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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 9:23:45 PM

Our God-Self via Ute Posegga-Rudel: The Crack That Opens into My Infinity

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My Beloveds,
I AM the All and Everything of you.

Do not think you can exclude Me forever, because I will always Remind you of Me. You cannot escape Me.

Because I AM you.

When your life fails, when all hopes fulfilled turn out to
be shallow:

– When you finally find out that life will never fulfill you.
– When you run in the circle, the proverbial carrot in
front of your blind eyes, always running to catch it, but
never ever grab it.
– When there is frustration because you feel empty with
all the things you have accumulated for pleasure and
satisfaction, even spiritual satisfaction.
– When all this fails, you realize:

Your world of thinking thought is not constructed to make things heart-sufficiently ‘better,’ hoping that you somehow will find there the Forever what your search was for: the final glorification of your from Me separate being, a separate crown on your separate head. However you are a prisoner in your little world with a little glow in your imagined personality, and yes, perhaps sometimes a shine that seems to expand and to console you, because you now feel special with that shine which might seem to be a kind of hopeful satisfaction, but soon gone again. Not REAL.

Because it all happens in the chambers of separation, only a dim glimpse of oneness in your mind of hope to be able to fabricate somehow fulfillment on your own.

If you have forgotten Me you think that you – lonely – float somewhere with your body and mind in space, perhaps your feet on your planet earth, a being that imagines to independently wander around in cosmic domains, jealously defending the fence of your skin from all other appearances – seemingly all around you, otherness and others as your world forever.

But this is not true. You live in your self-created illusion of a false dream. Cut off from the Real World and thereby from Me.

Without Me, the Ultimate Reality of Existence, your energy is scattered, perhaps a bit bundled within the idea of what appears to you in finite time and space as a body, perhaps even a more subtle body, or let it be even a subtle body of light. It is the light of second choice.

Accept that what you do is happening in fantasy land, dreaming of yourself, as an entity in separation, perhaps even full of the marvel of transparent colours and fine smells, sometimes exciting experiences, sufficient, you THINK, because you do not yet know Me.

When your understanding starts to finally sense that is it not your fault that there is no true fulfillment in your worlds, neither gross nor subtle, because it cannot BE by default, then an opening occurs in your being, a crack that opens into My Infinite Radiant Union-Space beyond your usual condition of separation from Me, yourself, and from all worlds — presuming they are other than you, like objects on the other side of you, something to grasp away from you.

What I then Reveal to you Is the Oneness of Me and With Me, the Beauty of Our Ecstasy, the Unspeakable Freedom and Eternity, the Breathing Breath of Clarity and Perfection.

If you Know Me you realize the short legged things you were hunting for, are a mirage only in the realms of changing features, disappearing again and again, you: unable to hold them forever. Because they are the products of flying mind and schemes, not real, but deceiving your Truth seeking heart.

With Me you awaken to the Real, the Mirror of all mirages, the Reality Ground your entire Being rests on and reaches into, in Truth.

If you choose Me you would be surrounded and nurtured by My Light That is Ultimate Light and not of the broken light in your worlds of mind.

I am prior to all of that.
I am True Happiness, I am Truth, you Original and Native State of Being is Me. Only Me.

Feel in your very heart What I Say to you and ponder Its Truth. You cannot think Me or imagine Me. You must Feel Me with heart and body. I Am here. And if you call Me with the desire of your heart, all the obstacles on the way to Me and in between will melt into My Radiant Sphere of Perfection That Is True Love and Happiness.

I AM The One God-Self of All and everything!

Message conveyed by Ute

“Our God-Self: The Crack That Opens into My Infinity,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, June 1, 2017, at

Source Link: Ute Posegga-Rudel Messages from the Realms of Light

Copyright© 2017. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them. Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 9:25:23 PM

Forgive Those Who Have Not Yet Forgiven You

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God said:

There is a Sanctity to Life. Consider Life as Holy. What could Life, this Myriad of Life, be but Holy?

Holy be My Name, and Holy be yours.

I will tell you frankly that there is no need for unholy. People may become irate and consider Life to be unholy and themselves unholy and to justifiy themselves to think so.

People may say: “Someone said this or that. Someone gave me an unflattering look. Someone disdained me. Someone doesn’t think well of me. Someone can’t treat me that way and get away with it.”

How pride raises its haughty head and does away with bare civility.

This is not the Life I had in mind for you. This is poor thinking and emotion. Such vacant pride is not advantageous. Did you think it was? Pride in goodness has merit. Pride in doing what is right is good. Sometimes you will do well to think about again in terms of what is good for the world and what is not. Shining Light is a very good thing. Keeping malice and heartache reduces you.

Arrogance doesn’t shine Light. Arrogance diminishes Light. Arrogance stomps out Light.

I said: “Let your Light shine before men. You are part of mankind.”

I said: “Forgive those who have not forgiven you.”

Dear Ones when, within you, you are truly happy in Life and happy with yourself, you won’t carry grudges. You won’t ever even think of it. It is always away from Truth to blame anyone for your distress.

It is your choice to be downtrodden or not. You are not helpless nor are you hapless. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions. It is not meant for you to be thoughtless any more than it is for you to be heartless.

If your heart has shrunken, extend your heart now. Don’t close your heart as if this were a righteous thing to do. Open your heartstrings. Stretch them like a rubber band. No longer are you to allow your heart to grow sloppy. Your heart is to be open until it makes room for all. It is for you to expand your heart as well as the hearts of others.

How many other hearts have you expanded today? Upon whose lives did you shed joy today? What songs did you sing from the rafters today? How did you treat the low in spirit today? What Light did you shine and upon whom?

No longer dally in Life and wait for a more convenient day. No longer even think of inconvenient. Think of goodness and mercy as something you give back to the Universe as a way of giving thanks. Grace is not for you to spatter here and there. You are to give. Giving means to give generously.

You are not a pauper who has to give sparingly.

Open your eyes to the Beauty within you and multiply it and never stop. Never close your fist. Open your hands, and let Greatness flow from you the way waves lap the water.

Be done with holding back your Love. Don’t wait for even one more day before you pour out your love. You are here to pour Love out. Spend your Love. Spread your Love. This is how you keep your Love alive and well. Certainly not by sitting on your love. How would you ever profit by stinting your love?

What is My Will for you to do but to invite all hearts and souls to your heart and to your soul? Do you see this now?

Have an impulse to spread My love wherever you go. Where else does your Love come from, after all? You can even send Love to and fro other lands and to other times. Be a well-wisher where you happen to be. Where you are is where you are needed, not somewhere else. Right where you are this moment is where you, the best of you, is to establish yourself. Right here and now.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2017 11:25:45 PM


June 1, 2017

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Many healing modalities read your symptoms and then tell you what pill to take, or surgery to undergo, but what if you could conduct “sound surgery” sending holistic, healing vibrations into every single cell in your body?

Highest Potential Resonance

With sound healing, we don’t have to even fully understand what our symptoms are coming from – sometimes they can be so deep-seated, we think they are caused by one thing, but they may be due to an entirely different cause.

For instance, you may experience recurring low back pain or headaches, and think this is due to the stress in your life, or because you lifted something that was too heavy, but there might be a deeper, subconscious healing that is needed.

Sound has a way of finding its way into every nook and cranny of our bodies and etheric selves, so that we can start to resonate with a vibration that emits wholeness. Healing sound will automatically go where it is needed most, and do its work. Our cells then gain their highest potential resonance.

At What Frequency is the Body Whole?

Every object on the planet has a resonant vibrational frequency which can be measured. In the early 1990s, Bruce Tainio working at Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the world’s first frequency monitor that could determine at exactly what vibration the human body most often oscillates.

A healthy human body frequency usually hovers around 62-72 Hz (Hertz). When this frequency drops, the immune system becomes compromised, and illness usually ensues. All that is needed to heal the body is to return it to its optimal frequency.

Tainio also found the following fascinating frequencies:

Genius brain frequency: 80-82 MHz

Normal brain Frequency: 72-90 MHz

Human body from the neck up: 72-78 MHz

Human body from the neck down: 60-68 MHz

Thymus gland: 65-68 MHz

Thyroid and parathyroid glands: 62-68 MHz

Heart: 67-70 MHz

Lungs: 58-65 MHz

Liver: 55-60 MHz

Pancreas: 60-80 MHz

Colds and flu begin at 57 – 60 MHz

Many other diseases begin at 58 MHz

Candida overgrowth begins at 55 MHz

Cancer receptivity starts at 42 MHz

Death begins at 25 MHz

Sound Bubbles Streaming at 700 Miles Per Hour

In the study of cymatics – sound frequency and how it can affect the human organism, and other forms of life, we find that the world is teeming with holographic “bubbles of acoustic sound energy,” moving at 700 miles per hour into the ether – whether this sound is our own voice, from a musical instrument, or the sirens sounding when police cars or an ambulance go by. Each of these “bubbles-in-a-hurry” leaves a fleeting vibrational imprint on our cells.

Our bodies absorb these sounds, and they can either be harmonious to our human form, or damaging.

Sound is powerful enough to help dolphins and whales communicate across an entire ocean, or even form matter, as has been shown in the research conducted with CymaScopes, and the work of Dr. Hans Jenny, and others.

Ancient Sound Healing

In ancient times, the Great Pyramids were used as massive acoustic chambers for healing – to bring our human form to its highest vibrational potential. You can even experience the remnants of these structures’ great powers to heal and transform though they aren’t actively being used in this way (at least not for the public) today.

John Stuart Reid conducted many experiments proving that the pyramids, especially the King’s Chambers, were designed to have special sonic qualities to imbue a sarcophagus with “seven vowel sounds” meant for healing. These same seven vowel sounds can be used even today to heal the human form.

These seven healing sounds are in ancient Gregorian chants, the chants of the ancient Vedas, and in Chi Gong and Chi Kung (although they refer to six) and they correspond to the energy necessary to enliven the 7 chakras of the human energy body.

Dr. Joseph Puleo, a neuropathic physician and herbalists began research into the Solfeggio frequencies in the mid-1970’s. In his examination of the Bible he found in Genesis: Chapter 7, Verses 12-83 that there exists a pattern of six repeating codes around a series of sacred numbers 3, 6 and 9.

When Puleo decoded these using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the six missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale were revealed.

These have been determined as such:

UT (DO) – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear

RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair – Repair – and derives from the phrase “Mi-ra gestorum” in Latin – “miracle”. This is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based!)

FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships

SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition

LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

So, can you truly conduct “sound surgery” on yourself, and allow a vibratory pattern to heal you in ways you didn’t even know you needed healing? According to both ancient science, and modern studies in sound, the answer is a resounding, YES.

About the Author

Christina Sarich is a staff writer for Waking Times. She is a writer, musician, yogi, and humanitarian with an expansive repertoire. Her thousands of articles can be found all over the Internet, and her insights also appear in magazines as diverse as Weston A. Price,Nexus, Atlantis Rising, and the Cuyamungue Institute, among others. She was recently a featured author in the Journal, “Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and Healing Arts,” and her commentary on healing, ascension, and human potential inform a large body of the alternative news lexicon. She has been invited to appear on numerous radio shows, including Health Conspiracy Radio, Dr. Gregory Smith’s Show, and dozens more. The second edition of her book, Pharma Sutra, will be released soon.

This article (Using the Vibration of Sound to Heal the Physical and Spiritual Self) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commonslicense with attribution to Christina Sarich and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. Please contact for more info.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Waking Times or its staff.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2017 12:02:58 AM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - June 2, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.

And we see many handling what are termed “the higher energies” with varying degrees of openness, joy, resistance, confusion, and simple exhaustion many days.

You may be feeling the effects of your brain chemistry, shifting to accommodate the “onslaught” of these powerful photonic downloads.

Your emotions may feel jangled and upended some days.

And the list of requirements you are creating for your new life seem may seem to be growing longer, while your vision of what you would like to create gets larger by the day.

This is not the end of the process, only the outer effects of it.

And despite the discomfort it can bring, it is to be celebrated.

For when you outgrow a connection to another, or grow past the job or business you have had for a while, or realize that your heart now greatly desires new friends and new adventures—or even a different sort of food to eat—so that your life more fully matches who you are now, it can certainly feel strange and inconvenient.

You may feel as if you are some days walking around in someone else’s skin, looking at life from a new angle, seeing energies flow differently, and wanting very great changes in how you act and react toward daily life.

All of this can be demanding—you are becoming not only new, but whole! And it takes great courage to admit to and to take on this sort of Transformation fully.

Yet be of good cheer, for we see your Light growing beyond what you were taught was possible, in this and any other Earth life you have ever lived, and it is a glorious image—a glorious new tone you have struck.

We see and hear your new and higher vibration, and we rejoice in it.

Understand that you are becoming your higher selves—your greater selves.

The Self Who understands there is no separation between Him or Her and the power that creates Universes.

And that your vision will naturally expand as a result, while your dissatisfaction will naturally grow with certain aspects of your life, as the new processes begin whirring away, aiding you in co-Creating that which you dreamt of even before incarnating.

All we ask, dear ones, is that you exhibit Patience now, on a level you have never before delivered it.

Even on the days when you feel your consciousness (or central nervous system) is getting ready to burst, sit quietly and concentrate purely on your breathing, and know you are never alone on this road you have chosen.

Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth, concentrating solely on that breath as if it were all that exists.

Because most assuredly, you will be challenged with news such as “US Pulling out of Paris Agreement” and other calculated decisions taken in a seemingly authoritative mode, which in fact hold no more water than a bucket of many holes.

You are above these petty games by now; you see through them, and you are able to smile or shrug off the attempts by the old order to discourage, confuse, or dishearten you.

Send those ones Light, for nearly all of them are scrambling now (some toward the Light, some away from it), and this new, out-of-their-control consciousness which many millions around the planet are attaining has made them not only fearful, but envious of you, and that is not a comfortable place to be.

And so send them Light for their journey, and allow it, just as you would allow a loved one’s journey.

This week we have been asked to answer a question by a Lightworker, who has asked:

“What is the difference between our Higher Self and our Oversoul?”

And we will say simply that you chose an aspect of your soul (which oversees and inspires your Earth life, hence the term “oversoul”) which is pure, powerful, and speaks the “human language” of thought and feeling, to speak to you and guide you as much as you are willing to hear and be guided, throughout your Earth journey.

He or she is your soul’s representative and spokesperson for your higher good—those higher aims, life work, path of growth, soul mission, and even the mundane details of your life on the Earth.

And so for those who feel that their soul is not directly in contact with them, or for whom the soul barely exists, the higher self is that representative of the higher realms who is there to remind you every hour (if you will hear them) Who and What you are, in the greater sense, and to constantly guide you more fully into fulfilling your life as an expression of your soul.

Simultaneously, they also assist in guiding you on a path of growth for that soul.

Your higher self is not alone in his or her role and responsibility, but they are irreplaceable to your life path.

The experiences of an Earth life can inform soul purpose and soul growth like no other kind of experience in your Universe.

This is why so many of you have asked to experience Earth living, not once or twice, but hundreds of times.

And now you are perhaps thinking, “Why must I choose the steepest path of growth available? Why wasn’t I happy just growing more slowly, but also more calmly, without all this drama?!”

Why indeed! And we will tell you: For the thrill of the ride, dear ones.

For the adventure, and the irreplaceable feeling of joy and forward movement that comes from having finally reached the summit.

And now comes the greatest of Adventures, which is Ascension—and you are here not only to see it, but to enact it!

To carry the power and beauty of that path of Light into not only your own beautiful planet, but to your entire Universe.

With these powerful higher energies flowing to Earth from Great Central Sun Alcyone, you are not only going through tremendous shifts and upward movement.

You are also anchoring those frequencies into Earth and all life upon Her, so that all naturally vibrate on that increasingly higher frequency, creating a whole higher form of Earth life.

And were you, before incarnating, overcome with joy at the honor of being here at this time? Most assuredly, you were.

And was it possible for your guides in the higher realms to dissuade you from the challenges you decided to take on in this particular Earth life?

For the most part, it was not.

And so you find yourself now in the unheard of position of being an Earth Angel, at Earth’s most difficult and demanding moment, yet which is also Her greatest hour.

And so listen to the Whale Song, for your soul thrills to this particular Angelic form of communication, and somewhere deep within, your Ascending Earth Self remembers it as well.

Namaste, Light Warriors!

You have come so far, and as ever, you are never alone on the journey.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2017 6:28:37 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 3, 2017

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Dear Ones, discomfort is simply a redirectional tool. ~Archangel Gabriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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