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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2017 9:14:00 PM

‘The Team’ via Peggy Black: Amazing Network of Light

We are here, offering you our acknowledgment and gratitude. We are extending our support and encouragement as we remind you again of your personal power and magnificence. We are observing the energy of chaos and intensity that is being offered by the collective consciousness.

Remember, you truly chose to be present during these times. You are here to anchor a new reality; you are here in this dimension to call it forth. You are here in physical form to transmute and transform all the dysfunction that you are witnessing. You are not powerless.

As a divine being of love and light you are truly powerful beyond measure. You are not alone in this endeavor. We want you to realize that there is a network of energy being anchored by you and others who are remembering who they are and why they are here. We understand your concern about the welfare of your loved ones and your beloved planet. That is the passion and the key that is being called forth as you remember who you are and why you are here.

It does not matter your financial situation, your status or your age. You are here to anchor a higher state of consciousness and transform the misqualified/negative emotions and vibrations that are being broadcast by those who are unaware, scared and feeling powerless.

Remember, this reality, this dimension, is energy; it is vibration and frequency. This dimension is created by layers and layers of vibrations offered by all those who are present in this dimension. Every human, every individual, adds their own energy and vibrations to the mix. Most individuals offer their energy from a place of misinformation, misunderstanding and helplessness. You are here at this time to energize, envision and call forth a shift.

We want you to realize you have the support and assistance of your celestial and galactic family. There are more and more individuals awakening each day to their awareness and purpose in this awesome opportunity to transform and uplift the consciousness of an entire planet.

We invite you to step into this awesome awareness and true power of who you are. This is the time. We invite you [to] continue to clear your own personal shadow of repressed emotions. This does not need to be painful or even difficult.

You can lovingly place your focus on any emotional vibration that arises and give that emotion a sound with the intention of shifting and clearing that emotional vibration you have been avoiding, suppressing or even denying. Replace what has been cleared with a higher more coherent emotional vibration; anchor this emotion with sound vibrations. This is the work of a true alchemist.

You are here to transform all misqualified/negative energy that you encounter. Each and every time you consciously clear an aspect of your own personal energy field of misqualified/negative emotions, you are also clearing an aspect of the collective consciousness.

We will continue to share the importance of this daily action and practice. As the true alchemist you can place your focus on any aspect of the collective shadow or dysfunction that you are witnessing in the chaos and offer a sound vibration of that emotional energy. So you can offer a frequency or sound for the distress, the anger/rage, the conflict, the judgment. Once you have expressed this emotion from a place of true transforming power, make sure you call forth with sound and intention an emotional vibration of love, healing forgiveness or grace.

Be the inviter as well. Divine conscious beings of light and love are ever ready to answer your call and request for support and assistance. This is a partnership; non-physical beings of love and light are awaiting your invitation.

You planet is in the process of what you call ascension. The increase in the frequency of the planet, the resonance to which every living thing attunes, is activating and awakening all those who slumber. Your planet is being bathed with increased vibrations from the galactic center. The increase of resonance of the planet, the energy offered by the galactic center, is supporting and assisting your personal work and service.

Realize that you are part of an amazing network of conscious multidimensional beings who know who they are and know the work they came here to do. This network is available to you at all times. You are not alone in your efforts, quite the contrary. The connection to this network is your intention. The doorway or portal is your imagination.

Remember that you are pure energy and where you place your focus is where that energy goes. So focus on connecting to this invisible network of other conscious beings of pure energy. If it assists you, envision or imagine a sacred place to which you go to connect. Create that space or alchemical chamber. See, feel or imagine others of pure energy joining you. Practice this; make this a daily focus. It does not need to take a lot of time in your busy life. Remember, it is the willingness, the intention and allowing.

Imagine, sense or feel yourself joining other conscious beings in this higher realm. Know that you are a significant part of the many millions who are also creating this energy network of love and light. Surround your beloved planet earth. Breathe life into your intention as you focus and offer your own clear vibrations to this amazing field that is being created moment to moment in the higher dimensions.

You are energizing the quantum field of all possibilities with a future that is life sustaining for all. You are seeding this influential energy field with life enhancing realities. Trust your knowing. Trust passion for peace and harmony to be anchored into this realm which will assist in the ascension of consciousness for all. Each and every person who does this dedicated work and service adds to its glorious unfolding.

Remember to shift your own issues and limitations to a place of transformation. Lift them up using all the tools and processes available. Now is the time to truly step into your personal knowing and join others of like mind and heart in their physical or non-physical forms. Together in partnership, create a weaving of light that embraces all humanity in healing love.

Divine beings are awaiting your request; invite their assistance each and every moment. Join other earthwalkers who know how to be present in the limited experience yet connect to the highest possibilities of truth they can call forth and anchor. The celestials celebrate your courage each day for your presence in this limited dimension. You are here, no matter the circumstances that you find yourself experiencing, to transform what you encounter and witness. You are a divine being embodied.

We hold you in deepest gratitude for your willingness to do this work. We are always available to support and assist you. Remember to be the inviter of all beings from the realms of love and light, named or unnamed. Legions of divine beings will come upon your request. Trust this truth.

the ‘team’

©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web FREE 88 messages available

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2017 9:15:34 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/17/2017

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A poor man, a very deep ascetic, who had renounced everything reached the gate of heaven. He had nothing with him, he was naked. He had remained a naked fakir for many lives.

He had not touched gold for many lives; he had not accumulated anything for many lives. He was a perfect ascetic. He knocked at the door of heaven; the door was opened. The man who opened the door looked at this ascetic and told him: You can enter only when you have left all your possessions behind. He was naked and with no possessions. The naked fakir started laughing. He said: Are you a fool? I have got nothing. Can't you see? Are you blind? I am completely naked without any possessions. The man started laughing and said: Yes, that I can see, but I can see deeper also.

Inside, you are carrying yourself, and that is the only possession which is the barrier. We are not concerned about what clothes you are or are not wearing. That is not the point. Whether or not you are carrying yourself, that is the only thing. You have to throw it out, then you can enter. The ascetic became very angry. He was in a rage. He said: I am a great ascetic, and I have thousands of followers on the earth! Said the man, the doorkeeper: That is precisely the problem, that you have thousands of followers, and you are a great ascetic. Throw this out! Otherwise I will be forced to close this door. And he had to close that door. The ascetic has to come back. Remember, only you are the barrier; that is why emptiness is the door.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2017 9:19:31 PM

Go Ahead, Fly High

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God said:

It is not so much the time you spend. It is more about what you spend your time on. Is this true or not? You can speak up.

Too often My Children spend too much time on worry. Any time on worry is too much. Spend time on Peace and Love, and so you build the world. You are not at cross-purposes. Don’t contradict yourself. Do not take yourself down. You don’t have to turn the world upside-down, nor do you have to pack Life away in a box in the attic.

Trust in yourself. Trust in yourself enough to go for what you want. Trust your embarking on Life. Trust. Count on yourself. What can you do but take the approach that you do know what you are doing – and then find out! Do not quibble with yourself. Take yourself at full value. No need to over-think. Follow your ideas. Give them a good shot at manifesting. Go where they take you. This is following your heart. Whose heart should you follow if not yours?

If later you decide to turn around and go in a different direction or go back, what is wrong with that? By living Life, you find out. I never said you had to be 100% accurate.

Don’t consider what you might identify as wrong turns as mistakes. Venture! Dear Ones, if you require yourself to be perfect, you immobilize yourself. It’s okay to take chances. You don’t have to be infallible. To be infallible is a good way to keep you where you happen to be. Mistakes are to be noted as a way to discovery. Discovery is good. Discovery is moving forward. With discovery, you get somewhere. I endorse getting somewhere over an inability to jostle yourself out of a mold.

Life is to move in. It isn’t that you must jump all over the place. It is that you can take chances in Life. Life without taking chances is not at all a perfect Life. Perfection is over-rated. Perfection may be not getting anywhere. There is no need to give a rote performance for the sake of not making mistakes.

Anyway, who can say with confidences that even a mistake is a mistake. So there! What may seem like a wrong turn may be a saving grace. Venture forth. Caution is not always the way to go. Once in a while, now and again, have the temerity to throw caution to the winds.

Certainly, you do not always have to have your nose to the grindstone. Sometimes it is good to take a leap. Yes, there is an adage for everything. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” has its merit.

It can be worth while to move your furniture even when, later, you put it back the way it was. Pretty much, you can’t just stay immobile in Life. Where does that get you?

Nor do I say that you can never take a pause or even a nap where you happen to be.

At the same time, Life on Earth does change willy-nilly. The middle of the road isn’t always the best scenario. There is more to Life than standing still. Nor does Life have to always be jumping from one peak to another.

Let go of fear in Life. Fear is not to rule your Life. Yes, take a chance on Life. What the heck. On the other hand, you don’t always have to be a wild card. Nor am I saying that moderation is always the way to go. Safety first may be excellent advice, yet not every time any more than never.

Go ahead and turn your Bright Lights on. Go ahead and give Life a whirl. You don’t always have to prevent yourself from Flying High.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2017 6:43:43 PM

FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017

Selacia ~ How You Got Here: Key Events Leading to Now

Have you ever wondered how you happened to be born in these pivotal and auspicious times? Just as important, have you thought about the events that set in motion the fortuitous life circumstances you would have this lifetime? Continue reading to better understand how you got here, and potentials for this life set in motion a long time ago.

Time to Remember

Our world is in turmoil now, with sudden and intense happenings unfolding regularly. Simultaneously, humanity is in an accelerated wake-up mode. We just moved through another energy threshold at Wesak, too, catalyzing mega shifts in consciousness and bringing new information to light.

Your Higher Self has a wisdom about these times and your personal journey that in some ways was predestined because of your past experiences on the Earth. It is time to tune into this wisdom - time to remember key events leading to now.

As things around you become more intense, you will benefit from learning more about your larger role for being alive now. It's much more than your job or other traditional roles.

One way to begin understanding the larger picture of your being here now is to explore key portions of your soul's journey that were like a set up for now. These include pivotal or flashpoint lifetimes that accelerated your awakening.

Most likely, at least one of these flashpoint lifetimes took place in ancient Lemuria, Atlantis, or Egypt. In those civilizations, you may have mastered multiple skills, and received sacred teachings involving the nature of life and the afterlife. A memory of what you learned is still in your DNA today.

Another kind of flashpoint past life is one when you were fortunate enough to study with a great spiritual master. Whatever you learned then became seeds for your enlightenment over time, and leading to today.

3 Things to Keep in Mind

Here are three things to keep in mind as you contemplate how you got here and what your flashpoint past lives mean for you today.

FIRST, know that there was an intricate orchestration of many events that led to your being on Earth now. Don't overthink this, but understand that your being alive now is very purposeful.

SECOND, while it's important to live in the present, you will benefit by studying history - of the Earth, societal changes, and some of your key lifetimes that paved the way for your being here today.

THIRD, know that all of your lifetimes before - including the flashpoint ones - led to your current incarnation. That includes the time and place you were born, and the general circumstances of your birth family and upbringing.

Consider this. You wouldn't have wanted to miss this lifetime, with its enhanced potentials and opportunities. You wanted to be here for yourself, but you also wanted to come to help the world awaken. You on some level knew that as you awakened, your progress would help loved ones and indeed the entire world.

That truly is what happens. Your more enlightened energy becomes a bright light for others. That light goes out across space and time in a quantum way. Do not underestimate the power of this light to shift the world out of darkness.

Copyright 2017 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2017 6:53:30 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday May 19, 2017

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As you work your way through the layers into the essence of who you really are, you can rediscover the innocence and purity you may have thought you had lost along the way. It is that part of you that sees the world through wonder, that is fully present, and has a curious and joyful heart.

If you are one of the enlightening human beings on the planet who is tired, who has worked hard and wonders where the fun has gone, connect to that inner part of you. Allow that innocent you to come forward, with the assurance that you know how to keep that part of you safe and loved and nurtured, and let him or her bring lightness, exploration and play back into your life.

Your innocence has much to offer you. It isn’t lost or broken, it has been patiently waiting for you to discover it is still there and acknowledge it. Isn’t it time for you to have a joyful reunion with that beautifully pure and light essence of you? ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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