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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2017 6:39:41 PM

Tuesday, Jun 5, 2017

Benjamin Fulford Update - Jun 5, 2017

Benjamin Fulford says "Hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of gold now available to help planet"

This Saturday a delegation from the White Dragon Society, including this writer, will be heading to Bougainville in the Solomon Islands to meet with King David Peii II to discuss how to reopen the Panguna mine, which contains about $170 trillion worth of gold and copper. Furthermore, there are six other mine sites under the control of King David and his people on the Island meaning that many hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of metal can be made available to benefit the people and living creatures of the planet earth.

The total amount of money the OECD spent on development in 2016 was $142.6 billion, so if even a small fraction of the wealth of just one of the six sites was used, there would be at least 10 times more money available to help the poor and protect the environment than is now being spent.

The Panguna mine was developed by the Rothschild controlled firm Rio Tinto. However locals, angered at the pollution caused by the mine, as was at the lousy treatment they were accorded by the mine’s owners, seized control after a long war of resistance. Representatives of King David also claim the Rothschild owners of the mine were contemplating destroying the entire island in order to extract its mineral wealth. You can be sure, based on their track record, the Rothschilds were not planning to spend the money they hoped to earn from this to help the planet.

Representatives of Rio Tinto did not respond to multiple WDS attempts to contact them. If an agreement is not reached with the Rothschilds, the WDS will, if necessary, use as much weight of the world’s military as needed to help King David make the gold and other metals available, in an environmentally friendly manner, for the benefit of the planet. One idea is to use mine tailings as landfill in order to create new land for living creatures so that the overall impact of the mining on the island will be to create more space for living creatures than existed before. The WDS will report more on the situation after a June 10-14th visit to the Island.

In any case, the Khazarian mafia has been suffering a stunning series of defeats in recent months as their planetary control grid collapses in increasingly visible ways.

Most importantly, but in a manner still hidden from most of the world, the Khazarians are running out of gold and most of the world no longer accepts their paper, which is not backed by anything but a rapidly evaporating group mind control mechanism.

Khazarian attempts to get gold in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia are all being stonewalled, multiple sources agree.

Last week representatives from Citibank and US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph Donovan promised Indonesian President Joko Widodo they would wipe out all of Indonesia’s external debt in exchange for 12,500 tons of gold but they left empty handed, WDS sources in Indonesia say.

The WDS sources add: “The Sultan of Johor, West Malaysia is involved in the attempt to extort the gold from Jakarta. He is claiming that the gold belongs to his Royal family and this gives him the right to take it back from Indonesia, where is has been stored for the past 70 years or so. This allegation by the Sultan of Johor would mean that this could be part of the collateralized gold accounts, in which the Royal Families of Asia deposited their gold in Indonesia for safekeeping and Soekarno was mandated as M1".

Soekarno, as well as US President John F. Kennedy, were killed by the Khazarians in order to end their efforts to use this gold for the planet (We assume our readers know the history of this). Now the depositors of the gold are getting their revenge.

The Indonesian WDS sources adds that “I have a strong feeling that [Malaysian] PM Najib Razak is somehow involved in this, as he is a member of the Khazarian mafia.”

The Khazarians are still setting off terrorists attacks in London, the Philippines, Indonesia and elsewhere around the world in order to extort gold but, they are being systematically isolated.

The Bilderberg meeting of top Khazarian mafia servants that just ended on June 4th was a meeting of losers in the battle for the planet earth. At this first meeting since top Khazarian honcho David Rockefeller died, Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger continued his effort to become the new secret ruler of the planet earth. However, without gold and without Rockefeller behind him, Kissinger is just an old airbag.

The Rothschilds’ attempt to take full control of the planet following Rockefeller’s death was also dealt a huge blow as US President Donald renounced their Paris accords. “Trump exited the Paris accords in order to stop carbon trading and expose the global warming hoax of roth,” Pentagon sources explained.

Also, inside the Trump regime, “the Zionist-globalist-Goldman faction led by former Goldman coo Gary Cohn, and Jared Kushner were sidelined by the Paris exit as Trump cleans house,” they continue.

The Bush faction of the Khazarian mob is also in “full panic mode” as more and more of their crimes are being revealed, the sources add. Last week, the Pentagon sources say, Bush hitmen killed former Panamanian President Manuel Noriega to “prevent him snitching about CIA drug trafficking and corruption.”

There are also moves to arrest top Neo-con Bush operatives like David Petraeus, former NSA boss Mike Hayden and remove and arrest US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, the sources say. The charges will be for illegally receiving and leaking classified information, they say.

The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton US Khazarian mafia clan’s top henchmen are still struggling to keep themselves out of jail but they are clearly losing the power struggle in Washington DC.

There is also a huge power struggle going on now in China, according to Vietnamese sources. The struggle concerns Wang Qishan王歧山 who is de facto number 2 in China’s power structure and is now the top Rothschild agent in China, the sources say.

The mystery man Guo Wengui郭文

who was photographed recently with Jacob Rothschild and the Dalai Lama, and who is apparently now staying at Trump’s Mar A Largo resort in Florida put out a video (which was quickly removed from the internet) last week claiming Wang “has huge connections with Skull & Bones and Freemasons,” the sources say.

If Wang becomes Prime Minister and the official number 2 at the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress this autumn, “then [Chinese President] Xi Jinping will be dead,” the sources say.

Wang’s power derives from huge amounts of money that he has recently mysteriously obtained and has been spreading around, they say.

These same sources, who have access to top level intelligence about China, say Xi Jinping “is in a very dangerous position.” “He can either try to continue communist rule, in which case other interest groups will try to get rid of him before his term ends,” the sources say “or if not, he can end communism like the Soviets did in the 90’s.”

The same sources say that another senior Chinese defector, Ling Jihua, has given the US “way more information on submarines, nuclear codes etc,” because of his opposition to Rothschild controlled Wang.

Even if these sources are wrong, there can be no doubt the Chinese situation will remain turbulent under the surface between now and mid-summer as jockeying for the next politburo, set to be formally announced in the autumn, continues.

There are also changes coming to Europe as top Khazarian mobster and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as Rothchild slave and French President Emmanuel Macron realize the consequences of the Trump regime saying they will no longer protect them from Russia. The result, after some initial huffing and puffing by the French and Germans, has been for both countries to suddenly start currying favour with Russia.

There has also been some sort of schism taking place in the Middle East with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE suddenly cutting off relations with Qatar. Qatar is home to the Al Jazeera news network and a huge US airbase. Qatar’s Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani apparently deviated from the official Khazarian line in the Middle East by saying nice things about Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Israel. The Saudis are now blaming Qatar for Daesh in an outrageous case of the pot calling the kettle black.

In reality, the fight is almost certainly related to the fact the Qatar has reached a pipeline deal with Russia and the Syrians to export its gas while the Saudis have not.

The result is that the Saudis too are now rushing to curry favour with Russia. So far, it seems, the Russians have invited them to spend their money in remote arctic regions.


Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2017 8:45:13 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/4/2017

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All names are meaningless because you come into the world without a name, and when you leave the world you go without a name. The name is just a tag attached to you for utilitarian purposes. Without a name it would be difficult, difficult for others.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2017 8:58:54 PM

Your 3D Segments May Be Exploring

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2017 9:05:10 PM

St Germain: What Divine Governance Really Is

st germain“I am St Germain, and I had the honor two days ago, in your time, of addressing a Gathering of individuals who were coming together in Hearts and minds to support NESARA.** And I shall say again that it is the key to what we are calling the ‘Golden Age Lifestyle,‘ and reaching that point accelerates – quite exponentially – the progress of all members of Humanity who wish to make their Ascensions, in what you might call a time that comes quite soon. There is no one in this audience who needs to wait a thousand or even a hundred years to accomplish that!

“But I will say that the Golden Age Lifestyle which is officially opened by NESARA’s announcement and implementation – and further enhanced and empowered by the announcement of our presence with all of Planet Earth – it is to be savored! It is to be enjoyed! It is an opportunity to rest, from all of the stressful situations, that living in the third dimensional lifestyle has prevented. And so I counsel you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, to do that savoring, even as you are excited and exhilarated by all of the new opportunities that are available to you.

“And I shall discuss what this is going to mean for you, what is it going to look like, how is it going to feel. And I invite you to let go of any doubts or little fears you might have, and join in envisioning this Lifestyle with your minds as well as your Hearts!And just try it on for size – if you have not already done so – or even if you have. You have heard that NESARA is the way to open up this Lifestyle and make it available to everyone on Planet Earth!!!

“And what are you going to do with this Lifestyle? And I’m not talking as much about the money – although even that, even your financial world, your economies will be empowered for as long as it is needed by High Dimensional, valuable, as you call it – valuable monies – because it is necessary to have this bridge of NESARA to get free of all of the fear-based lifestyles of the third dimension, and move up into where there is no fear!

“And if you are afraid of starvation, or being homeless, or not being able to pay your bills, or that some government is going to come and take everything that you have worked so hard to earn -or, for that matter, if you’re just tired of working so hard – then it is quite difficult to feel the Freedom from all of that, that NESARA brings. So, in that sense, this Divine Governance will provide for your basic lifestyles and free you to do whatever it is that you want to do!!!

“Once you have this Freedom, you will find that you will be empowered Creators! You will be living in such a Higher vibration that if you have something – for instance, let us say that you injure your big toe. And while you may seek the help of a practitioner of some kind, a healer of some kind, you, yourselves, will start recognizing that you are your own greatest healers because you will be connecting with the totality of yourselves!!! There will not be anyone to tell you, ‘Watch out! Somebody is going to think you’re real looney-tune,’ because they might even lock you up or any of those kinds of things that are a part of the third dimensional history/herstory of Planet Earth.

“And while we’re talking about healing yourselves, let’s talk about helping each other to heal. Imagine coming together in a beautiful park or garden, or by the seashore, or on a mountaintop with others – coming together, and by the Love that you share with each other, whoever is there desiring some form of healing, so be it. IT IS DONE!!!

“And I don’t mean just felt in the moment – I mean DONE! That’s how powerful you are right now, Beloved Ones! But we understand that you’re not feeling all that empowerment. NESARA gives you that Freedom to feel your own Divine Empowerment! Now you cannot equate that with any sum of dollars. Don’t even try! Don’t even go there, because that’s not the purpose of NESARA. It’s not about giving everybody money so everybody depends on money even more. It’s about FREEING YOU FROM MONEY, ultimately freeing you from money! It is about empowering yourselves!!!

“What if you have some seeds and you are anxious that they grow? There are already High Dimensional Spiritually Scientific ways for you to do this! There are ways that you can incorporate nutrition into water, for instance, and by drinking the water -because as your bodies become lighter it will come to pass that you will require less and less in the way of food, unless you just want to have fun or have a party. And you will be able to drink water and you will have pure water. And you can further empower the water with nutrition if you feel like, oh, you need a little more vitamin C today or whatever. That’s right! And as an interim, nutritional water is already being made. And I’m NOT talking about the sugar water you find in your grocery stores. Look up the Keshe Foundation work*** and you’ll see what I’m talking about!!!

“Let’s say that you want to have some power for your homes but you don’t want to pay the corporate owners of the electric company. There is a way already being given to the World so that you can accomplish that.*** And that’s an interim – that’s a bridge, just like the nutritional water – it’s a bridge, because you will, by your Divine will and requirements, be able to turn the lights on or off in your home spaces as you choose. That’s right! We’re talking about entering into the Golden Age. We’re talking about moving into it. We’re talking about living that Lifestyle as preparation for your final Ascensions – however quickly, or however taking more time, you might want that to occur!

“Every aspect of your lives will change! And we propose that, along with bringing NESARA into 3D, you start looking at what you want to do in the Golden Age. You don’t have to make a definite, final plan. You can simply get with your guides and see what’s on your timeline. And then if you want to change it, of course, you can!!! How about that? You might want to start journaling your thoughts and inspirations. What do you want to create when you are living Love and only Love? You see, that’s a part of the Golden Age, too! It’s not going to happen the minute NESARA is announced. But the more you bring it forth within your own beings and share it with other Lightworkers, with your families, your neighbors, anyone you choose to share it with – and you will be recognizing more and more who are becoming Hearts of Light –as you keep yourselves in the High vibrations, you will be a magnet to others and you will be drawn to others who are doing the same thing!!! It’s preparation for the Golden Age, and once you get into the Golden Age, it will serve you very Joy-fully, even as you are creating and serving – of course, yourselves, but all of Planet Earth, below, on and above!

“There is nothing, no miracle, if you want to call it that, that is not possible to create in the Higher levels of dimensionality. The only rule, if you want to call it a rule, is that it is created from Love!!! It must be created from Love. All that comes from Love is High Dimensional. Now I’m talking, of course, about unconditional, infinite, eternal Love, the same Love from which we are all made and which, as Ashtar**** just said, you have a rather generous amount of, even within your human bodies! Why? Because you’re Lightworkers! You came for this purpose and you are fulfilling it. We are doing this together! It is not just us coming from the, you might say, permanent resident status in the Higher Realms. It is YOU! Without you this would not be happening on Planet Earth!!!

“So stay High! Create your visions from that Perspective. Bring yourselves up High. Come into your Hearts if you face a challenge and let it transmute from that place! It’s much easier to do that, than it is to get down into the lower levels, the lower vibrations, and try to work with it there. Just come right up into your Hearts, where you have that Perspective, and then transmute everything that you might see or feel that isn’t Love and Light by putting the Light of Love on it!

“I know that sometimes it is difficult or more challenging than at other times, and if you seem to come up against a roadblock, you know that I have already offered you the Violet Ray of Transmutation. You have the Sword Excalibur of Archangel Michael to wave, so that you can always see the Truth – the real Truth – in everything that you want to look at. You have Sananda’s teachings of Light-ing up the entirety of yourselves – if you have not done that, you might want to learn that process as well!***** You have your guides and you have your Managing Director, which is your Higher Dimensional Self!

“So tune in, lift up and let’s soar together into the Golden Age, and to your Homecoming celebrations! That is what NESARA opens up for each and every one of you and, indeed, all of Planet Earth!!! So I thank you, from my Heart to yours, for giving me the consideration – indeed the invitation – to come and speak of the High aspects of NESARA, the Divine aspects of NESARA and what is included in the Divine Governance it brings – beginning with yourselves, coming together in communities, in countries and on all of Planet Earth! And so it is. Namaste!”

» Source – Channel: Susan Leland


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2017 11:08:56 PM

Be Not a Gangster in Terms of Life, Beloveds

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God said:

Beloveds, analyzing is not always in your best interest. Remember heart over mind. It is in your heart that Life occurs. Any appraisal is an afterthought. Your appraisal – your surgery, if you will -- is often not in your best interest.

Live Life and move on to the next bend in the road.

Life is not something to calculate in retrospect. If you spend time in your canoe paddling backwards – where does that take you?

Dear Ones, most of My Children on Earth carry the idea that Life is obligated to serve you, the individual, in the manner in which you would like. You want what you want. Naturally, you do, yet be wary of the concepts of anticipation and expectation.

Expectation can be bossy. Anticipation paints a picture you would like and admire. Expectation is pushy. Expectation demands. Expectation is a gangster’s approach. The gangster signals: “My way, or else!”

Expectation gives a determined course, as if it is yours by right. The gangster is often taking money and Life as if they are up for grabs. He exhorts them. He threatens: “Your money or your Life.”

In Life, it happens that some of My Children, when they don’t get their way, threaten Life or even Me, God. It takes moxie to make such a bluff. What hold do you think you hold over Me, dear misguided ones? In your distress at certain circumstances, you offer ultimatums! Let’s face facts. With what can you threaten Me?

You do have power, beloveds. You do have strength. It is the Strength of Love. It is the strength of putting your shoe on the right foot. Withdrawal of whatever you would withdraw from Me is a hollow threat. What is this “or else” that you expect to scare Me with, Foolish child?

As with most arguments in Life, you hurt yourself.

First of all, if your ultimatum is to withdraw from Me, you can’t do that. Our connection is greater than empty words.

You fear the worst, whatever the worst is to you. There is worse than what you may be facing. Anyway, where lies blame of others for what may come down to your temporary folly?

I am not going to rob from Peter to pay Paul or you. Nor is it My desire to throw you in debtor’s prison. Beloveds, if you cut down a tree, by what Divine Right do you demand that I put it back together again?

Forget blame altogether. Be high-spirited. Trusting in God does not mean all your desires have to be met. Oh, yes, there are Miracles. Dear Ones, you cannot always pick and choose your Miracles. Be glad, be grateful, yet don’t go under the pretense that you must be obeyed.

Nor do I mean in the least that nice words from you in exaltation of Me will favor your chances. I do not ask for a performance from you. It is not like the more you pay Me, the more I will give you.

Dear Ones, know the difference between rights and privilege.

Remember, you do not own Me.

Now then, there are times when My Children are innocent. A mother’s baby dies. From the view of the world, there is no way to justify this. That also means there is no way for the mother to blame herself. A confluence of trajectories met and created this that seems unforgivable. There is more to all stories than blame.

In any case, this is quite a different story from your losing your riches at the gambling table or at the stock market or your sitting waiting for Me to intervene on your behalf.

There is a great deal that the world considers tragic, yet there are tragedies and tragedies. Beloveds, in some cases, a fallen hem is a tragedy.

Alas, everything in the world is relative. No matter what, be good-spirited where blame is not to enter.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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