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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 1:11:51 AM

The Divine Mother on Ascension

With gratitude for this Channelled Gem to Karen, who lovingly shares this wonderful excerpt on Ascension from her personal reading with Linda and the Divine Mother on May 27, 2017.

Universal Mother Mary’s Ascension Splash!

Channeled by Linda Dillon, May 31, 2017

Universal Mother Mary: Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Mother of Constancy, Mother of Truth, Mother of All. Welcome, bright angel of blue, daughter of my heart. …

Karen: I would like to ask you about Ascension. Is there a time, Mother, when there is a big jump or a shift? I’ve heard two things: that we all ascend together; I’ve also heard that the vibrations that are not in sync with where we’re going are going to go somewhere else. How can we all go together if they’re going to go somewhere else? Am I misunderstanding?

UMM: No, you are not misunderstanding. But let us suggest to you that perhaps some of the various channelled information, and the interpretation of that channelled information, is, might I say, incomplete.

As you know, there is still a great deal of the chaos – which is being broken up even as we speak – but there is a great deal of chaos still upon your planet. And if it wasn’t so tragic, it truly would be humorous.

K: Oh, because it’s such a folly?

UMM: It is such a folly and it is beyond absurd, but it is tragic. Now that is being broken apart the way deep ice on a lake breaks apart in the spring, and the recalcitrant, whether they know it or not, like it or not, accept it or not, declare it or not, it matters not – not one being upon your planet is exempt from both the Porlana C and my renewed, resurged Tsunami of Love; not one being.

Now, the mountains and the grasslands and the oceans and the animals and the elementals – they are already there. So really what we are focusing upon, what I am focusing upon – and when I say “I”, then immediately that entails all legions, all realms, all realities – so what we are focused on is washing everything clean; first washing it out, washing it out, washing it out, but with each wave, with each ripple of each wave, we are also infusing, infusing, infusing.

And with the infusion of my love, my energy, my pattern – and your Star family’s energy and pattern – there is no room for anything else. So it is as if you are getting the suds and the rinsing cycle at the same time!

K: [Laughter] Is that why we can’t remember anything, we’re going around and around in a washing machine?

UMM: Yes, very much! And you are circling the drain, and sometimes you are holding on for dear life! [Laughter]

K: And people that are resisting, are they holding on for dear life?

UMM: Yes, they are; well, some are, some aren’t. But in that, although I work, play, dream, exist in infinite, eternal, what you may think of as ‘time’, I also create constantly. But I also create within what you can think of as ‘brackets’ – that is a term I often use – within which things are taking place, and in my creation have need to come to… hmmm… a form of conclusion and completion so the next chapter can start. It is not that everyone is dying. It is simply there is a phase for things, like the phases of your moon. Well, this phase is coming to completion.

Now in that, what you as lightworkers and beloved loveholders have been doing is truly… and I have been urging you – except for a few whose job it is to not engage with the recalcitrant, the… hmmm… not the fence-sitters so much but those who are truly resistant – to not, other than sending love, to not reinforce them or participate in any way, because I do not want that behaviour reinforced.

So you have been creating for what some people are feeling – and what I have declared – an alternate pathway. Now eventually, sweet angel, these pathways reconverge, so do not think I am just throwing out half the population; I am not. But as you have been creating this alternative pathway, you’ve been saying to those who are on the chaos pathway, “Come over here; look how nice it is, look how kind it is, look how gentle it is, look how loving it is. Come over here!”

And many, many, they may not be declaring themselves as loveholders or lightworkers, but they are shifting and they are thinking, “Yeah, you know that really doesn’t work for me, and I’ve been trying this way for so long and I am exhausted.” And ‘exhausted’ in this situation is good, because when you are really exhausted, you allow the riptide as it were to the current to simply carry you. And when you have that level of surrender, I guarantee I will carry you safely back to shore.

Now, are there those that simply refuse the energy? I will not override their free will – and in that internal refusal, they are truly creating not only more chaos for themselves and the external reality, they are creating internally, and often externally, a situation of despair. And that is very, very sad.

Now those people – and think of it: you are working yourself with 144,000,000 of mine – but those people who just simply say “no, I don’t want to do this” will be gathered up in mercy, in compassion, gentleness and kindness – not brought to somewhere else, let me be very clear about that – they will be brought home for reconstitution.

K: Okay, so they will not necessarily stay in form, in body, on the planet and ascend in body with the rest of us; they’ll come home to you to reconstitute?

UMM: That is correct. They will either die beforehand or die during, because they cannot incorporate the level of the love energy – because that is what Ascension is – they cannot incorporate that and it literally… you have heard of situations, especially you… have heard of situations where people’s hearts simply stop or explode for no explained reason.

It is simply because they cannot continue on, and the merciful thing to do is to simply, gently and kindly, bring them home. We do not know the meaning of punishment, of what has in the so many different religious pursuits been called “hell”. “Hell” is when you are in that place – the depth of despair.

So that is the separation that some are incompletely understanding. So it is not that I am spinning-off a certain proportion of the population to go and live on another planet or something. That is not my Plan. And I tell you why: because this Ascension pattern – the process, the paradigm, the pattern – is to be replicated on many other planets. So we don’t want to take those who are recalcitrant and then make a situation worse elsewhere. That would not be kind!

So it is far better – and I use that word specifically – it is far kinder to bring them home, let them refresh and then decide where they wish to begin over. And most of them, sweet angel – although I do not decree it so – most of them will choose to come back and live on Nova Earth because they will want to see and be part of what they missed!

K: So they will be healed of whatever they could not heal during the Ascension process or else the Tsunami of Love, the Tsunami of One, and then they will be where they could have gotten to here before the planet ascended?

UMM: That is correct. And so they will have a hiatus. It is not a matter of judgment, but it is also from their perspective when they are home, so to speak… there will be a sadness that needs healing because they will realise what they missed. But in that sadness comes the healing and the reinvigoration to come back, begin again, and do better than ever!

K: Oh, fabulous! Thank you so much for explaining that because it’s been swirling around in my head… since I was a child I’ve had that fear, ever since Christian Camp, that thing about people all of a sudden disappearing and some left behind terrified me. I think I’ve had vestiges of that still for me and/or for others, so I’m really grateful to you for explaining that.

UMM: We don’t leave anybody behind. All are attended to – and it is curious, is it not? – all are attended to in ways that they, unwittingly or fully aware, choose to be attended to. The sense that lightworkers and my beloved warriors of peace and my sweet angels of blue and all the lovebearers will feel, the exuberance, the sense of victory – not in an egoic sense but a sense of “we did it!” – for all of you who have truly persisted will be enormous.

K: Oh, my goodness, yes. I’m very grateful to see a little progress here and there, it’s exciting, and to get these explanations from you. … I’m feeling so much better but why am I twitching like this?

UMM: They are activations, sweet one. We are simply turning up the frequency, and the frequency of Porlana C is highly electric.

K: Is that why, if I run my hand down my arms and hands, it’s electrical?

UMM: Yes. And think of it this way: my Tsunami is the energy of water – of washing, cleansing, filling, transforming – but water also heightens electricity; it becomes a conduit. So yes, that is enough to create jerking! [Laughter]

K: Oh, yes, that’s very interesting! … A question about outer space, if I may. The first time I saw a picture of a beautiful Star Incubator, I thought “If anybody doesn’t believe in God and saw this, they would believe in God.” I know things are hidden from us about space, but is it really inhospitable, a vacuum, cold? Are there beautiful colours of the planets that are being hidden from us?

UMM: Not hiding… there is a degree of, can we say cloaking, but not hiding so much as also your awareness of the above, of space, has been limited. Now it has been limited in a couple of ways. First of all, it was limited so that your focus would truly be on planet, because the engagement with space, with the stars, with the planets, with Star family, is a partnership and a backdrop certainly, but especially for those of you that I desperately need [laughing] for this unfoldment… many of you would simply choose to be elsewhere! And that is not truly my Plan.

And so, that awareness is growing and will continue to grow. But yes, it is surprising. You are correct. How can anyone even look at a midnight sky and not know that there is a vast, vast universe that has been basically… there is some awareness… but basically untouched, untraveled, unexplored – from the human perspective, because many of your Star family of course are very much the explorers. But that has helped you stay with your feet on the ground. You are floating enough!

But similarly, how can anyone look at a massive garden… recently all the tulips were in bloom, and the range and acres and acres and acres of colour… how could they not know in the beauty of an infinite being, but also the infinite beauty of this planet? How can anyone put on a snorkel mask and look beneath the sea and see the bounty there and not believe? It is very curious.

K: Yes! … May I just clarify one thing about Ascension, Mother? It might already have been said, but is there a jump at some point when we actually dive through it? Like now it’s gradual and we’re moving along, but is there a time when there is a jump, when the sun does a flash over us or something that brings us up altogether into this higher octave or higher dimension of frequency?

UMM: Well, it is not the sun doing the flash, sweet one. Think of it in this way – it is me doing the splash!

K: Oh! So there will be like a jump or a moment of…

UMM: It is a jump in consciousness…

K: And does it feel like a jump?

UMM: Yes, it will.

K: Okay. And we’ll be ready for it? We won’t be shocked when we have this jump and go “Aah, what is this?”

UMM: You are all ready for it right now and so no, it will be “Oh, thank goodness it finally happened!”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 9:04:57 PM

Mike Quinsey 6/2/2017

mikequinseyMatters are progressing well and the Illuminati can no longer dictate the course of Humanity’s progress towards Ascension, or prevent it from taking place. Meanwhile many aspects of the preparations for it have been completed, including the most important need for a new U.S. Congress that is ready to take over immediately the present one is dissolved. As you can imagination, there is still much work to do to curtail the activities of those secret groups that are working towards a one State Union. It will not come about as the power of the Illuminati can no longer dictate your future. Perhaps your main concern would be about Humanity’s future and you can be assured that it is in safe hands. Once the real changes commence you will realise that the Forces of Light have set up the foundations for NESARA to be announced. At the appropriate time when the emphasis is upon your safety it will happen, and from thereon beneficial changes will come in quick succession.

So go about your work with the knowledge that great powers oversee your lives, including the Blue Avians. Their numerous craft are stationed throughout the Solar System to ensure that no other entities are allowed to interfere with your evolution. They are very advanced Beings that are closely monitoring events to ensure that you are given every opportunity to fulfil your life plans, and assist Mother Earth with her own changes. The result will be a successful period of changes that will ensure both you and the Earth are fully prepared to ascend. Consequently, many of you are leading a hectic life by facing your final challenges to clear all old karma that you are carrying with you. Naturally you are not alone as you prepare yourselves for Ascension, and you will be guided in such a way as to give you every opportunity to be successful.

Having come this far do not look back but focus on your future, as this is one of the most important times you will ever face. In fact if you can live in the now and take things in hand as they come to you without any pre-determined outcome, you will be moving into your “new” Higher Self. However, do not worry if you cannot seem to make that move into the higher vibrations now, as at the right time it will happen for you. Every soul has numerous helpers and it illustrates how important your evolution is taken. You are very special souls even if you cannot comprehend how that can be, so just keep looking ahead and take things as they come. Everything is proceeding in good order in spite of the apparent chaos on Earth. All life has opportunities to progress and indeed is involved in preparing for the changes that are inevitable and unavoidable.

In time you will come to realise how powerful you really are, and already some are sensing that they have the power to determine their own future. You become what you think, and no doubt you have experienced events in your lives that will bear this out. So even now you should exercise care when empowering your thoughts. They are real and will come back to you at some time for completion or change. Fortunately as you evolve so you grow in your ability to control your thoughts, but the sooner you accept responsibility for them the easier it will be. Your present aim should be to eliminate negative thoughts from your mind, or at the very least do not embody them with the power to materialise. No doubt it all sounds so hard amidst the daily challenges you face, but that is for your experience and is a fast track to success. Do your best and know that you will never be chastised or punished for trying to do better. All experience is of value and never wasted, so regardless of whatever you go through try to see the positive aspects of it.

“Where do we come from” crosses most people’s minds and the answer is very simple, you come from the Godhead as Sparks of Light, and to there you shall return when your travels have finished. You might ask why it is so, and it is because God sent you all out to experience so that the Godhead could grow as a result. You ask is that the end of your travels, and the answer is that you are most likely to be sent out again for new experiences. You are immortal so you will always be conscious of Self as part of God. There is no doubt a lot more that could be told, but at this stage you only need to know that your future is secured. The immediate importance is to evolve so that you do not have to again experience the lower realms. Be lifted up into the Light and enjoy the harmony and beauty of perfection. It is where you came from when you volunteered to help those souls trapped in the lower vibrations.

Humans find it hard not to “interfere” with other people’s lives, as the ego believes it knows best. There is also the other souls life plan to bear in mind yet people will try to dictate to others how they should live their lives. Help and assistance is welcome when called for, but often a soul will prefer to tackle its challenges in its own way. It is a difficult subject to approach because each soul may see it in their way that can be quite different to yours. Offer help by all means but withdraw if it is not accepted, otherwise you may inadvertently get involved to your disadvantage. However, according to your degree of understanding you may be guided into situations where your help would be ideal and just what was needed.

The maxim that you should treat others as you would be treated yourself is very much to the point. It means that you ask nothing in return for living in such a way, yet it brings its own rewards. Each act of kindness helps lift up your vibrations, and it is what you desire as you live your life with Ascension in mind. It is a great feeling to have the ability to live day to day in harmony with all else and not be perturbed or upset by events happening around you. In fact, your mere presence helps bring calmness into being, and people will feel better for being around you. In the rush and noise of people going about their daily work tempers are sometimes frayed, and your energies can make a positive difference. Never under estimate the power of thought as in such situations it can bring about a beneficial change.

Your ancient history is being rewritten as a result of astonishing finds in the Antartica, and most importantly regarding the Human Race. It has become quite obvious that Man has evolved in many forms originally brought to the Earth many thousands of years ago, and the proof has been found under several miles of ice. It has also become apparent that Man has experienced in many different forms but clearly human like in appearance. More recently your present civilisations were brought to Earth from different planets to continue evolving, and it explains why you have distinctive Races that are quite different to each other. Learning to get on with each other and respect their beliefs has caused much friction and even wars, yet after many years peace has still not come to Earth.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 9:06:26 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday June 2, 2017

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The beauty of unfoldment is that it takes the guess work out of your decision making process. You simply assess what feels best and is being energetically supported in the Now moment and choose that option. It means you navigate your path from one highest choice, to the next highest choice. Do you see? There is no way to make a mistake if you are navigating your path in that manner because it is proceeding with one wise, energetically supported option after another, which can only lead to your highest good. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 9:11:03 PM

Sandra Walter: Gateway Focus and the Formless Realms

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

Gatekeepers opened for the Jun 3-9 Gateway passage yesterday. This allows for easier access to the Cosmic Stargates if you choose to connect with them, which I recommend for their positive effect on crystalline-resonate DNA. Fasting or a few days of cleansing will assist the body with integrating and stabilizing the influx, since it is DNA-related.

This is active territory as Solaris becomes more stimulated by the intergalactic pathways, which effects Gaia’s core, and our own heart centers. We take it Gateway by Gateway, understanding the physical manifestation is a reflection of what is already occurring with the higher timeline.

The Lyrans, the beautiful beings who first revealed my history of Gatekeeping, visited this morning and reminded me of the possibilities which present during these Gateways. DNA recalibration is a focus in June; the New Template of Self requires it, as well as timeline resonation. A free basic DNA invocation is available in the free tools section.

Last week I saw deactivated two-strand DNA leaving this realm. I find this vision interesting, since the timeline split presented like giant DNA tracks pulling apart back in December. Now the vision of old DNA departing; this feels connected to the preparations of June and July. The old two-strand DNA is not applicable to higher states of consciousness, hence the Ascension process’ focus on more complex DNA.

Interaction with the Formless in the Creator State

As the timeline split and cosmic threshold events present to more Lightworkers, we witness the Universe resolving itself into alignment with a new expression. Whether it is an effect of Unity Consciousness or the internet, the December revelations of the Timeline split and associated Solar activity (Gatekeepers had simultaneous visions of the SUN exploding/bursting back in January), are now presenting for more Wayshowers.

As the cosmic threshold nears, timeline divisions may present as dividing DNA, train tracks, trees, roadways, torus loops, spirals, parallel planets or stargates in our visions. Regardless of the archetype, these visions demonstrate what is unfolding right here, right now.

Complexity and apparent chaos increase as old timelines near their extinction. Most Lightworkers have embraced simplicity, eliminating excess distractions from the Ascension process. The need for this becomes evident; we are here to serve, experience, and create brand new realities. Creating the New can be a tall order in density, especially during a timeline split. Simplification creates peace, stability and balance, allowing the New to emerge.

Embodiment requires consistent conscious alignment with zero-point, which allows access to the formless realms of higher consciousness. The purpose of this type of Ascension on Gaia has Universal repercussions, which many of you are experiencing as a merging with formless realms of purer Light in lengthy meditations. The stargate pathways allow access to our unified consciousness as we approach this collective zero-point anomaly.

The higher, formless realms of light where the Ascension and cosmic rewrite have already been experienced are communing, communicating with us as we collapse time-space to create the New. It redefines our intellectual notions of the Higher future Self merging with the lower Self. These realms cannot be described without diminishing their vibrancy, nor do they adhere to our numbering systems (5D, 12D, etc.) which we have used to comprehend the vastness of our own beingness.

The activity of interacting with those realms is further evidence of frequency complexity. Primary timeline dynamics are being accessed, revealing our Creator-Selves participating in the realms of the Universal Ascended Self. These Gateways are opening pathways of consciousness, some rediscovered, some further down the trajectory, unifying in the Zero-Point Now; it is an experience supported by the higher timeline amplification; internal and external resonance is supporting our experience.

Unifying in June

Our June and July Gateways prepare the path for the collective experience of the August rewrite. I AM creating a video to provide some clarity on the timeline split and the remaining Gateways of 2017.

Our Unity Meditations continue to amplify a field of pure consciousness. Join us every SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT to add your light, receive unconditional support, assist with infusing peace into the collective consciousness.

Kindwhile, the timeline split and August eclipse will be our main topic on Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey, this Monday, June 5 at 3pmPT. Free registration for the live event available at

The Oregon coast journey has presented. This is prep work for the August eclipse, including Pacific plate work. Gatekeepers & Gridworkers: Please see the Newsletter for details on how to connect with me there.

In Love, Light and Service,

“Gateway Focus and the Formless Realms,” by Sandra Walter, June 1, 2017, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 9:18:40 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/1/2017

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You cannot imagine what bliss is possible if you can act without the actor being inside, without the ego. If you can simply act and move from act to act without accumulating any identification:

This is me doing it, this is I; I have done this and I have done that - without accumulating any - 'I' through the activities; if you can move from one activity to another activity as a silence, as an emptiness, unimaginable benediction, unimaginable blessings shower upon you. You feel that the whole existence shares its secrets with you, because through activity you are connected with it and through silence you are capable of seeing, of looking, of enjoying, of touching.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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