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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2017 6:32:18 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Active Vibrations Don’t Stop Manifesting Immediately

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the active vibrations that each of you have at any given time. You are continually shifting your focus and therefore your vibration, however there are some very habitual thoughts that each of you hold that have quite a bit of momentum.

Just because you shift your focus back onto the positive doesn’t immediately prevent negative manifestations from playing out. Allow us to further explain.

We often say that there is a lag time between your thoughts and emotions and the physical manifestation of them. You see, when you have focused upon something for quite some time, you have given quite a bit of momentum to that thought. This could be about a particular area of your life that you hold a certain set of beliefs and expectations of because Œthat’s the way it’s always been.

Now that you are becoming more aware of your thoughts, you are also becoming more deliberate in choosing what your thoughts will be. Many humans allow their thoughts to be responsive to the circumstances that surround them. We like to say that your thoughts are placed on Œautopilot because they are more reaction based rather than deliberately chosen.

When your focus is placed upon the circumstances in your life, they continually re-manifest similar experiences. That’s because what you focus on will always expand. It will draw more like thoughts and eventually circumstances to you.

When you have been focused upon the negative in your life and allowed those thoughts to gain a bit of momentum, shifting your focus is absolutely imperative in order to attract different kinds of circumstances.

However, just because you stopped thinking about a negative situation and placed your attention onto something that feels better to you, does not immediately negate the circumstances that are already well on their way to manifesting in your physical reality.

What we mean by that is, sometimes there is still some momentum left from your previous focus and negative manifestations occur even though you have shifted your focus upon something more positive.

We would like to use the analogy of a ceiling fan. When you come into a room where the fan is on high and you no longer want it on, you simply flip the switch and turn it off. Yet you do not expect the fan to stop instantaneously because you know there is still some momentum left that needs to die out before the fan will come to a complete stop.

However, we watch as so many humans give so much momentum to what they fear, and then the moment they switch their focus onto positive thoughts, they expect there to be nothing that can manifest from the negative momentum they were offering all that time.

What we would suggest in this case is to acknowledge the negative manifestation, but to remember that you are not doing anything wrong. Your positive thoughts did not attract the negative circumstances, it is a manifestation that was in resonance with your previous negative thoughts.

If you can remember that, and not fall back into the trap of feeling negatively again because a negative circumstance manifested, you will be well on your way to creating and attracting entirely new circumstances.

Remember that there is a delayed reaction between your thoughts and your physical manifested experiences. Hold your focus steady upon what you do want and your reality will begin to reflect that new perspective that you have chosen.

We hope that this has served you in some way.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

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Copyright © 2012-2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Taryn Crimi

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2017 6:38:34 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 7, 2017

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Dear Ones, when it comes to high vibrational relationships such as twinflames or soul connections, it can be helpful to remember that the discomfort is temporary, the connection is permanent. ~Archangel Gabriel

Hear me talk in depth about these types of relationships on Beyond the Ordinary tonight at 8 pm EDT! Register for this free, live event at Hope you'll join us!


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2017 9:22:53 PM

Why a Spiritual Connection with Earth is Critical at this Time

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by Jessie Klassen

Intellectually, we all know the reasons why we need to change our behaviours and attitudes towards our earth.

Climate change, nutritionally depleted soils, unsafe drinking water, disappearing forests and vanishing wildlife are all drastic repercussions of humanity’s actions.

Unfortunately, inspite of all of this glaring evidence before our eyes, most of the population is still walking around as though business is as usual.

Many are still attached to out- dated ideals and beliefs about how we do things, or are too unwilling to give up certain aspects of our lifestyle that we have come to believe are necessary to our happiness.

Or for many, they are simply unaware that there is another way to be. Society does not teach anything different than this.

The problem is that we are failing to actually connect with the earth that we are living on. Still seen as a “thing” that we happen to live upon instead of our mother who we are actually a part of.

If we approach the earth and nature from an open, spiritual perspective, we soon realize that our life upon this earth becomes an interaction and exchange with our surroundings. There is absolutely no moments where you will not be interacting and experiencing on some level or another that blissful sense of oneness with all that is.

Our illusion that we are separate dissolves.

Ancient cultures lived and breathed this way of life, and there are still communities of people around the world who live this way. But it doesn’t have to be a part of our culture or immediate heritage to follow this way of life. It is easy for any typical person to live their life spiritually connected with the earth.

We are all her children, after all, and this connection is still alive inside of us. It simply has to be woke up.

In fact, it is our soul’s desire and part of our purpose for being here at this crucial time.

There is no time to waste to reclaim our Divine connection with our mother. And perhaps the most beautiful experience awaiting you is that when you decide that you are going to reconnect with nature, you will find that nature has been there waiting patiently for your return home. Nature has been waiting to heal you since the moment that you were born.

As you reconnect, you will discover that you will not be scolded or reprimanded, nor will you be punished.

You will be met with open arms and unconditional love. You will know what it feels like to be truly loved and appreciated for who you are. Nature can see our Divine light, just as it teaches us to see the Divine light in all life.

We will recognize that everything has a consciousness, and we will honor that every plant, animal, rock, mineral, drop of water, insect, absolutely everything upon this earth has a purpose and we will love and honor their role here as we all help one another through out our ascension.

We are all here ascending, and we are all in this together. We chose to be on this earth through this process, and the earth has chose to help us as well.

Nature is here for us.

Simply open your heart.

Speak to the trees, your pets, all animals. Tell that bird how much you enjoyed their song. You don’t have to speak out loud, nature is telepathic. You can state these things even as you are falling asleep at night, as gratitiude is a great way to relax your mind and body.

You will find that you wake up peaceful or that your dreams were visited by a messenger from nature with a wisdom for you.

Walk barefoot as much as you possibly can, notice the sensation of the wind on your face, the sun on your skin, feel nature the way that nature feels itself and feels your presence when you walk by her.

Notice plants reaching out to you. They long to feel your touch upon their leaves.

Ask nature to heal you, teach you. Be observant and take note of all life that crosses your path. Look into animal and plant symbolism.

Nature is a constant reflection of the life that is around her, therefore she is constantly communicating to us. She is constantly sharing her wisdoms with those who will listen.

No life is better than another. We are not entitled nor superior. As I said earlier, we are all in this together and we have all chose to be here to help one another during this process.

Showing love, respect, and gratitude towards the earth is how we help her ascend.

To nature, there is no death. She is constantly breathing in and out like the tides. She is constantly transforming. So before you take a bite of your meal, give thanks to the earth for nourishing and supporting you. Show your appreciation. Live your appreciation.

As your connection strengthens, you will find it imposiible to not stop and pick up a piece of trash when you are walking. You will long to be outside more. You will be pleased and fulfilled with simpler, quiet activities. You will begin to notice the noise of man.

Recycling will become more and important to you and the wants for many “things” will vanish as you realize how unecessary most of them really are.

Your presence will become gentler, and others will gravitate towards you. You will discover that absolutely everything that you do is felt by the earth and that no act of kindness that you display goes unnoticed.

Take the time to step around bugs on the ground.

It is when we begin to live this way that we are truly seeing the world through the eyes of nature herself, and through the eyes of a child. Our own inner nature child awakens.

We see the world as the magical place that she really is, and we live our lives in a way that will not compromise her.

And this is when everything that we have learned intellectually, all of the evidence that we have been given, truly becomes integrated into our being.

We feel what we are doing to the earth, and we know the consequences.

We have developed a bond with our mother and we feel our connection with nature and know that we are all family.

We understand the intellectual reasons for change and we live the solution because it is our soul’s longing to do so.

We become loving caretakers of our beautiful earth.

With the innocence of a child, the Divine presence is able to flow through us unobstructed and uninhibited.

And our lives become the magic that they were always meant to be.

I hope that you have found this helpful, and I would love to hear from you!

I can be contacted via my website at

Feel free to sign up for my weekly letter with advice, lessons, and my blog posts, all meant to inspire connection with Mother Earth and rediscover the magic of life

Love and blessings,


Enjoy fun activities and energy exercises to encourage growth, self-confidence, and awareness in you and your child while developing a close relationship with Nature in Jessie’s children’s book, “The Sapling.”

An inspiring story from the Trees for the children of Earth, “The Sapling” has vivid, full colour Nature illustrations that will appeal to younger children and powerful Life lessons that will grow with your child, just like a Tree!

“The Sapling” is the first book in Jessie’s Nature Child Children’s Book Series, committed to helping chidren grow into who they truly are meant to be. It will be available on Amazon in the summer of 2017.

A portion of proceeds will be donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada and to the Treesisters for reforestation and the conservation of our Earth.

Jessie is also a farmer, Reiki Master, and mother of 3 sensitive children. Deeply connected to Nature, she has been inspired to “share the words that Nature wants to have heard.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2017 9:26:42 PM

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, June 5, 2017 through Valerie Donner

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeling June 5, 2017 through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full-time with the Earth Council.

I greet you today with good news. We value you and complement you for the phenomenally good work that you are doing. Please know that whatever you are going through is a worthwhile cause that will bring forth an abrupt completion of the third dimension on Mother Earth.

It is far too soon to tell you exactly how this will come about but come about it will. You have heard the expression that “The world will change was in the blink of an eye.” This is what we are talking about. You will be in for some grand surprises that will lighten up your hearts and introduce you to what it feels like to live in higher dimensional consciousness. This is going to be on a grand scale far-reaching beyond your earth. It is bigger than big and more important than you can imagine. The magnitude of this shift will be reason to celebrate with all of creation. The earth will be lifted back to her original state of higher consciousness and you will be freed to live in peace, harmony, joy, love, and abundance.

We are excited to watch the last vestiges of the darkness do their final dance on this beloved planet on which you reside. We know that it is a challenging ride for most of you due to the resistance of the darkness. With every last grasp that they take to maintain their hold they slip further and further into the abyss. At this juncture they are also battling within themselves. They are something like a flesh eating virus. Please remember that due to the unconditional love of our Creator these beings can still reach for the light until the very end.

It is necessary for as many as possible to realize the truth about the way that you have been living for eons of time. So this is an important opportunity for souls to awaken. As you know, the majority of the people living on this planet have been asleep. They are now awakening and are shocked at what they are seeing. That old saying, “The truth shall set you free”, applies right now. You will be set free!

We are busier than ever with the Earth Council. We are tying up loose ends and reviewing the complicated plans for the transition into higher consciousness. You will be given everything that you need. We have transition teams that will guide you. Many of you are part of these teams. You have been through the Ascension process before. You have been trained in the dream state and have been working hard to learn your parts. Humanity will be like babes in the woods in the energies of multidimensionality and unconditional love. They will be able to drop their fears and guards of each other, and will reunite with the Masters, with us, all of the Galactic’s and will become one again with each other. The spirit of cooperation will prevail. Your old erroneous rules and laws will no longer apply. Love will be the rule of the day. Cooperation will be the way.
I offer these words of encouragement to you today. Please see the big picture and know that you will be taking your planet back.

I am Mira sending you divine love.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2017 9:30:11 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/6/2017

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This situation comes to everybody that enters into deep meditation: a moment comes when the axe comes just over your head, and it is always sharp. A moment comes, when you go deeper - you face death. That is the boundary between the ego and your inner being, where you face death inside. Because when you go deeper, a moment comes when the boundary of the ego has to be crossed - you go beyond it. And you are so identified with the ego, that you feel it like a death.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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