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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2017 11:18:01 PM

A War Ending Phenomenon: Total Solar Eclipse Occurring on August 21 in the US

eclipseWhen a total solar eclipse occurred just over 2,600 years ago, on May 28, 585 BC, the sight of it is believed to have been the main reason for the end of the battle between the Medes and the Lydians. This year’s anniversary of the strange phenomenon, comes in a year that Americans are getting ready to experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the same extraordinary astronomical event that will conquer the skies of their country on August 21.

As reports, on August 21, people across the United States will see the sun disappear behind the moon, turning daylight into twilight, causing the temperature drop rapidly and revealing massive streams of light streaking through the sky around the silhouette of the moon. On that day, America will fall under the path of a total solar eclipse.

If you are fortunate enough to be able to observe the event, remember that looking directly at the sun, even when it is partially covered by the moon, can cause serious damage or even blindness to your eyes. So make sure not to look at the partial solar eclipse without proper eye protection!

What Happened When the Same Astronomical Event Occurred in Antiquity?

According to The Histories of Herodotus, Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus was the one who precisely predicted the solar eclipse of May 28, 585 BC. According to Herodotus, the appearance of the eclipse was received as a divine sign and stopped a decisive battle of a long-standing war between the Medes and the Lydians. Once the rare astronomical event occurred, both sides immediately stopped the conflicts and agreed to make peace. Herodotus mentions in his Histories:

“Afterwards, on the refusal of Alyattes to give up his suppliants when Cyaxares sent to demand them of him, war broke out between the Lydians and the Medes, and continued for five years, with various success. In the course of it the Medes gained many victories over the Lydians, and the Lydians also gained many victories over the Medes. Among their other battles there was one night engagement. As, however, the balance had not inclined in favor of either nation, another combat took place in the sixth year, in the course of which, just as the battle was growing warm, day was on a sudden changed into night. This event had been foretold by Thales, the Milesian, who forewarned the Ionians of it, fixing for it the very year in which it actually took place. The Medes and Lydians, when they observed the change, ceased fighting, and were alike anxious to have terms of peace agreed on.”

In this way, the rare astronomical event of a solar eclipse – which was seen as a sign from the gods – is viewed to have effectively ended the war between the Lydians and the Medes.

Alternative Theory Suggests Otherwise

An alternative theory regarding the date of the battle, however, suggests that Herodotus could possibly have reported historical events that he did not attend personally and thus the solar eclipse story is a misinterpretation of his text. An alternative interpretation of Herodotus’s account of the event claims that it could be explained by a lunar eclipse occurring right before moonrise at dusk.

According to this theory, the two fighting sides could have planned their battle to take place under a full moon, and thus it would have been quite shocking for them to witness dusk fall all of a sudden as an occluded moon rose. What’s more important though is that if this theory is correct, the battle’s date would not have been 585 BC – the date given by Pliny based on the date of a solar eclipse – but more likely 3 September of 609 BC or 4 July of 587 BC, the two dates when such dusk-time lunar eclipses did occur.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2017 7:09:17 PM


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Gibbous Moon phase: trust, analyze, prepare

Moon in Scorpio

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day:

Sun - 16 Degrees Gemini "A woman activist in an emotional speech, dramatizing her cause."

Earth – 10 Degrees Sagittarius “Seagulls fly around a ship looking for food.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Lynda Hill:

For the Sun: This Symbol shows the need to be able to voice one’s needs, frustrations, emotions or demands without fear of being reprimanded. You may feel misunderstood and disadvantaged simply because of who you are or the position you hold. Even when you stand up for what you feel, you may strike resistance, partly due to others' ignorance. You must press your case or the status quo will remain. If the cause is just and your communications are clear, you will be heard by those who understand or resonate with what you are saying and your influence will spread. Stating one's case. Revealing social passions. Being a mouthpiece for personal or social causes. Wanting people to listen and care. Taking it to the streets. Having a platform.

For the Earth: This Symbol shows situations of dependence and/or co-dependence. The “Sea Gulls” are looking for sustenance, a place of refuge perhaps, somewhere that’s a reliable source of food. This can imply situations such as social security, foundations that provide food and shelter for people, charities and benefits OR it can imply spongers, borrowers or people who dog others looking to see what they can gain from the things they discard or don’t want. The trick with this is; don't look to others or have others look to you for opportunities and nourishment, for you may miss your chance of being creative and independent. Who's looking for scraps? Are they worth it? Diminishing essential worth for a specific need. Losing sight of alternatives. Waiting for things to be dished out. Being opportunistic. Scalpers. Leftovers. The homeless.

Special Note of Thanks To Wise Owl Theresa Geise for transcribing Laura's recorded message from last March. I also tend to work more successfully from the written word rather than from an audio. And in reading the report, see more clearly some of what Laura had said about going forward.

I am in contact with Laura from time to time, though not regularly. And I did not receive specific instruction on how to continue with the messages. Only her comment that she would from time to time offer reports as she saw fit.

So in the meantime, I plan to post basic information. For myself, though, not being the astrologer, it is not so easy. But for continuity, I will include:

1) Moon phase and location

2) Sabian Symbols for Sun and Earth for the day

For me personally, the moon phases offer the most tangible resonation of energy. And since this resident energy is reflecting the energy of the Sabian symbol for each month, I will also note that as well. Also do not be surprised if I share music.

Anyone who feels so inclined, please feel free to add anything more to the conversation. That can include astrological information, planetary conjunctions, solar activity and the like. Commenting can be on Facebook or on the Oracle Report Academy site:

I have also started the first Oracle Report Academy "class" Awakening 101 - which is a reading group of the book Snooze, by Sol Luckman. Feel free to join our discussion - follow regularly or jump in when you see something of interest. The book itself is just something I enjoy. But it also brings to light so many subjects that are relevant to the Awakened mind.

I will say that Laura will be back, and I believe that it will be soon. The Sabian Symbols book that she spoke of is ready for publication this Lunar Month.

Thank you all for being part of this Journey.

Andrew Foss

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.

Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2017 8:53:51 PM

GaiaPortal 6-6-17… “Heralds of the New Gaia come forth”

New GaiaPortal update.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Heralds of the New Gaia come forth

Heralds of the New Gaia come forth.

Successions of Illuminateds proceeds.

Destroyers are calmed.

Gaia awakes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2017 9:04:07 PM

Sheldan Nidle 6/6/2017

sheldan_nidle3 Eb, 5 Pax, 13 Caban

Selamat Balik! All is progressing well. The various Chinese Elder groups have kindly agreed to a more thorough and swifter procedure for the delivery system. It is proof that Chinese Elders do listen to some of what we say to them. Nevertheless, in our minds the methodology chosen still remains too slow for our liking. We hope the overall approach favored by us is to become more of the general blueprint for this very complex operation.

As discussed previously, we deeply believe that a faster method to distribute funds needs to be formally adopted. Even though some changes were permitted, there are still many more steps needed in order for the system to implement the procedures we have previously suggested. Until then, we expect the bottlenecks built into this system will continue to slow everything down. Our preference is for this system to speed up and then permit the NESARA Republic to formally come into existence. At that time, a number of positive things can take place. The most important to us is, of course, disclosure.

What we wish for you is success. This time is to be one in which you are truly able to pursue your deepest hopes and dreams. This land is no longer to be one where you are hindered from pursuing your many separate passions. Use these moments to forge new realities and new governments, to vanquish the old ways and create new ones. It is our deepest hope that these various pursuits are able to guide you to things that not only form this new realm but as well lead you joyously to First Contact and to being introduced to your spiritual and space families!

This new reality is our main goal. We feel that permitting you to move forward swiftly can only result in a variety of important consequences. Your new-found prosperity is to create the conditions that can support new governments and the arrest of all who defended the old reality that maintained its horrific ways. Your sacred task is to move in joy toward full consciousness and a reunion with us, the Agarthans and Heaven. In this, we fully support you and the coming creation of your new galactic society. Go forward with this, surrounded by our Love and Light. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today knowing that your great quest is nearly over. The Divine has blessed you with a prosperity package that is a sign of endless wealth. Those who were given the heavenly task to bless each one with means to fund their passions are shortly to help you fulfill your grandest dreams. We thank Heaven and pledge that we will do what is necessary to manifest your blessings! Remain positive and be ready to fulfill your passions!

Hold these magical wishes within you and ready yourselves for the means to quickly accomplish your tasks. We understand the few obstacles that remain. Be ever-ready, Blessed Ones, to see your various dreams become a reality. In doing so, you are to learn a whole host of things about yourselves and each other. As noted before, we are here to assist when required and to assure your success. We are joyful that all is to graciously follow to permit a new and magnificent reality to manifest. It is indeed a time of Wonders and Miracles!

Much has had to take place to permit all of this to suddenly appear. Those in Heaven and in the Light have done what is necessary to allow all of this to emerge. Every one of the Masters has jointly worked to see that the old ways can at last be put away. In this new land of endless possibilities, take the time to simply bless and fervently Thank all who made these amazing wonders possible. In this Light, we as well thank each one of you for your divine visions and wondrous spiritual help. Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we gave you a general report about what is going on around this grand blue-green orb. We are reaching the point where this new realm can indeed manifest a time of great prosperity and the appearance of some amazing miracles. Together, let us welcome in this era and let go of the old!! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be it! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be In Joy!)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2017 9:05:15 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/5/2017

will's picture

You can see a Master only up to that extent; the same extent to which you can see within yourself, because the Master is nothing but your within, standing without. A Master is nothing but your future standing in the present. A Master is nothing but your fulfilled form. What will you be when you are fulfilled? - that's what a Master is right now. So if you have no inner vision, you will miss.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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