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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/16/2017 9:27:59 PM

Grace the Playing Field

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God said:

When someone is impatient with you, no matter how much you deserve patience, this is your cue to double your own patience now. When someone raises his voice with you, this is your cue to lower your voice. When someone is crotchety with you, this is your cue to be serene. Unless you want a yelling match, change your tactics. Even if the rules might say your teacher is supposed to lead the way or your mother or father or an older brother or sister, there is no rule that says you are not to show the way. Go ahead.

I am giving you a powerful tool for Life – if you will do it you can do it. Actually, Dear Ones, this tool works. It may well beat prayer!

You have been told not to react to another’s impatience or being out of sort. I am giving you a wise way to react. This is another way of saying how to stay out of the fray. Do this unless you prefer raised voices.

Please understand I am not saying you caused a particular situation. What I am giving you is a way to change the dynamics you sorely want to change. You, of course, are responsible for yourself. What is at issue here for you? If you prefer another shooting match, go ahead as you may have been used to.

In the World, you don’t like to hear that you need a new sub-flooring in your sun room. This is not at all what you want to hear. Yet what point is there in your balking or protesting or yelling or screaming? Hop to it. Find a way to change your footing.

In regard to Life, I am giving you a way to calm the waters. I don’t call this a trick, yet I do call it a way to travel. In the World, giving a direct order often doesn’t work, so why continue with a old approach when you have a new approach to try?

You and I both want Peace in the World. What is Peace in the world made of but of what you might call Small Increments of Peace in Your Life?

In Life you discover that what you want, no matter how good it is what you want, doesn’t mean you can just order it as you would a healthy drink in a juice bar.

Alas, too often in Life as you may well have noticed, there are not always eager waiters to wait on you. Too often there are are so-called others who want you to dance to their tune. Right or wrong, this is what they ask of you. They want you to change. They want you to serve them. I just gave you a suggestion for a better way to serve both your needs.

What am I suggesting to you, dear ones? I am suggesting that you underplay your needs. See what peace this can bring. This means that you give is exactly what you require.

Can you do it? Sometimes in Life, you simply have to bite your tongue.

Don’t think this is a way to diminish yourself. This is very definitely a way of raising yourself higher.

Don’t think this is placating another or putting someone else on a throne. Beloved, you are putting yourself on the throne. You are becoming the Wise King or Queen on a Throne. You are leading the way.

Or consider yourself a batter in baseball who slides into the base and scores.

If there is a change that has to be made in an interpersonal relationship, it’s okay to be the one who makes the change. Goodness knows, you can wait millenniums for someone else to adapt to a new pattern. If a change falls to you, be glad that this change is available to you. Grab it, beloveds. Grace the playing field. If you consider this yielding, remind yourself that you are yielding to the wisdom of patience you so sorely need from another.

Give it a chance. See what new flooring you can build.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/17/2017 6:36:52 PM

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 14 May 2017

Alex Jones Channel

We have been preparing you for this. We warned you to be prepared for the final attempt to take control of the Earth and wipe out humanity. Weak-minded people are being manipulated to assist the Cabal by doing their dirty work for them. There are people who have never stepped fully into the light; they keep one foot in either religion or the State. The Jesuits still mind control them. These people can be dangerous and difficult to trust. They are not strong enough to make a stand as their minds are filled with fear and doubt, especially the Irish mind, for if the Jesuits ever lose Ireland, they are without hope, completely finished.

It takes courage to stand for truth and to do what is right for humanity. Watch how these people attack those who try to prepare you for the Event. They pathetically attack what they once stood for. They are to be pitied as they are in fear. Soon it will not be possible to keep a foot in both camps. Much is being blocked and problems are created where none had existed. Try not to let it get to you. Rise above it, as it is temporary and it will not last. You know that the Cabal will fail.

From this side of life, we are putting everything in place so that when the time comes, everything will fall into place. Both sides of life are working on the ley lines to ensure that humanity has the energy it needs to complete the Transition without problem. The Cabal has put in place evil people, who hide behind masks. They masquerade as charity workers. This is not true. They use black magic rituals that can change, alter, or delete, whatever they want. This has been going on for generations. It was perfected at the time of Queen Elizabeth I of England. They can suppress a positive outcome, leaving humanity confused and bewildered. They have successfully suppressed knowledge and thereby kept humanity in the dark.

Energy workers are very important at this time as they can release the good energy from the ley lines and the sacred places. I urge you to use your gift to benefit humanity. Dark spirits are being used to cause problems, or delay, whatever they choose. However, you can remove these problems by sending them to the light. Open up to your own power and use it to protect yourself and the rest of humanity.

The satanic secret services use dark spirits all the time for their own ends. I informed Veronica that a member of my blood family continues to use her evil powers. It saddens me a great deal to see how she operates, always conveying the cloak of respectability. People who lack the courage of their convictions can be manipulated so easily. When you return to spirit, it is quite different. The full truth is there before you. It is difficult to see those you once believed to be good people, exposed as evil manipulators who pulled the wool over the eyes of so many.

Those within the Cabal will find themselves exposed, their treacherous manipulation of the human race will be laid bare before you. They will plead for mercy. Their crimes against humanity were planned well in advance. They showed no mercy to you, or to the children they have tortured, raped, and killed for their own pleasure, and to ensure their continued existence on Earth. You have decisions to make that cannot be taken lightly. Once you step into your own power, you will fear no man, and you will conduct the Transition with dignity. Justice will be seen to be done. All that once belonged to all of humanity will be returned to it. These are exciting times, so have no fear, as justice will prevail.

All that was used to control you, through false promises that could never be kept, will be exposed. All religions will be wiped off the face of the Earth. Everything will be seen in a new light, the light of truth. Though those in political power still clamour for World War 3, they will not get their wish. The Cabal has many ways to destroy people. When Veronica was young, TB was the scourge of Ireland. It affected almost every family. This was a curse placed on Ireland and it was very effective. It was done through black magic and it was contained within a plaque that was placed at Tara. This is but one of the ways that disease is spread, wherever and whenever the Cabal desires.

You live in a world that you know very little about. For now, the Cabal controls everything:your health, food, weather, air, etc. You are like puppets to be played with. They do not care one jot about you. So they can kill you with impunity. It is time to get off the treadmill of life and become who you really are. Once you remove all the blocks that bind you to the Cabal, you are free to explore the Earth in all its beauty.

America is again talking about Project Bluebeam. They think that they will be able to scare enough of you to enable them to take back control. This will not be allowed, as the Andromedans will expose Project Bluebeam for what it is, the last hope of a evil regime. You know the truth, it cannot be changed. Success is yours, so take it with both hands. Believe in yourselves, for this is your time.

My dear, the attacks are to be expected, as those in the Cabal are bad losers. The treacherous threats are sad. It is due to Jesuit indoctrination which still prevails in Ireland. Pray for him. We watch over him.

Always your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/17/2017 6:41:21 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 17, 2017

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One of the hardest things for some enlightening human beings on a service path to do is to ask for help. They simply aren’t comfortable to do so since they so clearly know their mission to be the help. But that is continuing a martyred paradigm and not embracing the energies that are shifting toward unity consciousness and unconditional love for all.

So hear us if you have trouble accepting help – that is your next frontier to conquer. Expanding your knowingness to understand that receiving help IS being the help to others if it allows them to step into their service and experience the joy that comes offering their love and support. It is how people get to experience their highest expression of self.

Moving into greater acceptance means that you will step out of carrying the load by yourself, into a more supportive flow that serves all. That is exactly how the lightworkers and wayshowers who have been working so tirelessly will move into greater balance, health, love, and abundance – by shifting into a new paradigm that is a flow of joyful service that includes both giving and receiving for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/17/2017 6:46:55 PM

GaiaPortal 5-18-17… “Premonitions are given to the hu-masses of New Beginnings”

New GaiaPortal update. I would say the highlight in this one (for me at least) is the last line… “Peace is accepted”. Seems to go along with this recent Lada Ray “Lets Make Peace” post.

“Blessing carriers compress the timelines”… could that refer to all of the Lightworkers on the planet?

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Premonitions are given to the hu-masses of New Beginnings

Premonitions are given to the hu-masses of New Beginnings.

Hopefuls transpire.

Blessing carriers compress the timelines.

Moments of perceptions are embraced, and released.

Peace is accepted.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/17/2017 11:15:40 PM

Your Sign Can Help Heal Your Soul

astrology eraoflightWhen it comes to self care, we always think we’re going to tackle it, eventually. But first we have a to-do list to check off, obligations to fulfill, friends to see and Netflix to watch. By the end of the day, we’re exhausted and depleted. That’s why it’s so essential that self-care become a daily practice; something you’re actually excited to do.

Whatever self-care strategy you pick, it should be one that resonates with your soul. After all, if it sounds tedious, what’s the motivation for doing it? To clue into the best self-care strategy for you—one your soul will love—let your sign guide you. For best results, read both Sun and Rising recommendations!

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn – Earth

Earth signs are the most grounded of the zodiac. But “grounded” isn’t code for boring. After all, both David Bowie and Michael Jackson were earth signs (a Capricorn and a Virgo.) Earth signs need to make it a priority to connect to the physical world on the regular—a “grounding” habit that can help their spirit take flight. So get out in nature! Go on a hike, take a walk along the beach, or get your hands dirty in your garden. If you’re living in a concrete wonderland, try bringing the outside in by adding plants and fresh flowers to your living space. Another option (for inside, probably): Self-pleasure! (You don’t need any instruction with that, do you?!)

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – Air
Sometimes Air signs get a bad rap for being flighty or flaky, but you’re not! You’re just always drawn to possibilities—including the ones that many other people may not be able to see. That’s why it’s key for air signs to learn how to cut through the noise and tune into their own true thoughts. One way to do this? A daily meditation practice. Not comfortable sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed? Try lying down—there’s no rule that says you must sit in lotus to get the benefits of meditation. To keep focused, try a guided meditation (Calm or Headspace are two great apps to try.)

Air signs also may be drawn to sound healing, aka grooving to the deep restorative vibes of a singing bowl or two. Google an event in your area; you may be surprised how much you love it.

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – Fire
When you’re fueled by Fire, you need activity, intensity, and energy to keep buoyant! That’s why you’re more likely to feel jazzed on life after a good cardio session than a cry in the bathtub. You might also enjoy having an audience, so I recommend dancing as a perfect self-care activity. Get into your most sparkly outfit and hit the dance floor. After shimmying your way through your feelings, you’ll feel like a brand new babe. And if you want another option, karaoke—either in a private booth with your BFFs or gathered around a bar—can do the trick, too. All by yourself? You can still turn on some tunes and shake it off.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces – Water
Water signs like to go deep. You’ll never be afraid to plunge into the depths of your psyche! In fact, that’s where you like to be. To get there, fast, I recommend a delicious session of acupuncture. While it might sound like it could be painful, it isn’t, and by the time you’re done, you’ll feel like you’re walking on water. Trust me. If you want to amp up the self care, get a massage! While you lie on the table, visualize all the pain and fear sliding out of your body. Nothing feels better!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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