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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/7/2017 11:40:27 PM

A Secret to Living Life

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God said:

There is one secret to living Life without strain, and that is, once and for all, to not make a big deal out of living Life. It is, after all, only Life. It is you who looks at Life the way you do. It is you who makes demands of Life, as if Life is meant to serve you and not you to serve Life.

It’s like Life consists of three flights of stairs to climb to get to your apartment, and every day, you say to yourself:

“What a crumby Life. Three flights of steep stairs to climb. Life isn’t supposed to be like this. How many times a day am I expected to climb up and down these stairs, day in and day out? Life isn’t supposed to ask this much of me. Life is supposed to wait on me more. I’m not even meant to have any stairs to climb. Life is meant to serve me bon-bons. As it is, Life wears me out. Life goes out of its way to hassle me.”

Contrast the above with thoughts like these below:

“Up these stairs again! Wow, look at all this free exercise I get! Yippee! I am so fortunate. God is very good to me! I can move my legs. I can get up from my chair. I can go upstairs and downstairs. I can carry groceries up these stairs, and I can take trash down these stairs. I can dance. I can sing. I am one of the luckiest people in the world! I give gratitude for all the gifts God gives me.”

In the first version, you are a mighty Queen of the May who whines. What fatigue do you bring on? Where are you coming from, and what do you reap?

In the second version of thoughts above, you are a good-natured Princess of Life. By night, you look up at the Moon. You whirl the Stars. By day, you dance to the Beat of the Sun on Blue Sky. Life is good. Your Life is good. Sometimes there are wind-storms, yet what is the significance of storms next to the Stars, Moon, and Sun and the Love God pours out to you? Choose Heart-raising thoughts.

Cast out thoughts that wear you down. Erase the words that say you are meant for suffering. Balderdash. It is an ancient idea that says you are born to suffer.

Do you really think I got up one morning and decided to create a world of suffering? Suffering is made from habits of thinking. Peace is also wrought from habits of thinking. Think of response before old-fashioned reaction.

Get over the idea that Life is made of suffering. Who names it suffering? Name your own Life.

How you look at Life makes all the difference in the world.

Where did you learn to look at Life the way you do? You picked it up somewhere and held on tight to the ideas stored in your heart. All you have to do is to change your view. Perhaps you see suffering as an emblem of your worthiness. Such an emblem doesn’t hold up. What is this perceived need to keep suffering to you? What does that idea do for you, and what possible joy does it pound into oblivion?

Perhaps you ask for mercy. Have mercy on yourself. Even if the whole world cries out in pain, you are not obliged to. Set yourself free. Give yourself a break. No longer buy into the suffering idea. You don’t have to own it. Serve the Universe, and you serve yourself.

For instance, you may have carried pain with you your whole life long. There is nothing to say that today you have to keep pain close to you. Suffering does not serve you. Being a long-suffering martyr does not serve you. Getting out from under suffering serves you and the whole wide world.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2017 7:06:48 PM


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Full Moon Phase

Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 5:56 pm ET/9:56 pm UT

Sun: 17 Leo - "a volunteer church choir makes a social event of rehearsal"

Higher Expression: shared endeavors, connecting with like-minded people, unified in beliefs, speaking up for self or the many, making the best of something

Lower Expression: fear of speaking up for self / joining in / giving, holding back (and missing out) because one thinks they are not good enough

Earth: 17 Aquarius - "a watchdog standing guard, protecting his master and his possessions"

Higher Expression: watchful of signs (especially signs of assurance), protective of self and loved ones, awake and alert, loyalty, guardians, exposing the truth, fulfilling a mission

Lower Expression: betrayal, emotionally walled off or disengaged, letting someone down, perceived losses

The Moon contacts the North and South Nodes (which represent the past and the future in astrology) early today, making this somewhat of a day of destiny.

Remember that for the remainder of the month, until the New Moon, we are identifying and grouping what we would like to release from our past and present experience of life (traumas) with the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21.

Today gives us a good look at those things. Of all of the days of the month, the day the Moon contacts the Nodes is the day we are most able to see and align with our destiny.

The energetics of the Sun and Moon today enable a special type of spiritual connection with which we can see and align with destiny, particularly by looking back at things we took on for a long haul. The Sabian symbol for the South Node is "a large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert." The symbol specifies that the camel is large; therefore, it's chances of completing "the crossing" are implicit. The total solar eclipse enables us to "cross." It will enable all kinds of crosses.

The Full Moon phase continues to do its job of bringing the most energy for the enlightenment we need for our growth and development. Be alert, like the "watchdog standing guard," and pay close attention to synchronicities, patterns, and animal sightings. Since the "volunteer church choir" is in effect with the Sun's energetic, the enlightenment we need may very well be found in music.

It also may very well be found in the wisdom of others.

One thing to keep in mind: dogs can be simultaneously "on duty" and "on guard" while also enjoying the dog's life. They span the spectrum. More than anything, dogs like to play. But when it is time to get down to business, they do not hesitate. We can learn much from Dog Medicine.

Hope you have a dog-gone good day, wise owls, but let's not have it as a rehearsal. Let's have the real thing.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2017 7:16:33 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 8, 2017

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Dear Ones, the universe is always shifting to serve you and to respond to your thoughts and desires. If you are getting mixed results, how can you further clarify what it is you wish to experience?

The purer, more consistent emanation and intention you can offer, the more consistently the universe can match that vibration until your creation manifests into the physical.

If you are feeling stuck, we advise that you surrender into creating beyond – beyond your doubt, beyond your fear, beyond your perceived blockages, which allows you to to energetically connect with the perfect solutions and outcomes that already exist and are simply waiting for you to discover, acknowledge, and accept as yours. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2017 11:26:04 PM

A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, channeled through Valerie Donner, August 5, 2017

A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, channeled through Valerie Donner, August 5, 2017

Greetings. I am Mira. I am still serving full-time with the Earth Council and have some relevant information for you today.

First, the Earth is moving into her ascension corridor. This is what you might call the birth canal. She is fully ready to shift into her fully fifth-dimensional self. Her soul yearns to be freed from the third-dimensional experience. This experience is recorded in her history as well as yours. It is one for the books.

As you know she is being assisted by all of creation. There are gateways upon gateways that are being opened. Stargate’s are ready for an influx of galactic assistance. The Earth’s chakra system is constantly being prepared and balanced for this occurrence. The magnetic fields and the Schumann resonance (the heartbeat of the Earth) are in a state of adaptation and adjustment. They are opening to higher consciousness.

Your bodies parallel what is going on with the Earth for you are one. You might be experiencing some discomfort where the body needs special focus for healing. Going through such powerful energies right now are also emotional. The Earth is feeling this way also. Please take the time to allow for new alignments and release of the past. The body is speaking loudly so that you will listen and release what needs to go.

You are also assisting the Earth with your energies and love. By staying grounded and in the highest frequency that you can maintain you will be serving your Earth and yourselves. Please pay attention to everything. The energies are moving rapidly and we want you to remain aware so as not to be caught off guard in any way.

The way of life to which you have been accustomed is falling away. It no longer serves you or the Earth. Instead of each person for themselves the new way of life will be for the good of the whole. This instills a cooperative way of life instead of a competitive system that wounds the soul of humanity and the Earth. The soulless ones who have harmed others and have extracted the soul energy and vital life force from humanity will be rendered powerless and will live elsewhere, not on the Earth.

There will be an extensive revamping of life as you have known it. It is necessary for the Earth to survive and for the rest of life to be free. You will be living in beauty, peace, love, abundance, and joy. You will be expressing your creativity the way that our Creator originally intended. You will be able to do what you came to do on the Earth. Finally!

Please rise above from as much drama, chaos, and unraveling as possible. This is a necessary part of the evolutionary process. As you hear the screams from the darkness while it falls to its demise, let the songs of the angelic choirs enter in to your range of hearing. Let your heart open to the beauty of a whole new musical heartbeat, to a scale that is in resonance with the harmony of the higher dimensions.

Do not be swayed by the distractions that would like to lure you in. Stay focused on your light work because we need the ground crew to help us usher in the new earth. You are being prepared for your new rolls in the dream state. You are in a state of remembering who you are and what you came to do. You are a force to be reckoned with, ground crew.

We love you and we count on you to help bring the Ascension to fruition. I am Mira

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/8/2017 11:32:57 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/7/2017

will's picture

It happened that one very beautiful woman went to see her psychiatrist for the first time. The psychiatrist said: Come closer please. When she came closer, he simply jumped and hugged and kissed the woman. She was shocked.

Then he said: Now sit down. This takes care of my problem, now what is your problem?

The problem becomes multifold, because there are helpers who are in the same boat. And they would like to help, because when you help somebody the ego feels very good, very, very good - because you are a great helper, a great guru, a Master; you are helping so many people. The greater the crowd of your followers, the better you feel. But you are in the same boat - you cannot help. Rather, you will harm.

People who still have their own problems cannot be of much help. Only someone who has no problems of his own can help you. Only then is there the clarity to see, to see through you. A mind that has no problems of its own can see you, you become transparent. A mind that has no problems of its own can see through itself, that's why it becomes capable of seeing through others.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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