation of one state (of mind?) to another

Lower Expression: fear of venturing outside of boundaries or into something new, holding back, discarding ideas or options based on fear of change

Earth: 18 Aquarius - "a man being unmasked at a masquerade"

Higher Expression: out in the open, pleasant surprises, going beyond the persona, transcendental

Lower Expression: secrets, embarrassment, harsh self-criticism and judgment, going into something unprepared

True colors show today.

Within today's Sabian symbol energetics we have a chemist (an "alchemist"), a masked man, a lady wrapped in fox fur, and a clown. What do you think about this crew?

These energetics bring REVELATIONS! Are you ready for more?

This Full Moon phase continues to bring out things that will filter into consciousness through December. So what we are seeing and experiencing now will be built upon through the Sagittarius lunar cycle (which begins mid-December).

This does not mean things will take until December to fully bloom or come to fruition. On the contrary, the speed at which these revelations unfold will be rapid and will bring rapid changes.

Overall, today's energy seeks to uncover the truth of matters, show who or what is being deceptive or trying to put one over on us, and teach us new ways of thinking, doing, and being.

We are wise to connect with our "inner alchemist" and turn things that are lackluster into gold -- the soul's gold.

The Moon will conjunct Neptune today (bringing even more clarity or even more delusion/illusion) while Venus and Neptune are moving into a trine. Venus and Neptune bring the heights of beauty and creativity, which will be in effect for the next three days. Bring on the love!

With this today, Venus is specifically calling bravo -sierra (BS) on things. Venus is discharging "a clown caricaturing well-known personalities." Ridiculousness is well-represented by humor today. Satire is extremely effective for bringing full-on change. Laughter will be the best medicine.

Neptune is discharging "a lady wrapped in fox fur." This energetic always shows what is real and what is fake.

So today, we get ready for a big dose of the truth. What we do with it, as aspiring alchemists, is the experiment we are undertaking.

Not only can we handle the truth, we can turn it into something beautiful and meaningful. Let's make the most of it. Remember that we are in the waning Moon, advancing toward the Total Solar Eclipse, and preparing for a massive jettison of that which no longer aligns with our highest and best.

Hold fast to your soul's gold. Rely upon it. Wrap up in it. And call upon higher forces for assistance if you need it (and don't we all need it a little right now?).

Note: I will not be posting tomorrow but will see you back here on Friday.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/9/2017 6:50:03 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 9, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, stepping into your own mastery means trusting your ability to be the empowered expert on you. Other people may have many ideas about what you should or should not do. Most of that advice will come through the filter of what would be right for them. Feel into their advice, thank them for caring, but always do what feels right for you. No one will ever know your own path and soul's desires like you do. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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