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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 12:31:42 AM

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 28 May 2017

These are extraordinary times when the unexpected happens and people are exposed for what they are, not what they pretend they are. This is on a worldwide scale. Again I remind you that “nothing is as it seems”. You must remain alert. Take note of all that is shown to you in unexpected ways. May I remind you of your visit to Tara, when you, J, A, B, and G, stood at the Lea Fail. The intention was that each of you would read the Andrew Bartzis Revocations aloud. You each read a section, except G, who floundered and became extremely fearful. He was unable to read the text. This, my dear, should have opened your eyes to the fact that he was not at one with you, or our aims. He is under the control of the Jesuits that he serves, whether through mind control or intent. You are now left in no doubt, as he has shown his hand by threatening you and our work for humanity. Pray for him. He is a man in fear who wants a foot in both camps: should he stick with the Vatican or escape their clutches? There is no hiding place, for all is being exposed.

We are having success, as great progress is made in the release of humanity from the shackles of bondage from off-world forces, secret societies, and governments, which until now, have remained hidden. The great ones of the past are on Earth to ensure this great shift to the light occurs. Every assistance is being given to help you to move forward, to create a world without fear where man can live in peace. We, on this side of life, are actually showing you where the energy was blocked, knowledge suppressed, and portals hidden. It gives us great joy to be able to work with you and your friends to free such energy. The 3 in 1 is active. It is becoming more active every day.

Our old friend, Gerald [Professor Gerald Hawkins, of Washington, who passed to sprit in 2003] is excited to be able to work directly with you, my dear, and to be able to visibly show you the places you need to work on. Many of these places were unknown to you. Because of their great power, they were kept hidden from humanity. The Atlantean connection needed to be reconstructed. This was very important, as the frequency needs to be higher. Many will notice the change. Our progress cannot be stopped. We are on a roll.

Last week was stressful for you, my dear. I assure you it was successful. The shock of hearing the bad news about your friend greatly upset you. Yes, you had to get to the hospital. This was more important than writing with me. Your visits helped her.

Our ability to send you to sleep during the day allows us to work directly with you. It allows us to show you exactly where to go and what to do. Simon, Scotia, Gerald, and I, appreciate your input and that of your friends. Those who understand how energy works should undertake this work in groups, if possible, always being very careful whom you trust to work with. People come in many guises. It is not their words that you should note, it is by their actions that you will know them.

The false flag event in Manchester, England, was used as an excuse to bring the Army on to the streets, as the Cabal fears for its own safety. The dark forces in power in your world are taking precautions.Their evil plans are exposed. They are at your mercy and they need you to protect them! How much longer will you continue to support and protect such evil? Without you, they are useless, as money alone cannot protect them. They are at the end of their reign of terror, fear, and control. Soon, they will plead for mercy.

The Cabal produces all the weapons of war, all the drugs and vaccinations, etc. They live in luxury while you struggle to survive. Yet you continue to serve them. WHY ?

You could have overthrown them at any point in your history. It has been a painful process for many of you to accept the fact that you were conned and used mercilessly by this Cabal. They have created constant war, famine, and floods; whatever it takes to ensure your suffering. You have helped them to do this for money that they have created out of nothing. Both sides of life now work together to release humanity from its bondage. Your will to succeed will drive you forward to create a better world for all. You are on the cusp of a new beginning for humanity. It is now within your grasp. Believe it, you can do it, and you will do it !

It is time to remove fear. You have been conditioned to fear everything. It is a weapon that is used to control you. Eliminate drug-based medicines from your life and seek natural remedies instead. To those who disperse dangerous chemicals in the sky through chemtrails, I say, you will answer for such actions. Do not poison the water which humanity needs to survive. You are killing your own kind.

Ireland is being prepared for her future role in your world. Both sides of life are busy working on it. The Cabal fears the Irish people ever finding out who they really are. The Vatican and the Crown have managed to keep them ignorant and under their control until now, but their time is fast running out, and they know it.

The young man in jail in America has had all his stitches removed. It will take some time for his body and his mind to recover from such an horrific attack. Please pray for him, as he is totally innocent. He is one of us. Our gratitude goes to those who remember him in their prayers.

My dear, great progress was made this week. Thank you for your input. We all want to work with you and your friends.

Please try to get some rest. It is all coming to a head. The Cabal struggles to hold on. Survival and greed are always their driving force. I remain your adoring Monty.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
6/2/2017 12:41:20 AM

GFP Newsletter - 5/31/2017

will's picture

Zen is a perfect balance. A Zen Master meditates, but then he also goes to the woods to cut wood because winter is approaching. He does many things just like an ordinary man. He is nothing special. Nansen is one of the very few rare human beings who attained to the highest, like a Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, and continued cutting wood.

When Nansen was very old somebody asked: How are you? He said: Perfect. Cutting wood, carrying water to the ashram, preparing food, working in the garden; it is so beautiful.

Look... cutting wood he remains himself. Activity is there, but the mind is absolutely silent. Carrying water to the ashram, he carries water, but there is nobody inside.

If you can act without somebody there inside you will enter a realm of tremendous beauty, because activity releases energy and silence enjoys the release. With activity, you spread out; you become a vast sky, and deep inside - nobody, a silence. The silence spreads with your activity. Nansen carrying water to the ashram is silence carrying water to the ashram. Nansen cutting wood, is silence cutting wood.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
6/2/2017 12:48:45 AM

The Council – Ascension and the New World

The Council – Ascension
and the New World

As you approach closer and closer to the frequencies that will allow the beginning of your rise into ‘the new world’ that you have been told to anticipate, and as your feelings of impending change increase, the worries of those who think almost entirely in terms of the physical world increase as well. We have been asked over and over what will happen to loved ones, family, pets, and friends. Will they be left behind? What will they think when I disappear? Let us try once more to lay those fears to rest, particularly since those fears are acting as anchors to your own energies.

We will make a statement here. There is not going to be a flashbang incident during which you disappear. The energetic signature of a percentage of you is going to rise to the point, nearly here, that those sitting at the other dining tables in the room are going to be experiencing a different reality than you are. Now, let us ask you, is that so very different than your current situation? No, it is not.

In time, those who have not reached a compatible frequency level will have passed on and begun experiencing on a different dimension than you may be in. Does that not happen already? Yes, it does. But to borrow a line from a book, the meek will have inherited the earth.

Now these are simplified explanations, to 3D minds, of multidimensional things. We could say that it is all illusion. That would not be helpful. We could say that it is impossible to explain it in your terms. Again, not helpful. What we can tell you is that no one will be left behind. Perhaps a friend might not have allowed his or her higher self to begin living in and as herself, himself at the same time you did, but they are free to make that decision at any moment. Just see them as they are in their divine perfection. You cannot live for them, but you can show the way. Think of this change to humankind as a landslide or a tidal wave, for that it surely is. Each of you affects the whole, and the change will be, and is, snowballing. How is that for mixing metaphors?

For some of you we just used a definition of ascension that you have not considered before. And that is okay. You have made progress using other definitions. We would however, like you to begin understanding the word ascension in this way. Ascension is simply the process of a human allowing and inviting his or her higher self to begin expressing as and through their physical being. And planetary ascension is when those who have done so tip the balance in favor of the light. Now your higher selves are pretty powerful beings. So, it will not take billions to accomplish this, although billions is what it will become.

So, please change your focus from worry to joyful anticipation and allowance. Allow for the possibility that what will come to be is so far greater than anything you can imagine that your dreams will have been bland in comparison. But dream anyway.

Our love to you each.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available
HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/2/2017 12:53:24 AM

What Flower Are You?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

The whole Universe is opening up, and it is opening up to you. The burden you may have felt under is about to lift.

Once again, you will be Light of Heart. There will be nothing for you to bear but Joy.

If you have felt you have been in the center of a maelstrom, such feelings will be lifted and no longer get in your way. Your heart will be re-enlivened. Your heart will become young. Your heart will restore itself.

You have given yourself much criticism. No longer remark to yourself how down in the mouth you feel. You have done this enough. No more.

Speak well to yourself. Hearten yourself. Make music, Beloveds.

You are not destined to be dolorous.

You are destined to sing. You are destined to live in Joy. Take a new look at your Destiny. Start now. Rise above the niggling thoughts that have pulled you down and held you in reserve. Change the words you tell yourself. Add to your Sense of Self.

When you feel you are surrounded in heartache, move your heart into the Light. Look up at the Sun. Surround yourself in Light. Take off the shroud of hurt you may have wrapped yourself in. You have the ability to turn your feelings around. Use your ability.

Here’s something you can do to lighten your heart:

Choose a flower today. Choose it in your heart. If you want, and it is feasible, put that flower on your table. There is a scent and meaning in each flower. Look beyond the surface.

If today you choose a Rose, Essence of Rose will fill you. Associate with Rose-ness in your heart. Love the Essence of Rose. What does the Regal-ness of Rose mean to you? What color of Rose is yours? Notice how you feel this moment as you think of the Essence of Rose you choose to represent your Burgeoning Heart. What are the qualities of Rose that run through you? What Rose are you in all its Glory?

If tomorrow you choose a Humble Dandelion, what are the qualities of Dandelion in your heart? A Dandelion is noteworthy for its courage. Courage is an Automatic Virtue of Dandelion. Dandelion is not trying to be courageous. Strength is just there. The Strength of Dandelion is yours. What other flower runs through you?

Do you choose to discover the bobbing Daffodil within yourself? Gladiolia, perhaps? Violet? Hydrangea? Apple Blossom? Petunia? Lady Slipper? There are plenty of flowers in the Universe to guide you to your complete Identity.

Look at pictures of flowers to help you choose what qualities you will absorb and reflect. There is no limit. Find even a flower to delve into that you may never have heard of before.

I am pointing you to the Essence you are destined for.

I am suggesting that you look to Nature to discover the Truth of you.

Do not think this is too naïve an assignment for you. Try it. See how far you can go.

At some point, go ahead and choose Trees or Fruit. Choose Vegetables.

Check out the Galaxies. What qualities are you? Check out the named Stars.

Choose the Colors of the Rainbow.

Choose the Seven Wonders of the World.

Choose Waterways. Choose Oceans. Choose Mountains.

It would take Lifetimes to complete this.

The thing is you are taking another look at yourself. You may have been feeling humdrum. Now daily reawaken yourself to all the possibilities and contents of you. There is no last resort here. You are unlimited. This is for free.

Who are you?

Discover. Rise above where you last dropped yourself off.

You are beyond categories.

Renew your Belief in yourself, the Profundity and Layers of yourself that represent you and represent Me in all Our Splendor. What Essence of Flower are you today?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
6/2/2017 1:05:08 AM

Hilarion – June 2017

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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