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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2017 7:00:29 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: When You Truly Open Your Hearts All That is Unloving Falls Out

Audio version.

Humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate, and for many this is very unsettling, even disturbing. The pace of technological change worldwide has increased enormously over the last one hundred and fifty years, and is continuing to do so in an exponential curve, and again, many are wondering how long this can continue and how people will be able to cope with it.

You have experts in various fields who are very knowledgeable, but most people have practically no understanding of how modern technology works, but everyone understands that if your electric grids break down almost all of your modern technology ceases to function, and that is a very worrying thought.

Will humanity be thrown back into the dark ages when all “technology” was hand-driven? How could you survive such an eventuality? Is the collapse of the illusion going to be an enormous step backwards technology-wise? So many worrying questions and so few meaningful answers. How can Love possibly resolve all of humanity’s major issues – disease, wars, poverty, cultural and religious disagreements – and the resultant pain, fear and suffering?

Love resolves all issues, Period! Many doubt this and have great difficulty in believing that such a thing might be possible. But only Love is real; all that is not of Love is illusory, unreal, and will fade away. If you truly engage with Love you find yourselves able to deal with whatever arises in your lives. It does not remove sickness, pain, or suffering, but It assists you most powerfully in dealing with them.

These issues, as they arise in your lives, are lessons you planned for yourselves before incarnating as humans, presented to you at the most appropriate moment so that you may learn them and release the underlying need for them.

Nothing in your lives occurs by chance, everything is planned, even the apparent chaos and confusion. As the moment of your awakening draws closer, these lessons are arising rapidly one after another to be learnt and cleared, and you have great help available from all of us in the spiritual realms if you will but call on us to ask for it. Separation never happened because to separate from Source, Mother/Father/God is impossible, as there is only the One. You are never alone!

When you feel alone, abandoned, lost, with no one to whom you can turn for help and guidance, Please, go within, to your own personal and holy inner sanctuary where Love dwells within you eternally, and ask for help. We long to help you, but help has to be sought and asked for, then you have to remain quiet and listen.

So often people call on us seeking help and then their egos rush in to offer advice which distracts them from that essential listening. And what egos offer are methods for you to use to prove to others that you are right and that they are or were wrong. That gives you a feeling of justification and self-righteousness which, if expressed, offends the others involved and deepens the rifts dividing you. You then think – ego thoughts having arisen rapidly in your minds in response to your call for help – that your inner guidance does not work.

Love, as you have so often been told, while being infinitely powerful is also infinitely gentle. It is like water flowing – soft, smooth, and extremely persistent – it never ceases, but flows unceasingly washing away and dissolving all obstructions in its path. Water has been rightly described as the ultimate solvent, and, as with Love, nothing can withstand its endless and gentle smoothing and polishing effects.

Humanity is being called Home to Love. Love is your nature but you have hidden from It and pretended that It is unavailable, unreal, or that you personally are unworthy of Its utter and total acceptance of you just as you are. Love wants nothing and gives everything, always. There is no accounting or measuring, It is free and gives Itself completely to all of you, to all whom God has created, constantly and ceaselessly. As you have been told so often, all that you need do is open your hearts and allow It in.

So many have been severely hurt and abused through many lifetimes that they are afraid to open their hearts, fearing further abuse or betrayal. But I am telling you that Love is within you, always, awaiting only your acceptance of It, and that absolutely demands your own complete self-acceptance!

You are all divine beings, created in Love and from Love, but you have hidden that truth from yourselves by embracing self-doubt – often strongly encouraged in you as children by the adults in your lives – and intense anxiety as to whether there is anything of value at all about you or within you. This then leads to resentment, bitterness, and hatred, all of which are fear based, causing you to erect a string of defenses to protect you from further pain and suffering.

But those defenses only lock the pain within you! That is why I keep telling you to open your hearts and allow! When you truly open your hearts all that is unloving falls out, and Love sweeps in to embrace you and melt away the last residues of fear to which you might be clinging. Love is your nature, and when you choose and decide to allow It entry your life experience changes dramatically for the better.

You all know or have met or heard about people who are truly loving, and you are therefore aware that they are always at peace and offer only Love and Peace to all with whom they interact, regardless of what others may offer them. And doing this always disarms any unloving ones with whom they interact.

Truly, Love is the answer to every issue, to every problem, to every situation in which you find yourselves. But you allow fear to rule you. You live with the question “What if?” almost constantly running through your heads, and as displeasing or painful events arise in your lives it further convinces you of the importance and validity of this ever-present question.

But where you focus your attention is the decisive and critical factor in bringing events and situations into your human lives. Often you may think that you are focusing only on the positive, but because you have powerful underlying doubts and fears that you attempt to deny or bury – “How are you today?” “I’m wonderful, I’m great!” – what you fear or worry about often arises. Then you respond with “I knew that would happen!” Well you did, and you were right!

Recognize and release those aspects of yourselves that effectively sabotage your daily lives, those deep feelings of unworthiness and unacceptability. Then intend to open your hearts to Love, and allow It to flow into you and through you, healing you and those with whom you interact. As you keep being reminded: “Love is your nature.” When you allow It and accept, instead of hiding from It, and from yourselves, life will flow more smoothly and beneficially for you, just as you and God intend.

Just remember that doubts lead to fear, and fear shuts down your awareness of Love. Fear builds defenses, sometimes enormous ones, and you do not need them – once you make the decision that you do not need them. So make that decision, knowing, as you do, that you are always divinely supported, and expect Love to guide you, and It will!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

“Jesus via John Smallman: When You Truly Open Your Hearts All That is Unloving Falls Out,” May 30, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2017 11:14:49 PM

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman ~ Relationships and Your Sacred Union

Beloved masters, the refined frequencies of the New Age are having a profound effect on how you view yourselves. As you learn to take back your power, set boundaries, and reclaim a sense of self-worth, it will also have an intense effect in your relationships with others, especially romantic relationships.

In the past, you have had many unresolved issues that created what could be called “imbalanced or vulnerable blemishes” in your emotional body and chakra system, especially chakras one through four. You had many unresolved issues within you in the form of guilt, fear, anger, a sense of abandonment, and of being unlovable. All of these thought forms have a vibrational frequency, and you radiated those frequencies of unworthiness out into the world. See these energies radiating forth in front of you and all around you in an Infinity Sign, whereby they are picked up by those who are resonating to the same frequency levels, and thus are drawn into your life in one way or another. Unconsciously, you attracted to you those who were also coming from a viewpoint of “neediness.” You hoped they could fix everything for you and make you happy, but in reality all this kind of relationship creates is more friction through feelings of lack and an inner sense of unworthiness. In the past, most relationships were based on physical attraction, which usually fades rather quickly if there is not more depth to the attraction.

There were other disempowering components as well such as dependency, a desire for security or an attempt to find validation of self-worth outside oneself. Unresolved issues and problems are magnified when someone comes into your life that mirrors these negative situations back to you. These issues and problems invariably create friction, which is not necessarily a bad thing if you recognize them, are willing to acknowledge them, and you agree to make a concerted effort to change them for the better.

The emphasis now is on returning to wholeness within yourself through taking personal responsibility for your actions, and through building self-esteem, and of a sense of worthiness via your solar heart center in cooperation with your Soul-Self and Higher-Self. Truth and integrity will be the foundation of any relationship of the future. First, you must accept who you are at the present time as you strive to become the very best person you can possibly be through self-examination of your attitudes, beliefs, habits and your weaknesses. You will learn that the foundation of a lasting relationship with others is to first have a “love affair” with yourself, whereby you strive to become more loving and lovable. Eventually you realize that “you are love personified,” and you do not need anyone else to validate that truth for you because, deep within, you have claimed it. You tap into your Sacred Heart and that wellspring of unconditional love within your own Divine God Spark, and you remember that there is a never-ending supply of Love/Light available to you through your Light connection with Source. That is your Divine Heritage, dear hearts. Why not claim it?

It takes a strong, mutual commitment, without blame, judgment, or ego-driven accusations to work out personal differences, and to arrive at mutually beneficial conclusions that are fair to all parties involved. In a growing, evolving relationship, no longer will there be an emphasis on who is “right” or who is “wrong,” but on compromise, and a desire to meet the needs of everyone involved in the most equitable way.

No area of your life can remain stagnant, especially for those of you who are dedicated to your spiritual path and Soul evolution. It is not always possible for those in a relationship to grow or evolve at the same pace. However, it is possible to not feel threatened, to remain in a supporting role, and to allow those around you to develop at their own pace, if you have established a “Sacred union” within yourself. This “Sacred union” is returning to balance and harmony within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, as well as reclaiming the attributes and virtues of your masculine and feminine natures. The strictly defined roles of males and females are gradually being altered, whereby a blending of sexually defined roles is becoming more the norm. Once more, the powerful radiance of the Goddess is being showered down upon the Earth and humanity. The status of women is rapidly changing, and masculine/feminine equality will become the norm when both men and women claim their intrinsic masculine/feminine natures. The battle of the sexes has its origins within, for humanity has struggled for aeons to reunite the god and goddess within. Women are learning to reclaim their power; however, they know they must use this gift with love and compassion as an overlay. Those in the male body are gradually learning to allow the unconditional love of the Goddess to “Light the fire of compassion and gentleness within.” They are learning that there is strength in creativity, intuition and a willingness to allow oneself to be gentle and open-hearted.

As you strive for spiritual maturity, many facets of your life will change. There will be a strong desire to support one another, along with an intense yearning to grow and expand, even if at times your paths may take different directions. You will claim the truth that you are bonded together at a Soul level, and you can never truly be separated.

True sexual union is and can be an incredible spiritual experience, not just the joining of two bodies. Divine sexuality calls for a total opening of the heart, a blending of the mental, emotional and physical facets of your Being, which results in a profound, lasting experience. This type of union can result in a true sense of unity if you are in harmony at a deep Soul level, one with another.

You must remove etheric barriers or filters you have placed around your heart and emotions if you are to be able to receive and radiate unconditional love. You must confront your fears about losing those you love, and of disappointments and betrayals of the past, which often manifest as a fear of intimacy or of making a commitment to another. As you learn to believe in and trust yourself, you will develop a fundamental trust in others, and others will place their faith and trust in you, for trust begets trust.

It is not appropriate to sacrifice your dreams and desires for another – or for the people in your life to make sacrifices for you. There must be a common goal with everyone involved participating in an agreed upon manner – sharing the load and reaping the rewards.

Each of you belongs to a huge, complex Soul family, and you have surely played many diverse roles with each other down through the ages. The people you are involved with in this lifetime, or who come into your life so you can learn the “lessons of life,” are a part of a greater ongoing cosmic drama. When you judge another, you need to be aware that, in truth, you are only judging yourself. You have played all the parts during your journey throughout this universe: lovers, friends, mother, father, sister, brother, son and daughter. You are integrating all the attributes of the multiple parts you have played; the strength and wisdom of a father; the gentle nurturing and loving care of a mother; the passion, commitment and companionship of a lover; the steadfast loyalty of a friend; and the joyful, light-hearted interactions between a sister, brother, son or daughter.

It is the time of reuniting, of coming together − the beginning of returning to ONENESS. You can no longer hide behind a cloak of fear or isolation, beloveds. It is time to make a conscious commitment, first to yourself and to your God Self, and then to those around you with whom you are destined to experience the “dance of new life.” You must make a conscious, detailed agreement within yourself about what you desire and expect from those around you, and then you must be open to discussing your desires and expectations with all the people with whom you interact. In the future, as relationships unfold, deeper and deeper levels of understanding and commitment will blossom forth, for everyone will be willing to speak from the heart with Spirit as their guide, rather than the ego.

As many of you know, I have been honored to give many of you personal “galactic readings” over the years. It has been my great pleasure, and I must state that it has also been a blessing and a gift from my beloved messenger, for it has taken up much of her time and energy to bring forth these messages to you. During these times of great change and of great opportunities, I am sending an open galactic reading to you all so that you may know how very special you are, and the wondrous gifts that await you.

Dearly beloved: It is wondrous to watch as you remember and bring forth all the gifts and wisdom you have stored within your brain structure. You have such vast experience to draw on, dear one, not only from your sojourns in the higher realms, but from your earthly experiences, as well. It is time for you to remember that the Earth is not your home. You have soared throughout this Universe, and you have always eagerly stepped forward to volunteer for a new assignment, no matter how difficult. Your earthly experiences have been a wondrous variety of cocreative endeavors, and you have made slow but steady progress toward your true identity as a Being of Light. It is time for you to realize that you are much more than just the identity you chose in this lifetime. You and those like you are being given an opportunity to integrate the multiple Facets of yourselves, and by doing so, you will begin to see how truly powerful and wise you are. All of your trials, tests and seeming failures have made you the shining, beautiful Spirit/human Being you are today. When you teach, you teach from experience, and you will show by your example how any obstacles can be overcome – that others, like you, can triumph over any adversity.

This is the time when your Soul has reached the furthest most point of Its journey of separation, and it is now ready to begin the journey of “Reunion and Integration” once more. Your Soul has gradually been infused with a Divine discontent, which slowly filters into your conscious mind and emotions, and you begin to turn inward in order to tame the ego and reconnect with the Soul, your OverSoul and the multiple Facets of your Higher-Self. You now have the potential to connect with the many Facets of your Soul family, your Higher Self, your many OverSouls, and ultimately, your God Seed Atom (I AM Presence). At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns. This energy is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living Flame of Life via the Sun of your solar system.

Your greatest desire for this lifetime has been to integrate the many Facets of your Beingness; however, first, they must be healed and harmonized so that they can be filled with Light. In this way, you will not have to experience the discomfort, the challenges or the karmic interactions of the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional experience, for that is the old way. As you allow your Divine Self to OverLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just allow it to happen naturally, dear one.

What brings you joy and satisfaction? How do you wish to serve? There are many ways and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge), but the choice is yours. Just remember it should bring you joy and make your heart sing as you offer others the gifts that have been given you. Your reward will be the Light in their eyes, and the joy they express as they, too, allow the integration of Spirit to create miracles in their lives.

It is time to let go of the painful past. It is time to claim your mastery, to create your own version of paradise, and then to teach others to do the same. Help those who come to you to heal their emotional wounds and their physical bodies, and then they will be ready to listen to the nudgings of Spirit. We all are in the times of great change that have been foretold for thousands of years. You carry within the refined vibrational frequencies of the future, and you CAN make a difference. Draw the Love/Light of Creation from your Divine Self, use what you need to bring yourself into harmony and vibrant health, and then allow your gentle heart to radiate the beautiful glow of loving energy to others.

Focus on what is right in your world, look for the best in those around you, and that is what you will reinforce and help to create. You can change the world around you, one thought at a time.

You have wonderful angelic guides just waiting to assist you. Call on them and together you can create miracles to share with others. Allow us to assist you in fulfilling your mission and to nurture you with our love. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman Vezane * STAR*QUEST* ** Email:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2017 11:53:47 PM

Everything Under the Sun

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God said:

My Children could use some cheer today, is this not so?

You have the entire world at your service, and still you can use some cheering up. When you come down to it, how can this be?

For one thing, you tend to look away from the concept that Life Is Beautiful. You may beat yourself up in the world, as the expression goes, yet it really means that you beat yourself down. Naturally, you don’t look forward to a down side.

Wherever you may walk, you tend to predict a pot hole that you are bound to trip over. You predict a “Boo” in the dark coming up. You predict some sort of fear within, perhaps even fear of everything, and, alas, you may build your Life on fear.

Come to see the world differently. Look for and see the Beauty. There is Air to breathe. There are Birds on the Wing. Apples grow on trees. Night and day are assured. There is a Big Yellow Sun, and there are Stars blinking on and off, and a Round White Moon close to the horizon loves you. You may almost feel that your hand could reach out and touch the Moon. Yes, the horizon is a hand’s reach away. Closer than that – the horizon is within you.

There are leaves on trees. There are branches and twigs. There is a tree trunk and roots that go deep.

What is there that the Earth Beneath Your Feet does not elicit for you to sparkle? What do you think is missing from this Beautiful Gift of the World that is yours to drink of?

Take running leaps! Sure, you can fall down. You can also get up! You can stay on course. You can get off course. Regardless, you are a Mainstay of the Universe.

We can go further than that. You Are the Universe. There is nothing but you and I. We are True. Truly, there is no one out there but you and I. The world is as you see it. Well, you see many characters running around on Earth. You are the watcher watching yourself. You are the crux of the matter. You see that which seems accurate and real, yet can be a projection on the stage.

Oneness exists. Love exists. Yet you may not see Love. You may not see Oneness or get your mind around it.

When you see opposites, you are seeing a mirage. You see full-blown mirages every day. You ride on them. You think they are your stability. What you don’t see and perhaps don’t count on is your True Stability. What you ordinarily see may not be your building blocks but, rather, may symbolize the crane that knocks down your building blocks.

There is far greater than what you see in front of you. There is Hope, Love and Charity. There is greater than these! There is everything under the Sun in the Sky and beyond as well. Nevertheless, there is only you, and there is only I.

The world is a vast palace you live in. You may see it as over-populated. You may see all manner of things. All that you see or anything that you see isn’t necessarily so. What you see may well be your own projection. The likelihood is that you see the world as you are.

And there is a lot out there that your eyes do not see, nor does your mind necessarily configure what your eyes do not see. That which is hidden from your awareness exists, and what is hidden is well and alive. Wake up to what is not yet visible to you.

Open to the possibility that Life is good and that you are fortunate to be alive. Enough fear. Let Love be irresistible. Be done with fear. A fear-filled Life is too heavy.

Go ahead. Take a lease on a new Vision of Life, your Life. There is no rule that you must stay the same. Expand. Grow. Come with Me.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2017 6:47:25 PM

Video ~ John Smallman: Aligning with Love, Inspiration, and Miracles – John Smallman and Danna Beal discuss their experiences with receiving inspiration, divine guidance, and messages from a universal source of Love. 30 Minutes.

My good friend Danna Beal suggested to me a little while ago that we should have a conversation that she would record as an audio and visual presentation that she would then post on YouTube. She was inspired to do this because the workshop we presented together in Seattle last December and again in January was very well received, and with modern communication facilities it would then be possible to present to a wider audience.

This afternoon we had that conversation. We introduced ourselves with a very brief bio and then talked about channeling, getting in touch with our guides, or making contact with those in the spiritual realms. We are always surrounded by loving entities whose purpose is to help us progress along our earthly paths. But we have to ask them to communicate with us, they will not impose on us without an invitation.

Where it seems that they have imposed on someone without being asked, what has really happened is that the earth-bound soul has forgotten her pre-incarnation contract so completely that she needs a wake-up call, and so they provide it. But for most of us it is up to us to start remembering that we have spiritual task to perform here on earth, and then to ask for guidance from our friends who are awaiting our call.

Below is the link to our conversation, please check it out and give us some feedback. If it is positive we shall possibly do a series of conversations to share with you all.

With love,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2017 6:49:33 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 1, 2017

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One of the fastest ways to connect with the energy of gratitude for any situation is to switch the words, “I have to” to the words, “I get to”.

So for example, let us suppose that you do not like to mow the lawn. Shifting from “I have to mow the lawn” to “I get to mow the lawn” immediately moves you from feeling hard done by and resentful to feeling grateful for having a lawn, having a lawnmower, being physically able to move, enjoying the sunshine, the birds, the smells, the beauty and magic that abounds in each now moment that you would miss through resistance and negative focus.

This is not about denying your feelings but rather shifting into a space that can find the blessings that always exist if only you have the eyes to see. It allows flow rather than resistance, which will always lift your energetic state into one of greater enjoyment.

It also shifts you into a higher vibrational state of presence and connection that always comes with time distortion, which will make any situation seem to go by very quickly. We cannot stress enough the power that gratitude has to create the experience of comfort and wonder in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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